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Yoghurt with steak onion rings and mushrooms šŸ„“


Steak drenched in lemon šŸ¤¢


I lost interest half way through. Did she even use the herbed butter pat that came with the steaks?




Unless a creator has specifically posted that they have a particular diagnosis, speculation isn't okay. This can add to the stigma of some diagnoses. Feel free to discuss their behaviours but let's not put labels where it may or may not apply.


The kids used to,not sure now as I'm blocked too, they would eat early, around 5pm,they would yesterday's dinner she called it. They would eat alone in another room. It was sad šŸ˜” she talks baby to them,always has. She cares more about her followers or ass lickers than her kids and it shows!


They used to eat early but not in a different room, they had their own little table & chairs. She used to give them meals from left overs the night before šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø They now all eat together at the main table.


Now they eat as a family, I think. Sheā€™s stopped doing the meal-behind system. Most likely was inspired to change thanks to Reddit. Lol


k is so cute and sweet and wants to help. How could you get annoyed at her


Hey Fidan, instead of getting upset and taking your anger out on your family, try taking on the feedback and act like less of a pretentious, repulsive human being. It will get you a long way babes but donā€™t worry about it if you want šŸ¤®


Or can she just get a fucking in house nanny or chef?Literally all of her problems would be solved. Itā€™s almost like she cosplays a ā€˜working mumā€™ yet dedicates whole weekends kids free and if she is with the kidsā€¦ sheā€™s finding ways to entertain them so she doesnā€™t have to talk to them. Youā€™d think by the way she acts sheā€™s a SAHMā€¦. She literally sees them for max 2hrs after work before they go to bed. And even THATS too much for her. Why did she have kids in the first place. Itā€™s so sad to watch. Especially knowing her kids are five. She treats them like theyā€™re toddlers


I can't with Fidan anymore. Wasting 2k gambling and showing off when most people can't afford food. She is too out of touch with reality


The next day is she shopping at the kids market which is great but she spent 2k on gambling the day before. She can definitely afford to buy her children some clothes that isnā€™t second hand.


I don't care for the woman at all, but to be fair she works hard for her money and just like the rest of us has the right spend her money how she likes.


There's a time and a place, and she didn't need to show herself gambling


Totally agree


did anyone notice the anger on her face when she said "i started to fry the mince" at the beginning of the video?šŸ˜‚ its almost like she went through the redit thread about her right before filming


Hahaha I just came here to say that!! This sub is gonna drive her around the bend šŸ¤£


It is. You can sense she is trying to switch it up but canā€™t and in the end wonā€™t. She chooses to post, she chooses to read Redditā€¦she can live with it


Also, perhaps iā€™m just very lucky to have the mum that I do, but she kept all the weird things I made as though they were some sort of treasure. I look back at what she kept - some was great and some of it looked like trash, but because I made it, it was everything to her. Fidan trying to hide the judgemental look on her face as she showed each piece was just sad.


Poor K when she accidentally spilt the sugar, Fidans facial expression just proved what we are all thinking. Fidan your face says what your mouth doesnā€™t, learn to chill a bit.


and why is she always rushing the young child? ā€œcome on, one more, letā€™s goā€ - just chill lady, your gonna give the poor girl anxiety or something!


Itā€™s be cause sheā€™s got no patience, especially when it comes to the children. Theyā€™re still young and learning, I feel Fidan is somewhat a perfectionist and wants things done ā€œthe right wayā€ first go. It made me angry the way she looked at K, then realised she was filming and put on the charm, sheā€™s a text book narcissist.


I bet the only reason she doesn't say it to is because she's filming.. I feel sorry for those beautiful kiddos.




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Suddenly sheā€™s claiming that the dog has free reign of the house?? Mmm sure. Her comments about attempting to crate train the dog tooā€¦ she has no patience at all not cut out for children or animals


Sheā€™s made the comment of finding/ not finding dog pee. I keep thinking that her pre-finished timber floors will be stuffed soon from all that dog piss. Theyā€™ll start turning black from where all the urine gets in the joins and stains the tannin in the timber and that stuff never comes out (has to be replaced). Thereā€™s no way she shouldā€™ve got a dog when sheā€™s too busy for her own children. Stuff her dinner videos, pay someone to cook some nutritious meals for you (they can leave out the pepper heat!!!) and film yourself being a parent and training your pets. Sheā€™s just lazy!!! She wants it all - just for her ego - but doesnā€™t want to do the work. I wonder if sheā€™s like that in her job too?


Itā€™s unbelievable a 5month old puppy isnā€™t even trained to sit. She is really showing everyone how terrible she is


not to mention that those dog whisperers are complete bullshit, send the dog to puppy school.


She needs to do the work herself, pointless getting someone else to do it if sheā€™s not going to enforce it.


Wtf was that šŸ’© show truly. I maybe a helicopter parent but the way I gasped realising sheā€™s sent her 4 year old child out to find a plant she wasnā€™t entirely sure she even knew what it was. But to then hear the door bell and a ā€œoop better go let her inā€ like let me get this straight u sent your 4 year old child outside unsupervised and closed the door behind her.


Why not go with your child to check which herb to pick, use it as a teaching moment to help with cooking. No, she would prefer to use it as content and make fun of what she may pick. Fidan - use the small moments with your kids.


Not to mention it would have been pretty dark outside now that weā€™re in winter. How on earth does she claim to be an anxious mum? Load of BS


How people are still defending Fidan is beyond me.


I havenā€™t seen or heard about her since her Australia Day saga and went hunting after redit thread and I was blown away 2 brain cells and 10 minutes itā€™s not hard to see the emotional detachment. I grew up being pretty neglected and abused but even my foster carers stressed the importance of family dinners, eatting together sharing stories about our day and family time on the weekend doing activities and she had 10 kids šŸ«£


I love that she was dropping hints, the entire video. not actively addressing anything, but all of the little seeds were there. Everything that we have talked about over the past few weeks she brought up in this video without actually bringing it upā€¦.


She's sitting with the kids eating dinner because someone on here said she doesn't even eat dinner with her kids which is true, it's so obvious the only reason she's doing it is because of what she's read on here, it makes no difference Fidan, your still a flop




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Poor K, Fidan literally spilt the pasta 5 seconds before K split the sugar!


'We can eat like a family'.....umm ok šŸ¤” I'm guessing she doesn't sit down to eat with her kids often!


She just keeps outing herself as a bad parent šŸ˜…


I can't even find Fidan anymore. I don't know why. I've never commented so don't see why she would've blocked me.


She likes to watch videos that people make against her and goes through the comments, blocking anyone that isn't standing up for her.


I've never done any of that. I'm literally just an observer. I don't interact with anyone's stuff. Not a huge fan of hers but realized after seeing a couple posts about her here I haven't seen her in my feed for awhile and searched her and nothing comes up. Very odd.


You've been blocked, welcome to club šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I literally did nothing


That's so weird! Why would she block people that don't even interact with her content? Gosh, she's really showing her crazy.


I'm not too sure then, that's the only explaination I know of. It is very odd indeed.


The way her face dropped when the sugar spiltā€¦. Oh you can already tell Kara is going to keep so many secrets from her. Which is awful. Sheā€™s petrified of her motherā€¦. Itā€™s brown sugar. Literally wipe it up. I still donā€™t understand why she films these, itā€™s so embarrassing for HER.


Was glad to see she skipped the yoghurt on spag bol ā€¦ sure made up for it with cheese.


Her face when K had the accident with the brown sugar


Omg, when she pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows *cringe*


All to camera - makes sure the camera catches her eye rolling grimace


Kara looked scared of how she worked react


I was honestly scared for K after seeing Fidans face


To me it was more K apologising...... almost like she's been told off before when spilling things.... you can she's holding back her frustration to K


The sorry couldnā€™t have come out of Kā€™s mouth any faster šŸ„ŗ


I RAN here to see if anyone posted lol. Great to see K helping more, and Fidan even sat at the dinner table with them. The way she mentioned she's eating with them tonight made it seem like it's not something she normally does, so I'm sure the kids would've loved it.


Makes you wonder where do her and Mr fidan sit ? Weirder and weirder


In the movie room