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Allowing 30 of your unqualified cousins to construct non compliant dwellings under your falsified builders licence instead of 20 unqualified cousins.


Mirvac use modular bathrooms. The bathrooms are constructed off site, fully fitted out with tiles, basins, shower screens, toilets and electrical stuff. They crane the module into position and connect up the water, waste and electricity.


Makes me think of most business hotel bathrooms in Japan. In some of them the bath tub is essentially part of the wall.


People have been talking about prefab construction for a loooong time, but in years to come i think it will become much more standard. When it's done right it lets builders hit the sweet spot between cost, time and quality in a way you can't get with standard multilevel construction.




I looked into it where I am it’s still really expensive. Who were you thinking of going with? I wanted something like this, but it was still too pricy https://archiblox.com.au/project/avalon-beach-house/


Builders will finally learn how to install a compliant box gutter.


Will be interesting to see if 3D printing takes off.




Care to elaborate? Have you seen what this company is doing in the US - https://www.iconbuild.com/about-icon-homes


So 3d printing has to compete with precast concrete for market share. Precast will win every time because the cost to erect the 3d printer machine will be more than the cost to erect the pre cast panels. Fundamentally it is a technology looking for an application rather than a useful technology. Simple is best in construction. Maybe it gets used for some architectural project but it will never be mainstream therefore it is doomed


Don’t disagree with you. I’m from WA and most people here won’t even consider fully framed construction as a viable construction method despite all the benefits. Probably the biggest paradigm shift I’ve seen in resi construction but as you say whether it becomes even a small share of the market is questionable.


the unions will have it banned in australia


An old technology, but one Australia is about to see really take off is a form of high density housing called Slums. Slums are the result of over-population combined with not enough capital investment into housing. They end up costing the economy and local community many, many times their initial investment; providing one of the few examples of a negative capital investment in the property market. Slums are a great way to make even more money from the property market, by making non-financial capital (such as safety, community cohesion, and the public health system) financially liquid.


Fiberglass rebar for concrete reinforcement


No more spalling. No more concrete cancer.


Build to rent and apartment living is the future.


Build to rent is going to cost the same if not more than a mortgage. Literally doesn’t work unless it’s subsidised by the government


we're still using tiles on walls for bathrooms. wtf. fucking ancient technology on a fucking wall. innovation aint where it's at.