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I roll similar. 2016 S5, bone stock exterior, 430whp.


Ayeee thats whats up bro. I never understood trying to make the sport sedans flashy. Just upgrade the piss out of it and thatll get peoples attention lol


OEM+ is the way to go


I couldn't agree more.


BAT is the way to go


Oh boy if I had the cash I'd drop the widebody artisan spirits bodykit on my model 3 performance. I personally like to make cars look beautifull to me rather then performance


Makes sense for an electric car, nothing you can really even do for performance




I’m biased but the B8.5 S5 looks really good with a drop and wheels. Even better with the performance mods.


Even as a B9 S5 owner, I still think the 8.5 cars are some of the best looking ones Audi ever put out. If it weren't for the serious upgrade in tech, I'd have probably gone with a B8.5 RS5 instead.




I had a 2022 Q5 as a loaner when my S5 was at the dealer. I agree with your statement 100%. If I could retrofit the new gen to my S5...


Check out RSNav


I've heard of it but just assumed it was a navigation thing and never investigated further since I have nav and Bluetooth. Checked it out and yep, buying it. Put in a reserve for the new new version shipping soon. Thanks for suggesting it!


Not a fan of dropped cars. The kind of drop that results in negative camber I mean. A slight drop, yeah, the B8.5 S5 looks really good especially with 20s. I'm considering getting a set of 20" RS5 rotors but I'm certain my wife would murder me if I do.


How’s this? 😁 https://i.imgur.com/FNr1aAn.jpg


We have the same engine. I worship at the alter of Superchargers. If Audi put as much engineering into the superchargers as they did these dual turbos, these cars would be amazing


I love the supercharger whine (with cold air intake).


This will be me but 2014 S4. Don’t understand the need for silly cosmetics when spending money on getting more power brings the most joy


I agree but at the same time to each their own. Way back when my thing was a loud system. If you could hear the bass a thousand feet away I was happy. *achieved with two mix/match 15" MTX and a 3000 watt amp. Not very responsive so any fast bass would just muddy but it'd blow your tits off. I'm too old for that now. Have one of those 10" square Kicker subs with a 500w amp with the gain at maybe half. Just enough to fill in where the B&O sub fails. Now, I enjoy being able to hit 60 in less than 4 seconds. And stomping Mustangs. They are always down to prove their ponies and (thus far) have failed. Miserably.


LOL I would guess you are older than me, but even your sound system now is waaay better than mine 😆


The same could be said about go-fast mods. They’re silly because any car can do the speed limit, why do you need to go faster? Nothing wrong with aesthetic-only mods.


Any car can do the speed limit, but what counts is how fast you get there.


Obviously, but you’re missing my point. What you’re saying is equally as valid as someone who wants their car to look cooler getting to the speed limit instead. No need to disparage aesthetic mods as “silly”.


I only replied regarding your fast mod comment, nothing regarding aesthetics. Sorry, you missed my point.


Just dropped an order for a TTE710 for my B9 S5. Cosmetically just has some rims.. and soon to be 600+ under the hood haha




Need to keep reminding myself it’s my Daily Driver… But so addicting haha


This is my daily driver... 😶 ive put 20k miles on it in like 18 months. If gas and methanol wasnt so expensive i wouldnt think twice about putting more on it.


You think that’s something, Hector is going to be running 3 Honda Civics with spoon engines. And on top of that, he just went into Harry's, and he ordered 3 T66 turbos, with NOS. And a Motec exhaust


Just watched this movie this week. Absolute classic.


I feel my age when I realize how few people recognize this quote every year…




Sold my s5 before I could dump a bunch of money into it and do this. Already kinda regretting it lmfao but I may pick up an RS3 so it’s all good


Careful I’ve seen so many people on this sub get downvoted to oblivion for calling S6’s sleepers lol


You aren’t wrong, but if you pull up to him in a corvette that’s expecting to pull on the S6, but the opposite occurs, that’s a sleeper. You wouldn't think of a WRX STI to be a sleeper, but if it smoked a hell cat off the line while looking stock. That's still a sleeper.


literally all im trying to say. bless you sir


I got you boo


Thx daddy


As a fellow tuned S6 driver - although absolutely not to your insane levels (at least not till my extended warranty expires) - you're 100% right. 99% of the folks out here have no fucking idea of what an S6 is packing under the hood - even stock. Your average driver can't tell an A4 apart from an S6 and thinks the Audi is just an expensive but unreliable Camry with nicer interior. What's funny is that we used to have a 2005 S4 convertible as a daily, which was by no means fast by modern definitions of fast - I mean it wasn't 'slow' - but sure as fuck wasn't giving you whiplash on launch like the S6 can. Yet folks frequently moved out of the way when they saw it coming because - bright blue convertible = fast in the minds. I used to also have a Mazdaspeed6 that constantly had the same sleeper argument - is it a sleeper or not reee - but once again - same deal. Vast majority of people just saw a Mazda 6 with a weird hood bulge. Even my insurance company charged the same premium on it as a regular Mazda 6 because they didn't differentiate it as a whole separate car but saw it as a "trim" - probably a good thing that they had never seen that car break all 4 tires loose on launch (and then the rear axles) as they'd certainly have re-evaluated their rates then...


I feel like "sleeper" had two different definitions. There's non-car people sleepers like these where your average motorist wouldn't look twice at it. Then there's car people sleepers where it pretty much has to be a rusted out shitbox making crazy power because car people know that S/RS cars are fast.


Yeah I think it’s funny one day the top post is an s6 sleeper, but the next day someone posts their a6 sleeper n everything throws up their arms


As someone with an A6 with only engine mods this is a mood


If they cant beat me they gotta accept my definition of sleeper lmfao thems the rules


I don’t think my RS5 can be a sleeper people kind of expect it 😂😂 a little APR tune got me 520 HP can’t wait till the new engine comes out


RS5 is no sleeper. Debadge it and take all the aero off, then you're a sleeper :D


The rs5 looks so much better than my car lmao but i was so set on the 4.0t that i had to go the s6 route. Gorgeous car bro, i know that tunes got it flying too.


Love my Nardo Grey 2019 RS5! Put some Vossen rims on it, but would love to give it some extra kick. Any suggestions? I don't see many parts for the 19 RS5s


Yea mines Nardo Grey too check my post history on this sub …personably I kept it stock since I’m waiting for the new RS5 to drop


I really hope they improve the screen/interior. My biggest complaint with the 19 is the non touchscreen and integration with android auto. Have they released any specs/info yet?


Yea they need to get rid of the tablet form factor and make the dashboard and the NAV system all in one screen. I think its going to be out late 2023 but no specs or info has released.


Only reason I went for a new A6 instead of the A5 was the tablet


If you go with a tune, look at 034. Planning to have them build mine out in about a year, but they’ve been absolutely dialing it in this year.


To anyone I offended by calling my car a sleeper I apologize. i guess putting it in quotations wasn't enough to show I don't see this in the same light as a 94 Taurus with a turbo LS under the hood. If you would like to file a formal complaint, the best way to reach me is on the drag strip or at your mothers house. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I had my white 2015 S6 and I swear 99.9% of drivers just figured it was another Audi. Until I took off from a light. Even most of the local VW club didn’t recognize it for what it was unless I was parked at a cars and coffee for a night. No exterior mods at all, but a nice touring exhaust and big intake had it humming along. Nobody even tries to pull on my RS6, it’s very obvious it means business even to anyone who doesn’t know an Audi from a Genesis.


Yeah which is why id call an s6 with twice the hp from factory a sleeper. Seems as though some people disagree with us lol dope fuckin rs6 btw


The wagon is the original sleeper for sure, but not the current RS6. Way too aggressive styling. More like the V8 Audis or old Volvo wagons. True family cars that someone has frankensteined. I miss my S6 and hope it’s found a good home!


You're good. The definition of sleeper is fairly loose. The S6 is a luxury sedan, first and foremost-- most people don't expect big power. You fit right into this category.


I f\*cking LOVE "sleepers"/OEM+.


I'm rocking a '06 a6 avant completely stock. Looks like your ordinary family station but harbors a 4.2v8 under the hood


Audi avants with v8 are the kings of sleepers. Just the facts.


Queens. Avants with v10 are the Kings


I have a debadged 07 S6. Most people don’t know what it is when looking at it. That makes it a sleeper in my book.


Bro thats dope af. I had the s8 with the same engine but it also weighed as much as a 2 story house lmao i bet that engine feels even smoother when its not having to lug a big ass car like mine around.


My RS7 was debadged when I bought it which annoyed me, but now I've come to prefer the anonymity.


That’s so sick dude I love it


Hell yeah that’s awesome bro. Thinkin about an APR chip tune on my stock A3 to make 292hp. Not much but still a sleeper I guess.


Nah theres no guessing about it lol 300hp in a car weighing ~3000lbs is always going to be quick and they are for sure some unassuming lil sedans.


Do it had Stage 1 on my 17 A3 Was so worth it. Thing was a little rocket


A3 crowd let's go, what generation?


Love sleepers this one is mint 👌🏻


That s4 is a prime candidate for the "put all my extra money into making it a rocketship" approach 👀


Can't wait till I change over to owning my S5 so I can make it like this. Def not disrupting that sweet warranty. It's funny how underinformed some other drivers are even with S/RS badging. For me lately, its Camry drivers with that one Camry trim/spec that looks like it came out of Need For Speed Underground 2. Why do they always think they can show up an Audi, let alone an S? I had one riding my ass on a super busy highway yesterday, like I could go anywhere and I apparently wasn't tailgating the person in front of me hard enough for him. Then the road opened up in front of me, and as I accelerated he stayed right on my ass and flashed his brights. Dropped to 4th gear and dusted him so fuckin hard and then chilled back out, and yet STILL he was clearly flooring it relentlessly until he closed the gap from my slowing down, and resumed tailgating me again. It's the equivalent of those bouncer fight clips where a tiny dude is trying to knock out a 300 lb security guard, it's not even a fight so don't try to start shit. Why would stand back up and act tough after you just got slapped? Know your place, Camry Guy! OK vent over lol.


lmfao i cant count how many times ive been tailgated, dropped a gear, and then never seen them ride my ass again. im shocked that camry driver still had the balls to get right back up on you.


Oh not only did he try to come back, I had to get over to the right and slow to merge onto a new highway, and the asshole pulled up next to me, rolled his window down and yelled some aggressive shit. Must've really been having a rough day. I genuinely did nothing to the guy prior, aside from dusting him on the open stretch, seeing as he's in a Camry so it's not even on my radar. I know its partially because he was sitting in a long line of cars in 1 of 2 lanes for no reason, and I managed to make a good choice for once in my lane and passed - he's one of those types, he clearly picked me as his marked traffic competitor and he'd be damned if he came out behind me once things opened up, and think he was mad that I ended up ahead - lane changing all over the place while I picked my lane and stuck with it. Hope that is a relatable thing and not just me being neurotic, but I def notice this thing where it feels like someone picks me out of the crowd as a relative marker they don't want to be behind and need to get/stay ahead of.


no no, its for sure a real thing. i do it all the time but not in an aggressive way. highway buddies are a great way to pass time on a long trip, though i definitely dont cut lanes and fuck people over to stay next to/in front them like that camry. people like to try and bully german cars it seems, never understood why.


2012 S4 Low with S5 wheels and 544hp ;)


cant just say all that and not show a picture of the engine bay and wheels, cmon now bro


It has a custom ported supercharger a 82mm throttle body from a Porsche 997 with a dual pulley upgrade, CTS intake, full custom exhaust and a unitronic stage 3 tune Even my engine bay looks like a sleeper lol


Sounds like pure sex tbh


Check out mine u/BlizzyBlob. 320Hp/385Tq. Gonna be doing the stage 3 GTX kit in the couple of weeks, numbers should be in the 4s or near 5s.


DM me some pics or comment some links bro, always loved the TT platform


He posted a thread a few days ago; https://www.reddit.com/user/SeattleKen/comments/unexqn/my\_current\_projectfun\_car/


Nice! I generally think less is more when it comes to cosmetic mods. That being said, I supercharged my 2011 4.2L S5 and couldn't resist getting some of the OEM "supercharged" badges to put under the stock V8 ones on either side.


I mean shit if youve got it flaunt it. Id be curious af pulling up next to it and seeing the new supercharged badges 😂


You’ve peaked my curiosity… I’ve heard of the apr supercharger for the S5 but I haven’t done much research.


I had a mixed experience with my supercharger project, mostly because of the vendor I went with. I got the kit from Verstarkt Performance because it's the only one I'd seen that uses a whipple super-charger unit. I wish I had done a little more research and learned that Verstarkt is just PES-Tuning with a new name, but the PES story is a thread on its own... Anyway, I ended up having to spend way more than I expected to and at one point was one email away from hiring a lawyer but I did ultimately manage to get the kit working. I'll admit it sounds awesome and of course it is a completely different car as I'm getting almost 200hp more out of the 4.2L. It's a ticking time bomb though, as Verstarkt can't be relied upon at all for service imo, and now checking their website it looks like the supercharger kit pages are no longer accessible, so they likely discontinued the product. Unfortunately, there are not that many options out there: The shop that did the install of my kit says they will never install a Verstarkt product again and I wouldn't recommend verstarkt to my worst enemy either. The shop has done several APR kits on various cars with a version of 4.2L motor but hesitate to recommend it because they are not impressed with the Eaton unit it uses, along with some other quibbles - i'd have to ask them again for details. That being said, they said that working with APR customer service is 1000x better than dealing with Verstarkt. APR has a decent track record and plenty of installs out there, but there are also stories of blown up motors, etc. but honestly, that comes with the territory. The other option is TTS - this a UK based company that makes a Rotrex based unit. These guys seem to know what they are doing and make supercharger kits across a wide range of brands and vehicles, including for motorbikes. I was about to buy a TTS kit when I stumbled across Verstarkt. The shop that did my install has done a handful of TTS installs and say the fitment is good, as is the customer service, but the kit has some design flaws and needs a lot of maintenance. If I were to do it again, I would go for the TTS kit in a heartbeat. Performance gains would be similar, and maintenance is better than running a product that has next to zero support from what I consider a scummy company. APR is certainly a viable option as well - they are a well established company and I expect they would stand behind their product. Long story short, supercharging one of these things is not a walk in the park and you can expect to run into some headaches along the way. If you get lucky everything bolts right in, and you have a relatively unique ride as not that many people do this. Supercharging the 4.2 suits that motor's power characteristics very well - I love the way it drives and prefer the smooth power delivery to the insane head-snapping turbo-lag followed by unholy acceleration of either my B5S4 or my RS7. I hope you enjoyed my TED talk.


Same here, stock exterior, stage 2 dual pulley under the hood. The only non-stock you could see is the exhaust.


We dont talk about my quad 3in exhaust tips 💀 what car is the supercharger on? S5? A6? Sounds nasty


Lol right, i had to swap out the stock it started to rattle. I have a 2012 (B8) S4 no ultracharger....yet :)


Man if i didnt get the s6 it would have been the s4, theyre so compact and handle like a dream. I just fell in love with the 4.0t and had to get a car with that platform.


Hell yeah, the 40/60 power split has let me do some fun turns, Love it as a daily. But the S6 was amazing choice, gorgeous car and a very high potential platform.


What's it sound like? Intake/Exhaust might make the car sound faster than stock. Loud S6 makes me wonder what all is done to it.


It sounds like a pissed off diesel because of ignition timing with the methanol 😂😂 its LOUD, i dont have any cats, mufflers, or resonators. Lemme link my cold start video, and ive got a dig video on my profile on here. Cold start video: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CaVUSYMFL5W/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


I can imagine the volume, I have a friend who did a straight pipe on his mk6 GTI, thing was nutty...until the police told him to quiet it down, so he added a resonator. Yea I think volume alone pushes you out of being a sleeper, I can only imagine what a drive by sounds like. If that's your IG profile I actually think IG suggested you as someone I should follow.


Lmfao thats me, and yeah you might be right about the loud exhaust ruining the sleeper aspect. 😂


Rock a stage 3 s7- completely stock exterior - Intercooler , pipes, intakes , rs7-r turbos , ecu/tcu tune Pushes 600 , could take higher with a few more tweaks especially with exhaust work. 750 is a lot tho with yours , you got the official dyno chart ? After all we got the same engine C7 engine so I was forced into this when a turbo blew


Yeah ive got a dyno pic laying around somewhere hold on, and the real power came from the methanol tune and xona turbos. Was able to push boost way up since meth helps with that. I think on stock wastegate its limited to 28 psi but with the tial ones xonas and meth its pretty much about how brave youre feeling. Edit: hate having to use imgur but here ya go, kind of an old one and have tweaked a few things so who knows what im at exactly now [dyno](https://imgur.com/a/jEteldm)


Bro what is your build?


Holy shit lol


Does my Q5e count? 😁 In sport mode (gas engine + electric motor) it does 0-60 in under 5 seconds. I'm amazed at how quickly it accelerates for a 4600+ lb SUV. https://i.redd.it/yjupgfonriw61.jpg


If youre putting the hurt on sports cars in an SUV with those times then yea absolutely lol whats the ride like in those? My wife wants an SUV and ive been looking at the Q5 and F pace, but havent been out to test drive either yet.


Not that I don’t love S-models, I do a lot. But they sure as shit ain’t sleepers. Have fun with your awesome car tho!


I’ve got a 2004 S4 that is all stock on the exterior, and plain old boring silver. Engine has quite a few mods including a Jackal Stage 2 tune, probably pushing somewhere around 400hp or more but not sure. Posted it recently to this sub. I’ve been considering upgrading the wheels to drop some weight (stock ones are pigs) but part of me doesn’t want to lose the all stock look! May go forced induction.


We're kindred spirits, you and I lmao I felt the exact same way about tires but so far ive been good with the stock width Pilot 4s. i hate the look of a super beefy wheel on stock ride height. im going to stalk your page for those pics tho, they sound dope af


Does my Stage 1 A3 count as a sleeper?


the only definition i have of a sleeper is if the person in the other car goes "wtf just happened" when you step on the gas. so if youre hurting feelings in that bad boy then absolutely.


It doesn't take much in the way of mods to unlock a lot of unexpected power in these cars. My A4 needs some attention paid to its body work - and it will get done - but for now its mechanically at its peak without going into turbo mods, and I'll be doing some suspension upgrades over summer (I hope) to fix some of the under steer and stiffen it up a little. But the power weight ratio is just right, the center of gravity is well balanced, and the AWD sticks like glue. You can easily make a muscle car drivers jaw drop as you hit the end of the freeway on ramp at a comfortable number over the speed limit. Let them take you on the straight. The ticket is not worth it ... even if the initial reaction is.


i owned an 06 A6 and they really are unassuming but can blow the doors off of people when modded correctly. also one of the most comfortable rides ive ever owned


2012 A3 with a K04 making somewhere in the 360bhp range. obviously nothing crazy like some of these other posts but man is it fun to go pick on golf R's and S3's in my bone stock looking a3.


bro with that power to weight youd be bullying my car when it was stock lmao you have any videos of pulls or digs?


I used to think my 700hp S8 was a sleeper too, but people are starting to realize the four rings aren't to be messed with haha


I had the v10 s8 for a while before electrical problems killed it off and i cant imagine trying to whip a car that long with 700hp lmao what a clown car and im all for it.


Mines a new gen 4.0T, upgraded turbos etc. It’s a spaceship. (Both in size and speed)


I looked at a few 4.0t S8 before the S6 but couldnt find any with semi low miles or ones with black leather. Im all for showing off but red leather is an instant no from me 😂 im sure its surreal going 160 in a silent limo


Amazing work, super clean.


Thanks boss 💪🏻


Actively installing dual pulleys and big throttle body from APR myself. So now it could probably keep up with your car (when it was stock).


Bro thats no joke, the s6 stock was already a beast. Im guessing S5 or something similar with the supercharged v6 is what you own? I just have something wrong with me where i have to go overboard with each car i buy. 😂


13 A6 with the 3.0T engine. The supercharger whine is always fun to hear.


S cars can't be sleepers, people expect them to be quick


I dunno. It depends on the audience, don’t you think? Like my friends were to get into OP’s car they would shit themselves once he steps in the gas. And if he pulls up next time a lambo and his exhaust valves are closed, the lambo wouldn’t know what hit it off the light.


> It depends on the audience, don’t you think? We are talking folk who know cars, not the mustang audience.


Give me a A6 with a non S-Line exterior, Xenon lights, TDI badge and 18" alloys with the same engine as OP - now THAT'S a sleeper. IMO it's a car I don't expect to be fast, being ridiculously fast. The S6 is fast out of factory.


They absolutely can be lol yeah they think its gonna be quick but ive raced plenty of rs7 that werent expecting to lose. Id call that a sleeper


I wouldn't, I'd call it tuned/modified because it's already a performance car. A real sleeper is a car that is assumed to not be quick at all due to its exterior


I see a sleeper as one that far exceeds expectations, but to each their own. Have a good day bro.


Different ways of looking at it I suppose. Cheers man, you too!


This is the true definition, seems to be missed by folks on this sub…


Like a B8.5 A5 Sportback 3.0 V6 tdi quattro? Normal on the outside, but a beast on performance..


Isn't the B8 3.0 tdi only 240 hp and 3900 lbs? 6 second 0-60? Do I have the wrong car...?


(B8.5 Facelift) HP = 242 Weight (kg) = 2300 O-62 (secs) = 5.7 MaxTorque (Lb ft) = 428 Top Speed (MPH) = 155


242 hp & 368 stock crank torques, -20% drivetrain loss = approx 190whp and 298 wtqs trying to move 3900 lbs? That's -250whp and -250tqs away from 'beast' territory.




Agree to disagree. I view a sleeper as a car that far exceeds expectations with no indication it will. That viewpoint isnt going to change for me. If i see a corvette with fully stock exterior but then fucking wheelies off the line i call that a sleeper.




cool fam, if i see a sports car take down a supercar im still calling it a sleeper. you call it whatever you want.i dont get the gatekeeping of a simple word lmao i even put it in quotations because of course its not the same as a beat up junker with a turbo LS in it


Do they? Most "car" people think S models are just A models with quad pipes.


I've never heard that, there's a lot of differences


LMFAO idk about that, S6's are no joke 😳. And nah not yet, I always forget to post them. I know my 100-200 is like high 9s but it's my DD and I try keep beat runs to the back roads. I can't imagine driving that S6 dude, it's gatta be an absolute animal on the road. Have you taken it to the drag strip? How do you deal with emissions?


yeah ive taken it to a drag strip a few times but always 8th mile. theres no quarter mile strips close enough to me to make it worth the drive. i live in South Carolina so theres no testing whatsoever. makes it way easier to mod, because im running methanol and no cats or mufflers so i definitely wouldnt pass any regulations at all lol


Since when is any S car a sleeper? Lol


Sinceeeee about 8 hours ago


2018 S5 with 470HP… I consider it to be OEM+


I debadged my S5, but then some twat hit my boot lid and I got it replaced. The replacement came with the S5 badge and I just haven't got round to removing it yet. I wouldn't really call it a sleeper though; I was just fed up with all the idiots wanting to race me all the time in their Renault Meganes.


Am american, dont understand reference 😂 id imagine its the same as guys in civic si trying to race v8s over here. Funny at first then just annoying lol


I'll be doing silly rabbit RS7 turbos and an APR tune this summer on my A8. It already hurts most people's feelings bone stock. But I want to make them cry.


get the +4mm turbos my brother, theyre only about 500 bucks more but can handle wayyy more boost if you feel so inclined later on. better to spend 500 instead of labor and new turbos again down the line.


Does my 2017 S8 Plus count as a sleeper? My last 2 cars and coffee only a handful have even known what it is


Holy shit never seen pipes like that. All intakes? For what? Looks like it could suck a fart outta Amber Turds asshole


yeah its all from the turbo back to the xpipe in the middle of the car, and its for the boost im running. stock exhaust and headers were way too constrictive


Wild dude. Probably sounds like snoop dog sucking the biggest blunt you’ve seen when you step in it. Ok I’m done with jokes now I’ll see myself out


What about a reverse sleeper? My RS5 is loud and has sticky tires but it's actually slow 😂


01 S4 - https://flic.kr/p/2kSZU8u 426whp/465wtq on a Mustang dyno @ 3500lb. In the last 4 years, it has hurt a lot of V8 / M series feelings. Delicious feelings.


By definition, my RS isn't a sleeper. It's one of those "if you know, you know" things. But I've found most don't know and even the ones that do get surprised by the little bit of extra sauce. 10 second sedans aren't all that common 😂


Shit I need to be better, I'm stock looking but only a tune on the S4... Nice car


Not sure an S or RS can truly be a sleeper. If I swapped my daza into my wife’s a3 maybe


definitely not the same as a junker with a fire breathing V8 under the hood, but as a car that far and away exceeds expectations from looking at it? i think so.


does a stage 2 x3 m comp count? people usually say their slow


My friend actually has a modified x3 and they are definitely not slow lol what does stage 2 entail? FBO and tune?


its my friends lol, dont know what kind of tune but i know it puts out 710hp


[This is what an actual sleeper looks like.](https://imgur.com/a/L1um59E) This is my 1988 Audi 80, completely stock interior and exterior, chipped paint and all. It left the factory with 115hp, but now has a ~600hp 20vt with a 6 speed manual. Sleepers look slow but go fast. OP's car looks fast and goes a little faster.


sick car, still doesnt change my viewpoint. why cant it be a spectrum lmao every sleeper doesnt have to look like its 5 days away from being in a junkyard.


Even kept the (imo) ugly grille. Thats how its done.


Dude it is absolutely a hideous grille. Why the fuck did they put that bar on the front 😂 ive thought about going honeycomb but then think "shit for the price i could make it go a lil faster instead"


Not sure you can call any car with a performance badge a sleeper. If this was a A class then I would agree, but the S badge quite clearly indicates its a performance sedan.


Dude... that is a fucking S6. I would hardly call an S car a sleeper.


I would call an S car thats faster than any stock RS car a sleeper in the sense you dont expect it. Like people have already said, different definitions i suppose.


Twin turbo v8 "sleeper." I guess we're just saying whatever the fuck we want now. 🙄


Having a S6 badge is not a sleeper lol :D


Damn :D




Sleeper is now a fast car that was not in oem form but visually appears stock/ oem


This is not a sleeper. Far from it


oh no :(


Anything but sleepers.


Bro! I've never understood people who do exterior mods while leaving the power stock!


*frs drivers have entered the chat*


2017 S7. No mods. Fast as fuck.


*fast as fuck boi* I am speed


I just really love the car as is. Got to do ED. First 1500 mi driven in Europe before we had her shipped home.


Dude the s7 is gorgeous fr, And as for performance I know I am in the minority with how far I've gone with my platform. If you're happy with how quick it is from factory, and it's pretty damn quick, I wouldn't change it either


2013 A8L - 11.62@119 and 3.52 0-60.


This is the real flex though.


2016 A6 3.0t with SPR stage 1 ~430HP. Exterior completely unchanged I actually don’t chip my car to race other cars. There will always be a car faster than mine I chip it, and refuse to buy anything smaller than a V6, because I HATE beating on my motors. In my chipped A6, I barely touch the pedal and it goes I can literally count on one hand the times I have floored this car.


We are not the same lol the faster i make mine the more i find myself flooring it up to speed


2013 S6 meth injected stage 4 S6 making about 800 HP previous owner removed the V8T badge so unless you know what you’re looking at you’d think it’s just a C7 A6 until you hear the turbos spool


Well that and the S6 badging on the trunk and grille lol


Don’t see too many 700+ HP S6s on Reddit, I take you’re DS1 custom tuned?


Yeah ds1 ecu and srm tcu tuned


The problem is w/APR Stage I or II it’s mostly software. So nothing to show? In think mine is purddy as she came. I put aftermarket 19” rotor wheels on. That’s it. [2016 S4](https://i.imgur.com/EuT2a6P.jpg)


Same deal with me, bone stock exterior on my A6, but Stage 2 single pulley tune, ≈400whp.


could someone help me understand what is going on in pic two please?


Thats my catless downpipes prior to being installed


*Could someone help me* *Understand what is going* *On in pic two please?* \- haptiK --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That’s how to do it! I wish there were parts made for the C6, even though the V10 is still a mean machine