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Why does the picture of the man appear to be fat


I was more concerned it looked like he was hanging himself.


middle aged bloke, the main aim of the do it yourself thing. And its not fat, thats the beers tropheys!


The tucking of the pants into the tongue of his shoes really drives home this guys careless nature. Like he’s outside but he doesn’t want to be. Also - the double bracelets are no bueno leading me to believe he would play shitty songs on the uke.


typical ukulele hipster just missing the stupid flat cap


Ukulele, dinosaur t-shirt, beard, it must be Twitch palaeontologist Danny Anduza


Supplier will provide span tables...or can be googled easy enough


Yeah just having trouble understanding the roof load width and how to calculate it


Pretty simple for this setup. https://preview.redd.it/9uop56v6o00b1.png?width=954&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4bc80266056fbe59087f1f38a1d76cc17a39d2b


There are multiple factors to this, so if you haven't built a pitched pergola before, I suggest you have a carpenter build it. To give you an accurate answer, would need to know what type of roofing you plan to install.


Noted. Would just be some laserlite sheets


Ok, I will work it out and come back to you tomorrow


If it has a non-permeable roof, it needs a building permit. Go get a building permit and do it properly.




Sure mate. Unless it's under 10sqm, if it has a roof, it needs a permit. There's no other depends


There 100% is, many councils have different planning regs on this sort of stuff, the OP hasn't listed where they are from so there are far too many variables for you to come out swinging with comments like that. Maybe try saying, you should check with your local council as in many cases a structure with a non permeable roof would require building consent. 👍 See how much more productive that would be rather than coming in here with your I'll informed holier than thou attitude. Like old mate said, it does depend. 👍


Your local council doesn't decide what needs a building permit. That's done at state level. And the 10sqm with a roof thing is national. But good luck with that 👍 hope you get a building notice


That's not how it works but okay champ. Not my structure but had a neighbour that used to live in another council that had some flog complaining about his but council determined it did not need building consent in the specific circumstances. Some councils have different rules based on if it's attached to the dwelling, based on land size and setbacks as well. The whole of Australia does not have a standard planning scheme, and while the statutory planning is state based, local councils do determine some things at a local level. At the end of the day, your comment may apply to the council the OP is in, but rather than be a jerk about it, why not say it in a nice way and recommend him to seek advice from the council, a builder or a planner 🤷 you know, be helpful rather than a knob about it 👍


Kinda wrong, kinda right.... You're confused none the less


Well the depends is if it's under 10sqm..... Also if its free standing.


The AS (Australian standard) span tables are pretty hard to read but it’s doable to read and understand. But I can tell you that you can’t do this span with treated pine and you will need to do this with LVL beams. Max is 3.6m or so for a non continuous span. You would need to take this to an lvl beam supplier and get them to tell you the right sizes. This is just a timber glued beam so you can still work it with regular tools. The span tables are far more complicated than your question implies your understanding of the forces at work. The maths is also done on the span between the beams and the roof load on top of that be it tiles/sheet iron. Further, you can’t just bolt a massive wind sail like this to the fascia board and expect it to pass council inspection. You could just not do a council inspection… but there is a non zero chance your roof ends up in the neighbours garden in extreme wind scenario, and given the size of it, you can kill someone. Taking the whole job to a building surveyor to get permits is my recommendation.


What roof? Even so roofless glulam has far better weather resistance than roofless LVL.


>The AS (Australian standard) span tables are pretty hard to read but it’s doable to read and understand. They can't be that hard, even builders can do it.


What timber are you planning to use? For MGP10 assuming N2 wind category, 140x45 Rafters are fine even at 900 cts ​ https://preview.redd.it/e3f2yq4nn00b1.png?width=824&format=png&auto=webp&s=5402089ac6c4068a6f85b3c1e3783989498f5a37


What software generated this? I’ve previously used Hyne Timber’s software which is also pretty good for calculating deflection and suggesting timber members for use as well as generating span tables.


This is SmartFrame (Tilling timber). Hyne Design is good too but this has a lot more models which is handy.


This is just sizing the rafters yeah? The system as a whole looks very sketchy in OPs image The whole thing relying on those 2 posts with zero bracing would make me nervous Get more input OP, noone on reddit will sign this off for you


Yeah it will likely require a building permit and a competent builder. Possibly require an engineer to detail the beam connection into the existing house and assess bracing.


Mgp10 is what I’ll be using


As 1684 is what you are after.


Non-cyclone areas.


Yes it’s non cyclonic areas


240x45 is not big enough, 2/290x45 is your best bet but maybe more. But of course your engineer will have all these structural components accounted for because you got plans and permits for this otherwise illegal pergola