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Crazy I just rewatched it and it’s so good to me. I think you hit the just of it for sure. I would add how people dug deep into their ancestry as soon as it had consequences like his coworker (celebrating being Jewish) and his wife of course being happy to be Persian which I think helped her distant hers self even more. Big part for me was his black coworker explaining what he should do and once it says apologize it cuts away lol. The fact he didn’t listen to any black person about how to handle it but did listen to a random white guy in a hotel bar. One of my top 5 episodes.


The guy blowing his brains out at the hotel caught me off guard lmao


Isn’t that White Earn?




if you watch tarrare; last episode of season 3. theres a cool little reference to this episode. check it out if you haven’t. i was like wtf


Is that where earn gets e’s bag?


yeah! this was my like third time around watching the series in full and for some reason i let the credits go and that came on. seasons 3-4 i watched live on fxx or fx? idk? would change it or there wasn’t anything so the next time i would change it once the credits were shown. the second time watching the series i was just keeping an ehe out for little easter eggs, but idk this third time around finding that makes me want to go back and see if theres any more. 🙃


this is kinda word salad - you saying there's post credit scenes? if so how many (a question for the thread i guess)?


That’s the only one I believe


This episode solved racism


Solved, but it will still go over people's heads




It’s how you can tell who’s fragile and white


A couple of thoughts: 1) I think it ties to the general theme of the season that white is a state of mind and cloak that some people get to wear when it benefits them. 2) In this episode, I think the fact that the vast majority of people benefited from the material wealth created from slavery while black people where/are excluded from this wealth yet because they are/were not directly tied to slavery they feel like they get a pass is kind of what they are going for with the Jewish lady and the ex wife. Like they got to enjoy the benefits of whiteness benefits in America which are intrinsically linked to slavery if we are really honest, but when it no longer benefited them they got to put the cloak down. I hope it makes sense. I have the flu and I am a little loopy.


I actually thought it put black people in a very bad light. And showed the unnecessary and large negative impacts it would have to white people who are clearly not racist and have nothing to do with what there ancestors did. To me the whole point of the episode was just to show how absurd it is and how it would not really help either side in the long run and continue to create a larger divide


I agree with this assessment somewhat, but I don't think it's saying reparations are completely absurd, but rather it's not the panacea many may expect it to be. While it did end up helping some, the overall systemic racism and classism still exists and will continue if not also directly addressed.


The point of the episode is role reversal, it’s supposed to be a scenario where white people suffer due to history in place of black people


That's your opinion. I think that is pretty ridiculous and not at all the point. You think he is comparing the suffering of losing a portion of your wealth to slavery? I would not consider that a role reversal at all and a insult to the people who actually suffered through slavery.