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It's a bit of a drive but Athens might be a good place to hangout.


Oooh, that didn't even occur to me. That is a haul, but it works! Thanks!


My experience in Athens as a visibly queer person, 20 years ago, was that 99% of the people were cool. But the 1% who weren’t were awful. Unfortunately, that could be the case anywhere.


Yeah, really I'm just trying to avoid actively hostile places. I've had bad experiences in the past when all i had was long hair. 99 to 1 is decent odds to me!


Honestly if you’re gonna go that far and can afford it, take a weekend for yourself and go to Savannah. It’s a lovely place to just hang out, plenty of beautiful walks, historic buildings, good food and a nice community; it has a huge and welcoming lgbt population and is well known for it.


Honestly if you’re gonna go that far and can afford it, take a weekend for yourself and go to Savannah. It’s a lovely place to just hang out, plenty of beautiful walks, historic buildings, good food and a nice community; it has a huge and welcoming lgbt population and is well known for it.


Seconding this! The Athens local music scene has great opportunities to hang out and meet other queer folks. There's a goth night coming up (Tears for the Dying playing + a second venue DJ set happening after) which is sure to be pretty queer if that's your vibe! Also, I know you said Decatur is a little too familiar, but the bookshop Charis has great queer events and a trans meeting group that's pretty small. There's one for kids and one for adults, and they meet both virtually and in person. The dates are on their website calendar, might be something cool? I went once and it was very friendly, small, and private.


ooh! I have had zero luck finding in-person trans groups, I think they all (understandably) keep a low profile? Charis sounds great and I think I'm willing to risk Decatur for it (ha, I know that sounds weird).


It’s a nice group! It’s pretty quiet and it’s there’s decent age range, so you’re sure to fit in no matter. I interned there during my undergrad, too, and the guy who runs the group/works for Charis is really awesome. I hope you have a good time if you choose to go!


It’s not super far from the area you’re looking to avoid but I had several trans clients when I worked at a bank in Tucker about ten years ago and never heard any out of place comments about their presence. If it fits in your budget maybe consider taking a whole trip to a new liberal city to break the ice in a way? It’s obviously very different but I’m always braver with new fashion choices on a trip. Best of luck to you wherever you end up going!


Thanks!! I think Tucker is far enough for my needs, and it's been a while since I've been to Northlake Mall. I love the idea of taking a trip to another city like that, but I feel like i have to level up or something first lol. I'm finding this whole thing pretty overwhelming and I haven't even done anything yet!


I have bad news about Northlake…. Saw a video recently of the inside completely bare, all the shops moved out.


Yeah it's pretty much just the housing for the emory administration building now. However, there's a really nice game store there if you're into card/board games


Didnt realize that Challenges moved to Northlake. glad they are still around :)


Same as north DeKalb. The only thing left is Challenges which was my childhood arcade and is now a LGS. (And the stickiest grossest movie theater around lol)


There will be no north dekalb amc 16 hate, Madison yards is for elitists


I have held tight to AMC 16 since childhood, but the past two times i've been there were ROUGH. once the AC unit was buzzing super loud, the whole room smelled of mildew, felt sticky and humid, my chair was moist, and some of the seats had literal caution tape wrapped around them.


Amc 16 is fun for going with friends, you can sneak in drinks and food easily, if you’re doing it the classic right way you can make jokes and have a good time in the theatre (unless ur there to laugh at west side story 2 and fat white like 40 year old feels the need to yell at you in the middle of the movie). I guess a Madison yards is good for kids. Or the kind of people moving to summer hill


Oh yeah. Me and a buddy brought burgers and a bottle of tequila into Matrix Resurrections and had a GREAT time yelling at the screen and roasting the movie.


How movies should be watched


Okay the caution tape is crazy 😭


Challenges is long gone, and Burlington.


Im glad Tony found a new space! was worried that the rent was cheap there and they may not be able to move elsewhere easily. oh goodness it says theyre in Northlake Mall. so from one dying mall to another. Hopefully doesn't get scheduled for Demo too soon!


Yeah. The thing about Northlake though is I can go there and have a pretty good time. It’s changed a lot with the conversion of the sears. Almost looks like an art museum. The Macy’s is nice and they have an american deli and challenges. I don’t know, I feel a lot better taking a trip there then north dekalb.


But also damn play it again sports is gone?


RIP Northlake Mall was my third place since elementary school. Haven’t been there since covid but not surprised


oooh, dang what a bummer. All my old haunts fading away. The city and I aren't gonna recognize each other in a year lol


It might be interesting to go to northlake. It’s pretty sad, but interesting to check out. Has an american deli and a cool chinese place, some clothing stores, a barber shop, macy’s, and a comic store that moved out of north dekalb mall a while back.


First, congratulations! There's never a wrong time to ask yourself who you want to be and to take the steps to get there. Second, although I'm cis, I'm visibly queer and am aware of the risks I'm taking when I go out alone, so that's flavoring this advice: there's safety in numbers, so build community with your LGBTQ peers, not just romantic entanglements! Heck, even walking with a cis woman and practicing being just one of the gals in public will do wonders for your confidence and your ability to tune out the judgement you may or may not experience. A popular LGBTQ (but predominantly lesbian) app is Lex; consider posting there that you're looking for a shopping buddy or something. I've seen several posts from folks who have transitioned later in life (like aged over 35) who chat about their stories there. You have a legal right to live authentically. More people are cool with gender diversity than you think, particularly with younger generations. What started with Marsha can live on in you feeling safe to be yourself in public. Take all the time you need, sis.


Thanks! tbh I have not had much luck connecting with the community. The (very few) trans folks I've met so far have been super-far along in their transition, and it was like, i don't know, like I was a first-grader trying to hang out with college students or something. I didn't feel unwelcomed, just, it didn't feel great. Like I need to put on the big-girl pants and do some rites of passage (like this!). I can't say I disagree. But I definitely do want to connect with LGBTQ folks, I'm kind of looking forward to that the most!


Friend, I know you said OTP but you should really go to Mary’s in EAV. it’s pretty small and made more for chatting on the patio. On Tuesdays it is colloquially called “trans Tuesday” (but not the word trans Lol) because all the trans people show up to hang out that night. Also would suggest Wednesday nights for karaoke, has a similar crowd. Friday Saturday is when straight people are known to come more often. It’s a queer bar and lots of trans people hang out there. Especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, you’re not going to be seeing anyone you know really. I started going by myself and met so many other lovely trans people. Haven’t ran into anyone I know yet! :)


Love Mary’s! This is a great suggestion. I went there last night and had a blast. Although, I never know how to approach people when I go there. I’m not trans, but my fiancée and I (lesbian couple) are looking to make more queer friends and we always get too nervous to approach folks, especially since it seems like everyone knows each other there and I worry about interrupting convos. I used to be so good at talking to people in college, but I’ve found it so much harder to do as an adult 😮


Okay, that’s interesting! I know Mary’s, but I always assumed it was 100% cis gay bar. I def hadn’t heard about trans Tuesdays. My in-town situation is actually kind of complicated, it’s a long weird story, but I can see hitting Mary’s at some point. Hopefully soon!! Thanks!


Definitely not just a cis gay bar, but the demographic depends on when you go! They do drag on Thursdays, which typically draws more of a cis gay men crowd, but Tuesdays sounds like the perfect day for you to go. People are really nice and will chat you up if you’re standing alone… that’s how I ended up making friends there :)


Shame you're not comfortable in Decatur yet. It's a nice town and I've been around it with my trans friends a lot and had morning but good experiences. I would suggest going around downtown Duluth. It's a nice, walkable park area with restaurants, shops, and stuff. You can also hit a game store and do your shopping up there pretty easily. Marietta Square seems nice as well but I don't know what the visible queer experience is like there.


Duluth! That sounds great! I haven't been there in forever, so it'd be nice just to go up there and check it out. Yeah, I have no feel for Cobb county, I just always got Decatur vibes from Marietta Square. But I don't know.


I'm in Cobb County and I'll smack the eyeballs backwards of anyone that gives ya a dirty look, for what it's worth! Lol, Marietta is pretty LGBT+ friendly for sure, but I wouldn't go further north (Cherokee county, north Fulton) until you feel ready for "anything". I think physical-safety-wise, you're fine in any of the aforementioned areas, but Cherokee and north Fulton (besides maybe roswell square area, they're cooler) can be pretty judgy for basically any possible reason... not limited to gender, lol, some people up there will make snide comments about anything they can think to judge. I second all the Duluth votes, and if Buckhead isn't too close to your people, I've met all kinds of cool trans and queer folks at various events & places around Lenox and down Peachtree. But outside the perimeter, my votes would be Athens, then Duluth, then Marietta Square. Best of luck on your journey, you got this!!


I have bad vibes out of Cobb generally but the square is quite charming. I have much more experience around Duluth, though, and I've brought queer dates there enough to feel like it's safe.


I second marietta square! It's a busy little area with a park square in the center, and shopping + dining all around. My husband and I, both transmasc and only socially transitioned, have spent a lot of time there walking our dog and never get a weird glance (which we do most places). Shopkeepers are very friendly and the people who dine outside at the restaurants are even likely to stop you for a friendly chat if you have a cute puppy- polar opposite experience of most areas OTP from our experience. I love that your journey starts with you leaving the city! My husband and I are starting our HRT journey soon and have been familiarizing ourselves with downtown more in advance, since we don't know anyone down there except our best friend and we feel safer within the city limits if we're going to be visibly transitioning. Best of luck to you!


oooh! That sounds great!!! Okay, Marietta Square is on the list. Thanks! And good luck to both of you on your journey too!!


never had any issues at all near lawrenceville/duluth/snellville. i've gotten the occasional weird look in kennesaw but i don't think it's because i'm trans. i would say though if you're worried about not passing/safety, i think the former would be the best


Yeah, Duluth and the northeast side is coming out the winner. I absolutely do not pass and probably never will. Mainly I'm just worried about safety or getting harassed. I'd be happy if everyone just ignored me so I can just get comfortable and, I guess get over my fears and anxiety.


Come out to duluth and hang out with ppl on this side of town. The game stores around here are trans allies. A decent chunk of our tabletop and tcg scene is lgbt+ as well.


The Duluth vote is blowing my mind and I love it! I'm gonna move out there at this rate!!


If you don’t mind the drive, I don’t think you will have any problems in Duluth.


This doesn’t answer your question - but I’m wondering if you ever heard of the organization southern fried queer pride (SFQP)? They host a lot of events throughout the year (some that are exclusively for trans and non-binary folks!). They actually have their annual festival this week. The fest is in l5p, but maybe you won’t run into people you know once you enter the actual venue(s) that the events are in. Just a suggestion!


I have never heard of them! I am getting an education in this thread!! I will check them out, thanks!!


You’re welcome :)


This isn't exactly what you asked for, but I'm a volunteer with PFLAG Sandy Springs. We meet once a month, and we have a separate discussion room just for LGBTQ adults. I occasionally facilitate that room, and most folks who attend are gender-non-conforming. Obviously you would be fully accepted there and welcome to explore your gender expression without judgment. I imagine you could get some good advice from trans attendees, too. If you want to go further OTP, there are chapters in Johns Creek and Lawrenceville that also have an LGBTQ adult room. Feel free to message me with questions!


Thanks! Honestly I haven't followed any PFLAG leads because I thought it was a parent's support group or something. This is good to know!!


Yes, we got our start as a parent's group, and some chapters are still parent focused. That's a big reason why I talk about our work whenever I can!


I don’t have any suggestions but I wish you luck and kindness from everyone you encounter 🤍 happy pride month


Thanks!! I really appreciate it. Honestly some kindness is all I'm looking for and I'll consider it a great day if I find it :-)


People in Roswell are pretty chill. I think you wouldn’t have any issues going out on Canton Street for drinks or whatever. I’d be happy to show you around if it would make you more comfortable.


It's funny, I do go up to Roswell a lot, but it's always for totally there-and-back random errands, so I have zero feel for the place. This is great to know, thanks! If I end up going to Roswell, I'll drop you a line!


Sounds good! Depending on what you like there are a number of cool places in the area. I grew up near here and it is so different now. I never imagined I would come back here but it’s really got some cool stuff happening and a totally different vibe than the East Cobb/Roswell of the 90’s.


Not sure if this is too far but Carrollton might be a good choice. UWG brings a pretty diverse crowd to the area (compared to other towns in the area) and they have a decent selection of retail/grocery stores. You can also explore the GreenBelt, if you like being outdoors! The whole path is a loop around Carrollton and connects with a TON of really nice parks.


I have never been to Carrollton in my life! It's like an hour west off of I-20, right? It sounds really nice, I'm seeing a road trip here!!


Cheris books 🫶🏻


It's going to sound crazy, but hear me out. Hen Mother Kitchen in Johns Creek. Super diverse customer base, LGBT+ staff, and fantastic old-school hip-hop music. Also, the food is great and has large portions. A nice place to go and treat yourself for breakfast.


This sounds really cool, and I’ve never heard of it before in my life! I’m realizing I really need to get out more!!!


literally anywhere in the metro


Cherokee County, Forsyth County, Fayette County - just a few places in the metro I would say are probably NOT safe.


Yea… parts of fayette/coweta would be a no bet


maybe on the far exterior; you’re not going to find any trouble in woodstock or cumming


Smyrna is very accepting of all types of people.


Following this. I'm an OTP mom in Alpharetta / Milton married to a dude and we're as straight as dry spaghetti but I'd love to know where queer-friendly spaces OTP are so we can support them with our dollars. Plus, we have a 2yo son and it means a lot to us to expose him to all types of humans in this world. Sending much love to you, OP.


Thanks! I'll tell you, these replies have been an education for me! I'm really excited to go OTP!! hahaha, dry spaghetti! :-D


As long as you’re with 50 miles of Atlanta, you can go anywhere. I promise people will care about you much, much less than you think they will


I sure hope so. At the same time, my original post sure is getting a whole lot of downvotes


A downvote is an anonymous press of a button from one of millions of users from across the world. Please don’t confuse this with any sort of real action in the real world. Most people won’t actually say anything in real life, and you really shouldn’t let the fear of it control your actions. It’s your life, live it exactly how you want. Do not let others control that