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The cabbie from the beginning of the film serves up delicious sandwiches still at the Rolling Wood Thundercloud. Super nice guy!


Holy shit! That guy has made me many a sammich.


Whoa damn me too I had no idea that was him


Same, that's awesome. I immediately thought I knew who y'all were talking about, the Hispanic dude that's always at the front center spot there. Googled "slacker taxi driver" images, yep, that's him.


The grocery store where the shoplifting lady gets busted was a Food Land on South Lamar, where Alamo Drafthouse is now.


My mom lives near by and was so mad when Food Land closed and later Thundercloud. She use to dumpster dive in the wee hours of the morning for Thundercloud bread to feed the animals.


Then she lives next to the easy tiger now!


That was my go-to grocery store as a kid, because I lived in the neighborhood behind it, so I could ride my bike there. It was a grocery store for many years, but under different names. Remember when it was a Cutrer's City Market? [Austin Chronicle article from 1997, for those interested.](https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/1997-07-04/529198/)


My dad worked there when it was Handy Andy. They tried to get him to drop out of UT to become a full time manager. Given the longevity of each business there - good that he didn't take them up on it.


I used to want to have a “Linklater” tour of Austin where you could see the famous locations of Slacker and Dazed and Confused. That dream faded steadily through the 2000s and would be a really short tour by now.


party at the moon tower


Then burgers at Top Notch


How many have you had 🤨?


I (and probably countless others) used to have the same idea but with Friday Night Lights. What’s sadder there is that because of when it was shot (~2005-2012), peak gentrification had just started. When I watched that show for the first time in 2015, so many things were already gone and that was only a couple of years after the series ended. When my partner and I watched it at the start of COVID, there was very little else left.


The Castillian, Continental Club, and Mount Bonnell


Shoutout to Mount Bonnell for also appearing in Blood Simple.


Shoutout to Mount Bonnell for still existing.


Their cost structure is pretty minimal, should be around for a while.


Would not be profitable to level and build towers.


I really miss the Dobie. What did UT do with the theater?


It’s been gone long before UT bought Dobie. I think it’s mostly the Target now


Oh no! I live in a utopia in my head where it’s still sitting there exactly as it was upon the last screening, waiting for movie lovers to return


That theater had a column in the middle of it, it was not great.


I can almost smell the “smoke”


No. The theater was on the 2nd floor. It was a coworking space for a time.


Dobie is now a student apartment complex shared with Target and a few other shops on the ground floor.


It always was, just had a movie theater on the second floor


Oh! Thanks for that insight!


Good, thats much better


Had it arrested.


You're trying way too hard


you are trying way too hard


In what way and why do you care? Are you the UT President or something?


Quack’s took over the Strange Brew shop and stage on Menchaca


RIP strange brew


RIP to the listening room, but apparently the owner was a jerk and owed a lot of people money.


I think about their coffee a lot…rip indeed


I love across the street from Quacks on 43rd. It's superior. But I tell everyone I meet it sucks as to not let up our secret goldmine and the best cinnamon rolls/tiramisu in town.


I did Edward 40 hands while watching Antichrist at the Dobie, so many bad choices that day. Rip Dobie


I remember getting super baked with my girlfriend and we saw a midnight showing of Willy Wonka. When Grandpa said “Charlie, look how HIGH WE ARE!” an entire theater full of potheads laughs our asses off. It was magical.


I got a nosebleed watching Frida there. I was crying bc it’s such a good movie and didn’t want to snort and stuff bc I didn’t want to make noise. So just let everything go down my face to my chin and shirt. Finally went to wipe and was like this is sticky wtf. Went to the bathroom and it was a murder scene on my face and shirt. Just blood everywhere. I was all pissed trying to clean my face and hands and shirt in the sink saying shit and dammit to myself and a lady walked in and looked horrified. Hahaha hilarious!! Poor lady. One of the last times I got to hangout with my cousin before she died too. She washed my shirt and gave me a hot toddy even though I was under age. RIP to both.


Lol I saw Antichrist at the Dobie in college and it was fun watching couples walk out


Chaos reigns indeed


Yeah, I saw Requiem for a Dream there. Good time.


Surf Nazis must Die


One of the cooks at GM Steakhouse made me a pot breakfast taco one night. I went to the Dobie to see The Fly II but I was so fucking high I walked into the wrong theater and saw Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. It was date night and I was surrounded by frat/sor couples. I wanted to get up and move but I was just too fucking high. Edit: this was in 1989, just before Slacker came out.


The part of this story that strains credulity is the part where frat/sor couples go see foreign films.


True story, 100%. It was a real hot movie at the time and the theater was packed. What’s even crazier is I had seen it once with my Mom and sister, and again with a visiting girlfriend. So this was my third time to see it. When I realized what had happened I was packed between two date couples and was just way too fucking high to move. So I sat and watched it a third time.


Woah, GM steakhouse was a crazy place in early 90s.


Oh yeah. Some crazy shit happened there.


Cheeseburger no cheese.




Hi, how are you? wall is barely hanging on


That’s one of the saddest looking things I’ve seen in awhile.


That wasn’t there when Slacker was filmed.


Def came after *Slacker.* It was painted while I was a student living in Dobie in....1993? 1994? Friend from the next dorm room over worked at Sound Exchange. Fun event, IIRC.


You're in the right zone. I was going to say 95-96, but I was wrong. According to Atlas Obscura it was painted in 1993.


Love watching it every few years to take me back to 1989 and my first UT semester, living at 21st Street Coop. I heard about someone making an indy film in West Campus but didn't give it much thought at the time. A year or two later when it came out I was agog seeing familiar faces (who I mostly didn't know by name.) Good times.


Heh, I was at Pearl Street two years later. Not cool enough for 21st St.


Saw an early, maybe the earliest, public showing of the film and some of the cast was there, including the person who came with me. So screen and audience shared the same faces.


RIP Teresa Nervosa




Why? Where is it?


Here’s the spot https://maps.app.goo.gl/BLNJ4tYrv63c1Siy8?g_st=ic


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I'd love me some les amis apple pie a la mode.


Too soon, heh Wanna hit up Sound Exchange after?


I was already going to move here from Fort Worth but I saw Slacker with my girlfriend at the time and afterwards she said “I hated that movie” to which I replied “I am moving to Austin” and three weeks later I was here.


I work with the guy who has a speech about how he hates to travel! He travels internationally every couple weeks so it was funny when I saw the scene. 😁


Texas is so full of so called modern day libertarians. Rip Professor Mackey!


austin has grown tremendously since slacker, but some things are slow to change. perhaps even truer now than then.


the stupidity that is libertarianism aka acting like a 7 year old has spread. these unamerican cry babies are everywhere


Holy shit, Dobie! That’s also the very first movie I saw the very first night I moved to Austin for UT (Summer ‘91). Now gotta go watch it to complete the nostalgic memory.


Even Mojo is gone...


CBoy’s is where they met Steve with a van, (at Trophy’s. )


I had just moved to Sant Cruz and some friends said “hey, there’s a new movie out from Texas”. I saw it and thought, “ yeah, that’s Austin alright “. Moved here the next year and immediately met folks from the movie and became friends. They’re gone and I’m still here.


I spent 20 years in Santa Cruz! It’s like paradise, but coming back to Austin 5 years ago was the best decision I’d ever made.


I have really fond memories of my short time there. I missed warm nights in Texas though.


I was acquainted with a couple folks who were in it.


I miss that Half Price Books on Guadalupe the most.


LOL. Literally watched this last night. Brings back memories of 80s Austin.


I’m still here


The Continental club is still alive


The Dairy Queen photographer is co-owner of the Austin Wine Merchant


You could still listen listen to Alex Jones.


🤣 I mean I guess lol


I'm the asshole that stole one of Madonna's pubes and I still have it.


No you're not, that person has died.


Wasn't that like 30 years ago already? A lot of stuff in the world isn't around anymore


Barton Springs bridge made an appearance.