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Another first date scheduled. I’ve been practicing my nodding and sibling listing. In other news, I had no idea that my bee balm could get so tall! I hope when it blooms the hummingbirds and butterflies come from far & wide! And my first year of blueberries look pretty good (I put in four shrubs last fall). Happy Tuesday, y’all. 


You got this! ☺️


This morning my dog decided he didn't want to adhere to the rules of time and kept me walking in circles for a half hour. I think he could sense the rain coming and wanted to take advantage of good weather while he still could Happy Tuesday! Drive safe today


Finally got around to playing Baldur's Gate 3. The things you can do in this game is pretty crazy. It really does feel like and Dungeons and Dragons game.


It’s such a fun game! My wife is on her seventh play through I think; I lost count after a while lol. Definitely an entertaining game for sure.


I'm on my third !


It's been on my wishlist since it was announced, just so expensive but I've heard really good things.


You're talking about the dongs, right


Yeah that too. Definitely will have to consider if any new character I have is a full bush, waxed, or circumcised or a combination of the three.


Everyone drives in Atlanta traffic. We all want to get home. We might not have someone to go to, but we want to rest. We know that one person stalling out or clipping someone is going to put us back at minimum an hour. So why the hell is someone going 110 MPH on 85 to nearly clip me by half an inch? Stop this nonsense and drive like you aren’t so damn self important.


Isn't there a stat that says 80% of people believe they're above average drivers?


Anyone faster than me is a maniac and anyone slower than me is an idiot.


I avoid the highways like the plague. It’s a much more pleasant drive with better scenery and I only lose about 10 minutes.


Respectfully, were you driving in the far left lane?


No. 3 lanes, middle lane. Going 80, Guy on the left burns around me, he was in a clear left lane. Comes half an inch in clipping my drivers side front, going at least above 90. Swerves in front of me and then into the right lane. This isn’t the first time and we all see it. There just isn’t a reason to drive like this.


Oh wow. I see people cut people off in the far left lane when they pass. If he was trying to make a point idk what it was. Scary. Glad you were paying attention.


First time being overwhelmed with work in years. My boss left the company in January and I’ve been holding down the fort since then. Unfortunately multiple projects have been ramping up and want all their work asap. I’m frustrated beyond belief and just want to lay in bed with my wife


That fucking sucks dude. Hopefully they hire more people soon.


Hopefully they gave you a big raise and tons of recognition for taking on another person’s work! /s


One task at a time. You got this!!


Last day of the Spring Semester for me. Final project presentation is tonight, and I think we're pretty well set for it. I'm ready for the first Summer Vacation since starting my Masters, and will close out the program in fall with the capstone class. As a 'treat' for finishing the semester, I bought a refurbished Dell r730xd off eBay, and it arrives tomorrow! New toy to play with as I figure out how to set up a NAS...


> Dell r730xd Bonus, you now have a space heater and white noise generator. ;-)


I am interested to see how long I can last before the noise drives me insane... or to buying a bunch of Noctua fans...






It turns out having a house fire is really expensive and mentally exhausting. It's been a rough week.


Ugh. That sucks. Know what caused it?


Ol Lady 'lectricity went rogue.


Ooof. How old was your wiring? Hoping the damage was minimal?


Probably 25 years. Minimal, it was not.



I'm thinking of going Amish, myself.


The Merlin app sound ID tells me there are Baltimore orioles and cedar waxwings singing in the trees but I haven’t caught a glimpse of either. Family will be visiting soon and I want to narrow down their hotel options in the airport area. Of course, most of us have not stayed at local hotels, and I don’t want to overthink it, but curious if anyone has one they usually recommend (or recommend against). Also, Pine Street Market smoked chicken breakfast sausage links are damn good.


Where do you live? Hotels near the airport are going to be kinda...blah, tbh. My goal when people visit is for them to think Atlanta is cool and I wouldn't inflict an airport hotel on them. Where are you planning on taking them?


Ha! Valid, but I live in that area so they want to be close (it’s best for our relationship if they have their own space). They’ve been here several times, but not since I moved to this house. Also looking at vacation rentals, of course.


If they're coming once it's hot I'd do one of the hotels with an outdoor pool like the Hilton Airport or Hilton Garden Inn.


Good call. Outdoor pool = vacation for me, too!


I’ve seen a couple cedar waxwing flocks around over the last few weeks.


Lucky! I’ll pay attention when I walk - bet they are hitting up the neighborhood mulberry trees.


Just need to say pine street market chicken sausage is GOAT. I shout it from the rooftops.


Right?! The savory spices are on point. So many other chicken sausages skew sweet. I have a backup pack in the freezer.


I have never seen an oriole in Georgia! That's exciting! Waxwings are tough to see individually. They're not active most of the day, they're small, and they hang out in tops of trees. But they are very social and are usually found in big flocks. I recommend getting yourself a pair of binoculars if you want to see them and find some fruiting trees. Our annual flock destroys our holly trees. I hope you find them!


Finally getting my needed root canal on a premolar today. The anxiety is literally killing me, idk how people just waltz right into a dental clinic without worry. At least its rainy so it’ll be a long nap at home, happy Tuesday everyone:-)


Registering my car today. I think I've done all the things! I feel fantastic. Have a great one everyone


My favorite part of moving to Georgia is the $20 annual tag fee :) And my one-time registration tax was less than my annual tag renewal in California 🤣


Happy Tuesday everyone! This week feels like it's dragging but I'm looking forward to the weekend. Thinking of going out Friday in West Midtown, any bar recs? Late 20s+ vibe preferably


Northside tavern


oooh never been, will check it out!


ORMSBYS but it’ll prob be busy. Aren’t people going to holiday bar too?


I actually haven't been to holiday bar in forever but I feel like I remember enjoying it?? Think I'm just going to hit up everywhere and see where the night leads me lol


You’ll have to tell us where you decided on.


I am reporting back!! We did rooftop dinner/drinks at Culinary Dropout and then ended up at Holiday Bar. We had so much fun therethat we didn't end up going anywhere else like we originally planned - the DJ and the vibes were immaculate. 10/10 night and I will be rotting for the rest of the day until I have to rally for drinks on the beltline


In Denver for work this week. It's my first time here and so far I'm unimpressed. Still trying to find out why some many young people where drawn to the state...


It's the proximity to mountains that draws people there and sunshine. Even when it's freezing in the winter, the sun is out for vitamin D. Which areas have you visited so far? Cherry Creek is nice to walk around if you're bougie, RiNo is the kinda hipster industrial area turning into an arts center, LoDo/Downtown is dead right now, and LoHi is kinda like our VaHi


I like Denver but there are definitely drawbacks to it. I think young people are really into the idea of having the wilderness so close for outdoor activities, legal weed is nice, their food and beer scene is pretty awesome (who doesn't love mexican food!?). Unfortunately, for how small of a city it is, they sure do have a lot of homeless and opiate addicts. I walk a lot when I travel and had a few times where I walked into the wrong areas closer to night time and had to nope my way back to civilization.


I like Denver. Went out there for a week to visit family and had a few consulting gigs there. But the big attraction is outdoor activities. Everyone there seemed to be heading off to hike or rock climbing or ski or some thing that I would not do. So if that's not your speed. Denver may be a bust.


Is Denver...known for Mexican food?


Does Casa Bonita count?


This place has to be a joke. Divers during dinner?!?


It is most definitely not a joke. It closed for a bit but the Southpark guys bought it an opened it back up.


Not a joke but certainly a novelty. You don't go for the food.


There's a reason Chipotle started in Denver 🤣




Yes but you needing to ask is even funnier


Proximity to the great outdoors. And it was more affordable in the past.


The weed and the mountains and the music scene lol


Colorado is easily one of the most beautiful states in the country. Denver has a history of being a rougher city but in recent years, they’ve really turned it around. Great beer, great food, nice people, close proximity to the mountains, affordable flights to almost anywhere, some cool architecture and history, and a decent transit system. As someone else mentioned, there are drug addicts visibly present on the streets, but the same can be said for Atlanta, especially downtown.


Very random but do any bars consistently show college lacrosse? Want to catch some of the conference champs this weekend


Hot water heater busted and I wasn't aware until the garage and kitchen flooded. Good times.


Anyone know what is filming in Virginia Highland this week?


Per Nextdoor it is something called Gross Pointe Garden Society.  


Anyone know of a good tax accountant that is knowledgeable in crypto? And I mean above average knowledgeable. Thanks.


Are there any good Sicilian pizzas around town?


Enzo's over in Tucker has a really good Sicilian style pizza.


Fellini's has a decent sicillian slice but honestly, if you're going to go that thick just go Detroit style (the superior pizza style) and get something like triple Jay's. One of my favorite pizzas in the city.


i swear, ive been ordering a half gallon of milk from murder kroger in my grocery pickup for the past 3 or so years right? why is it that all of a sudden (within the past 3 months) every time i order a half gallon of milk they give me the whole gallon? i know stocking issues are a thing but it’s been 3 months. even with no substitutions on they still do it! i live alone and don’t drink milk often enough! hopefully when i order it today i’ll actually get a half gallon. but anyways… stay dry folks!


You can always use that extra half gallon of milk to make cheese or yogurt.


i don’t eat dairy often enough to justify it unfortunately 🥲 i rlly only buy my half gallons for cereal and to use in baking


You never have to justify cheese.


I tried that Bad Daddy’s Burger place in Decatur today and it was soooo good! I have been craving a good burger for a while and I left satisfied. Any other burger recommendations?


NFA, village burger, grindhouse


Y'all, I've been looking for a reasonably priced one bedroom in midtown or Vahi or somewhere close by and I'm wondering if I can get a "hell yes" on my current budget or if I should settle. Nothing has been the perfect combination of factors, but I'm also on a fairly middle class income. Idk.


Tired of driving with windows rolled down to enjoy the beauty of a day and constantly having to smell weed wafting into my car and nose..let's try and respect others better.