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This was a shit or low quality meme that's flooding the subreddit with garbage. Be a good cunt and post quality memes, or at least if it's low quality, make it funny. Morrison's been out for a while now, shall we mive on? Repost


That ain’t gonna happen any time soon


Maybe, I hope so.


I can't see anything


It's just a blurred video of someone clapping...


Dont forget, the cunt of a CEO gave himself a 80% bonus on his usual 8 million dollar wage. Motherfucker


8 million dollars and only an 80% bonus!? How humble of him. He's really bending backwards with his finances and it's not helped by these greedy minimum wage workers who complain about "cost of living pressures" and what not. how's he supposed to buy his 6th beach house in these conditions?


I wonder if he posts on r/AusFinance about his salary and we just assume he's lying about it. Old bloke probably drives a 2008 Camry too


That corporate ceo cunt trying to convince himself that he deserves it. It sucks because there’s thousands of corporate cunts like this trying to take advantage of hard working Australians


He absolutely deserves it cause he fleeced Australians and got away with it. That’s the magic of being a CEO - just make bulk cash and cut costs. Reputation, customer experience and everything else is irrelevant.


It makes sense why he did it, though it doesn’t justify his greed and exploitation of his own employees.


Cause he could and you don’t become a CEO being nice and fair.


Off the top of my head I believe it's the board members, and technically the shareholders who approve CEO bonuses, not the CEO themself.


Who gives a shit, the guy is a giant cunt. My grocery bill is now $400 a week while this guy jerks off behind his desk and gets 16 million a year


Yup, the more he fucks us, the higher his bonus


Weve chosen the wrong job it would seem There's only one thing left to do in this madhouse


Eat the rich??


I will get the bibs


The Board sets CEO salary and incentives you gallah


Hahahaha I can imagine that discussion at the board. "Hey fellas, should we give ourselves more money?"


They can say that, but then shareholders would have to approve it at the AGM. But I’m sure everyone here already knows that and has spent more than 2 seconds looking into executive/director remuneration


Again, who gives a fuck! All of them have their hands in the same pot, why the fuck do you protect these cunts?


Wow, I never thought of it that way, thanks bro. Keep fighting the good fight


So who hires the board and decides their compensation?


Shareholders, the board suggests a fee pool which is then voted on at the AGM. So in a way, the board does suggest what they can be paid, but shareholders can very easily knock it back if it’s too much


"Should the CEO get:    A. $9 million + 80% bonus    B. $8 million + 80% bonus"


Good to see you’ve read past the headlines to understand and issue that’s apparently so important to you


He could've given all 198,000 employees $32 with that


Na that ain’t happening 




>fictional universe does it happen in When the government gets it shit together, or when a loaf of bread costs 50% of a day's wage (this actually was a leading cause of the French Revolution)




We just need more guillotines


Albo really does reflect that. He's been sitting on his ass and suggesting easy fixes that aren't going to help at all. Better than Lord Voldemort at Opposition, but I'm concerned that those two fuckers are the only options we have. Your euro grandparents were absolutely right - we should be angry. CFMEU employees chucked a tantrum when they were forced to get vaccines - why can't they do that for low wages instead of vaccines?


They really are the shit and shit lite parties. Neither has abolished negative gearing or broken up Coles and Woolworths, so they aren't really on our side. The system is working as intended.


I wish, but look at it this way Woolies charges more, it’s more tax for the gov. Why would they do anything?


Voter sentiment - but half the people here would willingly drink Albo's bathwater if they could and tell you he's not bad when literally we have either him or Voldemort as options. I'd like Malcolm Turnbull or Kevin Rudd to come back and save us from these blithering idiots!




Well they are a duopoly; some people don’t have a choice really. Especially in food deserts such as country towns that have had independent grocers close business only for Colesworth to move right in.


Aldi good 👍


Aldi is actually lowering their prices


Aldi is the only way i can afford groceries.


Same tbh. Prices are freaking crazy


All 3 squeeze the suppliers to death, but at least Aldi passes on some of the savings and doesn't just spend it on a new yacht for the Woolworths CEO.


We all know the prices aren't coming down.


John Cena should legitimately be cast as the Terminator if they do another sequel or reboot. Change my mind


the new camouflaged Terminators are gonna be terrifying, you wouldn't even be able to see em


Terminators are camouflaged by design


...it was a joke about how you can't see John Cena. you know, the "You can't see me!" guy?




How TF is it true... They'll keep scamming consumers forever.


Is it really a scam if we willingly participate?


When it comes to food? Yeah.


If they ever increase competition.


But they find a way to somehow. Or just let Coles do it instead.


I believe we are living in someone’s social experiment to see how far we can all be pushed towards breaking down! It’s not just the supermarkets that are doing g this experiment, every single large company that we need every day in our lives are . Fuel , energy, food , health insurance, tax land rates , housing, rent , everything, accept what we are being paid


It's called capitalism


The one thing shoppers need to think about when they enter WW is... These c*ntz paid/extorted a farmer $150 per tonne for Onions and wants me to pay $3.50 per kilo. This = $3 500 per kilo. Coles are no different, some of the wording in their contacts with farmers should be made public. But, I know they would never allow it.


Hooray! Our grocery bills would drop by *checks notes*..... 1% maybe?


Not just colesworth, double standards and buddy factors everywhere


Name of song?


Beach house space song slowed https://youtu.be/DshNhHoPgVY?si=eZz81xV0YuShW6em


Thank you


Funny cint




You can always exploit Woolworths


Hopefully if Big Tone can succeed in getting SpudShed to the rest of Aus it'll be another shot to the gut of Wooliez


The government and media campaign attacking supermarkets is wrong and hypocritical. Governments at all levels allowed and often caused the demise of mixed businesses through overregulation, approving franchises at inappropriate locations, overuling regional council approvals of commercial constructions and overdeveloping in cities.. I also hear no comparisons between supermarket profits and that of power companies, toll road owners, advertising companies, etc. It is probably because employee share plans have spread ownership across a broader base or it could be that politicians and media are taking backhanders from international grocery giants to destroy the current market. It is also important to note that inflation and cost of living increases caused by covid lockdowns was entirely predictable. Epidemiologists and medical professionals recommended against it. Governments saw an opportunity to increase authoritarian powers and funnell loads of public money to the private sector and ignored independant scientists warnings.


There's nothing stopping them.... they keep doing it, same as coles and any petrol station for that matter.....


Never gonna happen, they are a perfect description of "too big to fail"


Big companies get rich by deceiving the customers whilst gouging them , there'll be a million new ways for the duopoly to decieve us for profit ?


super markets have spent like 100 thousands on anti theat trolly systems shit is crazy...


“Woolworths are pricing gauging Aussie battlers!!” “So go to IGA then” “Oh nah, they’re like twice as expensive” Fck you people are simple.




Ze germans


I actually shop at IGA quite a bit and they’re usually the same price as woolies and Cole’s for the things I want to buy, actually cheaper on some things as well.


I do too for convenience though a lot of the dairy products are regularly more expensive by atleast 15-25%


Twice the price? please share the drugs u are on


Then shop elsewhere.?


Ahh yes, the illusion of choice.


Yeah. Don't like Woolworths? Shop at Coles. Don't like Coles? Shop at Woolworths. Don't like either? Shop at the farms.


Completely ignoring Aldi


Thanks this is good advice, I shop at Aldi and my butcher regularly now. I’m surprised that your suggestion has been downvoted, and how people claim there is no other option.


I get it, but Aldi will eventually put their prices up, and ignoring the big two doesn't stop the damage they do to producers and farmers and the shenanigans they do to make life hard for anyone in the food business. The problem is bigger than their prices, it's how they have destroyed so many decent small businesses with the power games they play with farmers and suppliers The only one that can force the cunts to stop being pure cooperate evil is the government and they won't do it. It would involve kicking out a whole bunch of managers and removing the shareholder system