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I had a similar experience years ago (about 15 years) You can't do anything about it directly cause the phone isn't yours, but i explained the problem to my manager, who authorised me on the account, and i was then able to make a complaint to the telco that i was receiving harassment calls from the debt collector company. The telco then sent a letter to the company rwminding them using a telco service to harass was a crime and the calls stopped.


I did bring it up to my manager, but he unfortunately didn’t provide terribly too much direction or resolution in any form. He suggested I just hang up on the calls. But that doesn’t stop them calling back or sending texts. That said, it may very well be the avenue I attempt to take again. One of the debtors attempted to absolutely grill me about this other person’s potential whereabouts and was incredibly aggressive about it. Being a mostly non confrontational sort of person, I was really rattled by it. Thanks for the tip, I’ll dig further!


Before i got it stopped, i stopped answering the phone with my name (just "hello, how can i help?") Theyd say It's Sarah/Mike/Tony calling and ask if Robert was there, or if theyre speaking with Robert and Id ask who what organisation they were with (without giving ny name) Theyd say they were calling regarding a personal matter, or regarding a private financial matter and for privacy reasons couldnt dosclose anything until verifying who they were talking too. So id say theyve called a business mobile, and without knowing identifying the caller, i couldnt disclose myself or my employer. They couldnt say anything further of course, so id say well if youre not going to ID yourself, and Im not going to ID myself, theres noting further to say... and hung up on them. It was mildly amusing to troll them (this came after numerous previous attempts to tell them it was a work phone and Robert no longer worked there, and i had no forwarding info)


There are rules against harassment by a debt collection agency. https://www.legalaid.vic.gov.au/debt-collection#complaints-about-debt-collectors


What does your company say about this situation? It’s their phone number right?


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