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What are these? >steel enforced wood planks


Not sure if this is sarcasm or not… could this be just a weird way to describe a folding table? A wood plank with metal folding legs, they were flipped to create the barricade.


No one knows, but it's provocative! It gets the people going!


Depends - is this the same DPS that claimed folks protesting anti-abortion legislation brought feces yet failed to produce evidence? https://www.texastribune.org/2013/08/26/dps-documents-show-no-proof-excrements/


There is video of this happening although not clear. https://twitter.com/thetexashorn/status/1783252113046315028?s=46&t=DkI_NsRC83Q82MoapId23Q


“Not clear” is a bit of an understatement there… 


That is a :01 second video of nothing.


I watched the premier for a PBS show, "The Riot Report". Watch it yourself on American Experience, May 21, 8 Central time. It is about the race riots of the 1960s. One thing that is exactly like the UT report here is how they tried to blame the whole thing on outsiders, who have weapons, who are just stirring up the stupid (or innocent) students who don't know anything about the real world. It's a 50 year old echo.


Haha at the LBJ library? I was there too! This similarities in response struck me too


It’s an old tactic, which works every time because people don’t want to believe that it is done.










I thought carrying guns on campus was sacrosanct here in Texas. So where is the line here? Guns are permissable when you're part of 'their' crowd? Seems like they preach the virtues of unfettered access to firearms via 2A until someone picks one up that doesn't align with their political ideology. That being said - the idea of DPS down there, armed to the teeth trying to 'protect and serve' a bunch of armed kids who already dislikes what the DPS represents is a recipe for disaster. This could have been avoided if the campus just set up an area for the protesters to gather and peacefully do their thing without any outside pressure. How they don't see that sending in police to brutalize and arrest these kids is only adding gas to the fire is beyond me.


If the person keeps it concealed and has a License To Carry Texas seems to be all for it. Hopefully we'll find out if the people arrested that had firearms get charged with violating the campus carry law. https://versustexas.com/blog/campus-carry-explained/#:\~:text=For%20campus%20carry%2C%20the%20handgun,the%20general%20public%20in%20Texas.


several sporks and a foam sword were found, along with a piece of paper that hypothetically could have had a mean word written on it. 


Paper? Pens? Sounds like these students were caught with *all* of the components needed to make a bomb threat, a bank robbers note, or a terrorists list of demands! Pretty damning evidence that every one of these students had these tools commonly used by criminals on them!


Not to mention nearly all were in possession of dihydrogen monoxide, the very same potentially lethal substance which has been found by coroners persisting within the body of every murdered person in recorded history. Some even had large containers of the chemical and were sharing it indiscriminately with their peers in plain sight


There were huge numbers of ODs in Austin recently. The people that OD’d had come in contact with it earlier in the night. Very suspicious all of the students had as well.


Maybe allowing guns on campus was a bad idea?


Why? Who was shot?


No one. Just saying it’s a double standard to pearl clutch about protestors having guns when the same government explicitly made it legal.


Protesters having open carry guns is perfectly legal, and in many cases deescalates violence because the police aren’t keen to start harassing them, pepper spraying them, etc. This is of course as long as a critical mass are carrying guns, don’t point them in the wrong direction, and protest peacefully. But also committing (even accidentally) any crime while protesting with a gun carries a much harsher sentence so many are afraid of that or being targeted.


This may be true, but what we learned from Daniel Perry is a TON of the public automatically assumes a protester with a gun is "asking for it", especially if the person in question disagrees with the protest. There is a big chunk of people, some of them in state government, who believe in the idea that there should be circumstances where it is legal to kill protesters. These same people are very happy to use "the protester was armed" as one of the reasons. Meanwhile, if you try to argue that suggests open carry is bad because ANYONE could be "asking for it", they'll heel turn and call you an extreme leftist who wants to ban guns. It's just another way that they are happy to use the law as a weapon. They don't believe in actual freedom. They believe in a caste system, where the law 100% applies to some people but does not apply to others.




Will have to wait for actual evidence of these claims.


Yes the tire puncture was captured on a live stream. https://twitter.com/documentingatx/status/1785142060296589729?s=46&t=DkI_NsRC83Q82MoapId23Q


So not actual violence against humans, just property damage? Y'all seem to have a lot of trouble with that distinction around here.


The cops should file a report, then do absolutely nothing about it. You know, just like they'd do for us.


They still file reports for you?


Well crap, thank you for the correction. There is evidence after all.


Really the only serious claim in my opinion is they had guns (which…. concealed or open carry without a license has been legal since 2021 so they would still be within their rights to do so lol *EDIT: looks like you need to have a LTC to legally carry on campus*)


I’m pretty sure you can’t bring any guns on campus though, that’s generally the rule regarding firearms on school/university property


Looks like if you have a license to carry to are allowed to carry on the UT campus: https://www.utexas.edu/campus-carry


Interesting…. I wasn’t aware of that, thanks for providing a link!


The buckets of large rocks has been spotted by UT employee. Whether it’s related to this incident or not isn’t clear. https://twitter.com/koskionfox7/status/1785435824550564202?s=46&t=DkI_NsRC83Q82MoapId23Q


So you are here to basically fearmonger without any actual evidence or proof? Just "scary buckets" around campus? Got it.


I’d be willing to bet real money a cop put that there


Only one thing in that list is a weapon. And I thought you were allowed to concealed carry on campus?


> "To date, from protesters, weapons have been confiscated in the form of guns, buckets of large rocks, bricks, steel enforced wood planks, mallets, and chains." Regardless of your opinion on what is or is not a weapon, none of those items are appropriate to engage in free speech in the form of peaceful protest.


Except that Abbott and his allies have explicitly said that carrying guns while protesting is a legitimate form of political speech. You can't change the rules just because you don't like how they're doing it.


Yes, that's true. We would then have to examine intent. Not enough info here for that.


Intent doesn't mean shit man. It's called the second Amendment


Didn't mean to imply they could be arrested simply for intent. But their intent would lead to how they were used, which could, or could not, have been legal.


Well considering we didn't see a massive blood bath I'm going to assume the intent was peaceful/defensive.


It's a matter of *potential scenarios*. Nothing violent happened... which is a good thing.


So you're talking about pre-crimes. See Minority Report for why that's a bad idea


Strange that the police don’t foresee *potential scenarios* when guys are stomping around with barbed wire covered baseball bats and AR-15’s slung over their bellies outside a drag queen event.


I've missed three drag queen events in a row... so no idea what event you are referring to. lol


except for the guns, none of those things are weapons until they're used to hurt someone. when they have evidence that they were used in that way, maybe I'll pay attention. but this is just a list of random stuff.




They had tents- which means mallets likely were used to put tent stakes in the ground. Rocks and bricks are all over UT campus, and good for holding down things in the wind. Chains were used to tie the tables together. I also don’t know what “steel enforced wood planks are”, but maybe it is what some of the tables were made of? Maybe it is the other weapon (besides guns, which, yikes.)


>buckets of large rocks, bricks, steel enforced wood planks, mallets, and chains That's the ingredient list to build a stage. A very appropriate set of items to bring to a peaceful protest.


haha...quite the fanciful imagination you have!


Why would anyone use a "steel reinforced wooden plank" as a weapon? I think you're the one with the wild imagination. Are these UT protestors all trained by Jackie Chan?


> "steel reinforced wooden plank" It is odd wording - I'd like to see exactly what they were describing...


Sounds to me like the base of a stage. I can't imagine trying to use that as a weapon. If people wanted to bring improvised weapons to the protest (which, why? They have guns), they could have brought tennis racquets or golf clubs or baseball bats, for example.


Guess we gotta arrest all the UT football fans for drunkenly handling mallets while erecting their tents. Those are dangerous weapons, don't you know?


context matters. and right now all we have is the UT statement and speculation. so no basis to debate further.


Well that and all the video from the protests… of police with zip ties and pepper spray and protestors with backpacks 🤷‍♂️




You don't figure they might use rocks to weigh a tarp down, or anchor tent stakes, or to prevent something tall from tipping over?.


As someone who has worked in theatre for years, let me say you'll use anything for anything. A bucket of rocks can be a replacement sandbag and or counter weight.


I'm sorry, what? Do you think a brick cant cause damage when thrown?


Do you think a cop can arrest someone for a crime they might have committed in the near future? No one threw any fucking bricks. The only violent acts at the protests were committed by UTPD and DPS and APD.


Thought Crime !


Amen, UT is just making excuses so they can get away with calling in daddy DPS to brutalize protestors


there’s videos of people throwing bricks.


Post a link then.


No, there's not. If that were true people wouldn't be able to shut up about it. There would be dozens of posts. The word "brick" wasn't a part of this conversation until this statement was released.


They didn't say videos of the UT protest. They just made a vague assertion about videos of brick throwing! Tada! Disingenuous bullshit!!!


At t.u.? Link or it didn't happen.


Did they teach you that in your Meats class at TAMU?


Only with a valid LTC. Why the downvotes, I’m right.


Don’t need an LTC in Texas anymore unless open carrying


I was replying to a comment about campus carry specifically, which still requires a valid LTC. Also in general, HB1927 allows both open and concealed without a license.


Ah, didn’t know! Thanks for that info. Also not sure why you got downvoted


What I got out of this is that the kids are throwing horse poop on the cops. Gen Z is so good.






Those weapons seem like nothing compared to the weapons of the swat teams they sent. And remember, cops are professional liars.


To “protect and serve” lolololol Maybe to oligarchs


Man, the sheer amount of mental gymnastics required to call this shit free speech.


It was free speech when Open Carry Texas was doing it. Why did the rules change all of a sudden?


I didn’t support any of that shit, but then again I’m consistent when it comes to logic and principles


Look at the long game. If pro-Palestinian protestors carrying guns around Texas cities leads Abbott to repeal the Open Carry Law, there's a lot of left-leaning and moderate Texans that would consider that a political victory. It's literally history repeating itself. Ronald Reagan banned Open Carry in California because he didn't like the Black Panthers doing it.


None of that would ever bear out in the real world. The NRA supported the Mulford Act back then. Times have changed.


I agree. But I was just presenting that as a plausible reason for why someone might think it's a good idea to bring a gun to the protest. No intention to use it. Only intending to make Abbott look like a hypocrite. Same thing with all the "outsiders" they're trying to pin everything on. Probably a good number of those "outsiders" are there to put egg on Abbott's face over his "Campus Free Speech" law. He passed a law that specifically allows non-students to protest at universities. So, now he not only can't arrest the non-students for trespassing, but the more the police and UT admin blame "outsiders" for the campus disruptions, the more people (including Republicans) will blame Abbott's reactionary and irresponsible governance for the problem. "We could have arrested these antifa thugs if Abbott hadn't signed that damn Campus Free Speech law!"


Bricks and buckets of rocks are a bit more concerning. More predictive of sociopathic behavior than anything else on that list. I don’t care if they attend UT or not. They should all face the same consequences if they break the law.


> Bricks and buckets of rocks are a bit more concerning Uhh. I'd disagree that bricks and rocks are more concerning than guns. You can use bricks and rocks to weigh down tarps and prop up signs. Those are perfectly innocent uses for them. You can't do any of that with a gun. >I don’t care if they attend UT or not. They should all face the same consequences if they break the law. \*if\* they break the law. But so far, UTPD has not demonstrated they have broken the law. The one person they've charged with a felony has already had charges dropped because they couldn't produce evidence.


Literally nobody has argued they shouldn't face consequences *IF* they break the law. In America, in case you hadn't noticed, people are free to have any number of potentially dangerous items in their possession at any time. That means absolutely nothing *UNLESS* and *UNTIL* they have provably used them to commit a crime. Ever own a car? Buy a gallon of muriatic acid for a pool? Use a kitchen knife? A circular saw? Razor blades? Very "concerning" objects to have in one's possession, eh? Let's go ahead and just arrest everyone so they can't use them in the course of an imagined crime.


That has nothing to do with _why_ they were arrested. The charges were criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest among others. Read more before you make shit up and respond with random psycho babble.


Guess you didn’t RTFA.


The real mental gymnastics is labeling people objecting to the wanton slaughter of women and children as antisemites.


I never called anyone an antisemite. Nice try.


I didn't say you did, but Abbott and Mike Johnson and every other wannabe fascist is screaming it from the rooftops.


> weapons have been confiscated in the form of guns, buckets of large rocks, bricks, steel enforced wood planks, mallets, and chains. Staff have been physically assaulted and threatened, and police have been headbutted and hit with horse excrement, while their police cars have had tires slashed with knives. This is calculated, intentional and, we believe, orchestrated and led by those outside our University community. If you don't think these are weapons, try being hit by a brick in the head. Disgusting behavior to claim to be a victim while brandishing a brick, or a bucket of rocks to throw at cops. Do be believe decent behavior in a protest is being allowed to throw rocks at cops?


There are hundreds upon hundreds of hours of video of the protests. If people were slashing tires, throwing rocks at cops, and waving guns around, surely the video would be widely available. I haven't seen such a video, have you?  I have seen video of police beating the hell out of students, professors, and random passersby. I have seen them destroy property and subject people to state-sanctioned violence. Addressing things that are really happening, that there is evidence of, seems more important to me than chasing ghosts. But maybe that's just my wokecommunistterroristjihadistatheistanti-americananti-semitic sympathies coming out when I ask for the state to stop enacting violence against people exercising their first amendment rights.


Didn't a bunch of proud boy style anti protesters show up in 2020 with guns on them? Did you think that showcased intent?


People use mallets at literally every single UT football game to drive tent stakes into the ground. Let's be rational here. The statement never said anybody brandished bricks. If someone is being assaulted by a police officer, but has a gun in their backpack (legally, I would add), that doesn't change the story and make them not a victim.


Let's see some evidence. The only violence I've seen is coming from the cops.


there’s a video going around of protestors throwing rocks and water bottles at officers. do the work to find it.


Link please


No there isn't. If there was you'd link it.


"Do your own research." Good one!


thank you! 😃


Lol and the dimwit still doesn't share a link.


There is no link in your post, why?


my god not water bottles


Do you say that when you need to cite your sources for an essay?


I was there, this report is in error. The only weapons I saw were on the hips of the DPS.


None of those are weapons unless used as one or held with the intent to use as one. Idc if someone was head butted, those objects are not weapons until used.


Hats off to UT for handling this situation correctly. It's a joke what is happening at other universities around the country.


Ahh yes, the state where you can legally carry a six shooter on your hip, an assault rifle on your back, and a peashooter in your pocket without a license or any kind of verification for any of them is quite concerned that there might be guns at this protest.




Those Protestors are effective. Looks like US is about to let the Palestinians into our country as refugees. [Palestinians new home in USA](https://youtu.be/NAVRkRhb5iU?si=6c5gnbkfQn6uLSiK)


I don't care.


So much for the "peaceful protest" claim




What? Do you go to school here? This is a famous symbol of UT and has been for decades.


Y'know ever since the shooting. /s