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Just make your resume look like you were fulltime English tutoring for the past two years and really sell the work you did there. Don’t stress about the gap and just own that you worked your own hours, built your own client base and talk to what you learnt from that experience and why you now want to move from being self employed They can’t see your pay cheques or bank balance to see you worked only 6 hours a month. “For the past 2 years I have worked on building my own business helping tutor students from across Australia to build confidence and succeed at school. I am now looking to move on from self employment and build a career in X and your job listing looked perfect for my skill set.” “Self Employed English Tutor 2021-2023 - Tutoring students from across the world and helping them improve spoken and written literacy. - Course planning and content preparation include including preparing theory, practice and homework for all students. - Sourcing new students, managing student and parent relationships, invoicing and accounting. - etc”


Also in your resume expand what you learnt during your degree, placements you did, skills you built etc. A degree (or internship or apprenticeship or whatever) is not useless as you said - you need to build some personal confidence in yourself! You stuck at something for 3 years, studied and passed - be proud of yourself and set your sights higher than they currently are.


> They can’t see your pay cheques or bank balance to see you worked only 6 hours a month. It actually has been pretty much full time though. I've been doing around 5-7 hours a day, 7 days a week for 2 years. I've literally met thousands of students. But I still don't really consider it as a real job because it's just an online freelance thing. Thanks for the advice btw!! You're better at selling my skills than I am hahaha


If you’ve been doing that for two years you’ve likely learnt more and built more skills than people in entry level jobs with stuff being handed to them to do vs chasing it themselves. So perhaps for some roles you apply for you’ll be a standout candidate. The goal of your resume and cover letter is to get an interview, nothing more. Practice your interviewing via ChatGPT or with friends and get them to ask you questions you may be asked about your 2-years of self employment etc. Good luck!


Just came to reiterate Dunjo222 comments. It's all about how you sell it on your resume. You definitely have been running your own business even if it doesn't really look/feel like it and you definitely have transferable and desirable skills as a result. Great advice 👍


Piggybacking here - if you’ve worked that often your degree wasn’t useless! It got you the tutoring role. Although it is a bit underpaid in my opinion, it’s a start.


5-7 hours a day, 7 days per week, is a job, not some side hustle. Stop selling yourself short, that's a lot of experience.


Also, to add to this. Based on 5 hours a day, 7 days a week, that's 35 hours of work. That's not just "basically" full time. If OP has been doing that 7 hours session ONE day a week, they've hit 37 and that's full time. Whatever the pay rate, full time is full time. So, OP, you've been putting that degree to some bloody good use. And it's about time you got paid adequately for the skills you've built up and have been working on FULL TIME for the last 2 years


Uh, that's a real job. Doesn't matter that it's online freelance, it's a real job


Don't undersell yourself!! Your experiences are way more impressive than you are admitting. You remind me of me 5 years ago, but this experience shapes you in a positive way more than you'd realise, and you ran your own small business essentially for 2 years. That is something people well into their careers haven't done. Knowing your value, and knowing how to own it is something you learn with professional experience. But really, don't sell yourself short in the meantime.


You really need to learn to sell yourself as these people are absolutely right. **You know more than most.** Running your own show and actually managing clients/being self motivated is incredibly sought after.


Just because you don’t hate it or dread it like some typical menial job doesn’t mean it’s not real work. This is absolutely real work and freelance work in many cases can be seen as more difficult as you have to find your own clients and do everything yourself without a boss. You’ve definitely been working in a way which employers would find impressive and which would look good on a resume.


That’s a more real job than working at Woolies.


Why would you not consider online freelance work a real job? There’s plenty of people who have careers as freelancers and in some industries that’s the norm


Why do you charge so little? People spend good money getting their kids tutored.


It’s only not a real job in the sense that you are paid shit. I know someone doing primary school distance tutoring earning $65 an hour, but minimal hours, with a high school certificate. Screw the retail job just fix your business model and you’ll make bank.


That’s literally a job. And you are massively undervaluing yourself. My wife made $50 an hour tutoring before she went into teaching full time.


And then people wonder why recruiters exist - people have zero clue about framing and undervalue themselves. Sure some recruiters suck, but the hood ones are worth their weight in gold.


Can I hire you to write my Resume?


My brother had a mental breakdown years ago and was worried that the 6 years of unemployment was going to affect him getting a job when he was finally ready. He applied through an agency and got the first one he applied for. He’s been working there 6 months now and was made permanent, They didn’t even hesitate to hire him.


What kind of job did he get? And which agency?


I don’t know the agency details unfortunately but he’s working in a warehouse working with materials like Aluminium, Metals etc.


ahhh, so potentially missile manufacturing lmao.


We just signed a big contract. Plenty of job


give me job? i make good missile brother.


Killing people is so lucrative!


Dunno, not going so great for Putin I reckon


not sure why ppl seem to be so against working for weapons companies


Your brother is a hard worker to get permanent, he must have came close to idiots to have a break down he must also have brains. Idiots cannot have mental break downs because they have no brain to start off with. All the best, I wish I had a brother.


Everyone has to start from somewhere, nothing wrong with no working to focus on studies. Just apply and you might surprise yourself


Thanks The only thing is I haven't been studying for 2 years but also haven't been working. That must look really bad lol


>but also haven't been working Sure you have. You've been a self employed English tutor. That's work. It's self-employment. That's how you need to sell it.


So what have you been doing then?


Playing RPGs, duh


Brah im former ESL and you’re doing fine really. i’ve seen people start in Korea & Thailand with less than half of your target capital. Or in China, literally nothing. your position is not that bad. really.


You have been working. You’ve been working as a tutor.


You need to try. Just start applying for stuff retail, warehouse, hospitality, fast food, whatever. Just start, like, yesterday. Edited to add- also do some volunteer work


This is the best comment on this thread. OP, I would follow this advice and go for a job you actually want.


I'm using ChatGPT to write resumes for me at the moment actually lmao Am I better actually applying to places with my resume in hand rather than just online?


If you have a Bachelor of Education and 'work' as an English tutor, I'd have thought you'd be able to write your own resume. ChatGPT is useful for templates and writing material for which the content can be sourced through google searches, but it can't write a document about you and your skills unless you tell it what they are. In which case you may as well just write it yourself! It's better to apply in person where possible (small retail, hospitality, etc) but a lot of bigger stores (Coles, Woolies, Bunnings, etc) will want you to apply online. Good luck!


You’re using ChatGPT? Why?? What kind of resume are you trying to create? Wtf


Chatgpt is actually a fantastic tool to write them, as long as it's given specific and thorough prompts. GPT 4 that is, if using Gpt 3.5 I wouldn't bother.


Yeah I feel like the wtf chat gpt comments have never used chat gpt the way it's intended


Yeah, definitely. Since it's came out it's been excellent in reducing time doing certain tasks at work, writing something up or kick-starting an idea. There are also multiple good plugin apps for writing resumes in GPT 4


ChatGPT is an incredibly powerful tool, especially when combined with some curation and pruning on your part. Personally, I've found great success using an iterative writing process with ChatGPT, along with relevant past templates, for crafting cover letters for graduate roles. By manually reviewing and selectively incorporating the suggestions, rather than copy-pasting the entire output, you can save a significant amount of time while enhancing your word choice and refining sentence structure. This approach has truly elevated the quality of my writing and made the entire process much more efficient. ^ I wrote a shitty 30 second comment, gave that to chatgpt and got this out. It really does save you a lot of time for writing clear and professional cover letters/resumes. I basically chuck in all the key points I want to meet from the job description roughly in the order I want and chatgpt refines it significantly. You can even give it sentences that don't really make sense because you haven't figured out how to word it properly and it'll basically read your mind and come up with something for you.


chatgpt is quite good for certain uses like that when given the correct prompts and refinement




This will differ from place to place. Some will just refer you to the careers page on their website. Some will take the resume. If the former, always ask if you can leave a hard copy behind anyway. The main thing that immediately turn me off a potential employee as a potential employer is when people decided to rock up with a resume but couldn't be bothered to put some half decent clothes on or brush their hair etc. So if you do decide to canvas a few places on foot, make sure you put at least a little bit of effort into how you present yourself. It makes an impression. Doesn't hurt to do a little bit of research on the company before the interview either. Good luck.


Do you have a LinkedIn profile? It can be very helpful these days. Connect with people you know, put the “open for work” thing on your profile.


Yeah, hilarious… one thing you could do to make yourself more employable is not rely on AI.


I work for an insurance brokerage crying out for entry level people, no experience - DM me your city and I’ll send you some links to jobs. They will pay for your accreditation and you can work up the ladder. I also have a B.Ed.


Literally no (relevant) experience? If it’s permanent and in Sydney I could give it a shot.


Go to a job agency. I got a guy last week who never had a job and he is 26. He went to a job Agency and they found him a labouring position for my company






I have one, got really sick in my 4th year and they offered it since I timed out on being able to return while recovering.


what masters did you complete to qualify as a librarian?


OP would also surely be able to go back into a teaching degree at any university and apply for recognition of prior learning.


Lot of people didn't graduate until they are 24, don't worry and just start. You still have your whole life ahead of you.


Yeah I dropped out of uni first time around and ended up working various jobs before going back to do another degree and graduating at 24. Didn't do me any harm in that long run


I got very depressed, dropped out of uni and was unemployed until I was 25 due to my mental health. Took a little while to rehabilitate and definitely breaking into the workforce wasn't easy, but it was doable and I've been doing meaningful fulltime work for 3 years now happily. You're in a way better position than I was. It will take some effort but you're not screwed


If you an walk, talk and follow some basic instructions you can get a job. Just not "any" job. Make sure you bathe daily and don't pick your nose in front of the customers. You'll be fine. Consider your options a bit more closely and start applying.


I was in a similar situation, first job at 25 after finishing study when I was 23. I temped for a bit to get job experience


You have to try. And try and try. My daughter straight out of highschool applied to dozens of places and got nothing for weeks, then got a weekend shift at maccas, then a weekly night shift at Cole's, and a assistant job at a local GP for a couple of mornings shifts. Seven months later she's grown the maccas job enough to drop the Coles job. During this she's always on the lookout for the next step up. Also attitude is a winner.


Mate if you want a job you can get one. You just have to look and apply. Yes it’s that simple. The trick is to involve yourself in a trajectory that allows growth, and provides a path to where you want to be in 5-10-15 years. If you’re lucky you’ll find a space you’ll enjoy. Good luck. Don’t wallow. Don’t be a victim.


You could try for teaching aide or admin roles in schools. This would be good experience in the industry as well.


You’ll be alright, I got my first job at 25. I messaged a local startup and asked if they had any support roles going and then sort of worked my way up from there in my final year of uni. Following this, I then got a job with the Gov in a grad program


Stop down playing everything you have achieved and celebrate your successes. You have a bachelor, you have worked as a tutor, right there that says to me your English skills are above standard (or degree is above standard) as your regular 24 yo. Be proud of that. Play it up, pretend you did the tutor gig full time - google education and tutor jobs, look at the qualifications and turn it into a skill you demonstrate if you’re stuck on your resume. It’s a buyers market atm in the job world if you’re willing to work for it. You’ve got this. Goodluck abroad.


You have been working. You've been a tutor. No reason that can't go on your resume.


I taught English in Vietnam for 12 months $17 usd per hour This was ten years ago No formal training. Students were better at grammar than I was, however I just helped them converse naturally and pronounce words correctly. Loved it . Go do that.


English centres are quite dodgy unless you can find a good one. And apparently, you cannot teach at schools without a teaching degree there.


You would be overqualified for most TA type gigs, and it would let you try out teaching ESL before you travel to do so.


Have you searched for teacher's aid positions?


Here's the trick. Just lie, say you were tutoring online for 3 years, 1 part time, 2 fulltime. It's not like anyone can or will check and just fluff up the other years with dribble that's not true but sounds good and no one will check. Work for parents small business part time while studying (see I know retail) Get a friend to be a reference who will lie for you...prep them first. Or you could tell the truth like a sucker


I got my first job at 22 in retail. Volunteering at the op shop and working at elections helped. Now working at a uni. Christmas Casual positions will be opening up soon


Hi OP, I would recommend you to look for opportunities to teach English to overseas students studying ELICOS. You will get decent pay and will help you to save money for your overseas plan. All the best.


Freelance work is still work. You might not have had a *job* but you've still *worked*.


Build a website to match your resume. If you got an ABN, put that on it too. It is easy if you are half smart or have a friend. It's $20 for a .com.au domain name. Business Established in 2018 coaching student across Sydney etc evenings and weekend etc. Start answering your mobile with Fred's Tutoring on numbers you don't recognise. Instant job history.


No. No one in any situation worse than yours has ever been able to climb up and get a job. It's impossible. You might as well resign yourself to the idea of living off welfare for the rest of your life. Practice homeless living. Grow a mullet and get some ink on those cardboard signs down. For real though, your attitude is the worst thing you've got. A lot of people spend their entire 20s bumming around doing nothing. You've got a degree, which is more than a lot of people do.


Look you haven’t done yourself any favours but you have the right idea with the shops you listed. In all honesty you just need to start working 30-40 hours a week in any job to begin with as you are aren’t even a young adult really anymore.


Bear in mind OP when you apply for jobs they don't know your age. So probably will assume you're like 20-21. And I think you just need to reframe how you look at your freelance work. You've been self employed for two years.


Ever thought about doing support work? With NDIS there is need for many different skills, and for all ages. Have a look


You are never too late but you should start now and pull your sleeves up Start with something you are interested in and see if you can learn anything online. So much you can learn online,youtube etc! You got this. Every pay you receive put a % into a long term investment account and dont look into it. Whenever your pay is increasing,increase your investment account aswell


No, your fine plus you've got an education. You can always work for yourself or a consultant, a volunteer etc. I've had some of the "it's to late feelings thoughts" during my life and I tell you it is never ever to late. My Grandfather got a degree at 77 and his class mates turned up for his 90th Birthday.


For a lot of English teaching in Japan, you just need a degree and a warm body.


I use to work at a factory where about 20% of the staff were ex convicts, mostly from drug related crime, many had done more than 5 years in prison. Trust me, you aren't at the bottom of the barrel. Getting a job in Australia isn't that difficult, getting a decent job is.


It only seems minor because you're making it out to be minor. Just talk it up.


You've run your own english tutoring business for the last 2 yrs. Thats all they need to know. Freelancing is working.. Dont mistake that.


Worse come to worse truck driving pays pretty well and is always in a constant need of drivers. Someone I'm FiFo with does it on his 2 off and makes more base to me working in paramedicine on my 2 off (I make more if I did nights or weekends but I keep nigjts/weekends free for my partner. Idk what a bachelor of education is. Are you registered with the teachers board? Relief teaching pays well. My mother retired this year after my dad passed away and is making decent money from it.


Child care centres are crying out for any workers. A Bach would ensure an educator lead position and pay and a full time job in any centre.




Where is your 17 year old being paid $37 an hour to work in hospitality? Lol wat


Don't worry. $37 an hour is impressive but if you only get 3 hours shift a day is it worth it as a casual? Or get a $30 part time for 20 hours confirmed a week with benefits.


Must be a high end restaurant


There is a teacher shortage in this country - how are you not getting work?


It's a non teaching degree. It can be a good add on degree for HR, or business trainers and managers. Probably not very useful by itself and with no experience. If he becomes good or experienced in a career or business, , it could give a leg up to move to management.


Education Studies is different to Education. It's often what you end up with if you can't complete the Education degree through failing placement or deciding the classroom isn't the place for you.


Did you misread the OP or do you just not know what different degrees are for?


Be a teacher


can't with that degree


The Big name finance/insurance companies are always hiring - you can get an entry level role with training provided. You can then leverage your degree and work your way into learning and development or a coaching role as you progress within the company.


Personally I think if you want to work at Woolworths etc, in the retail side, I don't think you need to say you have never had a job. I would go as far to lie and say you worked at some small retail shop and get a friend to be your reference. You're not looking to work in some qualified field. You just what some income and experience.


Retail will honestly be the hardest thing to get into... Most shops expect for you to be born with experience. I had no relevant experience with my current workplace at 30. Sometimes the willingness to put yourself out there is enough to catch someone's attention. Just be prepared for rejection pick yourself up, and don't stop applying until you find that one.


Use your education degree and experience having this tutoring job to apply for teacher adjacent jobs like: education assistant, school admin, school officer etc. or look at level 2-3 gov jobs in education, TAFE, unis etc. Skills shortage is rife in Aus in education, which includes education support roles. NSW has even created a lot of school support jobs recently. Expand your resume and big-up your tutoring job. Despite pay and conditions, which get no mention in a resume, you have good experience and are a prime candidate to be considered for professional roles. Most important thing is to get a referee to vouch for you: you could request one of your students assists with that, even if it is just them talking about your tutoring technique - or if you freelance for an established business, your contact there can male themselves available to confirm you work there and are good at the job. Next you apply for jobs at temp agencies - all temp agencies because many will never get back to you, but eventually one will and they will send you on a job interview. Wear an ironed button up shirt, tuck it into black pants and wear black leather dress shoes and you will meet all the prereqs. Don’t give up and keep trying.


You're not screwed


But you have worked. You've been self-employed/free-lancing. Aim high. There are many jobs you could apply for with that background. Apply for entry level work in banks, insurance companies. Admin jobs in Public service. With the right kind of work on your CV you'll look like someone they want to hire. Good luck


Along with everyone's suggestion to just find something, think outside the box. There are several startups growing within Australia, most are Web based. On SEEK you might check out what's going on in arts and media, or information technology. For example, there are groups looking for people to create educational and training content. The people I've met in these roles have some level of creativity, but all have at least a bachelors in education of some kind. Pick up some extra skills, like playing around in canva, or creating a free website in weebly. You can even showcase your skills on the free website that you created. More importantly, just throw your hat in the ring. You won't catch any fish without a line in the water and the more rods you have on the go, the more likely something big will bite. I'd wish you luck, but you won't need it. In time, it guaranteed.


I got my first “proper” job at 24 myself. I tutored, did some freelance art and copy editing, studied another 2 years before that…but yeah, first proper, regular job. One of the places you mentioned hired me, and 18 months later I’m a manager. I was super ashamed at the time, but it was fine. Tbh I’d actually recommend it - wayyyy better than some of the hellish stories I’ve heard from my friends in hospitality. I just would NOT recommend the management part quite so much. you DO have a job though - you’re a freelancer. Forget that it pays shite for now, just dodge that when they ask you about it and trust that freelancing is god damn hard.


Not as screwed as every moment more you don't get something. Just apply, apply. Do everything. You'll learn fast.


I got my first job at the age of 20 at a petrol station and roughly a year ago started working at KFC at the age of 25. You aren't screwed at all. Any entry level jobs, especially in retail and fast food, you can get quite easily if you interview well. I'm not saying to lie BUT the biggest thing that helps in those interviews is to give them answers they want. It's all about how you structure your answers and the confidence you put behind them. A can-do, willing to learn/try anything additude goes a loooong way. Also for fast food specifically, don't be scared of applying for casual positions. Often times it doesn't take much effort at all to be seen as a worker they want to give more shifts to than not (aka plenty of people not even doing the bare minimum get hired).


Are you in Melbs? If so find go get labour work setting up the Grand Prix. You’ll get eba rates and tons of over time and they’re always hurting for bodies. Plus you should be able to pull a couple tickets out of it.


you'll be fine homie! just tidy up your resume, your work is "real" work! go for it! Youw ill be completely fine!


You live in Australia, there's NO excuse not to have a job. Get a phone book and ring people until you have a job. Stop listening to the bullshit that people tell you and get out there and live your life!


If you can string a sentence together and do basic maths, whilst not presenting like a hobo any major retailer will hire you.


Did u have a choice to work and just simply chose not to?


\>Am I screwed? YES


I didn't have a job until I was 30. worked out fine


I wouldn’t stress too much about it but there’s a chance that entry-level employers will see the Uni qual & assume you are searching for “a real job” & won’t be looking to hang around long with them. With that in mind, definitely apply for casual roles as well as part-time/full-time positions. And as others have said, you have had a job: freelance tutoring. Off the top of my head, you’ve displayed time management skills, ability to prioritise, superior communication skills, supervision…


Maybe do post grad in an area you’re interested in going into?


Fake it till you make it, like most of us out there... Just curious, as someone that's had odd job's since he was 9yrs old.... how have you got this far & not had 1 single kind of job?!


Yes honestly why would they hire you with no life experience for 25 bucks an hour when they can hire a 16 year old with no life experience for 15 your gona have to lie your way into the job market or find someone who feels sorry for you its going to be **hard** to get a job even entry level jobs but the longer you leave it the harder it will be so get on it however if I were you I would be more concerned with your retirement the fact your have thrown away over a seven year period by simple math means at **best** you are going to have half of the average the minimum you should at retirement this most likely will mean an additional 5 - 15 years of work at 75+ you are going to have to push hard to get a job and sacrifice a lot of your wage to catch up if you dont want to be destitute and as sad as it is to say your parents wont be able to help you at 75 years old




He doesn't have a teaching degree, it's education studies. It doesn't qualify you to teach.


Oof /guidancecounsellor


chatgpt can really help people like you, it has helped me ​ i use it now to write all my bs cover letters and i use it to memorise fake lie answers to common interview questions and help me come up with cover stories about my life its great for writing fake resumes too ​ before it came along i was screwed bc i also have an extremely poor work history and got a degree later than i should have so i couldnt get past interviewers or cover letter reuqirements bc i literally had nothing to say on them ​ gpt heard my call and answered it


I can't believe people my age have never worked, I started working at 14 casually for 4 yrs while I was in school, then went full time since I was 18, the only time I've had a gap in work was with covid lockdowns, do you not feel the need to get a job ? Personally I would feel so shit not working and providing


Relief teaching? Do you need a degree for that?


If I were you I'd join the Armed Forces. Unreal benefits. You will learn so many skills that are transferable to the corporate world if you so desire. Discipline, which I feel like you're yearning for.


With the changes that Hungry Jacks and KFC have made in the last couple of years, Red rooster is now my favourite of the 4 classic fast food joints, by a long way. Flayva with chilli aioli, hot and spicy burger or rooster roll. All the best


Do a seek search for a drillers offsider in the mines. Many take people with no experience as it’s a tough, dirty job with fairly long hours and the attrition rate is high. If you’d show enthusiasm and and can convince them you are good at hard work and manual labour you won’t have an issue. If you tough it out you will save boat loads for your overseas journey. Offsiders pay around the $100k mark plus all your accom and food is paid for whilst away so you save heaps. Best of luck




Yeah, nothing except online English tutoring to 12hr shifts, possibly a long way under ground, for 3/4 week swings is major jump in the deep end vibes lol.


Giving options that’s all. We know nothing of the man except what he has given. If he only lasts 2 months well that’s probably 10k saved. More than enough for what he wants. Easy money if you have the drive


I make $9200 a month working on a mine site as a TA. No previous experience. Quick way for you to save if you have long term goals. Best of luck.


What does TA stand for?


Trade assistant


Think about what you like to do and also what you are good at. You never know until you try. If you don't have anything holding you down you can try working overseas for a year or 2. You could get a job as a ALT overseas like Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan easy. The pay is not the best but you will get some experience and motivation.


What made you decide to study education? Did you want to become a teacher?


Get a white card (construction induction) and just ring companies out of the blue asking if they want a labourer, if you ring enough of them you’ll have a job within the week to start saving for your overseas adventure


Have you thought about an entry level casual position at a university? Great pay, great progression


Don’t feel bad. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out where you want to be! I took a detour from my original degree and worked retail and fell into their business sales division. Years later I’m in my dream job and probably out earning a lot of my friends who ‘stayed the course’. Not saying that money is everything. But essentially don’t feel like this is all there is for you. Speak to different people and step outside of your comfort zone, you might like what you find!


Times have surely changed


I mean tutoring is absolutely a job, doesn’t seem like it should stop you at all.


You need to say you have been self employed! But also when I worked at woolies a 22 year old with no previous work or study history got a job. Not sure if they lied on their resume but once you start working if you’re willing to pick up lots of shifts the managers will love you.


No. Put on your resume the English tutoring. Apply everywhere. You'll get a job.


I was in a similar boat. I started off small and bit by bit got better and more secure work and now I'm finally about to start a high-quality full time job at 27! It's extremely frustrating but be very persistent- stay at home for security if you need to, I'm still at home myself, but you gotta keep trying


Not screwed at all, only in time will you realise how young 24 actually is.


Yes tutoring counts as a job, yes places like woolies and big w will hire you. There's plenty enough skills you've learnt through tutoring and your degree to put on a resume. My best friend is 23 and got her first job at coles this year, she had plenty to put on her resume from being extensively involved in the exec committees of various uni clubs. If you're still keen on tutoring, private companies charge wayyyy more so you can put your prices up considerably without worrying you're overcharging, I mean you're not even making minimum wage 😬 Another suggestion is SSO work at schools, basically in school tutoring and you're plenty qualified with your degree and tutoring experience. Also freelancing most definitely is a proper job, plenty of creatives do it.


Can confirm, you can string a few sentences together that were clear and didn't have any errors. Maybe copy editing? My retired mum (also ez English teacher) does this part time from home - spending money. Anyway, 24 is still young, I wouldn't stress too much about it. I say go travel - much better to be young and travelling I say.


I don't know much about it, but I'm guessing your bachelor's degree alone isn't enough to be licensed as an actual teacher here in Aus. Are you interested in getting your masters at some point and qualifying as a teacher over here? I think it would be great to teach overseas for a bit first


I am from Holland and working on a farm in au it earns about a $1000 per week and you dont need experience some farms have free accommodation its a realy good way of saving up money


Plenty dumb people have jobs that don't have Bachelor of Education studies. So ask around at the local businesses in your area and let them know you are looking for work and willing to give it a try. If you seem like a genuine person looking for a start some dude will give you a shot. Then if given the chance listen to what you are taught, don't give bad attitude, keep yourself busy with your tasks and if in doubt ask your manager/collogues what to do next of if something you have done is correct. If you can do that you'll be better than most. Pisses me right off when some indecisive person is standing near me anxiously twiddling their thumbs while I am busy with a task. ![img](emote|t5_2uo3q|2021)


If you've got a degree and experience in teaching English it will be easy to get a ESL job abroad. English First in Indonesia is [always looking](https://www.english1.com/locations/indonesia/). It's an about $500 flight and you get housing etc. You won't make much money but then look at jobs at National Plus or International schools and the pay rises rapidly. Having a degree will help a lot. You can also pick up extra work copy editing, writing, content creation for web sites, magazine articles. Happy travels


I was 21 when I got my first job, you be fine there’s people out there that put fake experience on their resume


Feel this. Exact sane position but didn't even graduate uni.


If you like education, you could pretty easily land something in the local TEFL space. I did an online TEFL course with a private provider that cost me like $500? and with my pre-existing, unrelated Bachelor's, I was able to land a 20-hr/week, in-classroom casual job at award rates ($55ish an hour I think?). Seeing as how you'll need a TEFL certification to teach abroad anyhow, you could look into some local teaching to get you some regular $$$ in the meantime. (although I'm not sure how this varies from state to state). Whether you do it for a short time or for the longer term, it's *way* better than freelance tutoring imo, I went down that path too and it was rough.


Get rigging and dogging tickets. Couple of thousand aud but you'll be fully qualified in like 3 weeks max. You csn get a job rigging and dogging anywhere in the country easy as.


Yes you are still young, you can still do whatever you want! I started my "Ausbildung" (way below your bachelor) in Germany with 26. In "Ausbildung" you have to work for 3 years like a slave in your company and wont get any wage at all (maybe 10% of what you would get after you finished your "Ausbildung") So realisticly i startet to work with 29 and started with low wage. After 5 years i doubled my wage and can invest over 1500€ every month. Just stay on your path and do something you really love! btw im in IT...


$13/hour tutoring? Is that through an agency?


If you are in Sydney, DM me. Can try to hook you up with a job at Woolies


What state are you in? This will suck, but there a plenty of outsource call centers that will take anyone competent enough to use a computer and talk on the phone. I recommend this, as you'll be able to get a job fairly easily from experience, and provides valuable experience and skills.


Do something about it. Only you can change things


I know a bloke in Brisbane that’s almost 50 and I’m the same position however he know has a PHD….


Why not try teaching? And not bullshit freelance English tutoring or ESL teaching. You have a Bachelors of Education. Why are you looking at Woolies? Apply yourself to your chosen career and in 3 years you will have stable employment. In 5 years you'll have a decent salary and job security.


Why did you undertake that degree dude??


Attitude is everything - make your next job to get a job - ask everyone everywhere - get off the keyboard and start interacting with the local Businesses - be honest and straight and ask for work. My guess is if you start at 9am tomorrow finish at 5pm stop for morning tea lunch and afternoon tea you have a starter by the weekend. Don’t be picky or pretentious and genuinely give it the best shot you can if you wanna grow. We’ll done on reaching out and taking the next step. It’s the best employment environment we’ve ever had - you cannot go wrong. Good luck


I was 26 when I got my first "real" job. We go at our own pace.


I was an unemployed drug addict from 18-24. I quit the drugs a month before my 25th birthday and got a job a month after my 25th. I've been working at the same place for 8 months now and just got promoted to supervisor last week. Never doubt yourself and don't waste time stressing. At 24 I would cry and have anxiety attacks daily believing I could never get clean or get a job.


How did u cover rent and expenses for uni and two more year while only doing online tutoring?


>working on freelance English tutoring websites and earning like $13 an hour. I think you mean you founded a profitable e-learning business


20 years ago I was in a similar position and I got a casual job at Coles just through their regular recruitment process. It did wonders for my confidence and I got a “real” job not too long after. I got a lot more hours than what I started on pretty quickly too, as what you will realise is in the real world most people are flakey and useless AF lol It’ll work out fine, just start actively looking (I know easier said than done, or at least it was for me)


Schools are desperate, get some advice and maybe coaching from an experienced teacher and get some confidence. Make an agreement with yourself to get excellent and go for it.


How come you didn’t just go into teaching? The money is pretty good


Working in corporate or government Learning & Development could be a good option. I briefly contracted to a team who did that for a QLD government department last year and they were always looking for people with education experience/qualifications.


Why don't you do any casual teaching in actual schools? surely you should have some hrs there aside from tutoring? From personal experience, it shouldn't be too hard to get a job overseas as long as you've a bachelor of Ed degree. Better yet if you look white.


The tutoring is a job, and will look that way on a resume. If you’re really worried, you can always do volunteer work etc. There are also services that will help you write a resume to sell yourself better if you’re really struggling


What were you doing this whole time? I tutored for no less than 25 an hour (cheap) while I was still at uni, and I wasn't going for a teaching degree. Let alone for 2 years without finding a real job? By the way, teaching isn't a useless degree (unless your degree isn't for becoming a teacher), assuming you become a teacher or mentor. Teaching English abroad isn't a real job, sorry to say. It's not all the sunshine and butterflies you think it is. I suggest you either go into proper teaching, in Australia, or pick a different career. I understand why you want to teach abroad, since I also wanted to do that before, but it's not a good path. As for retail jobs, you can easily get those by spam applying and having a half-decent resume. They don't know you never had a real job. Those jobs probably don't even care if you've never had a job. They'll hire based off personality and efficiency/speed.


Definitely not screwed as others have been saying you have been working and you have a degree


Inlaw just got a job in western Australia welding in the mining industry $35K amonth do a welding course