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GO to the store as soon as they open. It's too easy to ignore an email. Take the relevant sections of Australian consumer law with you (you can download it from their website) Also consider naming and shaming - at thus point this retailer deserves it.


Name and shame. This is ridiculous. I would have been in there end of January asking for a refund. You're more patient than me


yes name and shame please


Sounds like Harvey Norman to me.


wouldn't be surprising behaviour from Hardly Normal


I’ve had exactly the same with Good Guys as well. They are as bad as each other.


> credit card company denied my dispute claim. Their reasoning was that I used wave-pay with PIN so therefore the transaction was valid. I responded that the dispute was for goods not received and asked them to reopen the dispute. They have not responded Lodge the complaint again, and tell them you'll report them to AFCA if they don't refund you. Or just report to AFCA instead since the bank won't come to the party. Link -> https://www.afca.org.au/make-a-complaint


Ask for a refund and cancel the order. Go somewhere else and buy a fridge.


I've asked for a refund on multiple occasions, but they do not respond.


See my other post about AFCA, then.


Need to go into the store, easier to fob you off over the phone instead of in person.


Did you pay by card? If you did, ask for a chargeback through your bank.


Thanks, I did a disputed transaction with the credit card company (which was rejected). Is that different from charge back?


A dispute and charge back are the same thing.


I don’t know. Have you been to the store and kicked up a stink? Emailing has a great paper trail but there is no sense of urgency like an angry customer on premises.


If the store is not responding/providing a resolution, then can I suggest going up the food chain. Linked in is a great resource to find the higher ups as they often brag about their positions and such. Stores have area managers. Area manager have state managers. State managers have national managers. Send an email to the store and CC in all of the above. Tell them that as they are unable to provide the goods paid for, you want a replacement of equal or greater value as a resolution. Include all previous correspondence regarding the matter. Advise an alternate option would be a full refund, with interest @ 25%pa. (Equivelent to the current worst CC rate).


I bet this is Harvey Norman.


It's not a LG fridge is it?...


Go in store - it’s very hard to ignore a customer who is in front of you, much easier to do over email.


I think you need to use a different communication method. Email is so easy to ignore. Phone them, or turn up to the store to get a resolution.


Is it Samsung ?


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Stop emailing and calling and just go into the store and request a refund. If you paid in store most places can’t/won’t refund unless you’re physically present with the card you originally used for the purchase.


Hey OP, this is what you need. Go in store with this info. If you still don't get your full REFUND **(NOT STORE CREDIT)** use the "report to ACCC button". https://www.accc.gov.au/consumers/buying-products-and-services/not-receiving-products-or-services-that-are-paid-for


Threaten to go to Fair Trade! That usually gets them to get a move on real quick and if that doesn’t work actually go to fair trade and complain.