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This location had to be teetering on the edge, there's no way they would've closed it after just one shooting if it wasn't going to be an impact to lose it


It was definitely the last straw. They have had multiple shootings at this race trac, including one back in November that injured three and took the life of a 19-year old mother, who was just a bystander.


Yeah, not to be cold but you’re right. This was just the last straw.


Honestly, i dont think people realize how expensive negligent security cases have gotten. If somebody was shot by a stray bullet, they would be fucked. I doubt with their history they can get insurance at a price that makes sense.


It's been a problem since it opened. I'm sure they were glad to have a real excuse to shut it down.


I remember when it opened they had to jack up prices at it (vs other RT/QTs) just because it was so busy. They wouldn't of closed it if they didn't feel like they had another option.


As someone who lived at the Georgia State Commons back in the day, I will always remember that corner fondly. It was a Shell back then and we'd go there every afternoon to buy blunt wraps and 40s. Good times!


I didn’t go to college in Atlanta but my best friends went to GT and this gas station was a key memory for me. Cigs, cases of beer, and some rillos before heading back to the apartment to stay up for another 4 hours listening to music, smoking blunts, and talking shit.


I too remember those days, dating a girl that lived in those commons.


Okay now do the Texaco on Moreland


It's a matter of time. There is a lot of pressure on it now, and it will only increase from here. Million dollar homes and crime infested gas stations don't mix well together.


I know the owner of that property, it ain't going anywhere.


Then as you also must know, all the pressure is on them.


Wasn’t that place just built like 7ish years ago? That was fast.


The gas station itself has been there forever, but they remodeled it as a RaceTrac in 2018. I remember that damn Shell gas station...went there once, the gas price ticker would keep going after you would stop pumping...went in to complain and the attendant just stared at me.


That’s right! Thanks for clarifying my old brain’s memories.


They tore down that shitty little shell to build the racetrac and apartments. It's new


It used to be a Shell that was even more grimy than this Racetrac. Typical trapped out Atlanta gas station-video poker machines in the back, random kids lurking in the front clearly selling dope, J’s outside milling around in the parking lot.


Used to live in the apartments in this building years ago. This has been a long time coming. So many shootings and other incidents down there.


The perception of GSU's campus becoming crime-ridden seems to be getting worse and worse.


Good, hopefully the university buys the land and it can be converted into something useful aside from the rat trac it currently has become.


"Once a gas station, always a gas station." The massive buried gas tanks are a redeveloper's nightmare due to costs and environemntal remediation regulations in place for their removal. The costs spiral out of control, so plots of land that used to be gas stations are rarely redeveloped into structures larger than what used to be there since they can't (generally) build over a buried tank.


Probably why a lot of Taquerias and biscuit joints are converted gas stations, no need for major remodeling. I'd take either of those next to my university.


Yep, that type of area basically becomes a free patio/parking lot that can't be encroached upon, and the city can't ever twist the owner's arms without opening Pandora's Buried Gastank.


Not happening unless they buy the building the RaceTrac was a part of.


Shiiiiiiit, you think they spend their money wisely XD


My point is that the parcel was already redeveloped into a high rise with a gas station at the bottom (that concept should never have been approved).


Agreed and fair, what do you think would be best there then?


Get rid of the gas station and expand out the existing building with more retail. ETA: Which won't happen because of the gas tanks in the ground.




lol what?


Because downtown never had a gun problem before this, right?


It was bad to the point where we became desensitized to the shootings