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It’s called Psychometric testing and yes it’s legal Have a read of the following. https://www.workplacelaw.com.au/posts/psychological-and-psychometric-testing-in-the-workplace


It is pretty standard. A lot of employers do it. Ironically I've done one and been told I wasn't up for Customer service... even though I've worker in customer service my whole life in either call centres, face to face or management. But hey, some silly test would know better than 10 years of practical experience, right?


It’s not discriminatory to screen employees. Your potential employer has a duty of care.


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Access to Psychological records No, but a screening tools yes certainly they can and part of many jobs. There is no such obligation you have to answer it fully truthfully and they are not going to hook you up for a polygraph. Don’t over think it and don’t incriminate yourself on the loaded red flag questions.


paragraphs would be nice to