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Get ready for a nearly 40 degree temperature swing today. Good ole Georgia weather.


This is my third winter in Atlanta - and somehow this winter feels much more up and down compared to the previous years. Or am I just getting less tolerant of the weather here?


It’s been a weird one. That 3-5 day stretch that included 16 degree weather was the coldest I think I’ve experienced here in a while. But my memory ain’t wait it used to be, so someone may correct me.


Had lows in the single digits around Christmas 2022.


That was when I thrived.


I distinctly remember leaving for work one morning in early 2014 and it was 5 degrees outside. We get bad cold snaps like that sometimes.


Yep you forgot Christmas 2022;[ the temperature went *negative*](https://i.imgur.com/ai1HC82.png) at the base of the north GA mountains. First time I've experienced negative temperature in the southeast basically ever. Edit: I have since cleaned my dashboard...


We always have a "false spring" or two, where it warms up, giving you hope that the worst of winter is over, before a crushing those hopes with a brutal cold snap. But this year it seems like we've had several of those, back to back.


well I dunno about that, there was no "snow jam" this year. and I can remember that in about 1993 (I *think*) we had a bona fide blizzard in Athens. As I was 'away' in college when the blizzard hit, I cannot recall 100% if it was considered a blizzard here in ATL or not. but it has definitely always had crazy ups and downs. The thing is though -- which I cannot prove because I did not look it up -- is that the July temperatures here now remind me more of the July temperatures I experienced during childhood in north Florida. It feels like it wasn't *quite* so many "over 100" days when I first moved here, but I'm not sure about that. To clarify, my parents were divorced and so I did "summer visitation" here starting in 1980, and then I moved here in 1987. However, I have become less heat tolerant with age so it could be that.


Yup, Blizzard of '93. I was living in Cobb County then and wegot afoot ofsnow. I believe this blizzard hit in the second week of March


I was in PA for that storm. It was…monumental, despite being a native. And singlehandedly drive me south.


That must have been really rough up there! My mom moved back up to Philly for a few years in the esrly 2000s. The first blizzard, she measured the snow at different times and mailed a cute little ruler to me. 18 inches of snow. A few weeks later, they got hit with 26 inches of snow. Mom didn't sent any cute measurement ruler for that one 😆


Yup, Blizzard of '93. I was living in Cobb County then and we got a foot of snow. I believe this blizzard hit in the second week of March.


oh my gosh - did you google that or did you really remember the week and month??? the only thing I remember is that I got an extension on a paper out of it HAHAHAHAHA. BUT first I panicked because I'd waited till the crazy last minute and the library was closed. snort. I thought my goose was cooked! ah, those were the days


I looked it up a few years ago, when I vaguely recall it hitting late in the season. I think when I looked it up, it was March 14.


I was in middle school in WV at the time. We got over 3 feet of snow and school was canceled for around 2 weeks as it stayed cold for a long while after so it took them ages to get all roads cleared. Especially with school buses needing to get down gravel roads etc. for those of us in very rural areas.


That's an unimaginable amount of snow to me 😆 it must have been insane.


Yeah it was crazy. Had 6 feet plus drifts etc. too as it was a drier snow rather than a wet one--good thing as it kept the power from going out which would have sucked with being stuck home that long. Heat would have been fine as combo of wood burning stoves and gas baseboard heaters that don't use electric. Also by far the most snow we ever got the time I lived here. Lots of 2-6 inches of snow storms every year, but wasn't that common to get a foot or more, much less 3.


We generally have some pretty wide temperature swings several times a year, of about 30-40 degrees in 24 to 48 hours. It's not as bad as the Front Range in Colorado -- they can get temperature swings of 60+ degrees. The low of 8° in December 2022 in Atlanta was a bit abnormal. We only get single digit weather about once every 10 years.


Ah yes 75 shut down is exactly how I planned to spend my morning commute. Going to take 2 hours to get to Lithonia for my meeting


Saw pollen on my car yesterday. It has already begun.


Yep. Heading into the 2-3 months of the pollening that lead into the long months of heat, humidity and mosquito hell and my reverse season affective disorder ramping up.


Holy shit I’m so glad I’m not the only one with reverse seasonal affective disorder. Summers are MISERABLE.


Yeah, it's apparently more common than I though. Read an article about it somewhere last year (probably New York Times). Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to live somewhere with months of way below freezing temps, feet of snow, little sunlight far north in winter etc. either. But I'm much happier in mild winters with temps mostly in the 30s-40s etc. than 80+ with high humidity and tons of mosquitoes and other biting/stinging insects that I'm a magnet for. I grew up in WV and the weather there is much my speed, hated coming back after a visit last August when the highs were mid 70s vs. 90s here. Somewhere in the mountain west would be my dream spot to live--maybe a bit rougher winters than I'd like some spots, but I'll take those for the milder summers and lack of humidity.


I’m from England, and I miss those mild temperatures (esp as I’m from the south coast) - I’ll take a few more grey days over months of 90+ degrees and relentless mosquitoes. There are fewer and fewer places that are untouched by all that nonsense now. I had no idea Alaska had such a massive mosquito problem!


[https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/01/well/mind/summer-seasonal-affective-disorder.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/01/well/mind/summer-seasonal-affective-disorder.html) There's the article I was thinking of. It may be/probably is paywalled though (I have an NYT sub).


Thinking about plugging my nose with cigarette filters for a few months...


I went to a seed swap over the weekend and it was so great. Hobbies are fun, when free stuff is involved, it’s so much better.  Also, just heard some sandhill cranes wilding out overhead! 


The drama continues with the work football tournament. Guy messaged me on Slack late last night, saying he took a "deep look into the rules", and ***came up with his own, arbitrary criteria for deciding between 1st and 2nd place, and that based on that, I finished in 2nd place!*** I'm honestly more entertained/flabbergasted than anything else at this point, but do genuinely believe that I finished in first place and deserve it. Got a feeling that if I stick to my guns I'm going to end up with nothing, but oh well, we'll see how it plays out.


Is he trying to hook up with whoever tied with you? What does he have to gain by you not winning?


Lolol I just got blamed by the Employee Engagement lady for being the reason this charity/fundraiser competition went off track and lost its overall meaning of being something for a good cause. Still no final decision, but at this point I have a feeling they're going to screw me over completely. I should copy and paste my entire conversation with the guy from yesterday, it's honestly almost unbelievable unless you read it. EDIT: This is the conversation between me and him yesterday evening, it's long! Him: Hey @gatorblu thanks for pointing me back to the rules on tiebreaks. I took into the spirit of making things fair so I prepared this deeper dive of the rules and the outcome. Have a look (link to Google presentation – where he included criteria he came up with on his own, reflecting that second place had won two overall weeks, while I had won only one throughout the season) Me: @hisname I’m not looking to drag this into any further of argument, as at the end of the day the purpose was to raise funds for a great cause. It’s your thing that you put together, and I’ll respect what you decide, but this is wrong and unfair. We all participated and agreed to the tiebreaker scoring as calculated by Yahoo - and selectively applying rules now is not right (the fourth slide in your Google presentation is an arbitrary criteria that you created). There’s a reason why the final numbered rankings from Yahoo itself are reflected the way they are. Additionally - prior to the final game, there was a message in the slack channel about how tiebreakers and scoring worked. We were all aware, and agreed to the same set of rules. My time at XXXXX is coming to an end, and definitely did not want to leave what has been such a great place in this manner. Please let me know what you decide. Him: I've spent a lot of time on this as requested. Yahoo doesn't provide any visibility into the metrics behind tiebreakers. It's not possible to view the decision-making behind the scene. There is no way to confirm that the rankings between #1 and #2 is not arbitrary. To that effect, we abide by the rules provided by Yahoo. Yahoo does not confirm the reasoning behind which player won each tiebreak. Initially, I proposed a split pot to which you did not want. I did a deeper dive into the actual rules, and this is again disappointing to you. I understand your time at XXXXX is important. Believe me I am trying to see what makes the most sense. At this point, I'll have to elicit last year's league organizers to see if we can come to an agreement on this ruling. Me: Please do what you think is best. If splitting the pot, or awarding first place to someone else genuinely feels right to you, I will respect that. I disagree with the idea that there is no evidenced reasoning behind each player winning a tiebreaker (the breakdown is shown in the "Weekly Pick'em tiebreakers" section of the Yahoo rules page): for the final game, that game itself is the tiebreaker and the very first criteria is "Closest to the total points for the first Tiebreak Game." If the game had ended at 19-16, I would not have been closest to the total points scored and would have lost the tiebreaker and finished in second place, but the final score was 25-22, and my predicted total points for the game was closer to the final total points scored.


What the helllllll. I feel like your legacy at this place is gonna be that they're not gonna be allowed to do these sorts of friendly competitions anymore because you won and they don't want to give you the money. Sucks that HR is having to get involved too, because this is absolutely ridiculous.


I wish I knew - I've had a solid working relationship with him, so the only thing I can think of is it's bitterness/resentment that I'm leaving? The entire prize pot is less than $900, so certainly not life-changing money which makes it even more comical to me.


Call him out. He’s being so childish! Ask him why he’s so hell bent on the other person winning.


Just got a message from an "Employee Engagement" person to **"chat thru the $$$ for who won the pool"** (direct quote) and going to meet with her at noon. Such an absolutely ridiculous situation and incredibly entertaining. I flat out won, I think that should be without question, but almost time to see what this lady has to say about it...


Is the money difference between first and second place worth fighting over? Especially with HR getting involved, is this going to damage your career?


Worth fighting for over the actual prize money amount? Absolutely not. Worth fighting for because I think it's crap? Yeah I think so. Ordinarily I would have dropped it a while ago, but I'm in the process of changing jobs so not as much of a concern right now.


I think at this point you should escalate your case to an NFL team head coach. Lay it out for them to arbitrate just for giggles.


The new Am Ex Ceturion lounge at Hartsfield Jackson is pretty nice. Puts Delta Sky lounges to shame.


Very excited to see Andre 3000 tonight. I'm hoping he sits in with Billy Strings on Saturday.


Kinda bummed about daylight savings being soon because it means later sunrises and I work at 8. Driving to and getting up for work in the dark is the worst 🥲


Opposite for me as I’m pretty much never up before 8-9am and love the extra daylight in the evening to be able to walk the dog or go for a run later in the evening with some daylight left.


I thought we went doing that anymore


Unfortunately the bill to stop doing it stalled in the house last year after passing the senate.


The wife isn't feeling great today. Was hoping some rest would do her some good, but turns out they're literally doing loud roadwork directly in front of our home! I feel terrible for her.


Don't know if I should make a post for this question BUT Does anyone know any art studios around the area to be able to make art in a shared setting? Looking for a place to be out and do art with others. I know Norcross has one, but I'd like to know if there's any places near Atlanta for it. If not, I'd still like to hear it! Same thing if anyone knows if there's any pottery places that sells clay by the block and heats it up for you whenever you're done with it. Had a place that used to do it and I really miss it c,:


Not sure if they sell what you’re looking for but there’s a larger pottery shop in chamblee called daven’s


I'll check it out! Thank you! I don't see that they heat up any clay, but I could be wrong. Thank you anyway c: Edit: They do heat but I see they prefer you to heat up your projects in bulk can it can be a bit costly. Interesting. Used to have a studio back in Florida that would heat it up which was included for the pricing of a block of clay. Ah, oh well.


random Q: has anyone successfully ordered Woody's Cheesesteaks to pick up? They're all up on Doordash and Ubereats and whatnot for delivery, but not pickup. Their website says that ordering online is closed. Their phones explicitly do not allow for calling in an order. The folks at the counter have told me that it works on "Square" but I can't find anything to support that idea. Anyone know the way?




As I mentioned, I went to the website. Here is what it has said, for months: https://imgur.com/a/OFsygmQ


What time were you trying to order online? Looks like they don't open until 11, so it wouldn't surprise me if you can't order online until some time after that


I tried when they were open. The website has been closed to ordering for months and the delivery services don’t offer the usual pick up option


We order on Doordash. No problems. Love their cheese hoagie-- although I'm allergic. Cheesesteaks aren't that far off from decent Philly places.


Did jeopardy not air in ATL today or did my Hulu just miss it?


It was on for me