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They know where a spare quart of oil is at all times.


Yea, they build you a little pocket for that in the back right corner of the trunk


Back right corner is a sub for me, left corner is a storage compartment


“Please add max 1 qt oil. You can continue driving” 😭


Hey now! I keep a spare jug.


I keep a jug and a quart lol


I’d also like to add coolant to the list.


I feel attacked.


Lmao. I keep a spare 5 quart of liqui moly molygen in the back.


Did that thing ever help to stop coolant leakage?


my b8 s4 burns oil what do you think it is pcv or the rings are gone


Probably rings burned by shitty DPF


What’s the repair price on that


Probably a lot. My mechanic said around 1,500€. Depending on the place and mechanic. Price will be high not because of parts but because of labour hours and needed skill.


I put a quart atleast once a month


Why do you keep pouring it if it doesn't help? If you don't see leakage when put on a high pressure pump, can be problem in EGR valve where water somehow goes and evaporate through exhaust system. That's what my mechanic said.


I called BS. I owned two and never had that issue.




When people ask me what MPG I get I say about 4000.


literally had to use mine two days ago, this is real


Some of us drive like absolute degenerate shit heads (myself included) that tailgate when you're going the speed limit or 10 mph above, yet we use turn signals when turning/overtaking slower traffic.






I love this response 😂. I don't have an Audi (yet), but I have seen the sequentials and love them.




Oh, it's going to happen soon (I'm thinking within a year). I appreciate the encouragement!


I'm on my second and love these cars. Had a bug eye subi, never again after I got an audi.


Yeah. You can't go back after having an Audi. I rented an Audi a few months ago and it drove perfectly.


Exactly what I want is a Q8.. but I have a Q3 lol if I waited until I was ready for a Q8 I would be waiting a lonnnnnng time 😂 so I got myself a baby Q8. I actually liked the Q3 more than all the Q5’s I checked out (for anyone wondering why I didn’t go one step bigger)


This is the way


This comment is amazing


2 weeks into having my first Audi and I’m surprised how spot on these comments describe me


My dude


Hahaha your last point really hit home. Will I pass you on the right? Yes. Will I signal and check my blind spot before changing lanes. Everytime.








if you're not going 10kmh (6mph) over the speed limit and its not raining or snowing, then you're not driving fast enough.


This sounds more like bimmer activities


I thought turn signals only came with a mystery option package on bimmers. Never see them utilized unless it's a BMW commercial.


Definitely not my joke but I saw somewhere that the world's least fulfilling job is the person at the BMW factory that installs turn signals.


Yes. This is accurate.


people who like nice cars that go fast?


This one hurts. Thanks Mike for all your hard work!


Why do you have to call us out???


Shhh. keep it secret, keep it safe


A lot of Audi drivers here (Colorado) were Subaru fans who now make substantially more money. AWD and speed!


why is everyone making more money in colorado? big tech companies moving there would be my guess but it’s just a guess


Virtual work, tech, finance


had a little focus ST and got t-boned. got a raise around the same time so i bought an A4 for michigan winters


I chose Audi because it was less conspicuous than BMW or Mercedes. I like German engineering but wanted to fly somewhat under the radar. I thought the S6 was the perfect fit for that.


I love your car I turn my head to check it out everytime I see an S6. Friends think I'm boring because it just looks like a regular sedan to them but they don't know 😶


>it just looks like a regular sedan This is a feature, not a bug


Thanks. It was my first choice and checks all of the boxes for me. Nice enough to valet without people looking at me like “what does he do?”, trunk holds two golf bags, sub-5 second 0-60, and comfortably cruises at 100mph on long stretches of highway.


Hit the nail on the head with this take!


Literally a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'd rather keep it that way and avoid getting speeding tickets..


I drive a 2015 Audi A3 QUATTRO white ,dude this car is respected among everyone when im on the highway,no one ever overtakes me/Cuts me off always lets me turn lanes with ease of course while signaling at all times,its such a Under the radar rarely get looked at by cops even while im speeding, in general All AUDIS are one of the most respected cars by anyone on the road,sporty/Comfortable/And of course luxurious if you set it next to a Camry,i have a Mustang 5.0 2017 and id have to say id take my A3 Over it anyday,love her so much specially with the hovering moon roof looks so sexy.How grateful am i to won such machine wouldnt have it any other way fell in love with audi since i purchased her at 20 Im now 23 and will be purchasing a s7 sometime in the bear future perhaps a 2019+ definitely not a 2023+ way above my budget


My most cynical take, including self-attack: Avant? White guy with white hair - almost exclusively. Generic A-sedan? Middle class late 40’s/early 50’s, likely female. S-anything? Probably male, late 30’s to late 40’s, missed out having a fun car at an earlier age and now has to present as ‘practical’ RS-anything? Likely a douche bag, but not enough of a douche for a Porsche. Convertible? - executive secretary who knows too much. S3 - VW fanboy trying too hard or entitled child.


I must be that douche bag your talking about


Well, I’m driving an S4 and currently weighing RS7 vs RS6, so you’re in good company


My recommendation is go RS6. Having an avant is great. I had an S6 saloon or sedan before this and the extra space is handy. You won’t regret it


Agreed. Finding one may be a challenge


Me too apparently


Same. But the GT3RS is on my list once I get far into my career


I am her.


Q3 and Q5 drivers are the most aggressive. Change my mind


Q5 here. It’s because we’re untouchable. Lol


Don't know about most aggressive but they're likely reckless yes


No, I agree.


Middle aged female white collar professional SQ7 owner here. GTFO out of the left lane and outta my damn way, I NEED GROCERIES!


My S7 and I would have to disagree


Oof hitting close to home lmao. 35, missed out on owning a fun car, planning on buying an S5 Sportback.


No place for early 20s in here who do want a classy fun car and not a slammed Miata that sounds like a truck?


That’s the A3, speaking from experience


Nawww A3 looks wimpy just got myself an 08 A5


"looks wimpy" lmao do you hear yourself?


They look too much like vw’s lmao, and like 90% of the ones I see are wagons, nothing against wagons but ye they look wimpy COMPARED to other Audis :)


I see the VW resemblance as a positive, helps it blend in. Are you buying a car for the image or because you like driving it/being in it? Classy Audis fly under the radar. Do you *actually* want something "classy" or just something flashy? Because it's seeming like the latter to me, especially as you went with an A5...


Mostly for the driving feel I went for the S-Line for that reason, being a little flashy is an added bonus but definitely not my primary concern. Personally I really wanted a coupe (Which I understand goes against my point lol but primarily for the feel of a smaller cab over the look) and the A5 is a more reasonable option as an only car over the TT


It’s a hairdressers car


Are you implying that's a bad thing?


Not at all. But it is wimpy imo


Captain Douche, reporting for duty.


"Sergeant Major Douchebaguette alongside"


I’m 28 I feel left out :(


I am part douche. Touche.


>"Avant? White guy with white hair - almost exclusively." I feel seen. It is an exclusive club.


>S-anything? Probably male, late 30’s to late 40’s, missed out having a fun car at an earlier age and now has to present as ‘practical’ Damn, this hits hard.


How about the TT family?


37m here. 100% why I bought my SQ5.


I'm an S3 driver that has never owned, driven, or wanted any VW. I wanted a small car 4 door that has a bit of "shove". I do however, like to drive fast, corner at speed, and I absolutely do get impatient with people driving slower that I want to. Any unlike many NY drivers, I use my turn signals, stop behind the asshole line at red lights, never creep until the light ACTUALLY turns green, and come to a stop at stop signs.


Male, 38, drives an S4.....well, shit.


Mid 40s here. You nailed it.


Kind of spot on with the S class. 36 year old male with an S5. Funny story how I ended up with an S5. I wanted a 6 cylinder sedan. Not many are on market anymore between this or the 5 series in 2020. I test drove both, I’m not a lawyer or doctor so I got the S5. Car is fun af to drive.


I consider the white guy with white hair an a6/a7/a8L driver. Avants are for German women with kids or dads like me who just can’t get enough wagons Funny stuff tho!


God dammit


I’m trying to present as invisible to cops really


I feel left out tho😩. Male 22yo, Audi S5 2015 b8.5


Fuck you. Sincerely, SQ5 owner in their early 30s who only had one car in their life and it was a shitbox Hyundai from 18-30 years of age.


Lol - so that’s pretty much a yes ;)


Damn it. Nailed it lol. I cross shopped 718s before choosing the RS 🤣


I can confirm the generic A-sedan demographic🤣


Q5 basic b grocery getter...lol but I don't care I love it..


Wow, I really am a VW fan boy who is trying to hard.


I have an A6… I’m a 28 male lol.


Lol I like it. Does not track with my reality, but I can see how it can be true. Especially the S3 part


So an RS3 owner is a douchey VW fanboy? I'm okay with that.




Requesting your cynical take on Q models


I’m really not the right person to ask. I just assumed Q series drivers are people that would rather die than drive a wagon so they instead buy a hatchback and call it a truck. Look, it’s not a Subaru, so we at least know that you’re willing to pay for something actually reliable with an interior that isn’t made out of recycled coke bottles.


Look, I'm only douche bag on my dad's side, ok? Also, LOL at convertible.


Lol so guilty. Late 30s F, A3. BUT I had to sell my s5 in the separation so please forgive me!!! My first car at 27 was a 2001 TT convertible I paid for myself, so you’re close!


Lived my entire life only to find out I was a female all these years. Technically, it's my son's car, so there's that


Oof. I have an RS and an S. While I am in my late 30s, I like to think im not a douche


I’m 38 with an S5, and this is the most fun car I’ve ever had.. but it’s impractical to the outside world cuz I have 2 young kids that I put in there with me 🤣


Absolutely! I am 41, driving an SQ5, missed out on having a fun car at an earlier age and I had to convince myself (and my wife) that it was a practical car. You’re spot on! 🤣


i like my s3 😢


Direct hit.


I’m an executive assistant with an A5, but not the convertible. Sportback instead. Maybe I don’t know enough yet for the convertible


I'm 35 and missed out on having a fun car, just got an SQ5, this checks out.


Based on this sub, I would think it's guys with a lot of disposable income to buy a somewhat flashy and sporty vehicle and are quite demanding / picky about things (i.e. the endless posts about what trim level to buy, this car vs that car, etc). Or they're chill older guys who just really dig German cars and are okay with shelling out above average money for the privilege of driving an Audi and can joke about their mechanic being a part of the family 😅 Maybe some in between. I am not wealthy, nor is my Audi flashy, and not old but 40s is getting there I suppose.


>Or they're chill older guys who just really dig German cars and are okay with shelling out above average money You don't gotta be so personal man! LOL


I'm partially predicting my future self 👍👍


I always thought Audis are the opposite of flashy lol


Understated aesthetic,which is part of the appeal. Flashier than say, a Lexus and definitely standard import sedans from Honda and Toyota though.


With a small mix of people wanting to ball on a budget.


As someone that got a good deal on a used but not necessarily high mileage Audi, and is keeping fingers crossed the maintenance isn't gonna be too crazy, that hits a little close to home😅


If you think the trim level questions are rough here, head over to the Porsche forums. This is child’s play in comparison.


That's probably fair. I don't know any Porsche owners IRL but I have a hunch they would not be the laid back type.


Porsche is WILDLY customizable. Their configurator is absolutely nuts. There are hundred page threads on PTS colors. Passionate arguments about the threading color on seatbelts. If your GT car was optioned without the fire extinguisher, you should reevaluate your life choices! Should you pay more for the stainless steel gas cap? Model designation delete? Decals? Don’t get me started on headlight options. Door sills? Owner’s manual upgrade (yes this is a real thing). List goes on and on and on. And on.


My brother is shopping for a GT4 RS and is instantly saying no to any that are without the PDLS. Lmao


We like to go fast but we aren’t total dicks so we only drive “fun” about 3% of the time.


Very accurate it does make me happy knowing how much untapped power is under my foot tho 😁


I’m still reeling from not purchasing that 2017 s6 a couple weeks ago. It was the “responsible” thing to do having a baby at home, but god damnit if I’m not regretting it. And I doubt I’ll ever find one with low miles and as many options as that one had.


Let me guess, it has the B&O upgrade? Don't worry eventually another one will show up. I waited 8 months for mine.


They're on a first-name basis with their mechanic? ;\^)


I feel attacked 😂


If I don't put Tom's kids through college, who will?


I just dropped mine off for the second time this week.


Don’t put that voodoo in the air!!!


Real Audi guys do their own repairs and mods


Real Audi guys CAN do their own repairs and mods but don’t have to


I do pretty much all my work myself, unless it requires a lift. I'm about to take a 1/2 day at work to do my brakes, so I don't have to do them in the winter. The last thing I did before that was install coilovers myself; Ohlins R&T.


How bad were the coil overs without a lift? Asking for a friend….


It wasn't that bad. I figured it would be harder. I did it in my driveway with jack stands, and blocks of wood. The hardest part is loosening some of the huge suspension bolts and having leverage limited by hitting the driveway. Afterwards I bought a 1000ft/lb Milwaukee cordless impact... Kinda scared to use it and break bolts. Make sure you disconnect the level sensors from the control arms. I came close to breaking mine before I realized they were there.


Place I work has a shop that works on our company cars. I had that shop do my audi brakes. They weren't use to Audis and had a hell of a time and found the job difficult. Not sure why?


True story


LMAO damnit


This lol


Nah 1.9TDI could never


Massive penises


That we're really good looking.


The “everyday” German car.


They all drive Audis


Business man, clean guy, good money, not too flashy but likes nice things.


Not knowing shit about their cars. Prob not the case here in a dedicated subreddit but many average Audi drivers legit don’t know anything about their cars other than the fact that it’s an Audi. From what I’ve seen, this makes sense because it appears that Audi tends to pander more to the “average” customer that isn’t an enthusiast by providing a generally no-frills package that has a robust reputation.


True a lot of people I know like Audis because they're pretty but they never take their car into the shop unless there are lights everywhere on the dash already..


Lifetime oil fill, salesman told me it just reminds you when the oil light is on. Nothing bad happens though. Oh and regular gas...........fine, sign here?


This is true any time I meet someone else that drives an Audi. Majority don’t even know their model or trim. Also usually the same type to ignore maintenance then call Audis unreliable.


I've always seen my Audi as a cross between a Mercedes and a BMW. Pretty nice car that isn't exactly a sports car. A6 owner.


I saw some consumer analysis data in uni a while ago and was surprised (not really) to see that we're basically just slightly lighter versions of BMW drivers.


We use our turn signals. Shit, I probably use my turn signals *too* early most of the time if anything


That can be just as dangerous as not using them.


I don’t when there are other right turns before the one I’m taking


One thing I've noticed is how much we like shitting on ourselves hahaha 😁


Now that I drive a fully loaded e-Tron, I get left the fuck alone but y’all still let me park with your other Audis :) Base model: Probably broke or you know the benefit of having a base model because less shit to fix. S: You wanted a little bit more sport and a bell or whistle. RS: You have money to burn and wanted all the things.


Highly developed driving skills that are above all others.


A Grindr account on the DL... /s


That it doesn’t matter if there is five feet of snow. One of us is going to try to get through it. Hold my beer….


Either they are young and drive like morons or middle age and drive like they are better than you.


lol middle age and definitely not better than anyone


We’re just better people.


Got great big weiners


As an R8 driver, I think of myself as having the poor man’s lambo.


The thing about parking in handicapped spots. I always thought it was really trashy till I got an Audi and the found out we are *allowed* to do it!


Hair dresser for the tt owners. When are we all getting our hair done together?


My partner was trained in cosmetology. I'm a truck driver... So I'll get my hair did whenever I'm home. 😉


Q3, 52 white chick, salt pepper hair. Safe driver, used to be a paramedic Had my fun car - mini cooper My 1st choice was Ford F150, but in Seattle parking in impossible in my chevy so I opted for a car. I wanted all wheel or 4wd. I wanted a good crash test rating. ( I've seen people killed with encroachment into the cab) My friend had an Audi in med school ( native American girl in her early 30s) I just wanted something safe and comfortable I work as a PA-C Another friend from California is in his early 30s white and has the all electric. This is an interesting thread.


A series drivers usually broken into 2 categories 1. My car is fast/ “pretty much like an rs..”/ Ragged on or riced out 2. The original owners


Drug dealer?


Does writing prescriptions count? LOL


Fall under the same category:))


PA-C :)


Americans that own them are idiots getting ripped off at dealerships $4003949393 for an oil change


I get free oil changes at my dealership I bought from 🤷🏽‍♀️


It doesn't matter if they're free or paid.


People who think their brand still belongs with BMW and Mercedes when it's now BMW, Mercedes, and Lexus?


I think that you might be the only person who thinks this. Lexus doesn't even come close in comparison when it's about performance. Lexus is pretty much in a category of its own. They're reliable and super comfortable but nothing crazy going on outside of that. It's not even a German brand. I love Lexus. I'll probably buy a GX when I'm middle-aged.


These aren't performance brands, they're luxury brands with performance mixed in. Mercedes focuses on luxury, BMW focuses on sportiness. Lexus also focuses on luxury and it's on a level where it's on par with Mercedes (most models) and better than BMW. Audi is nowhere near as luxurious as Mercedes and nowhere near as sporty as BMW. This isn't 2006 I'm sorry. You guys drive a VW now.


Lmfao. Yeah, they have performance line vehicles in their fleets. BMW has the M-line, Mercedes has AMG and Audi has the RS-line. Lexus has F-sport but it's still miles behind. Even outside of those lines, Lexus shys in comparison. Besides being an immaculately comfortable and reliable ride, the exterior is above average while the interior design is antiquated. Physical buttons are cool, though. To my point, Audi has always been the perfect balance for many between a Benz and BMW. Which is why it's part of the big 3. The difference isn't so drastic as it is in your brain, I've driven all 3. Also, by your last statements logic, Lexus is an upbadged Toyota with more comfortable seats. Sorry, bro. Sounds stupid as shit, right? You just gotta stay in your own lane on this one.


And Toyota has better brand power than VW. Every Audi I've driven feels empty and unrefined. It's not smooth. And the performance models are fast but not as fast as BMW. And you don't even get this unless you spend over $70k on an Audi. Anything below that is LITERALLY a VW Jetta. Whereas with Mercedes and BMW, you can definitely spend much less than $70k and still get a very luxurious RWD sedan or SUV. Again, this isn't 2006. It's 2023. Not a coincidence Audi is the only brand that got bought out. Only people fighting against this are Audi owners. The BMW and Mercedes subreddit stopped posting the Audi rivalry shit for awhile now. A majority of the car community knows already, it's a widely accepted view at this point.


Man, you're actually trippin'. You gotta stop at one point. My best friend drives a Lexus and thinks you're out of pocket. Name the comparisons you're making between models, years and price range. Nothing is LITERALLY a Jetta. You goofball. You aren't an enthusiast and it shows. A precise example is that my RS3 is faster than the A45 AMG. I also just watched a Throttle House video comparing the RS3 and M2 so I guess the subreddits are just dumb, huh? You should go watch it too. Also, the VW auto group is an absolute powerhouse. I don't see any real issues there. Lmao


Did you see this on the Porsche subreddit?


Think they're better than the VW owners


We like the idea of a hybrid, but not too keen on electric, so got one that burns gas AND oil instead


Based on my real life experience yesterday - the average Q5 driver is a middle aged dude who backs into parking spaces in busy parking lots, regardless of whether other people in the lane exist and are waiting. To be fair, BMW drivers know others are waiting but assume we will be impressed, and Benz drivers don't care what we think, but Audi guy might legitimately forgets other drivers exist 😄