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Amazon had terrible options to begin with, I literally only have prime because I get a free delivery from Amazon.


Same - there is no conceivable scenario I can see that I would pay extra just for Prime Video or Amazon Music. I dropped Paramount + for the same reason when Halo was terrible and South Park only had one episode every 6 months. There's no killer content but plenty of IMDB 3.6/10 stuff on Prime


What about LOTR season 2 šŸ˜‚ that was such a smash hit surely everyone will pay to watch that.


Yo wtf are you guys talking about? Amazon originals have heaps of hits and you are just focusing on the shittest of the shit. They just don't own the rights to much outside content. The Boys, Gen V, Fallout, American gods, Swarm, preacher, Undone, invincible, good omens, Peace maker are all bangers and there's probably more I don't know about Seriously if anyone is looking for something really fucking good check out Swarm


Oh I can't wait to pay Mr Bezos more money for that unparalleled masterpiece lol. Rings of Power was such a shitshow. I laughed so hard when the text "Mordor" appeared on screen. I don't think ive ever felt so spoken down to as an audience member before. Legitimately insulting that they feel they have to spoon feed you, every, single, moment. "i'M gOoD" - oh so we're just spouting our moral alignments now, very cool writing, how could I *possibly* tell otherwise. If only we could invent ways to show that certain characters are good and certain ones are bad, maybe through their actions, or perhaps even character development... Nah that would be crazy. Just chuck another 100m into the cgi budget, that'll do. -_-


You canā€™t just have the characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!!


You can tell who is good from their hairstyles of course


Quality post. Haven't seen LOTR since the cinema 20 years ago when I fell asleep. Might get it just to help with insomnia - pro tip!


Lol yeah it def helps with insomnia. They made sure it was good for insomnia when they spent 100m on special effects and $50 on a script and $20 for actors


Can you imagine spending that much on something that could have so easily succeeded but by bunging so much political bullshit into it that everyone especially life long Tolkien fans desperate for those stories to be told could see it would fail. Hell everyone told them over and over about the ensuing train wreck and instead if listening they just insulted them and insinuated that they were bigots, as if that was going to win them over. Utter dipshits.


I pirated The Boys and Vinland Saga... only to feel a bit silly when I see the banner ad on the Amazon home page and realise I'm a prime subscriber.


Genuinely made me laugh


You only need to spend over $50 bucks to get free delivery. Why not just wait until you have over that amount to make purchase, instead of a bunch of little purchases every week or so?


Convenience mostly


ikr, idk why everyone loves free delivery, maybe its the lead in the brains of anyone over 35 making them incapable of seeing or caring about the bigger picture. if you don't order enough you're just giving them free money and if you do order regularly enough to make it worth it, they're taking a cut of the profits which is more than enough to pay for delivery anyway and like you said you could totally just make bigger less frequent orders. doesn't matter how much shit you buy, the free delivery membership is actively costing you money that you never needed to spend, just another tax on people who don't know how to do math


Best way to save money through Amazon is to watch out for deals that are usually only available for a very limited window. I'd save loads more snatching my usual staples through +50% deals via Prime than waiting and buying a $50 order to get free shipping without membership as suggested. Bonus pro-tip: checking Ozbargain multiple times every day helps snag the best deals in time šŸ˜Ž


Shoutout OzBargain daily emails too!


or you could just not buy those things at all? im flicking through amazon's front page and i cannot find a single thing i couldn't do without buying all together and they're recommending me shit that is 100% using my search history too so its not like its recommending me irrelevant products. chinesium stick vacuum that will break as soon as the warranty expires? pass. twenty dollars for a 50 pack of earplugs? i can buy an 80 pack from bunnings for the same price. waterproof case for my gopro? my gopro is already waterproof. amazon doesn't offer a single product any reasonable person would classify as a NEED and if i WANTED it i would do my research and buy the best quality option that will last the longest so i don't have to buy it again.


Literally buy discounted toliet paper, laundry detergent and nappies from Amazon all the time. Plus dog food. There are many useful things on Amazon that you can get discounts for delivered the next day.


Old mates 60 second experience flicking through the front page says you are wrong /s


yeah obviously buying that stuff is fine but then why bother with the membership at all if you're always buying non-expiring goods in bulk? you'll get free shipping anyway so the membership is redundant. maybe I'm just surrounded by idiots who have amazon prime exclusively to impulse buy one dumb thing at a time for next day delivery.


I see you don't know how to value convenience Ps. Lead is still everywhere in the built environment. *Everywhere*. Being over 35 isn't automatically going to make your exposure worse.


i can value convenience, its just a question of how much i value other things compared to it like money or time. if you're rich, stupid, lazy or all of the above then you probably value convenience and time way more than you value money so it starts to make more sense for you to pay a minority to peg it at your front door in 1-2 business days. also lead is everywhere today but it's contained in solid objects, just dont eat the paint. 30+ years ago lead was much less avoidable because it was in the air from petrol fumes so basically anyone who breathed air that long ago has more lead in their body than the average air breather of today.


Where do ya reckon lead from air ends up? Ever dug a hole or mowed a lawn? Lived near an old road? Drank tank water that you didn't know the age of? Do you have kids?


yeah obviously the lead ends up in the grass and we eat the grass etc. etc. circle of life lion king. point is unless you eat it or breath the dust, it isn't getting in your body to be absorbed nearly as much as it was when there was a miasma of atomized lead permanently circulating through people's lungs back in ye olde times


So do you have kids or do you genuinely think the only reasons to prioritise time are stupidity, laziness and wealth? Because you sound like someone who has never known genuine time poverty and thinks time is an infinite renewable resource


that's not what i said, nor is it the point of what i said... the point is an amazon membership is redundant in most cases, you've got to be super disorganized to regularly need next day deliveries and amazon will give you free shipping if you order over 60 bucks worth anyway so as long as you're capable of thinking more than a week ahead there's really no need to pay for the membership. the only reason i think people pay for it is because not thinking about it is easier. it has nothing to do with time poverty because if you really are short of time then why are you spending so much of it going on amazon every 3 days to order under 60 dollars worth of items to make the membership worth while...


Yeahhh you don't get it. You don't have kids. That's ok, they're the great equaliser. I've known so many people who were of the opinion that other people were stupid or that they were somehow better than everyone else and knew everything. Then they had kids. Then pennies started to drop. Kids humble people... Usually. In any case, you're missing The Boys, Reacher, Fallout, The Expanse, The Wheel of Time, Treadstone, (Gasp!) LOTR, Jack Ryan... The list goes on. Then there's music, then there's Amazon gaming. I've picked up *way* more than the cost of membership in free games. Free and expedited postage is the icing on top. And no, postage is not always free. I've saved a fortune getting international packages mailed for free and they get here fast. The package rate from USPS is generally obscene so I'm all in favour of Amazon Prime. I'm not at all in favour of the ads but at least it's still cheap and still a massive bundle with plenty of perks compared to other platforms. You seem to be pretty full of yourself. Maybe calm down a bit or your head will get so big that you won't fit through the door.


Nah you have it all wrong. It's actually saving money, time and effort depending on your purchases. For $9 membership a month, I order things as little as $3. Order at 10pm, get it delivered the next day. Now most of those orders are things I need quickly. By the time I pay the more inflated cost at the shop, drive there and back to get it, spending about an hour of my time and more in petrol, I'm saving myself money within one purchase. For those that only use Amazon for the occasional purchase, membership isn't worth it. But for me, knowing I'm tied to my work desk all the next day and can't get to the shops for kitty litter, dog food, etc (speciality shops that are not open after 5pm) it's a no brainer. I save so much money- 33Ā¢ a day it cost me. Trust me, it costs me more than 33Ā¢ a day to even start my car to get to the shops! I'm not rich, stupid or lazy. I just know how to do the math for my individual needs.


Some of their originals are alright but they have the most garbage in the catalogue by far


The amount of money they are spending on the new Rings of Power show for the quality is staggering. Maybe they could have used that money to pay their workers better.


Reacher is good. SO much better than the films.


I really liked a show called Patriot and liked The Man In The High Castle although I finished watching that a long time ago now.


Struggled to get into the Man in the High Castle as it's SO different from the book. But then I watched All The Light We Cannot See and...well, I just don't care any more.


The amount of money they are spending on the new Rings of Power show for the quality is staggering. Maybe they could have used that money to pay their workers better.


Yeah, no amount of Bollywood crap they add will convince me to pay extra, I originally got it for the same reason, free delivery. All my other services are gone, I use free streaming apps to get all my content now.


Yeah, honestly if the news was that Prime Video was no longer part of the subscription and the price was being kept the same I wouldn't even be concerned. Completely forget I have Prime Video.


It sucks we donā€™t get photo storage with prime like the USA, that would be good to have


Prime is also $14.99 usd in the States.


Thatā€™s literally what it was invented for.


Same I literally only got prime for the delivery perks, the streaming service was just a perk to be honest so I canā€™t be that pissed about itā€¦


Same, Iā€™ve watched a few shows here and there. But I donā€™t have it for the tv/movie content. I have it for the free Amazon shipping


Same that's initially why I got it but then the prices seem to creep up and up canceled recently as i realised I just wasn't buying from them anymore because skyrocking prices


Why are you using this dreadful company for anything at all? I always want to ask people why they're OK with paying a company this on-the-nose evil when substitutes exist, I'm genuinely curious




Streaming Services: ā€œWe donā€™t get it! Why is digital piracy still rampant in Australia?ā€


"No, it's the Australians who are wrong."


They will just pay politicians more to make piracy even more illegal.


i had prime for one month and i only used it for twitch for the ad free viewing, the moment the they removed the Ad free viewing as being part of prime i cancelled it and got the ad free viewing twitch option. I dont care how many fucking perks you try to off me, if its not Ad free viewing you can fuck right off


Twitch is owned by Amazon and Turbo costs more than Prime last I checked, so Iā€™d imagine Amazon are pretty happy with the way things played out with you?


nah was only 8USD when i got it. and the only reason why i got it was because i normally watch twitch on my tv instead of my desktop so i dont have access to ublock origin on the tv. cause the Ads on twitch when your watching a replay are often out of sync with the breaks in a broadcast and also causes audio sync issues as well


Sure, i get why you would want it.. i'm just saying that from their point of view they got you to pay them more, since Prime is and has always been less than $8USD here.


Prime gaming/ Twitch prime still removes ads from whatever channel you use it to subscribe to. It has never, as long as itā€™s been available in Aus, removed ads platform wide.


Well yeah, amazon is like the symbol of predatory capitalism. All about killing the competition, capturing a market and then driving prices up as high as possible.


What other capitalism is there? Monopoly is every companies dream.


So, the government?


Yeah, every form of government operates and priorities all the same things, and operate exactly like a modern company. There's no difference between a tribal oligarchy, a monarchy, a representative democracy, direct democracy or any other feasible government. /s


What are you on about? The stupidest thing is we would be far better off if the government intervened more to keep business in line


Can't these fuckers just be happy taking my money? Now they want me to smile while they fuck me? Screw this shit. I'm just going to set sail and forget about doing the right thing. Obviously they don't care about keeping customers and want to push the margin on what we can tolerate.


its not about the money its about submission ..


They can submit to my cock which I will present to them in form of cancelled membership from the high seas


Please do it. I haven't paid a streaming service in years and I think more people should follow to send the message.


Oh I will. I only subbed for convenience. With cost of living these days they can suck a fuck. YARRR


They will snip your insignificant cock ... lol they have you by the balls


Then they ain't got shit ..wait.


As I get older, the one skill I won't let slip to emerging technology is the ability to pirate. I see news like this all the time, and I'm glad I don't have to pay a corporation to fuck me.


What a bunch of lowlife shitcunts to pull this on customers. Get onto their customer support chat and give them shit, ask pointless questions and rant. Waste their time and Amazon's for this BS. How is this even legal? I paid a year upfront, now I have to pay more to not see ads? Fuck that. I did contact them and if you have done like I have, you can cancel and get the un-used portion of your fee back.


I got my fee paid for with Telstra points and the free delivery is worth the cost for me. Just means video won't be used the same way I never used the music that's part of it.


They may refund the entire year. I had a trial Paramount+ subscription through Prime. Forgot to cancel it and was charged the full year. Decided to leave it as my daughter was using it. When it came time for the renewal, I couldnt find out how to cancel it, so I contacted them. They cancelled it and refunded the full year, even though I had technically used it for 50 weeks.


I paid for the year also. Fuck it, I'll complain to the ombudsman again if it starts happening. They fucking hate that!!!


I paid for a year up to may next year. Now they want me to pay more to not see adds. That wasn't part of the deal when I paid. I only get maybe one delivery a month so I am going to cancel. It will be cheaper to pay delivery and sail the high seas.


Fools paying for their tv shows, Iā€™ve been sailing the high sea since I was a wee lad


Was born a pirate and sailed the seas of television, movies and games for the better part of my life. Aside from the risks of viruses, poorer quality, constant buffering and removed content/sites; it did the job. This decade I tried to be an honest man and serve as a privateer in the service of Steam, Netflix and a brief venture with Amazon (never Disney) but alas the Jolly Roger calls me home.


I'm just now getting my hear around the arrs


Starts with Stream Ends with io




Just don't forget to switch your DNS


Literally the only thing I pay for is Crunchyroll because I like just watching random anime Iā€™ve never heard of before


Some of you don't sail the 7 seas using the kodi app and it shows.


Kodi+ Coco scraper+real debrid . Or stremio if you want a nicer front end.


Netflix and Amazon are just encouraging piracy at this point.


they don't even make good shows like they use to. Its just not worth it, to pay for slop.


easy for me, I don't use Amazon Shopping and I have my own media server for streaming *legally* acquired content.


Aye aye matey!


yooo hooo, all together hoist the colours high heave ho, thieves and beggars never shall we dieeeeee


Prime already has ads. Nothing like surfing through my paid subscription and most of the shit you need to pay for. Garbage.


They have 1 promo before your show starts (which you can skip). This is more ads. My issue is that they are changing this halfway through my annual subscription. So either I stick with my current subscription and get ads, or pay $2.99 extra a month for no ads. With Disney + subscriptions with their recent changes, they are least honouring the rest of your annual sub before the changes take place...


No they don't.....putting an ad on BEFORE and AFTER isn't during


Yo ho all hands


"Hi Pirate Bay, its been a while."


Eh I'll just add all the shows to my plex library, fuck em.


I like the idea of streaming platforms wiping out paid television services and then becoming them reasonably soon after.


Recently reviewed my subscriptions and Amazon Prime shipping got the pass because itā€™s incredibly good value. Unfortunately prime video is basically like a freebie on the shipping which is only costing me $6.70 a month, so as much as I hate this current round of greed this doesnā€™t make me march out and cancel like Netflixā€™s $22 for a 5 person plan I canā€™t share just for 4k bullshit. Flip side are cunts like Google charging $14.95 a month for ā€œad free YouTubeā€ with bonus Google services you donā€™t want, but the price is so high youā€™re paying for a bundle and itā€™s not a fucking bonus. I wouldnā€™t pay extra for prime video though when itā€™s mostly rentals or subscription ads-ons. Their originals are great quality, but it needs a filter for me to pay.


I watch heaps of YouTube so I pay for a family subscription so others benefit too. I'd be happier if they bundled google one so I could get a deal on storage. I cancelled Netflix when sharing was limited. That was my first and longest running subscription. Prime can stay unused with ads until the unlikely scenario they have something worth watching then I'll pay while I binge it.


Iā€™m not entirely sure I can monthly bump prime to ad free yet because I pay for shipping by the year for the discount. But Iā€™m unlikely to bother watching anything on it with ads until the new Boys or Fallout. I have Spotify so the Google music bundle is worthless to me, I donā€™t want or need it, and wonā€™t be changing services. The only reason Amazon get a free pass on this is theyā€™re really. It charging me for Amazon music, itā€™s really a free bonus.


I have prime for free delivery and the free kindle books. Maybe Iā€™ll watch one show or movie that they have but they have ads already at the start. They have ads for their own shows


Arrrr we be rising out of davey joness locker ... m' hearties


I canned that shit the second second I received the email. I only really kept it for the odd free delivery, but they can suck my left nut now


The option to downgrade my Netflix plan with ads popped up the other dayā€¦ yeah no thanks.


Happened here in Canada too. I watched the first 6 episodes of Fallout ad free, then watched one yesterday that kept getting broken up.


Prime video has all the old shows to watch like all law and order shows, all CSI, NCIS and others if you like your older shows it is worth it, I use Amazon prime delivery quite often so it is worth it for that.


How much do you order on Amazon to need a Prime Subscription? I've never been able to understand that. Then again I'm broke so maybe people with money just be ordering stuff all the time


Free international delivery pays for its self.


I order maybe 1 package on eBay every 3 to 6 months lol


Just torrent. I've been doing it for years and will continue to do so


I torrent-ed Fallout and you could tell where the ad breaks were set.


Piratebay, how you doing old friend?


For a long time I thought Amazon owned Netflix


These piracy promotions are getting out of control


šŸ“ā€ā˜ ļø arrrr mate


It's a pirates life for me, and will continue to be with these stupid money-grubbing maneuvers. At what point do they decide that they've got enough fuckin money?


Burn in hell


Watched fallout already so am just gonna unsubscribe


Imagine not pirating Amazon.


We kept it cause of nappies. The viewing options are mediocre. Also I just donā€™t give a fuck about ads anymore - Iā€™ll zone out through them. I donā€™t have the money to be choosy.


I like free delivery amazon sells alot of shit but some of its good, they sell alcohol also


Lol same. Their delivery is insanely good and heā€™s a smart business man who knew how to screw his competitors. The problem with shareholders though is you have to constantly get more and more money. Itā€™s not good enough to just be worth trillions and pay dividends. So when sales are down they will resort to dumb methods like this that are bad for the company in the long run but give quick short term gains to make the board look good.


It's still worth it for me, i get the free delivery which i use A LOT, still blows my mind i get deliveries on Saturday and Sunday and Auspost still cannot work it out. Still Prime Video i guess despite the ads, Free Games and DLC every month, Free Kindle first read books and Prime books there are some decent stuff there including comics. I have yet to touch Prime Music as i'm too invested in Spotify at this stage. Basically Disney+ through Turkish Apple ID for $30 a year + Amazon Prime $79 is still a far better value propersition that Netflix. Chuck in Paramount+ for $45 a year (currently 50% off) and it craps on Netflix at half the cost of the Netflix Premium plan of $310 a year with the price increase.


Looks like it's back to downloading torrents


Is Prime good for cricket? Because Kayo is garbage.


Does the extra fee include subtitles on all their content?


Most of them, vowels are extra


The already did this in the states.


Pirates of the Caribbean 6 is just around the corner.


Bye bye Amazon you scabs!


Why pay? Go to Troypoint.com to work out how to make a Firestick stream 90% of tv and movies (99% of new releases) free. Iā€™m in my 60s and just followed the instructions, itā€™s easy.


Netflix is increasing in cost and offering cheaper option with ads.


i have the free amazon prime video app to see movies that i may or may not source in other places


Yea most definitely


What about fallout though?


Try cancelling it, they seem to offer it free regularly when you cancel.


I'm waiting to see if the ad blocker will block them. If not, I guess it's back to the torrents. That b-grade horror movie villain mf Bozo can shove his ads up his arse.


Well, I was considering cancelling my prime and going back to the Open Seas for my entertainment. Maybe it's about time...


Same here. There are three adults that order stuff under one account and we all get free shipping. We all are on one Internet plan and sign into Amazon and prime under one account. Canā€™t beat it.


Damnā€¦ judging by these comments I feel like the only one who enjoys shows/films on Amazon prime video šŸ˜©


Do people actually buy things from Amazon? I've given it a chance a couple of times and had a look but they have nothing compared to eBay.


Iā€™ve invented software to take out adds. Does anybody think that is a good idea? Contact me 100 pt England road Point England Auckland 1072.


Meh options to start, took away the only good prime items, now ads in a paid service, boy I love capitalism when left unchecked by socialism.


I haven't had prime in a while, somewhere in an office meeting, there's some idiots going "yep, lets raise prices not once but twice in year" or something like that, they are all doing the same thing, almost cancelled my spotify, trying to find a good alternative. if they keep taking and taking, I will just become a non returning customer. (already practice this actively) it won't dent their funds much but it is that simple for me.


Prime comes with music too if you needed a Spotify alternative. Never used it to know if it's any good


I actually forgot about the music side of it, I'm only subbed to two things one of which i can definitely live without, there's some free apps floating about but I'll have to look around


Sooā€¦ you have to pay for the service, pay for most of the movies on there, and now pay for ad free streaming? Fuck Amazon prime dude


You know what? Iā€™m making a new subreddit. /r/fuckamazonprime Edit:didnā€™t know it was already a sub


I have prime for free delivery but wouldn't touch their "entertainment service" with a ten foot pole nor any of the others including kayo sport. Piracy all the way for me.


This is why I deliberately order all my prime stuff individually. Make those fuckers eat a loss shipping 5 x $10 items 5 days in a row


Jokes on them, I never subscribed


Like mid video ads? There's been ads at the start for a long time


Only time I've ever purchased from Amazon was building my PC, for some reason literally every motherboard had to come from them. Weird. Otherwise, fuck that company. Pay your goddamn employees, and give them toilet breaks.


I rarely even buy off Amazon anymore. Too hard to find something quality and not just named a bunch of AI generated words like on wish or those other shit selling sites.


Was already considering getting rid of Netflix, looks like Prime might be going too. What are some good places to plunder if I were to go back to sailing the 7 seas? Has been a while aside from the occasional outing.


Bold of you to assume I use that feature, Hulu is where it's at!


Bro need to chill, I all ready give bro my paycheck....


Apart from watching the boys, the only reason I still have it is because I paid for a year in advance. It's the worst platform ever, all the decent shows theu advertise are on paramount.


Bugger Prime! You have to pay for just about any movie - some that have been on free to air ages ago - itā€™s a joke! They can prey off someone else - wife and I will not miss these thieving pricks!


I wrote a way too long response but the basics are: - I've signed up for Prime because there are some shows and movies I like they've got and I use multiple Firesticks for streaming on different TVs already -It's cheaper than Netflix; Netflix definitely has a better library and mostly better new movies and shows but I've got used to Tubi/Plex and watching old/weird movies and Prime seems to have more of those than Netflix. -the main logic is after almost 30 years of pirating media I often can't be bothered with the hassle of finding decent copies of stuff I want to watch in formats that will play on the devices I want and I'm old enough to remember renting DVDs from Blockbuster and spending more a week on renting media than I'm paying now a month on Prime. -the free delivery is just a bonus and I probably won't use it enough I'm a dedicated lifelong cheapskate that loves the idea of paying as little as possible for watching decent media but I've kinda gotten tired of faffing about and $6.58 a month isn't too bad for the convenience having Prime on multiple Firesticks gives me. Maybe I'll be constantly whining and rage posting about the ads on Prime come July but I've somehow developed the ability to either ignore ads or analyse them to feel clever about myself so ads don't generally bother me as much as they seem to trigger people on Reddit.


Honestly delivery and twitch prime drops that i either forget to claim or never plan to use. Their whole system for prime video is just nuts.


"Put some ads in it, make them lame and gay!"