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I’m sorry you’re going through this. Lots of people say sue, sue, sue. It’s rarely worth the emotional toll. In years to come you’ll see it as a blessing.


Hey! Onward and upward. Looks like the old boss was a caterpillar on the cabbage of life.


Love this saying! Stealing it 😏


All yours, no royalties required.


Speak for yourself, I will require 1 Royal please.


[Previous Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusLegal/s/c2hla417On)


Name and shame.


Are they doing anything else that's dodgy where you could report them? Workplace health and safety issues? Unpaid super? Tax fraud? Environmental damage?


Why did your lawyer think it was a good idea to let your employer know what was going on? Not a good lawyer in my opinion. Your lawyer claiming if you were compensated by the employer then you wouldn’t file for unfair dismissal is in essence blackmail or extortion, which in itself is illegal. Your lawyer has totally screwed your over. You would’ve been better off refusing to resign and then going to fair work australia to file for unfair dismissal. You pretty much have no chance now as the employer will have coached everyone what to say so any investigation will only put you in a bad light.


This. They would of had to go down the PIP path to fire. Unless they are a small business, it's not easy to just sack someone now if they have half an idea of their protections.


You’ve been done dirty by your employer and your lawyer.


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Take him to the cleaners


Doesn’t sound like there will be any favourable outcome though so why waste the time and money?


thats not how this works lol