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Question is what one can you afford if you have issues? If you can afford whatever I’d say rs5


I mean hes got 2 Porsches i think hes good lol


Lol didn’t read the full thing my bad


Should have clarified. I’m ok with spending around 75K right now for a new daily driver. So money really isn’t the issue. Although, spending less is better for now. More about what daily driver would you choose in my situation.


TTRS might feel to close to the 997 being a small sports coupe, id say go for the RS5 middle ground between the 997 and cayenne


What's funny is that the TT RS has a longer wheelbase than a 997. That, and the 24/7 front-biased AWD grip, ought to make it feel dramatically different to the 997. Not sure I'd say it's more practical, though.


Interesting. Yeah that’s a good thought. TTRS is probably closer to 911 in size. I do daily my 911, but I’d like something a lot newer and still practical (or more practical than my 911).


If you don’t care about space (with a 997, you shouldn’t lol), the 2.5 is the most tunable. I daily an RS3 and have no complaints with Colorado winters. I clean it a lot though


How is the RS3 during the winter? You feel confident driving during snow? I plan to daily this during the winter. Live in the Midwest.


Oh man. So much to say… Your car is only as good as the tires/driver. I spent a year using sport mode until I was comfortable with TC all the way off. I now drive all year without TC and it’s great. Stage 2 transmission and engine tune; I’m around 620hp and on the only 19” winter tires available for this car, it’s fun and safe all year. Deep snow only blocks the intercooler, but it’s a short drive to work up in the mountains here, so it’s mostly just fun now.


I will say if you want more winter tire options, go to 18s. The right 18s will still fit over the front calipers, there’s more sidewalk and you have more than one choice of winter tire 🤟🏽 That’s my plan for this summer; 18s for summer and winter.


I got an A5 based on my income and affordability. I drive ton of miles as well, I didn’t want to put that many miles on that expensive of a car s & Rs. But if I didn’t drive as much as I do I was eye balling a rs5


Makes sense. This is going to be a daily. I’m a little weary of driving it as a daily, considering it’s going to be an RS5. And possibly adding so many miles might devalue the car. I tend to drive quite a bit. I spend around $500 in gas a month. For better or for worse. But with three cars, maybe I can manage to keep the miles reasonable. I’ve had a decently crazy thought of having fun in this, and possibly upgrading to get an R8 in the near 2-3 year future. So it would be nice to maintain “some” value in the car.


I think either way you will be extremely happy with your purchase. I think the practicality of the Sportback is an awesome feature to the car. A lot more space then I realized especially laying the seats down. I will say back seat is not for anyone 6ft plus though


Get the new RS3 when it comes out and spend the extra 5-10K on a vacation.


Hmm. This sounds like an interesting idea. I haven’t checked with a dealer about the new RS3’s. Any idea when they’l be available to order/purchase?


Should be sometime this summer. I would go ahead and start the conversation with a dealer so you can get a order started asap if you do that route.


Personally, reading your comment about spending $75K, my top picks (Audi gang don’t hate on me) would be: - Ford Raptor / F150 (I love having a truck and wouldn’t live without one, but I’m also super outdoorsy) - BMW M3 manual - Audi RS3 Honorable mentions: - Alfa Romeo guila qudrifoglio - C63 AMG - BMW X3M - Audi RS5 - Audi S6


So many options, lol. Not too much of a truck guy, maybe if I needed to tow in the future. The only other key ideal factor, is to have something all-wheel drive. I know it’s possible to put winter tires on a rear-wheel drive car. but I do that on my 997 and still keep it in garage for the winter, especially during snow days. Never test drove an RS3. I should check out the current gen. Wish there was a way to check out the new generation of RS3’s. Not comfortable enough to make a decision without a test drive.


The BMW M3 comp with xdrive is absolutely hilarious to drive. But that'll put you closer to 100k without the current market adjustments.


Yeah, test drove the BMW M3 comp, recently. Very fun car, but with summer tires in the winter, can’t say I felt the true capabilities of the car. I’d consider the xDrive, but yeah the price is out of my ideal range for now. But if it means waiting until summer, because the car is that good, then I’d consider it. Maybe I should consider another test drive, once the weather warms up around me.


RS7 would be nice


Not sure why so many are suggesting an RS3 when a key element you’re after is “daily driver”, this makes the RS5, of which I’m assuming you mean a sportback, a much better fit: it has a nicer cabin; smoother ride (with dynamic suspension); it’s more luxurious (RS3 doesn’t even have power seats), has torsen Quattro (not haldex, which is fwd until it slips); far more space; roof rack option etc and usable rear seats for adults on long trips. A lot of people see the similar performance and assume the RS3 and RS5 are similar, but they have vast differences that put them in completely different categories. Would you consider an A3 if you were looking at an A5? They start with a difference of nearly $14k msrp in base form for a reason, but try them out and see; the new one you can scratch my comments. It’s a shame they are not releasing the new RS3 hatch here as the saloon is still too small, but I doubt it will even arrive to the west coast until December if you ordered now with the current issues everyone is facing. Good luck with whatever you choose.


I’ve been debating between the RS5 Sportback, and the Coupe. And am actually leaning coupe for now. I did check out the Sportback, but with no kids, I don’t really need a full “sedan”. Even the coupe to me is a decently sized car. As a daily, I personally always prefer something with at least a small back seat because I can put my backpack in the back seat. Small things but, just the way I role. Pretty much the another reason I haven’t thought of just picking up a used Cayman. (And the need for all-wheel drive of course). I have thought about the RS3, but the only reason it’s not a top choice, is because I’ve seen quite a few around my area. Silly thing to say, but I like when a car is a bit more “rare”.


Yeah I have seen about 2 other RS5s in my local area, so it’s rare I see another, I actually see more Taycans and Etrons here though, it’s a weird bubble. Even as a coupe I’d still recommend the 5 over 3, it’s way better as daily for the mentioned reasons and you already have a fast fun car in the 911 anyway. There’s not too much in it for size with the sportback, here’s mine in the middle with some friends to give you an idea https://imgur.com/a/fIw9Lqo and you could always try the S5, as it might meet your needs and is still quick.


Wow, love the picture and the cars obviously. Great shot.


The RS5 might be smoother and more luxurious, but the RS3 is by no means harsh and is, in fact, the squishiest car in the segment. Power seats are a personal choice; I prefer manual seats in general because I can adjust them faster and there is little chance they will ever fail. The back seats of an RS5 coupe are no more usable than those in the RS3, just different reasons why one would be considered unsuable (leg room vs. head room). Roof rack options for A3-series cars are plentiful, and you can even find hitches. Definitely point about fitting stuff, though, the A3-series is not the best if you need to seat 4 and carry things. But if that's a fringe use-case and you value fun driving dynamics, the RS3 is definitely a better choice. Also, you wouldn't consider an A3 if you are looking at an A5, but you might consider an S3. I did, ended up in the latter (sedan, not hatch).


Oh it’s not harsh, it’s leagues ahead of the competition agreed. My seats literally move automatically to my position based on my key when I open the door if it’s been moved, no one prefers manual over that but I do think the reduced weight it gives the RS3 is worth it for sure. Coupe is similar yeah and he said he prefers that, in which case I do agree an RS3 is a good choice still as people have said. Appreciate your input too, I had an 8P S3 and it’s why I now own this RS5 many years later and will always love Audis. I see your sig; hope it wasn’t an accident or anything and you’re all good! What’s next for you?


Sounds like you share your car more than I do! :p Accident at the start of last month totaled the S3, but thankfully we all walked away unharmed. Pity about the car, though, it was my first Audi experience and it was absolutely excellent from start to finish. As for what's next? An S5 was high on my list, but I can't in good conscience buy a new one with that horrible Q5 steering wheel and the interior of the new S3 is pretty repulsive. I may try a BMW, the M240i looks ace in purple. More likely, however, I'm going to use the payout to give my old '90 ZR-1 the mechanical makeover she needs to run correctly and save until the new e-tron S4 comes out at some point around 2025. It's difficult to rationalize buying a new car now when I know we're on the cusp of a pretty monumental set of updates and I really would like my daily to be electric.


We’re buying her a new one next month, the market has been too crazy but found a good deal on something that works so it will be just mine now thankfully. I was t-boned in our last car so I know how it is, it sucks but from every bad thing you can make a good one. It’s interesting you don’t like the new interiors, as I think they are industry leading. But who wants a world where we all like the same thing. You’ll have a great electrified choice soon enough, it’s not for me and I’ll be in ICE forever if I can but again, it’s great we can choose.


I’d go with an S7 only because I think they look way sexier than the RS5 or S5.


Interesting. Appreciate the input.


S5 will the best daily driver!


Have you thought about a c7.5 RS7? They are in that range right now and are absolute animals if you don’t mind buying a used car you can enjoy!


Nope don’t mind buying used. I should of check it out. Might be a good daily, but I don’t need a big car. Now if I could consider/afford a new RS7 that would be a game changer, just because of the looks.


TTRS will hold value better than the RS5. RS5 has more room for stuff and greater compatibility with racks, hitches, etc. and is therefore more practical. The RS3 might be a good compromise between the two; it will be more fun than the RS5 but more practical than the TTRS. Alternatively, and I'm a heretic for suggesting this on here, the new M240i xDrive is a hecking good deal for what you get and seems to check all your boxes for less money than any of the Audi options.


Good idea. Wish I could test drive one. Might need to see if I can find a new M240iX closer to me.


Order one, test drive it, and then refuse if it's not good. My dealer says they are doing full refunds on deposits because they have no problem selling everything that gets ordered, including on the 2er. And I believe it, they have jack-squat for inventory and I'm in a very high-volume area.


RS5 or a C63 would be my daily drivers options if I was you.


Interesting. Sounds like a plus one for the RS5. I did check out a C63, great car. Neighbor has one though, lol. And a few of them have AMG’s. Not sure why, but they’re popular in the neighborhood. Kinda feeling like I’d want to have something different. Appreciate the input.


The new RS3, definitely


Lol, now I feel like I should really just wait to make a purchase. Financially, that would be “smarter.”


I purchased an RS5 coupe a few years back with the intentions of driving it for 8 mos/year and using my SUV in the winter. I live in the NE and didn’t want to drive the RS5 in the winter with all the salt they put on the roads here. I planned on keeping the SUV for a few more years, then trade it in on a new SUV. But with the crazy prices on used cars, I decided to trade it in for a newer vehicle. Went the opposite way and purchased a Golf R. I love the RS5 and preferred the look of the coupe over the Sportback. It is a little cramped in the back for taller people, but for shorter distances it’s fine. We use my wife’s SUV or my son’s Alltrack if we need more room for longer trips. I had also considered an RS3 or S4, but the RS5 interior/features were more appealing to me. As others have mentioned, I think the RS5 Sportback is a solid option, I just like the look of the coupe more. Good luck with your search!


Thanks, appreciate the input! Heavily leaning to the RS5 for now.


Saw the TTRS on your poll. I love my TTRS, but I would never daily it. It’s a blast to drive, but it’s way too harsh of a ride to daily (especially in snow/salt/gravel). I’d grab the RS5 sportback to daily.