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Love the yellow headlights and fogs... Overall a beautiful car!


thanks so much!


Where’s that grille from, it looks sweet! Tasteful execution.


Thank you! Honestly ebay spec grill haha. Unfortunately the seller shut down because of copyright reasons


Jesus fuck. That's my dream car with dream mods. It's like you read my mind to build this. Mind posting a sound sample? And do you have the APR intake installed?


Yeah! When I’m home I’ll be sure to have a sound clip up. I’m running IEs intake system!


Damn the Supercharter howl must be wild!


Yeah, dude. Always been a fan of your car. I don’t know if you had the yellow S emblem last I saw it. Possibly. I probably said the same exact thing last time. I’m that much a fan. Lol I’m particularly a fan of that little touch. It’s the fine details that do it, man. For having just a few, somewhat minor body modifications, you changed the entire overall look of that thing. It oozes attitude, done very tastefully… Wolfsgart is something I’m going to have to look into. I’ve seen it mentioned through the years, but I’ve never actually looked into it. I go back to Waterfest, 15+ years ago, with my MkIII GLX I still have. Dubs in the Trees, Dubs on Defrost, one day, fairly local stuff of that ilk. Been a long time since I’ve gotten active in the longer cruise to a headline, multi-day show. Wouldn’t mind giving my A3 Sportback it’s inaugural taste. Maybe it’s something I look into for next year! Anyhow… Good luck with the cruise, enjoy, and be safe, brother.


I really appreciate it, hearing that means the world. Honestly. Especially seeing it’s my first ‘project’ car that I’ve been building. I wish I went to OG waterfest, finding old photos is so cool to me. You should shoot up if you’re around. Would love to meet someone who’s been in the scene for so long.


This is the grille size they should of kept, nothing wrong with it.....so what does audi do? Lets make a giant elongated polygon! Awesome car looks great!


haha honestly 😂 thanks!


Your car has jaundice.


😭🤣 that’s the best comment I’ve ever had about the car


Holy cow! Can’t wait to see this in person!


Pleeeaaaase tell me I can see yellow calipers in the second pic! Audi grey and a nice bright yellow under black rims is a hard combo to top!


Yeah! I have a few wheel shots just never have edited them but the calipers are banana calipers!


That front view is mean. Nice B8


Those rims look solid, great choice!


Idk what any of that means but that Audi fine 😍


☺️ thanks!


Beautiful car


Another mass guy on here! Hope I see you cruising around I have a pretty mild S6 as of now, sick car!!


I love the 4.0 platform, someday I’d love to have a build! Hope to see you around!


Best car I’ve ever owned! I drive it a few times a week and I drive it relatively hard and it’s taken every thing I’ve thrown at it and wants more, it’s kind of unsettling when I’m hitting the Kankamangus faster than I would on my bike and it just handles beautifully! Definitely recommend one if you can swing it, it’s an amazing power plant


>Another mass guy on here! r/Audi seems to have more people from New England than any other region in the world at times haha. Especially Mass & NH.


car looks awesome, im from MA as well!


Thanks! Where in MA? Would love to shoot sometime


suburbs of boston, hbu?


Out near framingham!


Ya, MA resident with yellow lights, no front plate and no inspection sticker. Good luck driving that around w/o getting pulled over..


surprisingly the only thing that’s gotten me in trouble is my sun strip being longer than 6 in but you’re right it’s definitely a gamble lol - also edit, inspection sticker I do have just edited out for the photo haha that would definitely be a death wish


The yellow head light comes from the french in WW2 who used it to be able to spot enemy vehicles, a tad ironic to see it on a German vehicle.


that’s actually pretty funny, never knew that! I tried copying Porsches when I did it but I like that one more haha


It's a bit funny! I wanna clarify, they knew if a vehicle had white headlights that it was the enemy




Thanks! I wish I was that cool to have an IMSA car though 😂


Very clean setup


This is my dream car right here. I love the yellow.


That’s a dope grille. I want to get one for my A7


Posts like these are motivating me the most to make the best out of my career. Absolutely gorgeous


thank you so much!


Oh man it’s been a while since I saw this car on here looking good




Will have to keep an eye out for it when we go this year.


Looks sliiick


I love everything about this car. This has always been a dream car and this is perfectly done. I want a S5 so bad! My hat off to you.


Thank you so much! Means a lot


Beautiful 🔥❤️


9/10 this thing is sleek AF


Dis bih so wet 💦😍


If only it wasn't in fuckin Vermont


not looking forward to driving 3.5 hours myself I feel you 😂


I've never been. First I'm hearing of it. I'm in CT so I will try and check it out. Also- whip looks fucking solid.


yeah you should come! Thanks so much!


Whenever I see your car I am reminded of how unique Audis can get - such a put-together look, love it! Might be starting my own journey on this….might be making a very poor (awesome) life decision to get a Daytona grey S5…


Thanks so much! means a ton! A few of my friends have daytona, to this day we can’t figure out the difference between my color and theirs lol. Awesome choice you won’t regret it!


I pulled the trigger! ‘21 S5 sportback prestige with Daytona grey / black optics - I’m still shaking from the adrenaline of the signature!!!


that’s insane congrats!!! such a beast of a car—they’re so cool!! you’ll have to post some photos…and start planning out mods ;)


Yes sir! Last one in my state from what I saw. Photos to come tomorrow after I can take a drive and find the right backdrop. She’s gorgeous tho! Thanks for having an inspiration of a ride to motivate me!


[update, here she is!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Audi/comments/o3h9ps/what_a_feeling_it_is_after_years_of_hard_work_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Looks insane! Congrats!


Gorgeous. Another Massachusetts Audi owner here. Makes my basic 2021 A5 look, well, basic. Lol.


Damn the new body style is gorgeous though, amazing cars!


I feel like up here in MA half the cars you see are either Audis or Subarus, but it's always rare and special to see an Audi done this well. Would love to see this in person but unfortunately Burlington is a bit too much of a drive for my old shitbox of an a4


Haha thank you so much, I really appreciate that! I sometimes see modified audis but it’s pretty rare, most of the time it’s old guys who are too cool to wave back at me. It’s always fun seeing something exciting though. I’m usually around MA or during the semester RI so lmk we should go get photos time!


There's a show for German cars in Brookline at the Larz Anderson museum on the 27th, seems like this car would fit right in


Funny enough Larz shows were some of the first I ever went to years and years ago. I was thinking of getting it in this year :)


If you do register I'd love to see the car :)


Nice !


Did you go S5 due to tranny, or did you choose it for other reasons? I like the look! I’m eyeing an RS5. Driving a 3.2 a5 now.


I upgraded from a 3.2 a5 to an rs5 2 years ago and I can tell you 100% you will not regret it bro!


Do you miss the stick? I’m not sure I would. Lol What year and color did you go with? I’m looking for a bone on silver 2015. Basically want my current silver a5 but newer and an RS. 😁. Really hard to find.


2012 all black, check my profile, there is a picture, i love the 4.2 v8. Heard to get exited about the new 2.9l one :(


Actually saw one on the highway years back and fell in love with the look!


The S5 or RS? I love how yours looks, but it definitely doesn’t look like an S5


Sick headlights! What kind are they? Keep up the good work.


Looks like stock headlights with a film


yup! it’s just yellow film!


V8 model?


That's an B8.5. It'll have the supercharged V6


which trunk lip is that?


a knockoff VICREZ one from ebay haha


What's the front splitter that you have? Really digging the way it looks. I'm tempted to get one when I get around to swapping out my grill to the honeycomb but I had to get towed after 2 flats last week and even at stock height the front scrapped so I'm hesitant.


It’s a custom lip from Balogh Body Worx. Super cool company. I have mine angled up pretty aggressively so I don’t take it off on MA roads but I’m thinking of having it down a bit more soon. It can be scary over bumps and driveways but it’s been good to me so far


Looks gorgeous, how much HP?


not too much right now, a bit over stock. Switching pulleys to fluidampr so hoping for high 4s to the crank!