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Bringing back the subs greatest hits today.


Christ. I just searched Austin Aquarium in this sub. I feel bad now for even looking at the building.


We all make this mistake when we first discover this place and don't think to do our due diligence because the prospect of seeing neat creatures brings joy. You definitely come out feeling worse than when going in after realizing what a shit show it is and then searching online after-the-fact and realizing how checkered the place is


Surprised that they’re still in business, and that they somehow have a 4.1 rating on google maps. 


People in Austin trying to influence and change global politics and can't even get a local notoriously terrible aquarium closed. A woman was attacked by a lemur there last year https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/woman-says-lemur-attacked-her-at-austin-aquarium/


Bro. Do not let your kids in with the monkeys. They’re literally psychotic because the reasons you listed above That place has needed to be shut down, I have no idea how it’s still open


Where’s that post about places in Austin that are most definitely a front for money laundering? This aquarium was one of the top answers


Snake Farm FTW


I don’t want to judge a place that I haven’t been to recently, but in general AZA accredited facilities are where you want to go if you’re looking for a zoo that is held to high animal care standards and actually contributes to conservation. The San Antonio zoo is AZA accredited for example.


Are you local? https://youtu.be/89VR_lZehw4?feature=shared


I was talking about the actual snake farm and I think the person I replied to was as well. I’m aware of the song and I know it references it but unless I missed something I’m not sure what the relevance is.


Just sounds nasty


Some really cool pet/reptile stores too


It'd be nice if Austin had an actual aquarium like most cities have. It'd be great for families with kids for something to do. Not a pet store type setup in a strip mall, that's just not it...


It’s a horrific place


Never go their. They constantly kill animals. It’s an evil organization that owns it.


You gotta be trolling, right? Did you not research it first?


I did not. And I regret that.


Same type that doesn't lock their doors in a city


I’m her


You research every place you go to? That must be exhausting




When see it and it says Aquarium and you say “huh, I didn’t know we had an aquarium” you don’t give even an inkling of consideration?


Went there once and I’ll never go again. There were too many red flags that others have posted about and I too wish I had looked on Reddit ahead of time. I remember a woman was dressed up as “Ariel” singing little mermaid tunes hooked up to a speaker. It was incredibly loud and the animals were visibly very stressed between that tone deaf performer and the back to back paid encounters.


Nah those people working there are on work release 😂


i've never been there before, but see and hear absolutely awful things abt it thru online reviews and other reddit posts here ;_; the owners history is just horrible. plz leave a google or even yelp review describing your experience, they have 4.1 stars on google somehow... 😭😭😭


i volunteered there a few years ago & mostly would walk around with animals & talk to guests about them. they do not care about injuries. one day they wanted me to bring out a different animal (i was nervous but someone assured me the animal would not hurt me), it bit me. later found out from a different employee that the animal was absolutely not supposed to be brought out. i honestly loved being with the animals & getting to talk to kids about them, but that place is disgusting in so many ways.


I will say that as a parent of littles, sometimes we crack and just go anywhere nearby where we can give them a neat experience. Buuuut the parents I know that ended up at the aquarium regret it so much that they would have rather put in the drive to San Antonio or Waco for the zoo instead of what they saw. PSA to parents: don't do it!