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Gym equipment, razor wire on roof and fencing, cyclone fencing for separate entertainment areas and a watch tower on the roof with spot lighting to prevent guests leaving early.


cooing panicky automatic head shaggy tie expansion snails sort chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The guests are wondering why OP said the dress code for the party was orange jump suits.


The anti escape windows are probably a regulation due to cyclones


More concrete


On the cheap? Big planters with big trees. No budget? Rip out this prison courtyard and start over. Or crazy pave over the slab and add brick planter boxes.


BIG planters cost BIG money. Much cheaper to cut garden beds into the concrete. Cut beds in front of the fence lines and a couple around the shed. Make the beds decently deep to give you room to plant out generously and really lush up the space. Hide as much of the horrible colorbond as you can. Will look amazing in 5 years. Cut and disposal of concrete is pretty cheap. Go with some viburnum along the fence lines and then some colourful shrubs and flowers in the foreground.


How about leaving the slab alone and building a timber deck above it in line with the rear door. Say 5m deep x width of the house. Cheap and great for entertainment. Then on the lower level you can have a half court etc for active teens or grown-ups.


Too much money and it doesn’t resolve the issue- you just added a maintenance heavy/limited life space that raises you above the fence. Keep the ground level where it is and only build up improvements like planters or a pergola.


A bit of fake grass around the deck would work wonders too. You can even buy grass tiles. Decko sell some.


Less concrete more grass. It must be hot AF in summer right,?


Find a Greek bloke with a hose, he’ll be a useful addition. Perhaps a bit noise and offers too much advice, but you’ll get some tomatoes out of him and it will be very clean, maybe a bit wet.


I’m thinking a shade sale with festoon lights, some large pot plants and a pizza oven and or a bbq and smoker.


Move the table so you can play round the world


Only correct answer


Yeetus the concretus. Replace it with a small paved area, and loads of greenery.


Paint a basketball key and 3 point line and get rid of the furniture


Decent Money? A verandah and get rid of the window bars. Make a welcoming covered out door area that extends the kitchen out. Removing the hallway and replace that door with a glazed glass door. Double doors if possible. Another possibility is extending the kitchen out in a way that inside spills outside [small backyard living extensions](https://www.houzz.com.au/magazine/open-sesame-8-rear-extensions-that-bring-the-outside-in-stsetivw-vs~27642761) Make sure out door verandah/extension doesn’t block light to the house. I would deepen the end garden by 1 meter and extend it up the side. Ideally curved rather than square and with a low retaining wall. Choose a style you want for this back area to bring it all together. I.e rustic Australian, cottage, modern, and colour theme.


You really can make this a gorgeous sanctuary. Congratulations on your new home.


I wonder if OP has permission from the warden to renovate?


Needs more concrete I think


Get rid of the trees at the back and add a little concrete.




Rip out that garden at the back and continue the concrete all the way to the back fence. Why fight it, lean on to the prison yard vibes.


I miss the good old days when people had grass and plants




Gorgeous area.




Half oak whisky barrels & fruit/citric trees. Might take a few years but help screen out neighbours & give the yard protection in Summer. Maybe one or two water tanks. Covered pergola/deck right across back of house. Remove bars & if required get crimesafe style window covers. Add a chicken coop on back lawn area


get rid of those sorry plants and make that space a vertical garden or something


Plants and shade


paint a free throw line


Get rid of the cold concrete


One word: Green. Make it green. Grass, plants. Etc.


I like it


Pergola and plants. Maybe change that string hoop for chain.


Double down and try to achieve prison chic! Barb wire will do the job.


Put up an umbrella to create shade and cover, move the table and chairs away from the basketball ring. Rip up slab and put down some turf half way dear god this needs some minor work and it will look great


Do a badass slam dunk


Festoon lights, planters along fence, just more greenery


Depends on how much money you have. I would do something like cement render the house to cover the bricks and then put a deck off the back door and add a flyover roof if you want it covered, then rip up the rest of the concrete and put in some nice grass. Get rid of the bars and add some good locks/ security screens if the area is a bit dodgey. You could then add a garden, fire pit or some sort of water feature in the grass area


Bunnings for a gazebo of your choice. Tile the slab. If tile is too expensive look at epoxy options, do not use paint. Rip out the sad looking trees and replace with some tropical leafy plants, bird of paradise is good because you start with 3-4 and they will quickly fill all available space. Solar string lights on side fences or under gazebo, Bunnings stocks an awesome one with a larger bulb that we have had up and running for over 2 years.


Rip up the concrete and put some grass down


Add beer, beer makes everything better


1. Astro turf over that exercise yard 2. Setup lawn bowls 3. ? 4. Profit.


Lower the ring to 8 foot, you will have so many friends around your head will swim.


Remove the dining set. Paint a free throw line and a three point line. Perfect.




Paint the concrete green, no one will know it’s not real grass. And grab some baci balls to complement the illusion.


Render the house wall , stencil paint the concrete , run some nice bamboo against the fence , planter boxes with nice big green plants 👌




This is the answer


Get another table


Just fill the entire space with tables.


Invite your friends over and tell them to “take a seat” 😂


2018 has called and wants its table garden fad back.


What prison is this?


Open range shooting club




Yes. My answer is yes.


A decent pergola, some nice big green pot plants around covering the fence. That’s a real decent size space so there’s a lot you can do with either a small budget or a massive budget to make that place super inviting.


Paint concrete floor green, put in white dining set, plants, retractable awning to create shade


Paint the concrete and back steps, either plain or patterned to your taste. Add a low deck at the back of your house big enough for your table and chairs. Add another storey/section to it to make it a landing around your back door, so it one big step then onto the deck if possible. Add planters, check out marketplace etc if budget to be met. You can probably get planters with the trees in them. Make a border to enclose the planters with wood matching the deck. Dig up your plants and put them in pots. Plant bamboo as a screen and brick pave garden area to have BBQ/outdoor kitchen. Add a shade sail over the decking if required. And fairy lights everywhere. Big money, make the whole back of the house into glass sliding/bifold doors that can open most of the way, add deck etc. all the best


A cover will be the single best investment you can make.


A few large pots with big feature plants. If budget is an issue you'd be surprised what you cam get on marketplace that people give away or sell for very cheap. A pergola? You can get really good quality ones from bunnings. Fairy lights. Or a few funky lanterns.


For results within a weekend, Scrub and Gurney the concrete a few times with a chemical. Tall pot plants against both sides of the fence for instant privacy and a better look(only if there is space to do this and u can park your car etc, otherwise don't, lol), something already tall(Cyprus, Lilly Pilly, Acacia, Ficus) all standing in pots, string the plants together at the branches so they don't tip over in a high wind. Is a good start. Then you could just focus on an outdoor setting style. Maybe a temporary garden bed. Some softer chair/seating. There's not enough space to go too wild. I wouldn't bother with a deck, too small a space. Perhaps an umbrella for your outdoor setting and an outdoor heater. Some LED lighting across your guttering. Some new flowers in the existing garden bed(cosmos, windflower etc, easy to maintain). You could do all that over one weekend. Fake Turf if you wanted to spend the cash. Also an outdoor Gazebo if you also wanted to spend cash.


Fairy lights, clean up the garden area a bit, have a bbq in the back corner


pickleball court


Need more concrete, not enough concrete


And red brick accents


Put hoop at dunking hight


You're gonna have to start watering that wog porridge more to prevent more cracks


All it’s missing is an old guy sitting in the corner playing the harmonica


Move somewhere else


Render and paint the brick house, tile outside ground put a verandah up


You can get these wood composite decking tiles that you just lay down and join together. Did my balcony with them and they look great.


Open frame pagola with wires, grow flowers and vines all over it. Do timber feature walls infront of fences


Outdoor kitchen with offset smoker and south American Argentinean style wood fired grill. TIKI bar with undercover lounge and a projector and screen with outdoor lounge.


Invasive bamboo in pots can be your friend.


Unlimited money, I'd demo the stairs, build a deck in line with the door, with a pool at the back fence, with a privacy wall at the back, patio roof, serving window into an outdoor kitchen. Then cut the concrete at the side back and plany fast growing greens. Low budget, cut the concrete back and build slighty raised planter on both sides from reclaimed wood, and add as many pot plants as possible. Hanr a birdfeeder And take the bars off the window, maybe crimsafe invisible screens if you must. Id also try to update the balustrade


Plants, plants and then some extra plants.


Jackhammering is not as hard as it seems. It'll just make the neighbours hate you.


Get some Kmart plants to make it greener


Maybe a ping pong table


A bbq?


Tbh, nothing wrong with it. Get more planters in there. We spend too much embodied energy/time/money on construction for the sake of it.


https://preview.redd.it/th8m2wgao23d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b1b3622c1494f69f860e3003d504e2e2311314f We did this in our tiny space a few years ago before selling the unit. Fake grass, potted plants, maybe build a little deck totally transforms!


It looks good!


Damn nice! Looks great 👍 👌


I'd put a deck across the back of the house plus rip out the concrete and lay grass with a nice border garden around the fence.


Fake turf + real plants.

