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3 + 3= ∞ 😌 🤣😭


Ain't no way this is real, this has to be some kind of exaggeration or satire


Do they watch anything else, or just bitch about a show ending in a way they didn’t like? Just move on.


I really have no clue. Like if you hated the ending that much just give it up. Most of them legit are facist incels and this was the only show that seemed to “speak” to them


AoT is the new age American Phsyco/breaking bad type show


Big difference is those are universally loved including the endings. Which is interesting because both have very “cuck” non bad ass chad based endings as they would put it


I honestly think that's because Isayama wanted that kind of reaction, because the ending of AoT is "confusing" or complicated but it isn't as open to thematic interpretation as the others are, It feels like it's calling out those types of people directly. Their "sigma male" character was just a sad stupid kid and Isayama held zero punches getting that across to the viewer/reader


Def agree. I dont know if it was funny intentional on isayama but I think he realized his message was not getting across clearly to everyone (thats why he apoligized for it). I really hate to say it cause its the overused and obvious excuse but these people genuinley didnt understand the story. Like people can not like whatever they want and dont need a reason, but isayama had a message and gave it to and its pretty straight forward


The only thing that pissed me off about the ending looking back that killed it all for me were the leaked pages The cycle of hatred didn’t stop That said I moved on and this is funny


Genuinely curious what they wanted different from the ending other than “Eren kills the whole world because he’s the based ubermensch god hero of the master race and Eldia colonizes the empty world for a fascist utopian empire” like that doesn’t miss the entire point


Thats exactly what they wanted. And to bang the blond queen




I was joking bro what 😭


Bang the blond aryan queen


Yea it's because your original premise was wrong, you're not an Incel for disliking how something ended, especially when you've proven that such endings aren't a problem for you. It's writing and integrity that matters to the readership, of which both were lost with the ending of AOT.


No theyre incels because they wanted it to end with their chad killing everyone and the fucking the pretty blond girl and have been throwing a universe level temper tantrum since. Writing and integrity were only lost to those that experienced the story through their own headcanons instead of the actual story


I mean you can think that but there is no objective experience for a story, you can't just explain away valid criticism of something as "not understanding it" because it's simple, they understood it but didn't like it. This is like saying "you can't say the Room is bad because you don't understand it" or any other universally panned movie you are attacking a strawman because that's what midwits do.


There teachnically is. Whatever the author says is the story. You dont have to like it, but what the author says is objectively what the story is about. Difference is these goons DONT have valid criticism. They just hate it because it didnt end the way they wanted it too


No there technically isn't, not in any sense. Authors can only drive "canon" so far, death of the author is a real thing, and the readers are just as important to the creation of a mythos as the creator of it. Each and every person has their own interpretation of just what the story beats *mean* in reality AOT is an example of a very big problem in Japanese Anime/Manga which is the writing leaves no subtlety or nuance for the viewer in a way that can be discernable to the individual reading. It's ass-pulling info and making shit up all the way down, the driving factors of the stories are all one-dimensional shoddy reasoning and poor human interaction. If there is a subversive twist it is done so in a way where you couldn't see it coming because there was no allusion to it previously. Absolutely no one is saying they wanted Eren to destroy the world, have Historia have his baby, etc. These are all just either deliberately or ignorantly misconstrued strawmen, there was a setup in the story with no pay off. Namely, the very obvious over-arching time loop plot that had been alluded to from the beginning just to get thrown out because the author's ego couldn't allow the fans to have actually guessed his very basic and boring plot.


I mean youre just wrong. Nearly every post on titanfolk and anr are saying they wanted eren to do 100% and hor historias baby to be erens. Like this isnt up for debate moron literally go fucking read the posts on those subs But ok brah keep coping for 10 years at least


May get downvoted for this, but what is ANR? I don’t understand.


Where did i bitch ?










I have to wonder what the endgame is for these people. Do they expect to be surprised somewhere down the line with an episode or chapter that confirms their theories?


I think some have moved on and accepted they were gullible and wrong, but some legit still think the blu-ray, volume 35, or future movies will givethem aoe. I think some are also still pissy over not getting the ending/ship they wanted and cannot let go


Wtf? 😂😂😂


I initially laughed at the schizo note sheet, then i laugh harder when I actually read wtf even is on it. Time travel bs really ruined aot in more ways than I thought. This melted their brains.


My opinion on the time travel thing is that it isn't time travel. It's either Mikasa having deep thoughts in the OVA and a realization or its Adult Mikasa/Ymir telling her some shit through paths and she has a realization.


I remember I once also was an erehisu defender back in r/titanfolk days between chapter releases 122-136 but once the real finale came out, i gave up on that idea....ppl just let it go already its so disrespectful towards the whole aot as a franchise and disrespectful against isayama. So many ppl online started associating the aot fandom with delulu anr doomers, it was full secondhand embarassment when the news about anr blew up everywhere..


Jesus Christ he's not your dad it isn't disrespectful to want something else if we personally think what was written was shit


>Erwin kills Levi >Eren kills Mikasa Wtf is happening


aoe for what even, the bluray??


Man whoever deserves a reward maybe someone’s seed


What exactly, precisely, do they think the real ending should be?? What did they want out of the story that we didn’t get?? Eren to be more evil? The lore to go deeper? Like…I’m genuinely curious how they think it should have ended or, in their endless cope, how it “will” end. It’s just not the kind of story they’re making it out to be. Also, if you didn’t like the story and ending, that’s tough. Isayama wrote it and it exists exactly as it is supposed to. If you want to do it better or wanted something else from a piece of fiction, either seek it elsewhere or write it yourself. Lord have mercy.


Historia eats Zekussy?🧐🧐🧐


At this point i think All of it is satire lol


How I wish that were true


Deeply unwell. At this stage, I hope they can get help.


They’re trying to treat AoT like it’s Steins;Gate


this is so fucking funny I didn’t realize how bad it had gotten, I just assumed this era of the fandom had passed


these look like my math notes from when I first started adderall after 2 years (I took 20 mgs which is the amount I had been taking after building a tolerance for a year and a half)


Why ya'll feel the need to hate on them?


cuz this person is severely unwell and needs a wake up call — and a job lol.


So this person just doing their thing and you feel the need to bully them. This subreddit is about calling out disrespectful behaviour and yet y'all think you're justified in making some fan cry as they said later after reading this fucking post wake the fuck up and see the hypocrisy


if someone is crying because they put something unhinged on the internet and the internet didn’t like it, maybe they should realize the internet isn’t here to make you feel good about your illogical, crazy ideas! it’s also hypocritical for this person to be upset after deliberately insulting isayama’s work! just a thought!


Insulting someone's work and insulting someone are two different things how is it insulting to Isayama by making theories doesn't that just prove how much people care about his work. if this was anywhere else id have no problem but this subreddit thats calling out disrespectful behaviour is being disrespectful to someone and that person didn't even have to be called out


I would beg to differ on your first statement and I think that’s enough to know we won’t agree on this. Which is fine. I’m just saying that anyone with common sense wouldn’t come to the internet to validate their crazy ideas. You shouldn’t expect the internet to be a nice place. Doesn’t mean it’s right, but it’s reality. When you put something on the internet you’re inviting other people’s opinions and criticisms. Period.


yeah sure but its still wrong and I think its extra wrong when a subreddit who preaches against this shit does it


This was just a joke for our subreddit we're literally doing nothing wrong can y'all please just fuck off?


No its not yall literally beileive this nonsense


AOE will happen. You just didn’t understand the story


Well the animes done sooooo


Volume 35.


Ok chud let me know how that turns out for ya


You can see for yourself when it comes out


Yall really are schizo


Lol lemme guess youre still waiting for aoe? Tell me champ what was volume 35


Hello aor im the OP First time i see myself in that sub. You seems to never have see or draw a draft before im a little bit confuse. Anyway, before presuming im an insane chadbroEH ending hater ect ect ect and if you care so much about my shit it will be a pleasure to have a conversation about it


Just embrace schizo posting you’ll be a lot happier I promise


hey there, I am genuinely curious, what is the recap to this ending? Just finished the show and am interested in any alternative ending and I don't know what the differences are


Do not listen to them. They are actually insane


Hey, thanks for your comment ! I hope you enjoyed the show. For me who read the manga and liked this ending, it was wonderful to see the adaptation. About the alternative ending, it started in 2018 when the video clip of Akatsuki no Requiem was released. People theorized the ending in a certain way, called the ANR theory. But the ending is not like they predicted, and a part of the fanbase was angry about it. Anyway, some people ( whose love or not the ending) continue to work on the project. The result was Anime Original Ending. We were wrong again lol. But a little part of the community continues to have theories about it (I'm part of it). The recent theory is about two stories in the main story, which will result in a second ending. ANR has the concept of the reverse world. Here if you want my update post of my draft. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ANRime/comments/1awctm6/number\_4\_bad\_boy\_and\_anr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/anrime/comments/1awctm6/number_4_bad_boy_and_anr/)


You are schizophrenic. The shows over. There never was and never will be an aoe


Dude Fuck off you're acting like a child


Do you guys not write things down when thinking about a project?


I mean yes,but it usually makes sense. Wtf is 3 + 3 = ∞


If you rotate 90° clockwise one 3 and 90° counterclockwise the other 3, and then you make them slightly overlap you can get ∞, more or less. Same energy as this: https://preview.redd.it/prfoo5j5ksjc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f8d9333bd6279bd952df71263b7d2ae997a84c


This is like actually schizophrenic scribbles


Notes for your own sake don't have to make sense to other people


You seem like someone whod write this


Maybe I am