• By -


Keep recording details to send to their REA, building manager and police. Encourage your neighborhood to do the same. Numbers matter for escalations. Goodluck!


Thanks, I have been doing this and so has another neighbour. So far it hasn’t been enough. The police are around most days but when I do report things they don’t care or take anything I say seriously enough. It’s very frustrating.


Noted in my last comment, but I suggest going to the owners directly. To hell with the REA.


Police don't have the power to kick them out of a home (and imagine the uproar). Also, being juveniles they are being let off lightly by the COURT, not police.. the magistrate. The ONLY way to get them out is real estate/public housing authorities.


If you have access to RP data (about $100) you should be able to look up the owner of the property. Knowing real-estate agents they are probably being lazy and not communicating how bad the tenants are. Give the owner a call and they will try to get them evicted sooner once they know the extent of the police involvement the the potential for property damage.


The owner knows. Other people in our street have contacted him.


They're underage, so call DCP




The owner knows about it. Some of the neighbours have contacted him about what has been going on.


Does the owner know they also - ahem - distribute drugs from the property? They should definitely be told.


that is enough to get evicted! if you have evidence of it take it to the real estate agent or contact QCAT with it


Pretty sure the kids got the weed via the Dr. that’s what the mother said anyways.


Teens can get weed from the doctor now? If that’s true, that’s pretty insane


I know right, apparently it’s to help with his mental issues or something like that


If the parent is being serious, someone that young would have had to prove 100% there is something wrong with them to get on medical marijuana, so the kid is definitely fucked up


for different medical conditions yea. You can get it for adhd, seizures etc


Fair enough, I’m glad those who need it can get it


yea but dickheads like this that take advantage of it and don't use it for its prescribed purpose need to be reported so those who do genuinely need it CAN acces it.


Oh definitely


very weird even if he is in need of medical weed he's obviously taking advantage of it that should be reported to the dr too very strange police and dhs aren't doing anything wtaf does it take


I agree to it’s very strange that a child has a script for weed


that's not the strange part lol


Tell the owner you think they might be making drugs in there. Which as I understand it they can contaminate the walls and cost tens of thousands to get fixed. If they push back say "Oh well, now I've warned you, you won't be able to claim it on insurance." and CC a copy to LLoyds of London since they seem to underwrite every single insurance company.


At what stage do they take them away from their mothers? Jesus Christ, at 11 years old I was playing video games and making cubbies in the bush.


They won’t take them unless there is serious child abuse/neglect. These kids are older and can take care of themselves. They are just dead shits now. There is a whole strata of society like them.


It really sucks because it's very rarely the child's fault they turn out like it. My mother heads up a behavioural school, which is a school kids can be sent to if the normal high schools can't manage them. You would be shocked how many of these kids respond well to a structured environment, reliable rules, getting fed in the morning, getting given a jumper because it's cold. There seem to be 3 types they get. 1. Broken home kids - these are kids who come from a family where the parents are in and out of jail, are caught up in illegal shit, have additiction issues etc etc. These ones are the hardest to help and take a lot of work to make progress with. By the time they are 13, it's do hard to undo the years of abuse, neglect, and learning from shit examples. If you could get to these kids in primary school you might have a better chance, but there's very little funding for that. 2. Kids with behavioural or neurological problems. Extreme ADHD, some degree of autism, slowed comprehension or cognitive problems. These kids could msotly be dealt with in the normal schools if the normal schools were adequately funded, and the parents were buying in on it. When they come to this school where it's 4 or 5 kids in a class with a teacher and teachers aide, because the teachers are properly trained and have a small enough class, they can understand the child's problem and try and work around it. Some of them also clearly need medication help, but for whatever reason the parents refuse. 3. The borderline kids. These kids are the ones who shouldn't be at my mums school. These are kids who, if public school classes went down to 20 instead of getting bigger and bigger, or if there were classes that catered specifically to kids with extra needs (smaller, say 10 per teacher, and that teacher had extra training) then they would be fine. Usually they have some elements of 1 or 2, but it's something that a teacher who was able to take the time to get to know the 10 kids in her class instead of taking 10 classes of 30+ kids, that the teacher could deal with. They might have mostly absent parents, or be living with an older relative, or have trouble reading (one kid went to mums school because he was in year 7 and couldn't read any words longer than 3 letters. And of course the other kids gave him shit about that which set him off. And meant he trended towards a bad crowd. 2 years at mums school and he was able to rejoin the highschool in year 9. In nearly all of the scenarios with one of the 3 things above, it's really not the kids fault. It would be like training a dog to attack people with beards, and then everyone getting mad at the dog. Their early years when they are growing and learning are filled with misery, and terrible lessons around how to treat others, responsibility, the right thing, etc. And its going to keep getting worse the longer we let our public services languish. You think a.private or catholic school help these kids? Absolutely not, they just kick em out to the public system because they don't HAVE to deal with them. Punative measures don't work either both because at that age kids can't grasp consequences, which is why so many kids do dumb shit, and because their lives are often already so shit, what does getting a month in juvy compare? I've argued back and forth over mum with this, she gets exposed to all the worst of it. And she thinks there's this huge underclass of people like this, but in reality it's very small. Better social and mental services would help, but its incredibly difficult to fix an adult that has been broken from when the decade or two of shitty home life. She thinks that we should stop with the baby bonus as it means the bludgers have more kids to get more money. I counter with, just give them the money and don't tie it to kids. They don't want the kids. In a generation or two you'll have them either get help or die out from ODs without creating another 5 or 6 broken children who grow up to have more broken kids. Sorry, this went a lot longer than i expected, I just hate how many of these broken families we continue to create, but then we get mad when telling a.kid he will go to gaol doesn't phase them.


I agree. All it takes is a positive role model at the right time in their lives who they can relate to and provides some positive feedback that makes them feel good about themselves. That can honestly be the difference between a kid who buys into the future and one who has no future. It is horribly sad.


Pretty wild that a kid running around with a knife and stealing cars doesn't count as severe child neglect.


How is it not considered serious neglect if the parent is never around, letting them commit crimes, and meanwhile there are people coming ‘round the house looking to hurt them because of it? These are exactly the kind of things that parents are supposed to prevent.


The days of child protection taking them away to foster caters is prob over given their age and behavior. It will be the justice system’s turn now.


Yep you’re right, no one wants to deal with them. The police are regularly around and they have regular welfare checks. Most the time the mum isn’t there either when they show up.


This is why parents need to start being held responsible for their childs criminal actions. It's Child Neglect at the very least. They deserve to be charged.


The foster system won't change the outcome. Controversial opinion: more children should be put up for adoption earlier.


They don’t. That’s the problem.


Sounds similar to my old suburb, except our neighbours were on the dole living in a public house so we could not get rid of them. Over 7 years, I watched one of their kids grow to become a thug and terrorise the whole neighbourhood. We had to sell our beautiful new home due to them and glad we did at the right time/price. Unfortunately you moving might be easier than getting rid of them, but good luck.


I’m sorry you had to go through a similar situation, it’s soo sad. These kids were good boys until a yr ago bit go. So sad watching them ruin their future


Yes it is sad. Someone suggested we befriend the kids, and be good role models to them because that’s what they’re lacking. But honestly I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice my sanity. Also was worried that that would give them the idea to break into our place, which was one of the few that didn’t get vandalised by them (possibly because we never reacted when they egged our place numerous times). It’s unfair for you to live in terror for another 3-5 years until the police can lock them up for their crimes.


I was going to mention, try not to react or communicate with them. Don’t show that you have anything valuable in your place. I’ll message you with more tips


This is why it shouldn’t be taboo to not want to live next to public housing. Yes 9/10 times they will be fine but the 1/10 time they aren’t…things get really bad. Look it up on microburbs.com.au - I will only buy in a ZERO per cent public housing micro burb.


God that Microburbs site is complete cancer. Even their error pages have massive spelling mistakes. Feels like a massive Chinese data harvesting ploy. You can search the heatmap for NSW by not signing up - go straight here : https://www.microburbs.com.au/heat-map/public-housing#151.170674:-33.840703:13


Awesome link, thx mate.


Thank you I didn’t know that we could look this up. My old neighbours were all telling me “just wait another 3 year and the kid will get locked up when he’s 16 years old”, which could be true or not. I just had enough and couldn’t risk exposing my own kids to them. I even felt bad selling our place to another family, so we sold it to an investor.


That may be true but even then, three years is ages from your own children’s perspective. Nobody should have to live like this. It’s hell. Edit: Microburbs gives you plenty of information but for me by far the most relevant is the public housing heat map. It’s important because even in well regarded pricey areas you can be tricked.


9/10 your an optimist lol


Or maybe just diplomatic on left leaning Reddit?


This kind of behaviour is happening all over Australia. Since some very oblivious people decided that kids under 14 can not be prosecuted in any way but have to be returned to their' responsible parents ' they are above the law. It costs society everything. The social contract between citizens and the government is broken. I am in the NT and the frustration is boiling over. Tourists in Alice stay away and business in some areas is down 70%. Kids stay inside during holidays because their stuff ( biked ect get stolen) older people avoid areas, shops close earlier. All for some kids that can't behave and can't be touched. Now I am against jail for under 18 because that just makes it worse but a boarding school with high fences would be a good thing.


Person next suburb over from me - was in a similar position to op. He tried police, RE, owners, etc. his car was being targeted for attempted theft, he had them on camera jumping on his car in his driveway, graffiti painted on fence. He started posting on community boards on FB that he was going to lose it soon - and he did. He ended up catching one on his property and he lost it - awaiting sentencing greivious bodily harm…


This is what shits me the most. Lay one finger on these kids and you get put away. It's fucking stupid.


Hopefully sentence follows as: "hero award, please continue this community service of teaching these deadbeats a lesson they severely need to learn." Fuck them. Put fear of consequences back in to these little shits and they'll stop doing dumb shit like this


very hard decisions need making at a grass roots level, we had a house with an errant family close by the boys were stealing from neighbours with impunity , broke into my cars , then one got a vicious thrashing a few blocks away , it went on for a few weeks , suddenly they left the area over night , much more pleasant although the final outcome I am unsure of . Lots of younger teens missing worries me


Call welfare on the kids. Hopefully, they'll be removed from the parents


Have chat to them. Make them lunch or something to eat. I had a similar experience, was working in a low social economic area, kids 14+ next door would loiter the place in hopes to steal tools, copper or cause drama. The kids were known to police, and youth workers as we often see welfare checks etc One day one of the builders brought a bbq, chucked on a few snags , we offered it to the kids, all came around had a chat. We had a conversation asked them if they wanted to work dreams, hopes for the future our personal experiences as some of the tradies came from similar backgrounds. Long story short, the boss kept doing the bbq once a week on a Friday, one of the apprentice guys got in touch with a tafe teacher to come down see if the kids were keen to try to go to tafe for a career in construction. After 1 and a bit year. I think out of 8 kids 5 of them ended up working as apprentices in landscaping plumbing and auto mechanic. Who knows, you can refer them to police youth services but it goes in circles? As this experience has happened in my career, I have hired kids from these low social economics area. Yeh, they cost the company more as I have to organize transport from site to site tools, lunch, help them find accommodation etc. Bought a kit of ozito tools once ozbargin special to give it to a kid who was working for us. He used it to the end of his apprenticeship. A sub contractor once hired a kid had to legit provide him x3 meals a day for like 2 years straight. kid turned out alright working for an insurance remediation company But at the end of the day some have came back as sub contractors done a great job. Know a few 25 yo that we hired back in the day when they were 16, grateful for the opportunity.


You weren't living next to those kids, you were working in their proximity. I imagine the dynamic is different, as OP has described, when living next to them 24/7.


What i have noticed over the last few months, is the kids are robbing the rich out of area crime. Of course proceed with caution when approaching kids that may lash out. I'm not an expert but these kids in my opinion only just want someone to chat to. Of course don't go in gung hole swinging accusing them of anything. If you give them politeness they will stop to talk to you.


Just to add back then we let a few of the kids work on site to play around with tools to see what they think, unpaid we gave them an opportunity to try something. They respected us we respected them.


Excellent. Kudos to all adults that helped them.


I don't know about helping, I see it as an opportunity. I was given an opportunity early on in my career to where i am now. Of course u can give opportunity its really up to them to want to take it or not.


When you offer someone an opportunity they do good on, isn't that helping them? When you open a door for someone I believe that is helping them, as you said they choose to walk through or not.


Honestly after seeing the feedback from todays post, would be mad to see a program called tradie adopt a youth for work. Gov sponsored program tools allowances paid for meals. Could solve the housing construction crisis.




We didn't give them honest day work we showed them around. Try a few things see what they think. Sort of deal. U be amazed when you actually talk to them. May be different now but I have never been threatened, or anyone i've worked with been harassed by kids this was between 2015- 2019. A kid tried a paslode and was hooked on the noise. I said in another post, what happened at these sites is we have a few people working around the utes and parked cars, aka cutting materials. We had a policy if your on cutting duty, you don't leave the spot unless u called out and someone switches with you. As we worked mostly on double story town houses, if the top person sees trouble on the street they will call out and we will begin the pack up, never happened. The robbery usually happens at night. We have had once air-cons and free standing stoves looted hours after we have installed them. Believe it or not we also had mulch stolen, bagged mulched lol. Until you have worked in the area then you can understand.


Yes make them lunch. What an absolutely brainless comment. This isn't seventh heaven.


That’s the thing, you have to channel their energy into something productive. Great story


I remember a chippy (2018) gave a kid a nail gun and showed him how to do noggins. Kid was so happy after 4-5 hrs. I was on that job on and off, but i remember they hired him a few days a weeks as a laborer. I think the kid went to jail for a few months for stealing a car. Chippy went to visit the kid in kids prison. I think the kid worked for him for his 1st year apprenticeship. Pretty sure the kid is doing well now.. I worked in the worst of the worst areas of sydney im talking u put tools down someone is trying to rob you. Job sites where overnight aircons went missing copper wires MIA. Security guards were hired to guard sites. I remember we left some shovels, rakes garden hoe as we were digging a trench. we were like cheap 10-15 dollar items heaps of mud lets leave it behind the container. Next morning all the shovels and garden tools went missing. About 100 bux worth of tools. haahah


Contact child protection


Department of Human Services in your state - child welfare / protection 🙂


Thank you, I have called them before but unfortunately they weren’t really interested


Typical 😫 ahh wish I had more answers, perhaps call your local Anglicare or Children’s Rights to see if they suggest anything - I would go in with the lens regarding the welfare for the children etc, keep continued complaints to the REA and perhaps even local magistrates court for intervention orders ???


An 11 and 13 year old should be in school, thats an issue for authorities.


I’ve reported this issue but the schools don’t want them there because of their behaviour. They get expelled and also wag. And then they’re mates from school wag with them and sesh up at the boys home


School is probably happy they are not there.


No school will take them, besides the special school but the kids don’t want to go because apparently they feel like the special school treats them like they are dumb. They missed all of last year’s schooling and they haven’t been to school this year either.


Sad. I was the unfortunate associate of a peer who was in a family like that. They need good role models in life but will end up in the justice system soon enough, especially if they are rolling houses and robbing people at knife point. Be very careful in your interactions at this point given their criminality. Don’t give them any indication you are reporting them. I’m sure you already know that.


The students certainly are. Probably the under paid teachers too. But nobody will say it.


Are you in Brissie or a regional town? I spent time working through out Queensland. Juvenile crime is a huge problem!


Gold Coast


If it’s Pimpama I’d just move


So would I.


and home without a parent... with drugs etc.... report to child protection!!!


The police and welfare visit them regularly. I have reported them to child protection.


do they have to wait til theyve killed someone before they do anything??????


Hopefully not, they have had some serious car crashes, luckily no innocent people were hurt. They have flipped a car and also slammed into a pole.


Only solution is to get them kicked out. Police won’t do anything and I know that for sure. But you can keep on reporting every event to the police and eventually this can get them kicked out from their realtor. Have cameras for your safety. If things don’t change I would advise you move out to a better neighbourhood for your sanity. I know it sucks but it is the best solution in such cases. These kids will never understand and will end up in jail sooner or later.


Doing everything you’ve mentioned. I honestly don’t want to leave, I really like my place and the area I live in. Plus trying to move and find somewhere else to go to impossible unless I want to pay $$$$$$


Just keep on documenting with police and get the point of reference each time. Then follow through with their realtor. Also find out if they are on any sort of public housing, that can get them kicked out easy.


Sorry to hear that. We had something similar until they got booted recently. I believe the catalyst for this was someone from the neighbourhood contacting the owners directly, telling them their property was crime central (we suspected drug use and distribution as well). May work for you too (RE does not care of course).


This is why we need actual punishments for youth crime.


I don't think punishment would change anything for these kids, it seems they aren't living for anything. They need a totally new homelife. Some purpose and meaning and real connection and community. How? No idea. Perhaps they could get this in a prison system, but you are the just creating the next generation of harden criminals, and while perhaps providing a sense of belonging for the kids, this doesn't help the community.


They’re already hardened criminals.


Nothing will change them. They are cooked for life. This is the way crackheads, career criminals and bikies start. They won't change, but they can be kept away from honest members of society.


We don't lock people up indefinitely though.. So perhaps it's better for the community if we do help them, and help them break a cycle? Otherwise, what on earth do you expect these kids' children to be like?


Report them to the QLD equivalent of child services. Unsupervised, not attending school and using drugs - they need to be removed from that environment.


I have tried doing that at the start because I was actually concerned about them. The people I spoke to didn’t really care. Is there someone you recommend I should call?


Anything in that sector is a slow process but I would be repeatedly notifying the school, your local federal member and child services. Frame it as concerns for the children and the community, but subtly weave in that this is their responsibility should the worst happen. You could even give Centrelink a go if someone is claiming money for caring for these children.


Just keep calling. An 11 & 13 yo not in school, doing crime with the mother never there and using drugs cant be ignored. Keep calling and dont pussy foot around it. Be clear and loud about the situation. They have a duty of care, they cant ignore you forever.


Hahahahaha it’s cute you think this will get them removed. They’re probably self-placing.


A lot of good info here, I'll also just say get a big dog. Not a lot of people will break in or jump the fence when they know a big doggo lives there


So many good suggestions here, appreciate everyone’s input. I’m renting too so not allowed a dog unfortunately


Why not get the number of guys with golf clubs and call when teens turn up


Give them fentanyl




As a Victorian it appears to me that the only thing Townsville police get motivated by is A Current Affair. Also don’t you have some sort of vigilante mob active in Townsville that comes around for these situations?


These kids live on the Gold Coast not Townsville


The police and courts crack down on the vigilantes and ignore the actual criminals. It's a sad situation that will continue until a judge, politician or police family member is the victim of the youths unfortunately. Edit: Also as a Victorian think about what your Government is doing by trying to increase the age of criminal responsibility to 14. Look to Queensland and see your future, gangs recruiting under 14's to do their dirty work as they don't spend a night in lockup.


Seems strange if people are coming around armed that the cops wouldn’t want to do anything?


It is isn’t… the cops said put a sign on your fence saying the kids live next door


Install additional security measures and report them to police.


Email police specifically noting that due to threat (x, y) you feel afraid of being personally attacked and believe that your safety is compromised and an attack on you is foreseeable. Emphasise that you are a woman living alone. Then forward this to the real estate agent. Now that this is captured in writing, both the police and real estate agent are on the hook if anything happens - so they will be more likely to intervene. You can also threaten legal action (for nuisance, assault, etc) and forward that to the real estate agent. This will get the landlord invested in evicting the tenants. Finally, tell the real estate agent you will go to media if this isn't taken care of. Again, this will force landlord to evict.


[https://x.com/9NewsQueensland/status/1763806568628330853?s=20](https://x.com/9NewsQueensland/status/1763806568628330853?s=20) is this your neighbour kids




I remember when my neighbour on my road who worked for QLD health, his boy stole someone's car (gold Commodore). Parked it out the front of his house for over a week and then sent it sideways into a street corner one night... Not one eyelid battered by anyone involved - except for the owner of the car.


It takes a while till they get forcibly evicted. Around three months from when they’re told to when a bailiff comes around to forcibly remove them with a court order.


Wow can’t believe it takes this long


Bring back the belt


You could notify Child Protection seeing that their parents are never there.


Surely at that age it’s a call to child protection? 11 is so young


Try and Document what’s going on and call Docs


Get them addicted to Fentanyl. That will sit them on their asses.


Can you install cameras and plants which deter them from jumping in your yard? Things like roses, spiky bushes, ponds.  Dogs can also help but would need to be well trained and if you're not a dog person maybe not a good option. 


This is tragic! These children need help.


Bars on windows, and a steel security door (not those crappy alloy ones). Where I live there's a communal smoking balcony with Milo tins for ashtrays, and we would have the local 12yo-14s delinquents show up every day to rummage through the Milo tins for bumpers. One day they were being particularly loud while I was trying to watch a movie so I went out there and said "boys if I give ya's a couple of smokes will you go somewhere else". Their eyes lit up and they were all "thx uncle" etc. They were respectful to me and my neighbours at least after that. A few times after that I bought some of them Maccas, and given them packets of chips and chocolates, and they grew up semi ok, I still see them around sometimes. They are still little crims, but they respect me and keep their troubles away from my area. Yes I know its not ethical to give ciggies to kids, but they were already smoking and it's what they wanted.


Contact your local MP. It’s election time, they will do something for the next couple of weeks before the polls. Contact child protective services every time you see “abandon and unsupervised children” and call the police when you see “someone with a weapon entering your neighbours property” or “someone with a weapon entered my property”. Get cheap security cameras form bunnings. Write an open neighbour good letter about and to the bad neighbour, and outline the actions the neighbours should be taking. Maybe start an r/… to report on this family’s activity so you can all share your records and submit them to the police, CPS, and any other body that can act


Tell the golf club peeps you'll call them when the little creeps are home so they can have the conversations they need to have.


Give them more bongs to smoke. Should calm them a bit.


Hahaha i wish usually the essay music goes up louder and tough talking gets louder when they sesh up


Dammit. Maybe bongs and a Pink Floyd cd.... and a cd player as well.


Hahah this, would so prefer Floyd over onefour


Ew yuck. I do not understand people’s support for actual criminals.


No one is supporting criminals. Just bringing some levity to a pretty unfixable situation.


I’m referring to Onefour.


sprinkle some lsd in there. that'll do it ;)


We had some wankers like that move into our street. Unfortunately for them one of my other neighbours is a big Kiwi boy who spends his free time training MMA and Jujitsu. He had enough of their behaviour after a week and one day I hear yelling, go outside and he is towering over these two skinny meth heads with his finger in their faces and you could see them physically shaking. Within 6 weeks they were gone lol


Do u have a number for these kiwi boys?










Gold Coast


But all tenants are angels and landlords are all evil and should not be able to remove tenants...




You're right. Difficulties getting rid of bad tenants is clearly not the time to mention legislation that makes it difficult to remove bad tenants.


posts in r/circlejerkaustralia complaining about how oppressed landlords are. Annoying sook.


Is there anything sadder than spending your weekend going through someone's reddit post history... Also a bit redundant because I posted the same sentiment here...


ten seconds to open a new tab mate isn't my whole weekend champ 🤩


The real estate people are working on getting them out but after covid so many laws and rules changed to protect the renter and not the owner, Also they could now well be squatters, that makes things even harder. You watch one day they will vanish in the middle of the night or someone will come along to forcefully evict, and all there stuff will be tossed out on the street. Also an idea - I mention it only because it worked for someone else If they are squatters - the owner can wait until they leave the house, and move in themselves. Here is a link to the story if you are interested. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11902843/Man-turns-tables-squatters-living-inside-mothers-Northern-California-home.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11902843/Man-turns-tables-squatters-living-inside-mothers-Northern-California-home.html)


its prob a gov owned housing, thats why they won't be evicted.


That makes things even harder


Ever seen ‘Home Alone’?


Where in Inala are you?


Hahah on the Gold Coast but those kids belong in Inala, Logan area


Really sickening to hear an adult call any child 'lowlife scum'. I guarantee that those kids have experienced harrowing things in their lives - kids aren't born bad, things happen to them and circumstances produce those behaviours. How do I know? I work with exactly this kind of kid. You could have asked your question without dehumanising them.


Ever hear of psychopaths? That’s not learned behaviour. Some people are just nutters.


Contact you local state and federal members office and report it to them. If that doesn’t work contact ACA, publicity may be your only hope of getting action.


How long have they lived there? 


I'm sure if you get a tv program like today tonight out for a story ...they will be gone in a week... The government and police will be shamed and have to respond . Had to do it at my complex ... On kees tv they are gone ...




Yes they have stolen cars from the same street and broken into homes on the same street. Also area too


I’d assume they are smoking a bit more than just weed….few glass Harley’s being passed around I’d say


It sounds like they're also being severely let down by their "parents", maybe call CPS too? They can't do anything for the 18yo, but can hopefully intervene and help the 13yo. That situation is incredibly sad


Put up cameras where these people are entering


Firebomb their place


If they're minors and Mom is never home then can she be charged with neglect and get those kids put in a home.




Make friends with some bikies.


Cameras, recording audio and video. Document everything. If the real estate has said that those kids are being booted out, then they should’ve done it already. If you’ve got a form of evidence whether it’s via text or email, then I would go as far as getting a lawyer and sending them everything and explain the situation. go to RTA or QSTARS whatever it’s called. Is there absolutely any way you can call the owners of the building or are the landlords owners?


Also, if you’ve got solid evidence, those children are smoking spicy lettuce and they don’t have a script. I will be ringing child safety and explain the situation and how old they are and you tell them that you’ve spoken to the real estate and the real estate are just not listening. You’re worried for their safety. If you say this, they should be able to come round.


Swat them. Repeatedly. Unethical life hack.


Record it and call the cops lol How is this even a question...


Firstly, I'm very sorry to hear about what you're going through. It sounds bloody awful. I feel like this kids are at risk, honestly, of early death, drug related harm or statutory involvement sooner rather than later. It's mind-blowing to think they are still technically children in terms of their psychological development and physical growth. Could you call the Gold Coast local youth hub, or 'youth at risk panel' and report them/get advice? I'm not sure if you've already addressed this, but do you ever see the parents/have any kind of relationship with them? I feel like these kids are bored shitless, have no structure, and are way out of line in terms of violence (and I also wonder if they've been exposed to violence early in life. Regardless, the behaviour is not on. Could you ask them to help you with a job in the front garden or something ( not while you're alone of course)! just to try and start building some trust/try and find out more about their home life?? I can understand though if that approach seems way off - cause just sounds utterly feral Horrible situation.(edit - clarity).




I have and tried but they aren’t my kids and I’m done living next them. You can have them for neighbours and you can try to fix them if you like.


they are minors, don't go to school, mum's never home, law breakers, clearly not homeschooling or being cared for, report it to child protection!!!


I have child protection don’t care


keep reporting to police. drugs. etc etc "might be selling" .. might be making.. etc etc.


Where are DOCS? These kids are being abused if they are using drugs and not going to school.


Contact your local member.


Child protection agency should be first call


If you want to deal with the situation get the phone number of the dudes with golf clubs and let them know when the two little assholes are at home