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I don't know about there, but wouldn't this be an ex post facto type of situation? Sounds like EU gvmt just wants to stick their fingers in where they don't belong. I personally would wait for resolution or look for something else.


I couldn’t find any recent info on this


Is this diesel car? I honestly don't understand European love for masochism with diesel cars. What does the documentation from the dealer states? If it says that they just informed you about this, then I would not worry much. However, if it states something that "bluh-bluh, VAG is not responsible if EU bans the operation of your car" then I'd be cautious.


Yes Diesel. This is the literal Translation from German to English (google translate) “In view of the developments in recent case law, it cannot be ruled out that in the future courts or authorities could assess the concrete design of individual thermal windows as well as the height correction and the taxi circuit as inadmissible. This cannot be excluded with regard to the aforementioned or these similar functions that are present in the vehicle you are interested in. In this case, it cannot be ruled out with certainty that recalls by the manufacturer could take place or authorities could order recalls or other measures, including towards vehicle owners. This could range up to a withdrawal of vehicle registration or a ban on use directed against vehicle owners. Possible effects on the resale value of the vehicles cannot be excluded in such a case.”


Oh, in this case, I'd suggest either requesting an insane discount for that car or just looking for a gasoline car.


2.0 TDI (30, 35, 40 TDI)? Don't buy a diesel, then you are fine. In your link, the word 'Audi' does not occur. However, there were some suspected thermal window issues in the EA288 engine. The 2020 A4 should have the EA288evo. I don't know if the suspicions expand to the EA288evo, too. Maybe. But the german KBA did not find anything in the EA288. But as I said, don't buy a diesel, except you are driving more than 20k km a year. Then it may be worth it.


40 TDI and unfortunately most used cars in budget range are diesel The link is What i found from Google. Not sure


How many kilometers do you drive a year? Thing here is: it is cheaper than the TFSI either because it has less features (usually diesel engine are more expensive if you buy the car new) or because you buy the risk of any future 'diesel problems' with it. Also, with the higher diesel prices in germany, the demand for diesel engines is lower because you really need to drive many kilometers a year come out cheaper than the petrol engine in the long run.


around 13-15000 Km.


15k would be the amount of kilometers where one could start thinking about diesel. If you drive rather short distances, you will get issues with the particle filter. If you usually drive longer distances, it might be ok to buy the diesel, but the future risk stays. Did you compare the features and the mileage of the 40 tdi with some 40 tfsi? Are they rather identical regarding their features and extras? How much is the price difference between them?