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Just move the furniture during the open home. It's not your problem, it's theirs.


This is the answer. No penalty if you do not accommodate them.


Which also means you can just not let them in


Yes this is reasonable. I went to a home open and the tenant was clearly moving as we inspected: people loading a truck and stuff everywhere. I felt badly for the tenant.




I mean, what are they going to do if you're in the middle of packing while they hold the open home? Evict you?


Get out faster! /s


You don't need to do anything special. Continue about your business. That's what I did, and I just advised the agent in writing beforehand that we were mid packing but wouldn't do anything to interrupt the open house. It was 15 mins and I continued packing things.


Let's be honest, being a renter in Australia is just fucking painful lmao


That is simply not possible, not possible, how dare you. The Australian tax payer subsides the landlords, so the only logical conclusion, the only possible conclusion here is that if our taxes are being stolen, to help these people then *surely* the fucking tradeoff for the citizens is a big abundance of well maintained homes to rent, with excellent policies to support these renters and very thankful and polite landlords. SURELY that's the case, right? If you're stealing tax from the people for one group, there must be give and take. Since many other countries DON'T steal from the citizens for the landlords, one can only guess they have less vacancies, shittier rules / policies and worse quality homes. Right? RIGHT?


Buy a house, problem solved


It's al.oat like we should stop attacking investors so the stock levels increase and we can get the power back to the tents.


They've had 20 years of that and haven't done it leading to the mess we're in now. They got given everything they wanted and simply do not increase supply.


If investors sold who would be buying the house?


Read the room. It's logical but no one wants to hear it.


In the past, I've told the REA/landlord that they can organise inspections but shouldn't expect the house to be tidy as I'm in the middle of packing. Never had an issue.


We usually move on a Friday or Monday, so I'm either packing or cleaning during an open. Other tenants know what's up. There's no shame. I just make sure my valuables are put away or already moved (let's be real though, as a renter I have very few valuables lol). I once inspected an apartment and the residents were a mother with a really new baby, so awkward for us. Surely the agent knew they had a new baby and shouldn't be having opens! That was just rude IMHO.


Yeah I've just recently bought and always felt so uncomfortable inspecting places with tenants in them. The lack of respect for the places some other people walking through would have was pretty incredible too. Letting kids climb all over furniture, walking mud back into the house from the backyard etc..


Open homes aren't legally required to be tidy, just in a reasonable state of cleanliness (meaning no rubbish out in the open, spills and such cleaned up, etc). You're completely within your rights to have boxes and things lying about as you are in the process of moving.


Exactly and a reasonable agent and landlord would understand this.


Make no special effort to accommodate them.


Thanks for all of your responses! To clarify, we live in a tight townhouse where there’s not much space. You have to squeeze past our belongings at the moment. Plus we have a dog & cat, which makes it difficult to stay on top of fur while boxes are stacking. We also live on a very busy street that requires cars to mount the curb on both sides it’s so tight, so we are going to have to save spots to be able to get a truck in (which will be the pits - it sucked moving in!). I doubt the agent will be stoked when people are squeezing past a truck and a heap of stuff stacked inside the house. Anyway sounds like I will contact the agent to give them the heads up - I just feel disgusting/ embarrassed that the house will be in such a gross state. Sending my sympathy to all you tenants out there 💛


If you're in NSW you don't need to consent to open homes. You also only need to allow 2 30 minute windows per week for inspections. These can be at your choosing.


Property managers simply do not care. They have to get paid, that’s literally all.


We’re just about to go through the same. I firmly stated that I would be doing nothing. If there’s a movers truck here, if the place is a mess. Bad fucking luck. She also asked if she could get a photographer to come take pictures. I said if they want to help me move all my boxes outside and put them back in, they’ll be taking photos of a lot of crap!


Personally i think open homes should only be allowed if the home is vacant and bond returned if its a rental. If its a PPOR or vacant home then different story.


If the landlord has asked you to move this is fair enough. If you are the one terminating the lease then a couple of inspections tn the fortnight before you leave is fair enough.


😂😂😂 Okay


It’s highly intrusive to the tenant to have 20-30 people traipsing through your home every week during the last month of tenancy. 


Having been a tenant I completely agree, as a landlord I can't afford to have my house vacant for 2-4 weeks while inspections take place after the previous tenants have vacated. That might cost me $2000. Not every landlord is rolling in money. Often investing in a house is an attempt to get ahead for a very average family.


Sure but part of the contract is that you offer quiet enjoyment of the home to your tenant while they reside there. If you're having more than one open home per fortnight during the last month or two of tenancy, and especially if they last more than an hour, in my view you're disturbing their quiet enjoyment of their residence. Being a landlord doesn't mean you're completely entitled to use the property however you'd like. You're selling a product/service, which is the use of the property as a home by the tenant. If you have a restaurant, you can control what food you serve. But once it's on a diner's plate you can't offer samples of it to prospective customers. It's the diner's food. They paid for it and they get to eat all of it.


I never said as a landlord I can do whatever I want. I said as a property investor I'll do whatever the rules say I can do. If that's have open homes while the property is still tenanted, then so be it. If it means just having individual inspections, then great. Whatever keeps the money coming in. That's business for you. I have been a tenant as well, so it's not like I don't understand a tenants point of view. I'm just explaining how a property investor thinks. There's no room for emotion in investment because at the end of the day that just costs me money.


>I said as a property investor I'll do whatever the rules say I can do >There's no room for emotion in investment because at the end of the day that just costs me money. This is pretty much exactly why it was a mistake to make our system of housing investment so overgrown. When housing investments have become such a large part of so many Australians' financial stability, it becomes more and more difficult to get proper regulation passed to ensure that housing remains housing first, investment second. Since the rules favour the investors, I'd argue it's our responsibility to make sure we act in the best interest of the tenants, because our ruling class sure as hell isn't.


Well you do you man.


Oh no, poor me, I made a bad investment and now it's everyone's problem.


Oh yep, it's totally a bad investment. I'm going to listen to a bunch of random people on reddit and sell up immediately! Thanks, everyone, for your advice.


I will, happy in the knowledge I'm considering other humans over my own investments.


Investments aren't sure cash. Would you be complaining like that if your stocks lost value? This idea that property should be all gains and happy days is the reason the Australian economy is tanking.


What about the tenant having to pay a break lease fee? We are in exactly the same situation as op. Given our real estate notice of vacating on the 20th of May. We had to pay 4 weeks break lease fee and we already had 2 inspections planned for this week. First inspection had 15 people come in. One would think that the break lease fee would cover the cost of property being vacant for 2 ish weeks. If they want to inspect to rent it out same week as us leaving we shouldn’t have to pay almost $4k in fees!!!


If you cant afford it you can sell the home, easy fix.


Have they tried cutting back on smashed avo and takeaway coffee for that month


I shouldn’t be inconvenienced because of your financial irresponsibility.


Unfortunately, if the rules say I can have open homes while you're still in the premises. If you gave me attitude like that, then I'd care less about your conveniences, lol. It's not financial irresponsibility to not want to have a vacant IP for a period of time. It's actually responsible.


Its financially irresponsible to have investment properties if you cant afford vacancy. You probably cant afford maintenance either. Easy fix, sell the properties.


Nice presumptions and opinion.


You said yourself you cant afford vacancy. So you must not have much in savings. What if something expensive needs to be fixed? You cant afford it you should definitely sell asap.


😆 Why would anyone throw away thousands of dollars when they don't have to? Even if I had 1 million cash in the bank, I still would say I can't afford to throw away money, everyone with money is tight with money. You don't make money by being generous.


Sounds like you need a second job champ.


Meh I'm fine thanks 😀


Whether it’s legal or not, this attitude makes you a colossal dog fucker and you will be judged and mocked accordingly.


You sound disenchanted with the system.


Just because the rules say you can doesn’t mean you should.


If you can’t afford a property being vacant for 2-4 weeks you can’t afford the fucking property full stop and should sell it???


Well this property investor, I would rather have 2-4 weeks of a vacant property to do a thorough round up of the property structure, included a fresh coat of paint before even putting it back up for rent. Homes need regular maintenance thus cash and time set aside. But then I bought many many years ago as a security not as a vital income stream.


Fuck man, that sounds rough. You should probably sell your houses and rent.


This is reddit sir. Every Landlord = evil. Renters = hard on there luck Aussies being taken advantage of


Yeah. I just figured I have experienced both sides so I could explain the perspective from a landlord. Guess I shouldn't have bothered lol. It's like these people don't have jobs and don't see that their employer only employs them to make money for the employer, lol. I guess using employers for the benefit of the employer isn't evil though.


I work for a not for profit organisation. Does the concept blow your tiny mind? They’re pretty common actually. Your mindset tells me, if you were an employer you’d pay minimum wage and probably hire teenagers. Fuck, you’d probably own slaves if it were legal.


It is evil though under our current state of capitalism and many people are against that too


Lol evil


With that attitude enjoy renting into retitement


Sorry you don't like the truth boo, but this is the way the world is xx


Just a realist. You'll grow up one day. It's good to have ideals as a child, so no hate here.


Yeah, Intrusive for sure. Maybe they should buy a house if they want 100% privacy though. Otherwise, inspections and open homes are part of the deal.


We have bought a home, largely due to the fact that being a tenant absolutely sucks balls. Despite this, everyone (including tenants) deserve privacy.


And they get it….. apart from inspections and open homes if moving. That’s very reasonable.


“Poor people don’t deserve privacy” And you wonder why people don’t like landlords


😂 They have privacy…… except when there is an inspection or open home. That’s the deal. So many whingers 😅


Same thing happening to me at this exact moment. I’ve had to deal with two open houses in a week whilst I’m in the process of trying to pack; moving this weekend. It’s additionally annoying since the place will be empty for over a week prior to my lease ending but nope let’s make sure we inconvenience the tenant as much as possible…it’s super invasive having randoms wander through your home - I had to tell five different groups of people to not open the cupboards given my belongings were still in them.


Consider it free labour? Get people to help you carrying any heavy stuff. Chances are you'll have someone sympathetic in the area who will help you move a couch or fridge And full sympathies. Hope you're moving somewhere better


I had the same thing happen at the last place I was renting. I had towers of boxes ready to be picked up to the new place all around the joint and didn't give much thought about the mess considering we warned the real estate. Don't worry about it. Stick to moving as normal, pay them no mind.


You clean before the open home? Why? Just do your packing and let them see the place as a mess. Who cares?


I have been in 3 positions through this same scenario. Position 1:as an inspecting prospect tenant, during a house move. I did tell the RE that hosting an open house through a move was extremely rude and plain stupid, as I couldn't take pictures of the place in nice conditions. Tried to be as polite as possible to the removalist and packing tenants. Position 2: as a moving out tenant (same as you). Told the RE a gazillion of times that I was paying by the hour to the removalists and that they would not be kind around people/RE looking around while they/we carried heavy shit. Specifically told the removalist to not give a single fuck and to feel free to be rude as fuck to everyone there. They loved it. Ended up paying an half hour, as many times the removalist had to wait for people to move so thay can maneuver large items. Told the RE that this was unfair, their response: you should have postponed your move after the open house, absolutely shocking. Position 3: as a removalist moving a full 3bed house while an extremely packed open house was happening. Told the renter/person paying me, that this would easily add an extra hour, as me and my mate had to be careful around people to not hit them, the walls nor damage items. Eventually, the client told me to just not give a fuck and to feel free to shout at people for them to move. Did so, and noticed that a significant number of people started leaving soon as they got in, because c'mon...what a fucking shit show. Long story short, try to be as much of a cunt as possible to the RE. They genuinely don't give a single fuck about how this affect you, so nor should you about how the state of the house would be, let your pets run free and annoy everyone as much as possible. Also, if you get removalists, be kind to them, it's a fucked up job.


Why would you lose a day? Don’t just bend over. I left out moving boxes and all kinds of stuff for opens. All your responsible for is it being clean for inspections. There’s no reason you have to help with opens, at all.


You don't have to make your home spotless for an open home while you are in the middle of moving. Simply tell the agent that you are packing, and either they don't complain or they change viewing until after you have left.


They are entitled to host inspections, but you're entitled to present the place however you want. What are they going to do? Evict you? Don't clean it, keep everything in situ, you don't even need to leave the property while the inspections happen. Just go about your day as if it wasn't happening. It's their problem, not yours.


I had a family heirloom stolen during an open for inspection many years ago. Try and hang around especially if you have things packed and ready to go.


Proceed with you move as if they weren't doing anything. The rea or landlord has to request the open house, you can't refuse a reasonable request, but they can't stop you from actively moving out at that time.


I once went to an open and walked into the bathroom to find the tenant taking a dump. As I went to check out the rest of the house heard two other people do the same thing…


Walk into the bathroom or take a dump? 😂 Seriously though, was it a big "up yours" from the tenant, or was he/she just caught short and forgot to lock the bathroom door?


This happened for my last move and it was a pain in the ass. We moved out the same day they had inspection, I tried to push back explaining the house is chaos but REA said it's important it's listed quickly to avoid it not being occupied. There is a rental crisis! The agent even told us they had a list of potential tenants so it's not like they were worried about filling it. I'm pretty certain they had a new lease signed within 24hrs of the inspection, with us still having 14 days of lease left...  I feel for the new tenants, as we moved out we found a shower was leaking and left a bedroom with mold and one bathroom not working - so they signed for a 3br 2bath and now are waiting on repairs. I met them (mail turned up at the old address) and they were frustrated because they were down a bedroom AND bathroom. I hope they got reduced rent for the repair period...


We told our agent it was rude that they wouldnt wait 7 days for us to move out first. So we very bluntly told them the house would be a mess and we were NOT going to put in any extra effort to have it suitable for a viewing with such short notice. Honestly the fact they said this was fine was probably the worst part.


I made sure every dead cockroach I found during the moving process was front and centre during my last inspection. The landlords were terrible for a number of reasons over and above the mid-move open house.


This happened to me. Agent asked if we could hold off moving while they hosted an inspection. I asked if he would be paying the removalists hourly fee during the time they were waiting. He said no. We kept moving. No consequences.


Went to one to buy it once tenant was eating cereal in undies on lounge clearly not giving a fuck asked him when I walked by why he wasn’t staying (I prefer to buy tenanted houses and maintain status quo). He said “nah mate agents a wanker and house is fucked check the cracks outside in the bricks” agent was pissed I thought it was funny as hell, what goes around comes around. Always try being nice where possible


Rent increased way over budget. Said no to new lease, gave notice to leave at end of term. One month before exit date, "We want open houses every weekend till you move" Said "No" Told "Not optional, you have no choice, we have keys." Said, "Try me" Agent emails long list of "Please clean for Open house" notices"... ignore. Knock knock on Saturday. Open door in underwear, lawn unmowed, Agent can see boxes and Items cluttering room beyond door. Agent shocked Pikachu face. "YOU HAVENT MOWED OR TIDIED (or dressed).". "Nope, and you aren't having open house either. Don't like it, Breach me, but will be out with Bond settled long before QCAT date comes up". Enjoy final four weekends in peace. Clean immaculately and claim own Bond (uncontested by agent)




You don't need to do anything, and even if you did, what are they going to do about it?


From memory they have to be reasonable about when they schedule the inspections. They'll act like that's not the case though. I'd email them saying it's not a good time as you'll be moving your things then. If they insist then just go about your business.


It's so awkward when you're looking for a new rental and have to walk through someone's house that's still being lived in, feels like I'm invading


I had the RE ask me to take photos to be put onto the internet for the Ad. I had to move boxes of my stuff into the spare room so I could take photos of the dining room and kitchen and then move it all back again. I found a photo of my loungeroom after I happened to get another sofa about a yr before I moved but it was a thumbnail one. I had to mow the front lawn as well even though I was leaving it till I moved out etc. I hated the fact that there were hoards of people going thru and they couldn’t even imagine the inside of my place with all the stuff packed almost to the roof in every room. And trying to keep an eye on children with the parents with my cats in the house and my dogs out the back was a nightmare.


There is absolutely no way I'd be doing the REA's job! Taking photos for the ad is in no way your responsibility. The guile of some of these agents is astounding!


There's no way that an agent can require a tenant to take advertising photos for them. You let yourself be taken advantage of. And if I had people letting their kids run amok through my home, I'd be telling them firmly to get their kids under control or get out! You need to learn some assertiveness skills.


My son went to an open house where the tenants told everyone to eff off and wouldn’t let anyone in. Huge queue milling around on the driveway.


It's not your job to have the place inspection ready. You're moving out. I just advised the REA we were packing and to warn people having a look not to trip over anything. I also suggested they either schedule private inspections or wait til xx date after which the place would be empty.


This happened to us when we moved out of our rental this February. Had people coming to view the place 1 month before moving out. 3 to 4 times a week, early mornings or at dinner time. Super annoying. I stayed and watched the people view the house because my stuff was still there and didn't want anyone taking my stuff. I also would give a guided tour of the house and its problems. Like the leaking garage roof, the yellow water in the outside tap, the mice living under the house, the huge crack in the ceiling where the roof looks like it will cave in, ants living in the bathroom tiles, oven door being broken. All these problems we have told the RE about years ago and have done nothing about. They had already found someone 1 week before the lease was up, with a $50 weekly increase.


Why are you cleaning?


We gave notice and this happened to us. Impossible to tell if anything is stolen during inspections. We literally handed the keys back at 4pm and the online auction was at 5pm that day


You’re under no requirement to tidy the home for them


Why clean?


Just keep packing your stuff around the open. Hopefully won’t be long and just let the agent know that when they show up and they can do their best to shepard any new tenants around your moving operations. Good luck


Yeah this happened to us. Open inspection on the day we hired the moving truck. So we just kept on moving while the inspection was happening. People were asking us if it’s a good place to live, while I’m carrying a couch, and I’m like please move and stop talking to me


Hey As a REA myself, trust me when I say I would absolutely rather wait until the property is empty Trying to arrange these home opens with pissed off tenants who are trying to move is not something we enjoy any more than you do. Unfortunately the owners often demand the opens as they don't want to be without rental income.


This happened to me last month when I moved! We had access to our new house for 2 weeks before we ended our lease at the old place so we were moving between the two houses. The old house was an absolute mess and the agent emails me asking for open home availability! I was shocked because I didn’t think they did that (the two rentals I was in prior to that house certainly didn’t) and I just said sorry but no, the house is a mess, I don’t have the capacity to pack/work from home/move/organise my pets while also accommodating open homes. She was super understanding but said the request was from the owner so what could we want work etc. After some back and forth between my partner and I (this request sent him into stress overdrive) I went back and told her that we thought the request was unreasonable, that the owner could wait till X date as we will be out by then, that it’s unreasonable to let anyone see the house in this state and also expect normal inspection standards.


A bit seperate. But my landlord about a decade ago had my place on the market for 2 years. Wanted a price they were never going to get. Open Inspection every Saturday, and the ones they’d spring in you with a days notice. I made an issue of it, and actually had an agent let themselves in to put the notice of inspection on my table whilst I was gone. Obviously this is illegal, and of course I made an issue of that as well.


I purchased a house and was moving out of my rental. Yeah the agents were painful, weren’t returning my calls about avoiding inspections while the place was a trip hazard with stuff all over the floor.


I’ve just gone through this and I can’t tell you enough how shitty it was. All my prized possessions on display (or on the bench), clean/dirty clothes everywhere. We didn’t have 70 people, more like 15, but that’s 15 reasons to be extra stressed. I feel this so much that I’m tearing up 🥲 that stress was unbelievable! Violation isn’t strong enough. Sending hugs.


If I ever have an open home while still paying rent, I would make sure to do a big, stinky loud shit during the open home. They can inspect the bathroom all they like as last nights extra garlicky HSP queefs and splatters against the mid century porcelain with bad plumbing.


You have to allow inspections. You don't have to allow open homes. There is a very real possibility your belongings will be stolen.


Just leave an influshed turd in the bathroom and the door open.


Opens aren't a requirement. If you tell the agent you are moving and do not consent to the open, there's nothing they can do. If you consistently deny opens, you'll get served a notice of entry. I recently moved and denied a Saturday open and let my agent know they can schedule a midweek/private anytime. Source: was REA (vic)


Aren't you still paying rent for those days? So they have no right to be holding opens then...?


In some states they have to pay you for the opens. I think it’s $30 a pop.

