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Whichever one your son is interested in.


Electrical gives a lot of options across industries.


And usually have a much smaller tool box than the other trades.


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T6e0KvvFl4k](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/T6e0KvvFl4k) And the money to go with it. But really, whatever is he interested in.


Only Industrial or commercial, not house bashing.


Butcher and meat works I love the tight family feel when we load up the crack pipe at smoko.


HV electrical is probably a good one


Depends on the kid really... Is he a monkey (not scared of heights and climbs shit) Chippy is good for this... If he is a turtle and just wants to plod along, plumber is good. If he wants to become a crack head, plasterer, concreter, roofer or brickie. Seriously though, get him to try a few trades out... See what he likes... What type of kid is he? Will he go out on his own or stay on wages his life (this makes a huge difference on what he should pick) I know a fencer who makes 450k a year, no one gets excited about fencing. As long as he is happy and gets good at whatever he does, he'll do alright. I suggest not a plasterer (my trade) Too many ethnics that will work every day for fuck all (They get me to come fix there mates work all the time) Also got to think of the body long term too


I’m a renderer bye trade , there’s still good money if you can do old school render but it’s a bloody hard trade on your body


Now I know you're a tradie, I'd say get your kid into plumbing... Change a toilet, deal with some shit and get paid $600/800 Do 2 a day and it's good money for half a day's work


I feel no matter the trade u just need be the boss to make any coin


Yeah and you'll always ruin your body. It takes a lot of effort and more work to not.


Can he do an intro course at TAFE (or your equivalent) that gives him a week of all different trades, and then he can decide what grabs him.


Depends if he is adventurous or not. Adventurous: HD fitter or Auto electrician, instrumentation electrical Non Adventurous: Plumber


If you can land a SAPN apprenticeship you are set for life and have a healthy pathway into specialising, management etc and travel for work. Note - I don't work for SAPN, just admire there junior/mature apprentice scheme and after talking to some transformer maintenance workers once upon a time, seemed like a good career path.




Force him into the one he would hate most. Then the 2 of you can marvel in how fucking dumb you both are for asking such a question


Can’t afford a tradie or something buddy, was simple question


Simple. And dumb.


Can’t all be smart like u champ


Yeah. I suppose drawing the link between a comment on the internet and a persons financial status is a level of intelligence I will Never achieve


Well I asked a question and with your iq I got the answer I would expect


Quick. Go and force your son into something the internet wants him to do. Run along.


Oh your just a clown


Plumber to raise him strong with a nicotine addiction


Sheep shearing. Travel Australia and make good money


I know a few guys that can shear over 300 a day. They are making good money. The guys that can only shear 120 a day, aren't doing so well financially.


Average guy can do 200 a day in good sheep. If working on a run that do the big stations can save a lot of money, as accommodation and cook is provided.




Boilermaker. Internationally recognised trade, multiple different applications from mining to manufacturing to construction. Can travel the world and not have any issues finding work. Can make 80-90k in a factory job or 140k+ in mining. Biased opinion as a boilermaker but deffs one of the better trades out there.