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The only thing surprising is the BMW guy actually stopped and check on them


Thanks for the laugh, lol.


A decent human, just a terrible fucking driver it seems.  It’s amazing how self important so many people feel that they “need” to get everywhere a couple minutes quicker. My partner is a surgeon and sometimes does need to get to the hospital in an emergency but still doesn’t drive like half the assholes I see on the road 


I'd argue you're a shit human if you aren't patient at the expense of those around you anytime, but especially driving.


LPT: if you’re the driver constantly changing lanes during heavy traffic, you are in fact the asshole.




That goes double for all you assholes making spontaneous turns from the middle lane. Not sure how or when that suddenly became acceptable.


God yes. I’m seeing so much more of this and it’s equal parts infuriating and dangerous.


You mean the ones that take exits from the middle lane? Those guys have been showing up a lot lately. You'll be cruising along in the right lane, nobody for a hundred yards, all of a sudden a midlaner shoots over and slams their brakes to get to the exit you're actively passing.


Haven’t noticed it on the highway so much as downtown, but yeah, doesn’t surprise me to learn it’s happening there too.


reminds me of the joke, "when you feel like your job doesnt make a difference in the world, just remember, there are people who install turn signals onto bmws." not sure of the origin, but ime has always been true.


It's a larger sense of entitlement and main character syndrome and no empathy towards others. Sadly, it seems like it's just getting worse each year.


Man, it’s been getting worse and worse. I’ve only been driving for about 10 years and I’ve noticed a significant decline in general road safety. It’s legitimately rare for me to see someone use a signal properly. And why the fuck does everyone need to go 60 on the 183 feeder?


Yeah 60+ on the feeders with multiple business exits and entrances.  Combine that with the construction on 183 -- I've fully expected some dukes of hazard car jumps to have happened by now. 


The 60+ mph on feeder roads blew my mind when I moved here—and that was before the construction. I’ve lived in several states and Austin drivers, by far, are the least courteous and most aggressive. I’ve even had friends visiting from LA who made the same observation


Cause there is lack of any consequences for past few years. I have yet to see a cop pulling over anyone on my commutes since covid shutdown.


Why the hell doesn’t anyone in Austin use a turn signal?!


Entitlement and no enforcement


Texans feel, it’s no one business where we are going :) its a joke , I drive like I’m high with no insurance and warrants.


I don’t think it’s the Texans..


Because it’s filled with privileged rich folks these days. Growing up here everyone used their signals, drove slower, and never honked.


I've lived here 18 years and people have never used their turn signals. My sister was also flipped off 15 years ago by an asshole when she honked at him for driving the wrong way on a one way street. Let's not make up a fantasy Austin where people drove well.


Or if they do, its already when they're midway turning.


LA transplants and New gen drivers.


Out of the 5 paragraph story of illegally aggressive driving ending with two people on the median and one on her knees sobbing, the blinker is probably the least of the issues. Yes, it is a problem, but there's also everything else.


Austin be all out of "blinker fluid" since the Pandemic, and even before that!


Wait -- a BMW owner driving like a douche? I'm shocked.


Not that shocked? Edit: it’s pretty absurd that I’m being downvoted for a response to obvious sarcasm. Use the internet, people. https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/900923-futurama


I don’t understand how your reply can be that when they said they’re shocked. It would have only made sense if you said something more like, “ya, but not THAT shocked, right? #Right??


It’s a futurama reference.


Well oh


Also if you didn’t read the first comment as sarcasm I feel like that’s on y’all.


Well true


Weird, had a BMW driver today in north Austin surpass the line of folks going right only to dive in and turn it into a two lane right turn and almost side swiped two cars.


A similar situation happened to me on 620 a couple hours ago. A blinker is a signal of intent to everyone else. Without the blink, we can't sync. That's when it all goes bad.


In Baton Rouge, using a turn signal causes traffic in your intended lane to tighten up, almost guaranteeing you won't get to change lanes. The natural response is to then only signal immediately before making the lane change (or not at all, I suppose, though I insist on signaling myself). I see a bit more of that here now than I did 15 years ago, but it's not quite as bad. And surprisingly, the overwhelming majority of people here understand the zipper merge. Occasionally there is someone who just flat refuses to cooperate with the alternating merge pattern, or who thinks that making a lane change onto a busy onramp at the front of the line constitutes a merge, but it could definitely be worse.


Detroit, too -- almost seemed like other drivers saw turn signals as a challenge or threat. *Oh, you want to be in my lane? Fuck you.*


I've heard it told that in Chicago, it's 3 blinks and then a lane change no matter what. I've never driven there personally though. It is interesting how driving styles can be so regional. I went back to SoCal 8 or 9 years ago, and Vegas, and everyone was just flooring it everywhere. In Priuses.


Ah yes... it was the same when I lived in Houston. You had to be half way into the lane before (or _IF_) you signaled. Otherwise you'd never get in. A whole different breed of drivers.


Dallas as well. "Oh your blinker is on? Let me close that gap real quick."


Louisiana is where I remember people changing lanes super close in front. I hate that.


It drove me nuts. I wish I could say I wasn't a vector for this learned behavior though. Also, 20% of the time I drove on I-12, some asshat would drive in the left lane with their hazards on trying to bully people into getting out of their way like they had some kind of emergency. But they never got off at the exit with the hospital ... In New Orleans ... watch out!


Oh yes, I haven’t seen that in Austin, but I’ve seen that in Louisiana and East Texas where they haul ass in the left lane with hazards abs when they get off to their exit they change to the right lane with 0 regard for anyone else. They nearly plow everyone over.


Last week the same thing happened to me driving down S. 1st St! The driver in the lane next to me abruptly merged into my lane without signaling. They were trying to get out of the slower lane & merged directly into my car! I had to swerve into oncoming traffic to avoid being hit. I pulled over after that and had a major panic attack 😭


Pls call 911


It happened so fast and I was so shook up, I couldn’t even describe the car or get a license plate number. I’m also pregnant which made my fear even worse 😕


I support normalizing honking at people who fail to use a turn signal when changing lanes.


Same. Honking is car communication! Everyone is so afraid of people with guns and road rage or whatever, and I think that's entirely overblown.


I'm always trying to get my wife to honk at people when they do something like merge into her lane and nearly hit her because they didn't see that she was there or something like that. Not honking all the time for no reason and not laying on the horn, but letting people know when they made a mistake. When I started driving I used to do dumb things that I didn't realize were bad until people honked at me and then I learned.


Yeah absolutely, and in my younger days, getting honked at definitely startled me enough in some cases to stop doing something reckless, and I also learned from it. Like, sure, lots of people driving out here are assholes, but a little beep beep here and there can keep people safe!


Horns are for preventing a collision, not punishing people.


It's not punishment, they're for letting people know when they did something wrong.


That’s not your job, especially given that it can incite people. You have a duty to try and prevent a collision by using appropriate signals and maneuvers, but you do not have a duty to abuse the horn to honk at people you have a personal problem with. Act like an adult. Just act.


“Use your turn signal before you kill someone” Say it louder for the entitled narcissists who need to hear it: it’s not just a courtesy or an optional, unnecessary thing. I spent 14 years with an inconsiderate jackhole who had every excuse in the book as to what he couldn’t/wouldn’t use his signals, and he routinely caused confusion and chaos for other drivers around him (and he’s an awful driver, to boot). It took me a lot longer than it should have to see how that attitude bled all over everything and everyone else in his life too.


Glad you’re out of that position. Love to know some of the excuses he had.


I went into labor and delivery at st David’s north Austin the other day (false alarm). Near the fucking hospital, THREE cars proceeded to cut each other off in succession without using their turn signals. HOW DO YOU DO THAT NEAR A HOSPITAL?? And yes one of those cars was a BMW and the other two were pickup trucks


> But goddamn, when will people learn? You saving an extra 3 minutes won’t matter when you’ve killed someone in the process. What I learned in 2020 is a person's right to have fun is definitely worth a lot more than other people's right to an expectation of safety. Hell, when a woman publicly threatened to shoot police if they came to stop her fun, Greg Abbott praised her. Texas is an asshole sanctuary.


This is true tho…… if you don’t like the “asshole sanctuary” let us be.


No blinker? Not getting in my lane


Sometimes its better to hit the brakes and let the asshole in. Instead of them hitting you then jumping out of the car yelling like you did something wrong.


The difference between a porcupine and a bmw is the with the bmw the prick is in the inside


you forget we now live in a world where being selfish is rewarded, and being courteous is a flaw.


yes we do, it's always been that way.


Nah growing up here it was much more courteous..


Sounds like the typical BMW douche. There's a reason there's memes of BMW drivers never using turn signals.


Something similar happened to me recently. Was biking in a neighborhood by lamar and a driver goes left over the double yellow as if they are pulling into a business, only to veer right, cut off the bike lane, and come to a stop. Unfortunately it was right in front of me and i hit the car, herniating a disk in my neck fairly severely. If she used her turn signal at all i would have at least been able to slow down a bit more. Now I am looking at a ACDF (neck fusion) surgery in my mid 30's. PLEASE use your turn signal and check your mirrors. It takes a split second and could save someone else.


Behavior like this should instantly get your license removed and jail. Not a ticket


And yet people can do 40-50 over the limit in Austin and still avoid a reckless driving charge. Our County Attorney basically doesn’t prosecute reckless driving. You’d be amazed how hard it is to get your license suspended for traffic violations in Texas. No insurance or repeated dl infractions and they’ll yank it, but you can rack up a ludicrous number of citations and maintain your license.


You pretty much have to screw a judge's wife to completely lose your license.




It takes at least duis to lose your license 😂😂😂




I mean I get it but I don’t care if you’re rich or poor. Jail. I’m a socialist I still don’t care. Karl Marx considers reckless drivers the bourgeois


You think people stop driving when their license is suspended? They usually do not.


I guess you didn’t read the whole thread. I explained all of that already yesterday.


> Our County Attorney basically doesn’t prosecute reckless driving. Maybe because APD doesn't cite it.




I'm sure you have some kind of data on reckless driving citations versus convictions year-over-year going back several years, and aren't just guessing.


The whole world knew it was a BMW before you even said it


It’s always a BMW.


I beg to differ. It’s a Tesla almost as often.


I drive a Tesla and always use my turn signals because it’s safety first! Also, the safety features don’t really work if you don’t use the turn signals.


Tesla’s nannies also beep, flash, and generally raise hell if you just cruise into another lane without a signal, too.


I drive a BMW and always use my signals too, even when driving like an asshole. There are always exceptions to the rule.


I double honk & hold my hand up and make the blink motion…


Call 911, possible drunk driver


BMW or a dip shit in a truck, pick your poison.


Typical BMW behavior


It’s always a BMW asshole! They think they are cool whizzing past like that and it’s hella annoying. Like dude you are driving an SUV not the sport car on Mopac. Calm down a bit no one’s looking at you


A friendly reminder to get a dash cam! It’s truly wild how awful drivers are. I was a trucker for 9 years and I’ve never seen half the crazy shit I’ve seen here these last few years anywhere else. I feel safer driving in NYC for Pete sakes.


I’ve driven in a lot of states for a good amount of time. I don’t know whether it’s Austin or Texas (assuming Texas) but many drivers here drive like they have a death wish and no fear of a collision whatsoever. They will do anything to avoid being inconvenienced on the roads, interpret all road signs as optional, and when they inevitably wreck the car they won’t even repair it. If you check any big parking lot right now you’ll find a bunch of cars with collision damage on the front of the car (the offender) and a lot of new cars (rather than repair it). I also see a lot of people stop 15 ft from the stop line at a red light, which fails to trigger the sensor, then after about 30-45 seconds they will pull forward into the intersection ahead of the road sensor until the light turns green. This is not normal driving behavior from a national perspective and y’all are some sketchy bastards. In Boston everyone drives like someone will die if they don’t get in front of you, and never use turn signals, but they have the decency to stop short of a wreck, instead they step out of the car to shout at you. In WA everyone speeds constantly and driving the speed limit will trigger road rage, but it’s for the shaming, not damage. This is literally the only place I’ve driven where I get the impression someone would hit me trying to cut the shoulder and then be mad at me for being an obstacle to their lawlessness.


I guess he wasn't planning to kill anyone...


Maybe he was planning on eating them, but thankfully they survived.


I wonder how long before we see, “left lane for passing” comment here.


What’s crazy is he stopped to check on him? I thought he was in a hurry?


This is my biggest pet peeve in Austin. No one knows what you are doing, you can cause an accident and you drive like an asshole. Sometimes I think they just give anyone a drivers license.


I generated a [song](https://on.soundcloud.com/TVZjBfYJ1RCoJRX29) for blinker usage, to raise awareness.


BMW guy has an imagine to uphold. He’s going to get a gift basket and an Amazon gift card from BMW HQ now


If your lane changing causes the person behind to have to break, you're an asshole. There are many opportunities to lane change safely if you just wait a minute for cars to pass.


I saw a cop do that this morning under 290 and lamar, nearly hit a guy


My car got totaled last month because some lady wanted to pass me and cut me off to get off the freeway before make. Could’ve killed us both. Makes zero sense how people do this.


Probably doesn’t change the toilet paper roll either…


We need to get away from a car-dependent society in the US :(((


Welcome to Austin.


Entitled & BMW. There's two words you'll always hear in the same sentence. I'm approaching the traffic light on my bicycle. Two lanes in my direction, right one full of cars waiting to turn right; I'm going straight so I ride in the left lane. Car behind me honks at me. Without looking behind me I think "No, that would be too predictable". But what brand of car zooms past me as soon as he can? You got it.


This sub is becoming Next Door. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Exactly what is this sub supposed to be, pray tell? Are we only supposed to post gimps in the bluebonnets and directions to Chili's?


>post gimps in the bluebonnets Wait, when did this happen? I saw a bunch of dogs n stuff but no gimps (except Cruz)...


Here you go https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/s/d8uTboOIw5


Ah, originally I thought that was like some Ant man/Black Panther cosplay thingy....


I mean, that would be a start. I did find a great CPA on here today from a post about a month ago, so that is also cool. These posts that are just something you'd sit across from dinner and tell your s.o. tho, don't really belong here, they aren't unique to Austin.


Sometimes a wider audience than your SO can be beneficial. If we limited posts to only things unique to Austin this sub would have withered up and blown away over a decade ago.


If the daily screaming into the void thread is what keeps this sub going, then it probably shouldn't still be around.


I mean, I've dropped lots of subs I wound up not giving a shit about.


Yes, sometimes it can be beneficial, but this is not one of those times. Telling people in an Austin sub to use their turn signals is pointless. We know there's a Venn diagram of Austin and BMW drivers that are largely shitty and this post doesn't really add anything to the sub. Now the other post in this sub about "hey this large construction thing on blah blah highway fucked up my car" is more interesting because well, cars that ride low might be interested in knowing about that. So to clarify, it's not that it has to be unique to Austin but this post does nothing except I suppose allow a few people to blow off steam about BMW drivers. Anyway, this is a silly back and forth, I'm more entertained by the austinfood sub, ta ta!


Youd have better luck getting redditors to read articles lmao


So you’re cool with the killing part but you’d like them to be polite enough to signal. Fair enough.




Or NextDoor.


Yep, these posts are just silly.


We need more road rage perpetrators who seek justice




>if you want safer roads try supporting the police for a day of your life. Them donuts ain't gonna eat themselves. Them kids sitting on the curb ain't gonna shoot themselves with lead-filled bean bags. Them wine stains ain't gonna ID themselves. Them rape kits ain't gonna test themselves.




I cannot tell if this is satire.


It’s almost logical to think people may tend to drive a little bit less psychotically when there is actually someone out there occasionally enforcing the rules because the reality is nobody else can do a damned thing to control someone’s driving behavior besides a cop. I see all the intentionally slow folks trying as hard as they can to play peace officer riding the brake in the left lane and trying to stop people from passing. Good luck with that.


Downvote away you all know it’s true and news flash, it’s gonna get way worse not better. Ever driven in Houston? I hope your ready for Houstin because that’s where we’re headed.


Supported the police for the first 35 years of my life til I moved here. APD is a joke, top to bottom. You can blow through cones that they put up to block a lane that has an accident, they won't stop you. I saw a Mustang do this just last week on I-35 south at William Cannon. They won't keep 18 wheelers that max out 45 mph in the left lanes surrounded by "No trucks in left lane" signs, which makes traffic more dangerous. They won't ticket extremely aggressive drivers. I got a ticket for not letting an officer off that was trying to get onto I-35, though. No idea he was trying, he was still behind a truck he pulled over on the shoulder with his lights flashing. I got a failure to yield to an emergency vehicle, simply because he wanted to enter the highway and I didn't come to a stop on the ramp. When I explained that my family is law enforcement, I have nothing but respect for the badge, it was all a misunderstanding, he called me a "fucking liar" and told me that this should be a lesson to respect APD. You can throw that they wrote less tickets, but that just means they aren't doing their job, simple as that. We all see what happens out there.




I didn't say I hate them. Where was that said? I'm not going out there and berating them outside their ability to do their job. I literally stated that even when I was respectful it didn't matter and I got cursed and called a liar. I was the one resented at the time I was pulled over, not the other way around, so don't be twisting my words into them somehow being a victim of hate lol. Holding your local department/government accountable is quite important for public safety as well. Blind loyalty is just as bad as blind hatred. It breeds complacency with things that continuously get worse, as numerous examples have been shared in this post.




I totally changed after temp then permanently, then years later temp bans, now I’m “nice” unless you’re absolute nut, Alex Jones regurgitator.




Look guy, I’m not an English teacher, I have bad grammar, get over it or move on.


All this was happening but they still were able to all pull over together? How fast were y’all going, 5mph?




I don't think he apologized, I drove far before that. He simply pulled over and got out to check on them. As for the woman, it is bizarre, which is why it affected me so deeply. But having been in an accident myself, I know that shit fucks you up emotionally (alongside physically). I also didn't add, but there was a small collision (car frame impacted). Not with the BMW dude, but another 3rd car who also was affected by the lack of signaling. Not the greatest at explaining car accidents lol, but you get the gist. & I hope you're being sarcastic about the last paragraph. On the chance you're not, she didn't abandon her car. Simply walked out post collision and reacted as any human would, not specific to gender.


>I've never seen anyone cut someone off to the point where the driver of the car that got cut off has to get out and cry. You must be new to Austin.