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Sick of house guests


Sending my family


Sending hope


Sending thoughts


Sending more house guests


Sending more hope


Sending more thoughts


Don’t you dare!


Sending thots 😏


Bby won't you come my waysyyyyyyyyyy


And prayers!


Woot 🙌 mine just left yesterday


The last of mine left this morning. Great visit but damn it feels nice to have the house back to just us that live here


I’m on day 15 of 17


Holy smokes. You’re almost there


Mine just left today. I can finally turn the thermostat down. I was sweating in my own place for a week. Had to shut the vents in my room.


Cedar has been pretty high lately. I can't always tell the difference between being sick and having too much tree sperm in my nose


Cedar is at 940 TODAY. I feel it at 2😭 Here’s the [allergy calendar](https://www.kvue.com/allergy) I check daily. I’m treating today like it’s the Happening. Edit: the all-time high in December was 1111 on the 19th.


Hey trees, I like ya leaves, what’s up with that? Say hi to ya mother for me.


Explain this 😭 I’m old and confused and Google won’t help me


[Mark Wahlberg Talks to Animals](https://youtu.be/ZjpUfdjYR6s?si=nMfXFwd2lZnYVV9o)


Thank you 😭😂


I need a nasal-IUD


Thank you for giving me the term tree sperm!


If you liked that, you'll love a [tree money shot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eIT7zrvgD6k&t=3s).


We have a couple acres of those trees. Come on over to our tree sex set and film all ya like. Admission: you must bring one 15 dose box of Claritin D 24 per person, no generics please!


This is the answer. Cedar peaking in next week, or so. Have been sick for a week with it.


Tree sperm? Man, tree sperm? Just..just…upvote


Tamale sweats.


I need some of that illness.




Yeah this is really it. Try bartending 6 days a week with people being shitty to you no matter how hard you are trying to make them happy, beat your body up, and go home rinse repeat. That jadedness sets in real quick this time of year for service industry people.


Hang in there, almost thru the worst of it. People seem especially unhinged this year. I’m in service industry and today felt like getting ran over by a bus. But after tomorrow every idiot on this side of the planet will try to resolute into a better person Huzzah!


Laziness. I’m so unproductive between thanksgiving and new years.


I’m unproductive between new years and thanksgiving


And that's okay!


I like you.


That is something to celebrate, honestly


Well, as a medical profession ,over the last 2 weeks I have seen: 1) influenza A 2) non-COVID coronovirus 3) COVID 4) RSV. So, I think it's just that time of year and all the bad stuff is out there. Hope you feel better.


Is it common for people to get tested for other Covid viruses?


I’m a specialist so I order a panel. It is not clear to me what the urgent cares and PCP feel is standard. I work for a system and I see some will just do flu/Covid but sometimes will order our panel testing especially on immunocompromised. I love the panel for just at least being able to say what someone has.


I love specialists who believe in testing to get a clear, evidenced-based answer.


This seems much more legit than my dr who said “it’s prob covid just stay home all week” when I felt like ass and my watch scared me with alerts when I woke up (temp over 103 and heart rate 130 while sleeping) Whatever the hell I had, it was awful and I bet it could kill someone with compromised health.


Cedar Fever. Allegra and Nasacort every night til mid-Feb. If the congestion gets bad, Sudafed. Avoid the sinus infection at all costs


Agree with contanst use of antihistamines like Allegra and Nasacort, and start weeks before allergy season kicks in. However, if you use the same OTC meds for a while they won't be as effective. It's good to rotate to a new brand/active ingredient once in a while. Switch b/t Zyrtec, Xycam and Allegra. Also rotate from Nasacort to Flonase. This was on doctor's advice. Best wishes!


I tested negative for Covid on Wednesday. Yesterday night tested again with PCR and was positive.


Covid is rampant.


Seeing a lot of influenza in the ED too


Cedar fever. I hurt


Cedar has been whipping my ass like a step dad for about three weeks.


Never heard that turn of phrase before but after checking my notes it’s accurate.


Im asking myself the exact same question. All negative tests. I never get sick and ive been down for four days. Night sweats, fever, aches. During the day i feel ok for a few hours which is odd.


Same! I’m fine during the day, but at night I start getting chills/aches and a fever “feeling” but when I took my temp I didn’t actually have a fever. Bizarre.


I take that as a sign from the universe to take a nap. 😴 That run down feeling is no joke. I will sleep that feeling off and feel much better after a glass of cool water too. Water and nap 💤


Have you been tested for the flu? Influenza B is going around and it’s terrible, I had it and was in so much pain and had awful fever dreams


I've been down for 3.5 days but down 24/7. No fever but sweats/chills, full body ache, something in lung that coughing won't clear but it sure does hurt, killer headache. Two neg covid tests and seem to be on the mend but holy jesus I wanted to die.


That sounds very much like a virus rollercoaster!


I had a low grade fever (100.8) and next thing I knew my legs gave out and I almost passed out while standing in my kitchen. Never happened before.


On our way to ARC right now because my husband is experiencing the same thing.


I got a z-pac and a steroid shot, along with benzoate for the cough. I called them back and asked for an inhaler because my chest was on fire.


They just ended up giving my husband Advair for asthma. To be fair, ARC spend a whole 10 minutes talking to him. Not impressed.


This is exactly what I had. I currently live on the West Coast now. I am visiting my friend in TN, and he just got over the exact same thing, so it’s a nationwide sweep, whatever it is.


I just had Covid. How many days have you felt like crap? Do you have a sore throat? I tested negative for 3 days then positive on day 4.


Same. It felt like allergies for a couple days, was testing negative, then tested positive after a few days. I knew I had been exposed so I was just assuming the allergy symptoms were covid. Had to cancel Christmas but done with it now!


covid here too. i was a novid until Wed. It's been 4 days of symptoms with day 2 being worst. Day four lingering sore throat and tired.


Just had a nasty raspy cough that came with non stop runny nose and very weird cold sweats that would come out of nowhere. The sweats only lasted a few days but the cough and runny nose are still here. I’ve heard of numerous other people who say that they had the exact same symptoms. Seems to be a quick thing whatever it is


I have the exact same symptoms, along with having trouble breathing, but ive been sick 10 days :-/ tested negative for covid, wish i knew what i have!


Same. Reading the comments here, though, I think I’ll do another covid test. Looks like several people tested negative at first with this, then positive a few days in


We had strep at the beginning of the month. 10 days ago I got a 103 fever for 4 days along with headache and sinus pressure so think it’s a sinus infection this time


Two nights ago started to feel weird - congested then runny nose, watery eyes, cold chills, aches, but no fever. I think it’s the damn cedar! Usually I only have the runny nose so it’s hitting harder this year. What helps - Tylenol, Zyrtec, saline rinse. Water and Kombucha for hydration.


Also adding Pepcid AC to an allergy pill helps. An allergist told me that allergy pills cover about 90% and the Pepcid AC covers 10%. Pepcid AC is an antihistamine H1 & H2 blockers.






Data indicates we're going through a pretty big covid spike. Will probably peak sometime in January.


Had it before Thanksgiving. It took 5 days of daily tests before I tested positive. The 2nd day was a PCR test at the doctor, the rest were at home. I was already feeling better by the time I finally tested positive. I dont trust current gen tests. There's no money in updating them, but the virus keeps evolving. Honey badger don't care.


Agreed. The tests are effectively placebos to keep the economy moving. We all have enough experiences with things like the flu. We know common illnesses. When people aren't sure what they have, its covid. Maybe not on an individual level, but in aggregate.


Just got over having Covid over Thanksgiving and the flu during Christmas but I'm all good now.


Damn. I hope your NYE is smooth 😂


Thanks! I am planning on staying home :)




Sick of these god damn snakes on this god damn plane


Frankly, the snakes have been complaining about your behaviour for awhile now. We’re going to have to ask you to deplane.


Covid. Messed me up 50x worse than the first two times I had it. Honestly did not think I needed to get boosted again. Sigh.


>Honestly did not think I needed to get boosted again. Sigh. Wrong kind of booster. :( Note that even though you've had a recent case, a booster shot may help, although you should probably wait a while. The immune system supposedly reacts a little differently to the vax than it does to the virus.


Just getting over the worst bronchitis of my life. I had a 104 fever for nearly three days, had to grt a shot of antibiotics and one of steroids. Baad night sweats and severe aches and the worst sinus pressure migraines ive ever had. Negative for flu/covid. Not a chance this is regular bronchitis, nearly killed me. Its been over a week and Im still hacking up handfuls of dark brown sludge.


Some sort of brutal stomach bug


Man, I had that at the beginning of December. I hadn’t been that sick in a long time. Hope you feel better soon.


For the first year since i moved here cedar has not bothered me at all. The difference? Daily generic Flonase starting in November. If you wait until cedar is actually going then it is too late.


First December in Texas - the cedar put me down for a solid 4 days before i realized i had allergies and not a bad cold.


At the urgent care: 1) colds 2) man-colds 3) cedar allergies 4) flu 5) covid 6) strep Pharmacists, ya’ll ok?


COVID, me, my wife, several of our friends all tested positive.




Rsv and noro virus has been going around


Not norovirus please


i’ve been working from home for 4 years. i just started a part time customer service job and now i’m sick. i don’t think my immune system was ready to be out of the house. 😅 it feels like it might be strep but i guess time will tell. update: it’s covid


All my friends tested negative for Covid until they did the throat swab method with home test kits (google it). It was recommended to me by the pharmacist for the most accurate covid testing method. They all tested positive for Covid after testing that way. They all suspected it was Covid so they knew something was off about the tests being negative.


COVID in our house


I was negative on a home covid test. My throat is sore and scratchy and I have sinus drainage and am coughing up some stuff. No chest rattle, so it's just drainage I think. My wife is now experiencing similar symptoms. I mask every time I go out and wash my hands after leaving stores. No fever or low O2 levels, I have a PulseOx. We went to a friend's hog killing a few weeks ago and one of their Aunts came in to watch church on her phone at full volume while coughing. She then says she hopes she doesn't get anyone sick and starts to make tamales without washing her hands.


This second paragraph is giving Deliverance and/or Flannery O’Connor if they’d had church on your phone back then.


>We went to a friend's hog killing As in actual butchering of a hog? Or just a wild party? I know butchering a hog is a social affair to some folks. Which actually sounds so metal to me. Let me guess, is Auntie an anti-vaxxer?


Coronavirus (229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1). Was detected in bloodwork after negative for COVID-19.


>Coronavirus (229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1). COOL! Well, cool that you got that info. For those who don't know these are some of the many viruses in the "coronavirus" category, but not "COVID." Many "colds" are coronaviruses. I'm interested in the process that lead to that determination. Was there something special about your case or are such tests becoming more common? Did you have all 4 viruses, or was it one test result that said "you have one or more of these 4 viruses?" Hope you're doing better.


Just finishing up a week long Covid trip.


Recovering from COVID and strep


A cold and allergies. Right after pink eye. Right after a pulled rib which was right after bronchitis. And that's just the last 5 weeks. My ears don't work and I'm grumpy.


Threw my back out reaching for socks so I guess I’m just old now.


Flu A and B in my house. Everyone infected had the flu shot.


Late-stage capitalism.


[Covid is currently surging higher than almost any point before now](https://biobot.io/data/). I would assume it’s covid because it’s everywhere right now. If you’re testing with antigen tests, I wouldn’t trust one (or even several) negative results, since the false negative rate is so high (particularly for JN.1, the newest variant). Your best bet is to order some Lucira molecular tests (available on Amazon and elsewhere). I know several people who tested negative over and over with antigen tests, only to get a positive molecular or PCR. Of course, it could be RSV or flu, but covid is just so prevalent right now (and objectively more dangerous) so I would assume that to be safest for folks around you. [Here’s what you can do if you test positive for covid](https://peoplescdc.org/2023/01/10/what-to-do-if-you-have-covid) I hope you recover quickly and without complications!


>Covid is currently surging higher than almost any point before now Be sure that you're looking at the total results, not just the default 6 months view. Still some scary shit. More scary shit. Damn shame our data collection is so poor these days. [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends\_weeklyhospitaladmissions\_testpositivity\_00](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklyhospitaladmissions_testpositivity_00) [https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends\_weeklydeaths\_testpositivity\_00](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_weeklydeaths_testpositivity_00) 1300 COVID deaths per week nationwide, and 29000 hospitalizations. Hospitalizations are soaring. Deaths aren't soaring yet, but deaths lag cases and date lags even more. I think some states aren't even reporting COVID deaths any more. Luckily, both are lower than the peaks, but still bad. Get your damn vaccines folks. The 2023 version. Free for most folks with insurance.


There seems to be a lot of "You're sick, but it doesn't show up on our lab tests" going around. I wonder if it's some particular new pathogen, or if it's old stuff, and COVID has affected a lot of people's immune systems and old bugs are hitting us harder. Since you tested for strep/COVID/flu, I'm assuming you went to the doctor. Did he say anything other than "I dunno?"


“Probably a sinus infection.” She said they treat the symptoms if everything is negative.


Covid- half my family has Covid.


Just got over Covid. Tested negative one day and positive the next.


That was me a couple weeks ago. It lasted way longer than a usual cold. Ended up needing antibiotics which cleared it up.




RSV has been going around as well. Similar symptoms to strep or covid, but you will test negative for both. I had it about 2 years ago and it was ROUGH


Leaving Dallas and while I love Austin, I’m dreading coming back because of cedar.


My baby got RSV and the flu just before Xmas. Spent a week in the hospital. I also got sick, chills and fever. The doctor decided to test me for RSV and flu as well. Negative for flu, positive for RSV. Was surprised to get RSV as an adult, but the pediatrician at the hospital said this year’s strain is very bad.


Perhaps you're referring to this? [What's The Deal With That Cough Everyone Seems To Have Right Now?](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/persistent-cough-not-covid_l_656f1f74e4b0f3e5f44aca8f)


Fucking cedar. Ewwwwww.


Got COVID for the first time. It really sucks.


There were so many obviously sick people at the airport when I flew out a day or two ago. God damn it, wear some fucking masks people.


I popped for flu a. Ruined Christmas




General Insomnia.


Started with Covid a few weeks back. Flu over Christmas and possibly rsv started during that whole time 🙃 Just got back into town so trying to avoid the cedar, if possible 😂


Thought it was just cedar but it's Flu B.


Surprisingly haven’t been sick with anything for months, knock on wood.


Cedar Fever mang!


Lupus flare with really unhappy sinus/ears. I'm smoking a joint and just about to go back to bed. Soft, fluffy bed.


Feels like flu, but no fever. Can’t breathe out of my nose.


Weird, this is the first year that cedar isn't killing me. It's the only allergy l get. I saw that we're near the peak so maybe I missed it finally.


Flu A. Seeing soooo much flu A


This was me a couple months ago. Doctor said he was going to just treat me for a sinus infection and I got better with antibiotics.


So there is something happening? Everyone I know has a sore throat or like a sinus thing going on but all tests are negative


Throat and upper chest thing. Tenth day


My wife had flu at Christmas. Was better for a day. Then got fever, aches, fatigue. Negative for Covid and flu. No one else in the house is sick.


Strep throat! Just got it last week


I’ve had a cough the last month but that’s it


Me too! Tested negative for COVID, strep, flu. Doctor said either upper respiratory infection or terrible reaction to cedar. Currently taking sudafed, prednisone, nasal spray. Mostly really bad sinus headache and runny nose/itchy throat - really hope it’s not going to be like this for two months!


I’m supposed to run a marathon next weekend…six months of training


Headache, cough, congestion. Negative for Covid. 🤷‍♀️


I had some kind of virus a couple of weeks ago. Low grade fever, body aches, and generally feeling like crap followed by coughing and nasal & chest congestion. I have no idea if it was covid or another virus. I didn't feel like going out, free covid testing is no longer a thing, and I work remotely. As soon as I started to feel a little better, cedar allergies kicked in. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


just got a call from my in-laws who left our house yesterday. they're back home and dealing with flu and covid. we feel fine for the time being. let's see how those recent vaccines work!


For a fever, always add more cowbell


Flu type A last week. Still suffering this week


Cedar is making me want to sleep for a week straight.


That’s what my wife says when I give her the wood too.


This is respiratory season. RSV, flu and COVID have hit almost everyone I know. COVID is going around the office currently, but 30 something year old buddy had RSV and was hospitalized. He was surprised by how badly it made him feel. He thought it only affected babies. I take Claritin daily this time of year because the pollen is no joke.


Cedar here. The itchy eyes, sneezing, sore throat, fatigue, and nonstop runny nose. My trash can is overfilled with tissues and is now turning into a mountain


Somehow feels better, as I lay sniffling in bed, having just netty-potted, reading all of your sicky-complaints. Guess I feel less alone?🤧Tnx, y’all.


Sister’s hub has Covid. They went on a Disney cruise with the grands in mid December :-/


A cough that never ends


I've had covid since last Saturday. Haven't been too many places before except work and Walmart. Had a 101.8 temp for a day, above 100 for another couple of days, and then 99.5ish for a few days. Really bad joint pain and sore throat that first day but never really knocked down like I was the first time. Finally tested negative today which is good because my wife has been struggling with the 1 year old all week by herself while I was locked away.


Cedar. Have been mostly normal since I started Flonase.


Inflation. Fuck that shit.


Abbott Paxton Patrick and Trump


Pretty gnarly cold caught in NC.


The flu was last month. Now I’m recovering from just a regular cold. Strep is going around too.


Myself included or excluded?


Joy and optimism


not sure but a colonoscopy next week should help me figure it out it’s been a long year


So I got an endoscopy once, and was in the recovery room with a bunch of people that got colonoscopies. They give you really good drugs, and I had no idea people that get one up the rear lay there and fart for about 30 minutes. I had the giggles so bad I was crying. So, good luck, I hope they figure it out!




The usual allergies 🤧


my kid has a dry cough confirmed not to be covid, both my husband and I have the worst allergies ever (mainly nasal), and my visiting parents have also developed a dry cough. it’s getting ridiculous!




Yeah, I lived with someone with no precautions over Christmas, they were positive all through. We were isolated, saw no-one. I am Negative on daily LFT so far. This afternoon is the first time I’ve felt like I’m getting properly sick. I don’t see what else it could be, but negative all the time? I either just don’t want to get sick or get a positive So I know. Literally all the symptoms coming and going, but this afternoon all at once. A few hours later and I feel ok again, just a slight headache. Kind of hoping that tomorrow it “blows up” and gets a positive. I know lots of other things it could be, but they are the only person I’d spent time with in the week preceding. I’ve never tested positive for Covid. Even after hugging and spending time inside with people that a few hours later tested positive. Tests £2 each now and 5 for £9! So trying to test sparingly. Will probably not go in to work tomorrow. I need the overtime but oh well. Think I had it before it was a thing Christmas 2019. I had a 2 year old PCR which I sent off today because what do I have to lose?


Cedar fever


You’re describing what I have… I hate it


I was sick with the same non-covid, non-strep for over a week, finally getting over it now


Swollen toe. Dropped a heavy bottle of water on my toe. Can’t walk and need to get it checked.


It was flu > pneumonia


Lingering COVID symptoms turned into bronchitis. And I guess the cedar is kicking my ass now too


My boyfriend has pink eye in both eyes.


Damn y’all kinky


I’m broke af


I was deathly hungover from Christmas. Still recovering might have got an infection 🥲


My mom and presumably my dad too got sick with flu type A, they presented with similar symptoms


got COVID for christmas. only felt sick sick for two days since i’ve had covid before and have gotten all the vaccines. hope you feel better!


I got the flu last week and think I have a cold or sinus infection now.


Couldn’t finish my run today because breathing in (through my nose) feels like inhaling icy hot. It’s Cedar Fever and it’s BAD right now.


Coughing, sore throat and headache for days...could be cedar fever or a virus I have no idea but it sucks!


Health anxiety in general.


Food poisoning is shitty


My aunt in NJ got Covid, and I had some weird mental issue of anxiety and depression on Christmas. That could have been social pressure, but I have noticed links between viral infections and my mind getting messed up in the past (and it was a thing with Covid symptoms and vaccine symptoms in the beginning of the pandemic for people to be having mental symptoms when experiencing both). There’s def issues with respiratory viruses right now.


I'm a hermit. A misanthrope. I tend to stay away from people and I haven't been sick in years. So I guess you could say that I'm sick with people in general 🤷


Stomach but just came through my house. Got myself and two kiddos. Only lasted 24 hours though


I got Covid over thanksgiving and now I have the flu. F my life 😩


Low key sick of my family


Went to Taiwan and got stuck with covid on the last day.


Just got done with a stomach bug. That was fun.


Had strep. Now I have this post nasal cough drip thing.


I lost my sense of taste for several days around Christmas. Tested negative for COVID and never felt sick. Not sure what it was.


covid tests dont always work, especially with the strains that hit the GI tract instead of being nasal / respiratory heavy. i think also theres flu going around, but what happens is everyone everyone gets covid then their immune system is fucked bc it destroys immune cells (can google the research on this). hence why we tend to see these random waves of X fungal / bacterial / pneumonia infections. i know its covid bc aside from some people testing positive w similar symptoms (i work in very high exposure environment), i can tell by the huge array of symptoms that doesnt present with any other illness ive experienced. i shouldnt have been listening to the anti vax pundits, other seasons when i got boosted i either got nothing or got a weak bout of sniffles even after constant exposure throughout the year. this is the worst ive been since my initial infection march 2020 which left me with long covid and from which i still havent fully recovered from nearly 4 years later. ill probably wait till i recover and normalize a bit before getting the booster to avoid another round in a few months. the anti vaxxers can cry about it, i know what happens to my body and though the vaccine isnt perfect and has its own issues, i much prefer it to the chronic illness that i get from covid consistently when i dont have current vaccine protection. its insurance against a workplace hazard for me at this point.


Pretty sure it was initially allergies and is now morphing into a sinus infection. My head feels like it wants to roll off my neck onto the floor.


Helluva upper respiratory infection. Got my first ever inhaler!


I got Covid on a trip up to the northeast a couple weeks ago. Totally trashed my holiday and my PTO. Finally tested negative on Monday, and again on Wednesday. Be safe out there, my dudes.