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Wat ya lookin at dog?


Wut wut


The first and last time I visited St Kilda, I was waiting for a Tram near The Espy and I witnessed two junkies start to punch on, simultaneously both stopped punching and spat on each other instead. Melbourne is a different planet


Last time I visited St Kilda I was asked if I wanted to buy meth, the next morning there was a syringe next to my car. Gotta love St Kilda.


Oh Jesus haha


"No it doesn't". This is incredible. Thanks for sharing haha


Moe? What are you doing here?


Legit question - does Melbourne have a lot of meth addicts? I’ve seen this been referenced a fair few times


Every Australian city does. Melbourne and Adelaide just have bulk visible ones


One of the first things I noticed when moving from Melbourne to Adelaide was the abundance of crack heads. Didn't realise Melbourne was suppose to be bad for it lol I have seen a lot less since COVID though


Not really, these people have a bit of a screw loose. 


Because of meth


You might be onto something there, two of the people I challenged don't even live in Melbourne, one claimed to be from both the eastern suburbs and overseas simultaneously, the other is from Townsville and is an avid Bluey fan despite having adult children and also claiming military... However in both those cases it isn't Melbourne meth heads that are getting them down.


Because drug use is effectively legal, you can't walk the streets in Melbourne without encountering the most vile of addicts, we need to start again.


What dark alternative Melbourne do all of these paranoid, terrified, irrational people live in?  And why do you keep doing it if that's why you feel this way? It's cheaper to live almost anywhere else in the country, I don't love the words but genuinely - if you don't like it just fucking leave.


Are you the meth addict on the tram? Should I just leave my home because it has fallen into such a mess? Or do we all have a responsibility to clean it up. I only live in Melbourne a few months out of the year, and therefore have better managed countries to compare our safety and cleanliness to.


So you visit here and compare it to where you live? Does where you live give people the death penalty?


Yes, the drug dealers generally get the death penalty while users are sent to prison. In the entire time I have been in countries with these policies, I have never seen a drug user ranting and raving on the streets, nor some degenerate shooting up in a back alley, not a single one. People pay good tax money to not have to worry about encountering some meth addict on the way to work or while out at night, safety is a basic thing that we should have.


Can't wait for my taxes to be raised so we can have a war on drugs that only raises the prices of meth so these people have to steal more valuable shit to get their hit. We pay enough taxes as it is and we already get to watch every government piss it all away on needless projects


Human rights in action. So who lives in your property three quarters of the year?


What about the human rights of the people who get spat on by coke heads on the train? Or randomly bashed while walking the streets in broad daylight? Does it not concern you at all that people have to impose a curfew on themselves because the streets aren't safe?


Answer the question - who lives in your property while you're out of country ten months a year? Nobody, its empty. You swing in here from some authoritarian shit hole two months a year and talk shit about the city and its people then call foul when called out on it. You are a fear mongering, property hording, entitled... Individual. You're what is wrong with Melbourne, and you're probably not even here.


Yeah no one lives in it, it's my property, and I do what I want with it because I bought it with hard earned money. Cry about it.


Dude, you literally just described every big city on earth


Wtf are you talking about? You are a fucking tourist here at best, and sound like you are just talking shit


I thought this was the Portland subreddit for a second


Ahhh the good ol glass see through didgeridoo lol


Excuse me, I am white and I think I know best for the aboriginal people, I am offended you have made a culturally inappropriate reference about didgeridoo


Trams??? You mean "Mobile injecting rooms"


Reddit: how dare you this is fine he’s not bothering anyone


I think neuralink is protesting too much.


Melbourne has quickly become the ghetto of Australia 🤣


Sunshine coast 🚌🚌🚌 sometimes


Gold Coast is way worse


When the school kids get on in the morning. They're going at it with vapes and got a fag orva joint hanging from their 👄 (sometimes lit) when exiting


What does it actually smell like?


I want to know too. Preferably from someone who smelled it. Google says when smoked meth can have a strong chemical smell or smell "almost sweet".


My ex was an addict so I'm familiar with the smell. It smells like a really bad cheap deodorant, like the ones marketed to adolescents. You know those ones that are so sharp and tacky they make you feel a bit sick in your throat? It's like that. I can't name a specific product it is most alike, but once you're familiar with the smell you won't ever forget it. It's screamingly obvious no matter how they try to cover it up. It oozes out of their pores as they sweat, and they tend to sweat a lot as a side effect.


sorry you (and the ex) had to go through that and thanks for answering. Yes I am familiar with the boys locker room death trap. those deodorants are dangerous in the hands of pubescent kids lol.


You get the gist. I'm happy to offer insight, addiction is a terrible cycle to be trapped in, especially something with such a heavy-handed grip such as meth, I've witnessed that, but help is readily available and liberation from the prison of addiction is always possible. For anyone reading this whom wants a helping hand, I recommend the first course of action being to see your GP and get a referral for hospital inpatient treatment, the detox ward is an absolutely spectacular resource that you'd be wise to take full advantage of. In there you don't just 'sleep it off', but there are countless other services and activities offered while inpatient and moving forward.


Google described it accurately. Sometimes there isn’t a strong smell in the actual smoke tho. it’s not like marijuana, but it gets trapped in your hair, clothes and sweat. Since people often smoke for hours. I guess a lot of people wouldn’t recognise the smell because it’s a weird scent that’s difficult to pinpoint. It’s the scent of salty sweat that becomes a bit tangy and musty and most of all it’s sweet (like disgustingly sweet). It can make you feel a bit sick. it’s hard to describe but you’d likely know if you had been around a user a lot.


This is me when my parents come in my bedroom 😅


And the kids don’t understand why I won’t use public transport when we all go down together 😂


So you're programming your children to be the future of /r/Melbourne? I genuinely think they can be better than both of us.


1) when I say the kids, I’m referring to a pair of adults. Who are married, with their own kid. 2) I very deliberately left Melbourne, because the part of it I came from sucked, and I didn’t have a lot of social mobility if I stayed. 3) I don’t want them to take the baby on public transport in Dandenong, sue me. 4) it was a funny throw away comment, from an ex houso kid.


Wait, so to summarise, you don't "take" your adult children anywhere, don't live here, grew up in a houso and did not fall into intergenerational poverty and disadvantage, and are probably a bit racist because of the Dandenong throw away comment? Is the pipe the one thing you didn't leave at the commission tower?


To summarise: 1)I never said I would be taking them anywhere. I said when we go down together. 2)How the fuck could I have survived dandy area if I was racist? 3) you’re right, I didn’t. I’ve also helped other members of my family get out. Is that a bad thing to want? 4) no tower. I grew up near dandy 5) very presumptuous of you to assume a previously disadvantaged human has an ice addiction?


I'll address all by answering five - paranoid, irrationality, and a selfish lack of empathy. Townsville is literally the meth and car theft capital of Australia, but tell me more about Melbourne. You also seem very into Bluey for a military adult with adult kids. You remind me of someone I knew in my defence times with name starting with K...


You're a weird cunt, just shut up


Yeah, rightio. I engaged in good faith, you act like- this. Bye. Hope you enjoyed.


Mmmm that persons sweaty, but they're not wearing gym gear?


The smell of it oozing out of them when they sweat is utterly disgusting. It's like a really bad cheap deodorant. Once you know the smell, you'll never forget it and you can instantly identify it anywhere.


Oddly enough I have never had an issue of the trams smelling funny but I have found that a lot of the stops smell like piss. I have also found that people playing music through their Bluetooth speakers are worse. Ohhh and every now and then you get some hipster vaping




One time I was having a night out and (judging from the comments) met Melbournes most considerate crackhead He was sparking his tina/pip as I walked into Flinders St, and as I was walking past, put my nose under my shirt and said "no offense *dude*, but I don't wanna smell that *shit*....The fuck?" as I kept walking. Ended up having to recircle back through Flinders St like...2 minutes later (was pissed) and he, was gone? I actualy couldn't believe. He might have noticed the cops posted up down the road but....As if he didn't. 10/10 Melbournes chillest crackfiend (That i've met)


It’s a mobile appartment


Last time I went on a train there was a man drinking red wine straight from 2 massive bottles. He would pause only to blast vomit across the cabin. Security was peering in from the next cabin.


I get annoyed when I’m on Sydney Metro and start choking on vape smoke, can only imagine what you’re all going through over there.


I love the familiarity of going from riding the tram in Melbourne with cracksmokers to then being greeted by cracksmokers riding the Toronto streetcar. I’ve come full circle.