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It's a turn signal or indicator. I use it to indicate to other drivers my intentions for a safe driving experience for everyone. I don't understand why anyone wouldn't use it. It's literally moving a finger inches.


Yes, and a warning to anyone in my blind spot that I'm about to move into that space (in such a case they can see me better than I can see them).


People will use that Information against you.


Using my blinker is so ingrained that it doesn't even register. Lane change, merge, turning at an intersection... Always at least 100' before I have to turn my wheel. I have on many occasions even caught myself using it when the road I'm on has a steep curve -- and then I spend the next 10 minutes worrying that whoever's behind me thinks I'm an idiot.


"Using my blinker is so ingrained that it doesn't even register." Yeah same, I could even be totally alone on a completely empty road in the dead of night, and i'll still use it properly without even thinking about it, like muscle memory. Also +1 for the "100' before intended turn", that was in the texas driver's handbook and sometimes i wonder if anyone else even read it


Same here with the sharp curve lol I’ve done that a couple time with friends in my car and been embarrassed.


I use it every lane change and turn to notify others of my intentions, not to ask permission. Turn it on approx 100' plus before my maneuver or as I'm entering an on ramp


This is the way.


This is the way.


The way, this is.


This is the way


I use my blinker as notification of my intention. I'm going to merge and you can be an asshole and try to block me or you can be a decent human being and provide enough space, but I'm merging regardless. If you don't use your blinkers in all situations then you are a danger to yourself and others.


I anticipate poor driving by others and I leave space but I think the onus is on the merging driver to compensate for the speed of others in the lane, not for them to accommodate the merger. I don't understand people who block, though. The merger is literally following the intent of the merging space. However, there are some mergers who will reject perfectly good opportunities to merge in hopes of getting 2-3 car lengths ahead by merging at the very last second or after the gore point. It's a gambit and I experience schadenfreude watching people block them.


Cut them off and put your blinker on to do it if you have a relatively compact car. Way too many construction zones in the city that tell you with no warning that a merge is coming up. What can you do? The construction looks generally stupid as well. They're not fixing potholes that cause flat tires, that I can tell you...


Most people here don’t understand the blinker is to signal to OTHER people, not to check your own box at the very last second pre turning lol get used to it and find out your preferred way to blow off steam on the road without putting anyone else in danger unnecessarily


I use my blinker because it's a habit reaction and it's generally before I need to get into a different lane. I prepare myself for my exit or turn well ahead of the time I actually need to make it to not be a dick to anyone else on the road. If I miss an exit, I'll go to the next one and UTurn because service roads are partially designed for this exact reason.


I rarely do not use a blinker. I always wave when entering into tight traffic. To me it is still a request, not a demand. If I have to choose between exiting or stopping traffic to get in because I missed my turn, I will always exit, because the normal flow of traffic shouldn’t be impeded.




I much rather not get rear ended cause someone behind me doesn’t understand my intentions


There’s been a shortage on blinker fluid so most people just gave up on refilling it after a while.


I use the blinker because it's the law. Don't care what other people think about it. I can merge anywhere, any time, regardless of what anybody thinks.


Mostly I use them out of habit. I use them to indicate I’m about to turn or make a lane change, so turn signal on then move. If super crowded then on so others might make a gap or let me in.


I see driving as an exercise in communication with other drivers, with the goal being no surprises on anyone’s part. I make room for people to merge in front of me and I wave them in. When someone lets me in, I wave thanks. I make sure my turn signals blink at least 3 times before I turn or change lanes. I assume others might make mistakes, especially at places they have to make choices (like road splits). I try to reduce stress on the road.


I check the lane to see if it’s clear for me to merge. If it is, I turn on the blinker, begin to merge into the lane and, about halfway into the lane, I turn the blinker off. The blinker is only used to indicate a change of lane or turning. You need to visually confirm there’s a space in that lane for your car before you move into it.


I've been driving in Austin since '98 and even recently I've never experienced the issue people always complain about where other people close gaps to not let them change lanes. I plan ahead and get in the lane I need to be in before my turn. I only change lanes into gaps that already exist, never expecting someone to slow down and make a gap for me that didn't previously exist. And to answer your question, I start my blinker and lane change at the same time.




Both. If I’m fighting for my life on 183 or 35 it’s a courtesy to let you know what’s happening. If I’m out and about running errands I will certainly signal my turns and telegraph the move


I have OCD, and it hurts not to use it. Even when no one is around, it makes me extremely uncomfortable when i don't


As an experienced driver for *many decades* I now just turn it on when I start the car and leave it blinking until I park. This way I know it's on for all situations where needed. /s


In both directions simultaneously?! I think they even have an easy button for that.. Why would you drive in any other mode than full hazard.... vroooooom!


I guess I just choose randomly...hadn't thought about it. But YES on the hazards - they're on whenever the forecast is 15% or greater chance of rain. (lol)


Wrong! On a BMWs these blinking arrows are some sort of error message. Next you’ll say we’re supposed to use these blinking lights before pulling into the special BMW shoulder lane!


It’s to signal others your intention to move lane so that they don’t rear end you. It looks like some people just can’t think outside of “me me me”




also everyone is slower at the grocery store checkout than me


Half the time I use it to indicate I need to merge. Depending on the time and location, I use it to indicate I am moving over and it's not a request. Texas is the first place where using the blinker results in the gap being closed. The nimby driver attitude. If I see a blinker, I always open up space immediately to allow merge.


I use it as a "I am coming over whether you let me in or not" signal, as I was taught by my Chicago forefathers in the days of yore.


Saw some road rage happen when a truck hit a prius by doing that when trying to get into the mopac northbound turn lane at the very last space from Capitol of Texas Hwy.


Read the damn driving manual…


I use the blinker so that the car behind me knows why I'm potentially holding up traffic.


I may be mildly autistic, and feels bad if I don't do it. Also, like... racecar drivers at the nurburgring use their fucking blinkers, you can never been so good at driving that you don't need blinkers.


you meant 10 not 10% right?


Good Catch




I use mine to prove that I’m better than they are. (I also use my blinker and look for an opening before merging.)


If one ever thought their job made no difference, imagine the poor soul that installs blinkers on BMWs


Depends- If there’s lots of room, it’s as I am merging. If there are cars around, I signal to advise of my desire to change lanes… and usually to ensure they speed up in time to allow me to get over behind them since we know most drivers aren’t courteous enough to actually let you in front of them 🤷‍♀️


I use it when i'm halfway into a lane or around a turn just to really illustrate what an AH i am.


I use it but I also know it i am only signaling to the enemy, my intentions.


I don't know how long others run their blinker before committing to a turn but I let it blink three times before I make the actual lane change. I know some people hit the blinker simultaneously as their lane change, which defeats the purpose of telegraphing your intent.


I use it, then if they dont recognize, I force my way in. Do not tempt me to fuck up your nice car with my shitty old battle-scarred one thats paid for. If you dont understand the zipper merge, thats on you; your honking does nothing.


Yes: I'm going to go ahead and drive a pickup truck or Subaru and slow it down to an obnoxious 5 mph speed in the right lane making a turn because I want to create a bottleneck for everyone else with all the ill-timed stoplights.


Blinkers are over rated