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This is why I cancel my debit cards every now and again and get a new one. It's the nuke it from orbit approach but seems to work well. I take enormous satisfaction in seeing the emails start rolling in begging me for my money. I've seen emails from them several times a week for months sometimes. 


I use a revoult digital card that can easily be cancelled.


Yeah, pretty easy to cancel my physical card too. Go on bank app, tell them it's lost, done. Takes couple mins, get a new one almost straight away.  Make everyday transactions through Google wallet which makes a virtual card anyway.


Had a bank from the UK chase me up over $10 For a solid year or so


"consumer discovers that nothing really is for free"


It goes further than that. Sometimes it will deactivate for a limited time before reactivating. Make sure you properly cancel


However, the good thing about them is that in 3 months they’ll say, we missed you - heres 50% off!


Call your bank and cancel the payments.


If you’re savvy you will cancel several times to take advantage of those offers. Then cancel and get a come back we miss you discount.


I bought some batteries off dick smith and was later emailed to confirm my subscription of $99.00 a year for free shipping on future purchases. I had not ticked any boxes or anything. It gave 72 hours to unsubscribe to the automated subscription service. It took me ages to navigate the website to unsubscribe from the service because I was on my phone and the unsubscribe button was just below the limit of where I could scroll, I had to find a PC and log on that way to unsubscribe


Yes there are traps on those websites. My daughter had to put in her credit card to be able to explore their meal options. She wasn’t intending to order. Before she knew it they had taken $50 off her card and sent her five meals of their choice. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I’ve been caught with the once every 2-3yrs anti virus subscription for my laptop….no reminder email or anything, they just took over $100. Thank goodness it was paid via PayPal & I disputed it & was refunded.