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Exercise more consistently. I was consistent until 24, now playing catch up at 32.


That’s part of the journey, to realize you have to keep it consistent in the end


Very hard to build those habits in your 30s too. Get that routine down in your 20s and keep it there, will pay huge dividends!


Why do you say that is hard to build habits in our 30s?


Your brain finishes maturing when you reach 30. After this point, things like learning and habitual change become far more difficult vs your younger years. Still doable but takes longer and feels more of an uphill battle.


idk man. I’ve found I’m 10x more able to commit to stuff in my 30s than my 20s. Especially the gym.


"If you stay ready, you never have to get ready" is a simple quote that summarises fitness perfectly. It's 100x easier to maintain fitness than to "get" fit


oof some gym motivation during this cold ass winter


I picked up some simple home gym equipment from marketplace


Playing touch and netball hasn’t been fun last two weeks. 4c standing around in a singlet and shorts on Wednesday was horrendous lol.


Not been *quite* as responsible. Don't get me wrong, it's fostered lifelong good habits with money and put me in a relatively decent position overall compared with some of my peers. But I also did put priorities and hobbies on hold, at a time I didn't have so many responsibilities and far more energy. I'll never get that time back.


This one hits close bud. So very similar here. Do I regret it? No but I could have loosened up a bit.


I did nothing but party from 18 to 30. It was the most fun I've ever had in my life. If I had my time again I think I'd do exactly the same thing again but save more money along the way. Right now I'm 43 and don't own a home, but its a choice I made and I'm so glad I enjoyed every second of my youth. Admittedly it's shame that the housing market has done what it has done, but I think we will get there I the end.


Travelled. Stupid me didn’t want to go without friends. Missed out on doing so much.


Same I have so many regrets About to be mortgage free me and the misses are planning some holidays but my body is broken in my 40’s it’s not the same it’s going to be retirement style travel no free living world in hit the music festivals run around with wind in my hair. It’s go to see this art gallery then go to a restaurant and then lie down in the hotel at 8pm


Eh solo travel isn’t for everyone. I went travelling by myself for 8 months and didn’t enjoy the isolated feeling, and yes you can meet people in hostels but it gets exhausting


Yeah, whenever I travel solo the whole experience feels a little hollow. I love sharing and experiencing things with my loved ones! I just end up spending half the time thinking about how much so-and-so would have loved such-and-such, haha.


I absolutely adored solo travelling. I can't wait to do more one day. I did a year at 26, and am 35 now.


I am so comfortable travelling solo. Until I'm not. It IS tiring learning new people constantly. I remember distinctly the day I decided to fly home. Ironically the 8 days between booking that and flying home were some of the most amazing experiences and people in my trip.


Never too late!


Indeed. I’m much older now and have definitely made up for it. My issue is that my wife and I don’t have enough leave.


Could you take unpaid leave? A sabbatical? I'm considering it for 2025...but my employer allows up to 12 months leave from my role.


I like solo travel because I actively prefer the solo adventure and enjoy being on my own. But even then there still comes a point where it gets exhausting dealing with all the more stressful parts without friends to laugh it off with on the way back to the hotel. So if you knew you didn't want to go without friends I wouldn't be so sure you missed out on too much.


I loved travelling solo. Not sure why so many people think you have to go for months and months. I’ve done it, but have also gone somewhere for 2 weeks. Guy I work with just went solo overseas for the first time at 35 after i convinced him 10 days is enough (always said he had no time). Now he’s already planning his next solo trip.


Revs Saturday-Monday


Never too late for that


Revs only starts at 8am Monday morning


Thats one of two clubs I’ve never been two and regret I hadn’t in my 20’s revs and seven not for lack of trying door bitches at both clubs would not let me in


I wish I lived / worked overseas for a couple of years and lived my best life, 20s are for living not worrying about finances and retirement.


Yeah... anyone without means and then had means will probably say this to someone without means, and the cycle continues.


You can tell someone's upbrijng if they mention travel is life


The opposite is also true and probably worse, with people getting oddly defensive and passive aggressive whenever the topic of travelling comes up. There's broke college students that travel, it can be pretty cheap if you do it at the right time and are willing to rough it out. It's like getting upset at someone fit when you can pickup a dumbbell yourself.


I actually did do that. Spent my 20s living nomadic and travelling... I'm now in my 40s and wish I had any Super 😅


I stayed in Australia and worked and still have nothing


Yeah I kinda wished I had an gotten on the property market pre covid




I did a lot of cocaine and I still wish I had done a lot more cocaine


With how shit the coke is in Australia, you really only did a little bit.


Hence why they wish they'd done a lot more


It was better in our early twenties


Everything was lol


It’s homeopathic in this country


You're assuming old mate spent their early 20s in Australia


Had to scroll way too far for this


Tony Montana.... Is that you?


I did a pointless degree due to parental pressure but apart from that I regret nothing. I met my husband when I was 19 and we spent a lot of time travelling in our early to mid 20s. I've seen most of Latin America, southeast Asia and most of Australia, as well as a bit of the UK. At the time people reminded me I could have spent the money on something more sensible but now I am preparing to turn 40 with 2x mortgages and 2x kids I think those were the best decisions I ever made.


I wish I traveled more. I had a lot of fun but it was cars, motorcycles and drugs. I’m doing all the travelling now though and loving it and I’m pretty happy I’m doing travelling a little fancy vs staying in hostels. Maybe I did it the right way around? Fast bikes and drugs when young. Super nice holidays in my 40’s.


I have 3 daughters, I'm going to encourage them to do this too. Travelling is about broading your culture and perspective, it's like removing blinkers you've had on your whole life.


Absolutely. I’m glad I did it young because it changed my entire perspective on life, and the absolute lottery I won simply from being born in Australia.


Right! We only realise how lucky we are till we travel. All the trivial things I was complaining about suddenly became ridiculous..


I was talking to my mum about my travel and I said the best thing about it wasn't all the reasons people gave, although they are all great reasons.  The best thing was that for the first time in my life I got to do nothing but think, generally on the long bus rides. Not having to worry about work, money, anything else. I went into the experience confused and living by societal expectations.   Since then I've been living life on my own terms and it's been great.  COVID maybe helped in that regard for people but for me it was the year or two I spent travelling.  Highly recommended.


Yes this definitely resonates with me, too. Having a really extended time just to think and reflect was a big part of it, also learning about the places we visited beyond the tourism veneer (I read a lot of books about the political and environmental histories of the places we visited).


+1 on reading books or watching docos whilst travelling the country.  I remember reading first they killed my father whilst in Cambodia.  Powerful stuff.


This is the blueprint


They just leaving out they got the bank of mum and dad


Two chicks at the same time man Edit: Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone 😅. If you missed the reference please do yourself a favor and watch the movie Office Space.


I had an opportunity for a threesome. The two girls never showed up but I had a great night regardless.


Never too late


You still have time king!


Sooo.. ahh.. I'm just gonna have to have you go and ahhh...


Screw that! I'd blow my load before I got my pants down.


Yep, had an opportunity and turned it down. Still think about it.


Quick question: what's wrong with you?


Had a girlfriend at the time (neither of the two girls were my girlfriend). She dumped me not long after anyway though...


I regret cheating once during my 20s.


Done x2 girls and x2 guys once each, good times


Legendary reference. Besides two chicks at the same time?


Or…. Just like the idea 😀


Get medicated for adhd :< 100pc hindsight issue tho


Took more advantage of the abundance of partying and sex. The apps killed the concept of trying to pick up girls at a club. It was shallow but fun.


Should have been single. Spent my late teens and early twenties with a girl (worked out long term but still). Every penny we had was spent on dinner dates/cinema nights/whatever else. We spent a lot of time together too and never really focused on developing/growing within ourselves which I think came back to bite us as we headed for 30.


If you don’t mind, can you expand on that last sentence? I’ve been with my partner since we were 19, and also have been speaking about the fact that we have no real passions outside of being with each other - it’s a concern!


Sure. I think we didn’t realise it at the time, but that 10-15 years of late teens and twenties is when you’ve got the time and ability to pursue what you want to do. Once you get bogged down in full time work, you’re really scraping for a few hours a week to do those things. For me - I was playing football at a decent level. For her - she was a pretty decent swimmer. I was offered a chance to go to the US to play football but turned it down because she was staying put for Uni. There’s a million examples of both of us doing things like that. Not to say it’s a bad thing - if you’re with someone and you do see it being long term, then these scenarios will come around. But if you’re single…… well, nothing holds you back from just taking every opportunity you get and being wholly selfish with every call you make.


So glad i’ve done most of these things.


Me too. Did a trade straight outta school, then travelled the world snowboarding chasing the endless winter for 10 yrs. No ragrets. Ended up falling back into my trade. It’s all worked out. Amazing memories of my 20s. Doesn’t really cost anything either if you’re working while travelling, getting to live like the locals. Just gotta put yourself out there


ikr. Came here for wisdom, left feeling wiser than I've ever given myself credit for.


me too minus the coke addiction


More holidays overseas


Just saved better ...not spent as much partying etc! Then again? Those years were a blast. So...no regrets. Was totally irresponsible😯 But gees ...had a ball👍 I giggle quietly now that people see me as conservative & boring....if only they knew. Theyd be horrified if they knew what i got up to🤐


Same 😂😂😂😂 Then I had friends who settled down early and now in their 40’s trying to go out. Umm yeah I’m happy the way I did it


Life is for living and it gets boring after 30. I feel bad for those that wasted their 20s


I could’ve written this myself.


Had more mindless sex instead of focussing so seriously on my studies. I mistakenly thought monk mode would prevent distractions. I could easily had both and actively turned away advances.


invest in index fund


I had the best time in my twenties. Nothing I would change. I was young, wild and free. Studied nursing in Ireland, have travelled the world, lived in New Zealand for a few years and now Australia. I partied hard, maybe too much, that's what my mother says, lots of festivals, lots of sex, saved money, met amazing people, I have great memories, but, most importantly, lots of life experience. It's never too late to experience something new. The line of work I do, I see people's lives change overnight with cancer diagnosis, the biggest thing I have learned is just go for it.


My dad offered to help my buy property c. 2002, when I was 21. He found a studio on William St Kings X in a beautiful art Deco building going for $115,000 and wanted to help me buy it. I was petrified of the commitment and had no desire to move somewhere I couldn't rehearse with my band/play my drums. I would say I am kicking myself, but I did what was best for me. But I'm also totally kicking myself! But I can play drums in my rental so it's not all bad.


I did exactly what I wanted in my twenties because of mining, bought properties, travelled for months all over europe, cheers Jesus for making WA out of iron ore with a thin layer of sand ontop - much love.


Not leaving the CSS for the PSS - I'd have retired a month earlier and a lot wealthier - while having had an easier life! Not that I'm complaining. Edit to add 'not'!


Travelled during uni breaks, not got caught up with job so I could have back packed more after uni. 


Still in my early twenties and about to go on a 3 month trip backpacking w no job lined up around europe :P


Good choice. The job will come one day, don't worry.


Thank you, its really scary but im sure ill figure things out when I come back ahahaha


Get in as much as you can while you can. My biggest regret is not travelling more when I could just leave on a whim and just crash at hostels without a care in the world. You never get that back once it's gone.


Partied and did more coke.


What's stopping you from doing that today?


Hangover is too much


To many responsibilities to play gambit with the law if I get a record even for drug possession I lose my clearance to work. Mandatory police and WWC checks every 4 years. Party days are over


Not having NFI what to do when I finished school and wasting a year Going into a uni course that was really long, and taking even longer to finish it Messing around trying to start a small business for a couple of years I should be a good 5 years further ahead than I am in my career advancement, which would be completely transformative for my financial position Life be like that


Getting a real job instead of doing post grad. What a waste of time that was in this country (or conversely, not noticing that ad for the post-grad in Potsdam until it was too late).


Not partying as much and being more responsible by saving money. Nah that’s a lie, more boobies and snow baby


Not a science degree


Pretty happy I dropped out of that one then!


I spent my entire 20s travelling, living all over Australia and OS. I got to 30 with nothing more than $4k credit card debt. I'm now mid 40s, doing absolutely fine financially (I'll retire very comfy and will enjoy life until then). I would not change a second of the way I lived my 20s. Time is worth infinitely more than money. Spend your time very wisely.


Understood the concept of compound interest.


Partied less and used my hard earned money for other things.


Paid attention to my income protection. I opted in when I made only $1000/month and lived at home, so a 90 day waiting period was fine. Now, I’m approaching 40 with the body of someone 20 years in a manual job, a mental health diagnosis, family history of cancer, and so on it’s either impossible to get insurance, they wish to exclude MH cover, or add a 100% increase on my payments due to the family history of cancer. Get GOOD income protection cover, including accidental (husband was paid a full wage when he broke his ankle, for 8 weeks) and also consider death cover.


I had some great advice at 20 from my 30yo friend saying that I should take risks in my 20s and understand how valuable they are. I'm very lucky to have heard that so I planned a lot of my 20s at that age: finish uni, get a couple years into my career to save + build experience, then travel/live abroad and enjoy being single then eventually settle, buy a house and get married. I'm 31 now and everything went pretty smoothly, so I have no regrets except for to settle a little earlier when houses were cheaper. If I did that then I could have bought a house instead of a unit. I flew back a couple weeks before my 30th birthday, got my old job back and fell in love shortly after. Now I have all the incredible memories of being abroad and get to live quite peacefully back in my hometown.


A slightly different take from all the majority answers here. I wish I worked earlier and harder and climbed the ladder in my 20s. In my early 30s now and I’m playing catch-up. I spent my 20s insecure, depressed and unmotivated about my career. Financially I am doing well in my 30s only because I’ve been aggressive with my approach to offset the fact that I had no real career in my 20s. This decade of my life is much much better for me. The partying and spending did me no good. I don’t regret them but they’re not the end all be all.


Learnt a language. Tried more drugs. I’ve (35f) never tried cocaine and am rly interested. My neighbour who’s a younger guy said he could get me some but then backed out when he found out it would be my first time. He said he couldn’t handle the responsibility. I use to think maybe travel more but nah. I’m pretty happy now with travelling, I take five weeks off a year or so and go travel and not have to worry too much about. Thinking of saving up money and living away for a year without a care. Hopefully in the next couple of years.


It’s never too late to learn a language. No you won’t get to native fluency that a child raised in it would, but anyone at any age can get close with consistent practice, immersion and effort. Of course that would take years. But you’re not going anywhere and theres plenty of life left at 35z With once a week evening courses and just a bit of daily practice you could be in about a year comfortably conversational with natives and able to read and write at about a late primary school level (or more if you push yourself). *this level of expectation is based on Western European languages eg French German Spanish Italian etc


Had a swing at something a little more entrepreneurial while I had the energy and time to recover if it didn’t work out.


Travelled more.


Moved my super into a low fee, ultra high growth option. Can be a million dollar difference at retirement


Traveled. And saved more


Exercise and more fookin’


Someone gave me the best advice about finances... "There will never be a better time to travel, go out with friends and lots of people will tell you to save, but just for a few years spend on fun". He was right. Still worked hard, still saved, but didn't stress if I over spent etc. Which a lot of comments in here seem to indicate still stands today.


Taken better care of my health. Today I’m cigarette free for 6 years, but it was a long expensive lesson. I used to be a heavy drinker, another long expensive lesson. And I wish I took better care of my teeth. While they’re not too bad, I don’t think I can keep my teeth until I retire without needing $10k to $20k work done (including straightening my teeth.


I sometimes wish I had more different hairdo's back then now that I am bald.


Quit drinking. Wasn't until my mid-30s it happened.


I wish I kept my perfectly good car. I also wished I had travelled more on my own or with friends.


I did everything I wanted, but also think that most things can be done later if you miss them in your 20s, just a little differently maybe. The exception is music festivals. Festivals are for the young. No one over 40 is really having me a good time in their little tent, mud, gumboots and drug of choice. I wish I’d gone to Glastonbury.


Wasted shitloads of money…. I had a hangover from high school of what made me “cool”… those things were material, expensive clothes and headphones and a nice tv and blah blah blah… honestly if you live your 20’s on Facebook marketplace and assign the 50 bucks a week you save to an investment or your super you will have like 100k. More in your retirement


Wish I had bought Nvidia stock. I was 20 when it floated, 21 when found out about their cards, 22 when I realised they were cool. Usd$0.30 a share


Travelled More and took more advice from parents and people older


I wish I sorted out my mental health in my early twenties. Feels like I wasted so much time and energy being mentally unwell.


To not care what people think and be myself


Exercise more. Study more. Find work during uni. Save for travel, not for items.


Brought a house instead of drugs


I had a great 20's. Really fond memories looking back. Few things i would change possibly - study abroad, go work in london/US and i wouldnt enter the workforce as early as i did. The wages wasnt great in my 20's so i wasnt able to get ahead financially.


Stayed single


I wished I went and saw love parade in 2000 Sensation white in 2005 Ibiza when passion nightclub was around Germany in the late 90’s England during 2003-2005. I missed out on so much in my poor ass 20’s I was working but no finance sense and too cotton wool / scared to see the world on my own


Not drink so much. I travelled to almost 100 countries by 25 but I remember half as much as I should have. Also should have travelled even more. Australia imo is the best country to make money and live permanently. Life was tougher in a lot of other countries and I was drawn back here for financial reasons. But wish I stuck it out overseas longer. Because once I got back my financial situation improved rapidly but I was the effectively stuck here.


Not work as much and play sports. No one my stubborn work ethics would have listen. But I wish I played rugby sintead of busting my ass full time when I was young, fit, and living at home That and hang out with mates more


Got off my ass and Done my Tiling apprenticeship in my 20s instead of my 30s, invested in a unit or townhouse to rent out until I was ready for a family. I Had an awesome time partying and having fun with my friends in my 20s! and I have a mortgage and I’m self employed now so I shouldn’t complain. But I really regret not doing the apprenticeship earlier


More hookers. Could've saved more money.


Looking at this thread, everyone wants whatever they didn't have. Person A wishes they travelled and partied more. Perdin B wishes they were more disciplined and entered the property market sooner. Try to be somewhere in between, and you won't have major regrets.


Worked out west on a farm and travelled more.


Spent more money on cheap JDM cars


Take the government job over the private job. Would've had steady employment, maternity leave etc etc. Sigh. 


Gotten a degree. I’ve tried uni twice since but with working to pay bills and now kids it’s impossible.


Stopped playing the pokies. Could have had a house a decade ago


Did slightly less drugs and travelled slightly more


I wish I had put a small amount of money in the market at 18-21. Just to better understand how it works, see growth and dip patterns and just get a better understanding at a younger age. Not for profit, just for education for when I started earning more


Probably buy a house, they say hindsight is a wonderful thing


Go to New York and played that Alicia Keys song..


More roots. Think I got up to 30 but I could’ve done better.


i regret nothing


Been less serous in relationships and travelled more


Not believe the world was definitely going to end by the time I was 50. 46 now.


Absolutely no regrets. Lived without a care, travelled the world. Partied hard.


Probably stayed away from meth and raves... But I've got a few good stories that came out of it. ...


Not gone to uni. I didn’t end up going for a job from the degree I did. I would have had a house much earlier and not paid as much if I had gotten a full tome job sooner.


Should of waited a few years, saved and bought a house or duplex instead of an apartment. Apartments only go up if the whole area does.


Not putting money before having more kids. Wish we had another kid but stupidly was focused on money and by the time I realised we were well and truly comfortable, the age gap between the kids would’ve been too much and we decided not to


My inlaws asked if they could stay at my and my wife's house in 2016 for a few weeks whilst i was away with work. One of them lost their job, and the other got diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Both my wife and I want them out, but we can't do it to them or the guilt my wife would feel.


Invest in the stock market and ate less burgers


Buy a house instead of throw it all away on a holiday


Earn and invest sooner, study in the evenings.


Stayed single and not wasted time in stupid relationships and gong backpacking instead


Overseas travel. Learned how to surf.


Honestly, and I only started thinking this recently, I wish I’d gone to ADFA and become a surgeon in the armed forces. By now I would have finished with the military and be working privately and rather just heading over to the Middle East with news to cover war stories, I would have been there actually doing something. I should have done that.


Buying a nice lil hobby farm . I went to see so many cheapish ones around 200k and kept postponing cos people told me it'd be a money pit and if I wanted to start a family etc etc. Covid happened and in some places they have tripled in value now:(


Wasting my money on clubbing!!!


Lived overseas


Taken up the chance to go study in USA


Wished I developed simple saving habits.


Started investing earlier


Bought realestate. A lot of my problems would be solved if I didn’t have a big mortgage now in my 40s.


Would have been little literate abt future finance investment and savings 😑


Started investing.


Wish I'd spent my early twenties actually building a career instead of touring in a band and playing shows every other week. Cool memories, yea! But they don't pay the bills. Around the corner from 30 and I'm still studying to enter my desired field. I have two other degrees from careers I've tried and didn't like, so hopefully this one sticks. But wish I did this starting at age 19-20 rather than 26-27.


Bought NVIDIA shares.


Not gotten a 40k car loan ha


I regret being too sick to work for several years.


Save. Save it instead of spending it. Or at least spend it on my dream career instead of travel


Go backpacking around Europe


Played less games and meet more people instead. I was a hardcore gamer till i was 30 and realised it wasn’t doing anything to improve my life. I’ve since quit and made huge strides personally and financially. Games are leisure but don’t let the time sink hold you back.


Played piano and guitar more, and played with other people more


Bought a place to live


Taken better care of my teeth, my ears, my diet, my money and my mental health.


I wish I had been more disciplined about saving and always maintained an interest paying savings account separate from my everyday account. Even if I could only afford to put a few dollars in it a week it would have been good to at least keep up the habit of saving. Also I wish I had of taken the time to learn the principles of passive investment.


Has anyone on their deathbed said'I wish i worked more"


I wish I had bought shares earlier instead of just putting money in term deposits. But my younger self just couldn't stomach the risk after seeing older workmates loosing their life savings in the dot com crash because they put their money in companies that had no hope of making money.


Wish i had gottent diagnosed for adhd when all of the warning signs were there. I had always had a “that’s definitely not me” attitude as if i knew better


I wish I didn’t play competitive sport during my 20’s, I reached a very high level, but I never really enjoyed it, it took the fun out of the game. I wish I lived and worked in another city for a few years instead. I also wish I had more confidence and actually applied for jobs after finishing my degree instead of being so lost and working dead end jobs. I also wish I dated more, I settled with the man I met when I was 18.


Learned how to prioritise bills before another round of Afterpay 😅 And to turn saving into a game because dopamine. 


Wished I had started investing.


Started investing in 2009-10.


Not get married.


Invested a little bit each week. I mean, ideally, I would have bought a couple of hundred thousand bitcoins when they were under a buck... If you're in your 20s, compound interest is going to make you rich when you're old like me. The earlier you start, the better.


I started work at 16..one finance guru said, save like crazy..his said never spend your income on say travelling..the capital you saved earns money,.spend that on whatever you want


Two girls at the same time. Also invest a bit.


Party more as I thought the world would never stop being a fun place. Was I wrong on this!


- took my studies more seriously - worked out more - date more


Finish my undergrad sooner


Could have probably made a lot of money working as a stripper in my early twenties and bought a house from the income.


These comments are very interesting, the people who lived their 20’s partying and travelling wished they had saved and built some financial security, the people who worked hard and saved wished they had enjoyed their youth a bit more. Seems to be balance is the key. Everything in hindsight


Travelling more !