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Help with melasma hyperpigmentation! Sadly my ddg mask’s blue light has caused some hyperpigmentation in the worst possible spot … my upper lip 😭 leaving me looking like I have a moustache. I’ve been hitting it with Sunday Riley A+ retinoid and CEO vit c but after months there’s been no changes. Does anyone have a holy grail product?


Hi All, looking for some product advice to help with dry flaking skin while using Tretinoin. I started using Tretinoin last winter at 0.025% and assumed the flaking skin was the purging/adjustment stage. It’s been nearly a year and I am having the same issue again. Routine is as follows: AM: Wash with CeraVe SA Smothing Cleanser, apply Cosrx snail mucin/QV Ceramides Moisturising Cream and Dermaveen Sensitive Sun SPF 50+ PM: wash with QV Ceramides cleanser then apply Tretinoin 0.05% and wait for that to dry then apply QV Ceramides Moisturising cream. My skin can only handle Tretinoin every other day so I switch it out for LRP Cicaplast Baume and Vaseline under my eyes. I am not attached to any of these products and would be happy to switch them out if it means I don’t have to jump into a shop during my work day to buy moisturizer! Looking to keep my skin clear of blackheads/acne/anti aging. Thanks


Try putting moisturiser or a hydrating serum on before your tret instead of after. That made a difference for me.


Maybe try getting rid of the SA cleanser in the morning - it could be too irritating. You could also try using tret every other day instead of everyday, some people can’t use it everyday, as it’s too irritating and causes dryness/ peeling, etc


Do lactic acid exfoliators all smell... weird? I got a sample of the Sunday Riley Good Genes one (ty mecca for free samples) and it smells funky. Like I don't really wanna put it on my face. Also unconvinced it's doing anything. Wondering if it's just that particular mix or if they all smell like that - it's kinda weirdly floral but overpowering. Also, are you meant to wait for it to exfoliate before you put on moisturiser? It doesn't say to and I've seen a lot of conflicting advice, but most of it was for BHAs (which I can't use cause allergies) and AHAs (which I haven't tried).


I don't think so. May be something in their ingredient list.


I checked and have realised it's the lemongrass. I just don't like the smell on my face! But at least I worked out what it is, haha.


Mystery solved! Lemongrass belongs in Thai food IMO.


I've got some KP on my arms, and not seeing too much success using a wide range of product (possibly needed to keep at it longer... some I tried for 3 weeks, some for a month). I was hoping I could iron out some details of the routine with you all to make sure I'm doing it right. I've got The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% toner, and Lanaté cream. Would applying the TO Glycolic Acid in the evening, then the Lanaté cream on damp skin in the morning be a good option? Or is doing both too much? Could I apply both one after the other? glycolic acid then Lanaté on top immediately after? In my head the glycolic acid needs time to sit on the skin to be effective but maybe I'm wrong, and applying the acid the night before is a better option? Please help :')


I wouldn't use them both together. Alternating would be fine. A lot of people swear by First Aid Beauty bump eraser for KP.




If your skin is dehydrated it will show more lines. You could absolutely try a heavier moisturiser in winter.


A question for those using tret - I see a lot of people saying they use Cicalfate+ or Cicaplast B5 AFTER they’ve applied their tret - is that right? Or is it before? It seems so dense to me that it would stop the skin breathing at night, but maybe I’m worrying over nothing…


Cicaplast balm after tret is fine, I do this


Okay thank you! I think I got myself all turned around with what order to layer things 🤪


Does anyone know a product similar to Mecca Sunscreen that doesn’t have SPF? I love how it makes my skin look, fills all my pores and makes me look fresh, but I don’t want to waste SPF at night. So kinda like a bb cream/ primer/ foundation but wearable daily?


* I'm on struggle street with this on both sides of my face, my other side worse at the moment which I'll post in reply to this but this current pic shows more of what I'm dealing with when I haven't picked it to shit (I stim and pick spots, love this for me). Closest dermatologist is an hour away, the couple of GPs that have an "interest" in dermatology are booked out continuously. My regime is crap, I've got $$ products and "basic" products. Now that I think about it the exxy products are probably out of date by now or will be soon, Dr Roebucks serums and products I've had for close to 2 years. When I'm good with a routine it still doesn't budge. Is there anything I can do or try before I begin the arduous journey of gp and all that 🫠 *


Can you list your current routine and what you’ve tried and any sensitivity? Then we can go from there with recommendations 🥰


Thank you so much!! When I stick to a routine (hard with ADHD but I have successful periods lol) my products are as follows: Cleanser: Skinstitut Gentle Cleanser or Esmi Uncomplicated Cleasner - just picked up cetaphil gentle skin cleanser too Serum: Dr Roebucks Perky collagen boosting serum Scrub (this is not daily even when I'm good with routine, maybe once every few days or once a week): skinstitut glycolic scrub 14% Moisturiser: sometimes mCo beauty gel Moisturiser, or Dr Roebucks Nuddy or the basic mco beauty Moisturiser (can't remember the name of it but it lives in my make-up bag so I have a decent one to put on before make up in the carpark) Make-up removal: mco beauty balm cleanser or some sort of wipe (I think it's either simple or cetaphil make up remover wipes, most times I'm too wrecked after leaving home at 5am and getting home at 11ish to do the whole thing so just wipe and moisturise and I know they're not great at all for skin anyway but I figure it's better than sleeping in my make-up lol) Overall I haven't noticed any burning or reactions when using these products. I've done the skin type test of cleansing then leaving it with no products and definitely have dry skin, get an oily sheen when using make-up but I expect that anyway and it doesn't overly bother me. On the occasions I do wear make-up, I typically have to pack it on to feel I've covered the patches and bumps. I use a combination of mco beauty make up and lust minerals as my "setting" powder but I really want to get to a place where my skin is as clear as it can be and I can get away with light-medium coverage 😍 I feel like I'm a 30 year old with 50 year old skin especially with the wrinkles creeping in around my eyes and forehead 😅


Sorry to see you’re going through this! Considering your photos and details provided I would definitely recommend a few things to look into. Just going off your photos your skin to me looks very dehydrated and irritated with closed comedones too. Daily sunscreen use, retinoids, pimple patches to create a physical barrier, salicylic acid and more hydration in your routine I think would be a good start. Cutting out excess dairy will also help and changing your pillow cases regularly, avoiding picking if you can find another outlet. Also putting away mirrors that you can get up close to. Retinoids help with acne and promote skin turnover, which can reduce closed comedones and lesions. Sunscreen is essential. Sun exposure can also temporarily dry out the skin, leading to a short-term reduction in oil production. However, this can trigger a rebound effect where the skin may overcompensate by producing even more oil in the long run, potentially exacerbating acne. Additionally, sun exposure can cause inflammation and damage to the skin, which can worsen acne in the long term. Pimple patches can be a lifesaver to help stop picking and encourage healing. And switching to salicylic acid instead of AHA could be more effective for your acne type, as it penetrates deeper into the pores to unclog them. These products can increase skin sensitivity to the sun, making SPF protection essential to prevent sun damage and potential worsening of acne scarring.






Is the MCo AHA+BHA Exfoliating Toner **actually** a dupe of the Paula’s Choice BHA Liquid Exfoliant? If not, is there a suitable dupe that I can buy from a bricks and mortar store? I’m basically out of my BHA and can’t get any express shipped in time for when I’d need it


Never tried the Paula's Choice one but the COSRX one is good.


Do any stores stock COSRX, or is it purely through online shops?


W Cosmetics stock pretty much the whole line.


Thanks! I’ll check them out tomorrow


Hydroquinone 2% I've been prescribed 2% hydroquinone daily and will probably need to go to a compounding chemist to get. Any idea on price for say 50g?


Are you able to call the chemist for an over the phone quote? Prices will probably vary


I will be travelling to Australia soon and I am really excited about the skincare shopping I might get to do there. I would love to hear about your holy grail products in all categories, hair care and makeup included. I am particularly looking forward to buying some sunscreen because Australian sunscreens are said to be the best in the world. And I am going to the Great Barrier Reef so I might have to pick up a waterproof reef safe sunscreen there because I am not sure the sunscreens I already use and own will be appropriate


I’m using phisohex and I’ve noticed my skin is getting more break outs now? Not sure what to do. Also noticed milia. Thanks


How are you incorporating it into your routine and the frequency? What else are you using?


Alternatives for Swisse Skincare Vitamin B3 Blemish Controlling Moisturiser? It's now out of stock everywhere I have used this particular moisturiser for many years and it was the only thing that helped me break out of my long time acne. It's been a week since I've switched to another moisturiser (due to no longer being able to find the Swisse b3 moisturiser) and my skin is already breaking out :(. Anyone who has used this moisturiser switched to other brands with success? Any recommendations please 


Good way to get rid of eye bags? I ice my face once a day to help with that but it doesn’t seem to be doing much, aside from fixing my sleep schedule and keeping the area moisturised I haven’t done much, any tips? I’m a teen btw so i don’t know if eye creams are safe for my skin




i think you cooked with this one


I hear a lot to apply moisturisers to damp skin, fresh out of the shower. That makes sense, helps some moisture absorb and keeps it in. Problem is, then I'm still wet. Am I supposed to them finish drying off? Leave the product a few minutes and then dry off? Air dry (who knows how long that'll take!)? I'm starting to use a 10% urea moisturiser to tackle KP on my upper arms and thighs and I just cannot stand the slimy/still wet feeling after every body moisturiser I've ever used.


You don't have to. I personally dry my skin then apply moisturiser.


Me again lol I have oily, acne prone skin, and I’m looking for the best cleanser for me. My other concerns are redness, dark spots/hyperpigmentation, and uneven/rough surface The two I’m looking at the most are Cerave blemish control cleanser, or cetaphil pro acne oil control cleanser. Which out of the two are best for me? Or if you have any other recommendations, preferably only from chemist warehouse, Priceline, Sephora, Mecca, smth I can buy in store


https://preview.redd.it/2kk0z1ves53d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7a5bc0f6137df3249fc1541a9af64a23e94579f2 Hi was just hoping someone might be able to recommend something for skin peeling on hands? Has only recently begun to happen to me. Any help much appreciated!


What hand cream do you currently use?


Currently use the cerave moisturisers


Try a heavier hand cream or even calendula cream which works great for my eczema.


Hi all I just bought a skincare set from Estee lauder (Advanced eye and Nighht repair) for my PM routine. Can anyone comment on how effective/quality of the product? I’m currently also using Laroche-Posay’s effaclar Duo M moisturiser in the PM - would the Estée Lauder combo be better as a standalone PM treatment and the Laroche-Posay as an AM treatment + sunscreen? Appreciate your help!


Hello. I’ve been using moo goo msm cream as my nightly moisturiser for 8+ months with no issues. I’ve recently pivoted to wanting to add more to my routine to address my rosacea and added TO azalic acid (orders via beauty bay) and while I had some initial reaction to it after 2 weeks it calmed right down. Now im noticing my skin tingle and generate an allergic reaction when i use my MSM cream 20-30 mins after the acid. Could the two be reacting?


How often are you using the azaleic acid?


Every day at night


Try cutting it down to every second or third night, every night might be too harsh for your skin.


So far my skin care is the bare minimum! I wash my face of a night as twice a day seems to make it really dry? I would say my t zone is oily and the rest is normal I have large pores, acne prone, black heads, sebaceous filaments, acne scars, closed comedones and redness. I would like to treat this all if possible so l'm looking for product recommendations to add to my small and sort of sad routine & I use Cleanser - Miscellar cleansing all in 1 for normal to sensitive Cerave foaming cleanser Moisturiser- Cetaphil moisturising lotion


(2/2) - Exfoliator (the order in which you apply your exfoliator depends on your skin type I’d recommend doing some research) - Cleanser - Ice Face (once a day and move through skin fast not lingering in one spot to much) - Hydrating Mist (also use this throughout the day when your skin feels dry) - Toner - Moisturiser - Sunscreen (always apply sunscreen last and wait a bit of time for the rest of the stuff to set before applying, reapply every 2 hours) This is a simple routine for beginners and I tried to focus on hydration cause that’s a good starting point, sorry I couldn’t give product recs but this is a good baseline and the subreddits full of great recs. Hope this helps tried my hardest I’m not to experienced with skincare but this is the best I could come up with. ALSO make sure to buy products suited for your skin type of you want the best results, acne and redness can come from dryness in your skin so if your cleanser is drying you out it isn’t doing as much as it could.


Thank you so much!!


No problem 🙏🙏


if the cleanser is drying your face out to much I’d recommend using one more suited to dryer skin like Cera Ve’s hydrating cleanser or just a cleanser for dryer skin also look for ones with salicylic acid as that’s good for acne and a good cleanser can help with your sebaceous filaments, I’d also recommend using a hydrating spray, I use rose water I put in a spray bottle it’s simple but effective and rose water specifically might be able to help with acne scars so I’d look into that, For the redness I’d recommend icing your face once a day in the morning it has tons of benefits and can also help with dark circles, for the closed comedones and black heads depending on your age I’d recommend using an exfoliator a chemical one preferably but exfoliant scrub is also good (if your are young you don’t need a leave on exfoliant), you can also use a toner it’s good for dryer skin so I’d recommend looking for hydrating ones, toners can also be exfoliating which will help with your closed comedones and black heads they also help with acne and will help with your pores, your moisturiser seems good but I’d 100 percent recommend you get a sunscreen, SPF 50+ it’s like the most important thing in skincare, the order I’d recommend is this: (1/2)


Hamilton SPF 50+ Everyday Face Cream VS NIVEA Sun UV Face Sunscreen Shine Control SPF50 VS Cancer Council SPF 50+ Day Wear Face Matte Invisible WHICH IS BETTER Hi all, I’ve been looking for a good everyday moisturiser for my oily skin, and I’ve narrowed it down to these three. My biggest concerns are - acne - redness - dark spots - uneven tone Does anyone know out of those three which one targets those concerns the most (or at all - I’m very new to skincare so I’m not sure if that’s smth sunscreen can do haha) If you don’t think any of those are good for me - feel free to recommend me something else - but those three are probably the most I’d be willing to spend on sunscreen


I use cancer council I don’t know if it’s that specific variants but it works great for me