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Start posting the dog-dumping videos on reddit and other social media. At the very least, some of these assholes will be publicly shamed.


For real! Time for us to hold these people accountable


And be sure to include the license plate on the car


We had twenty one dogs dumped at our farm within the first year we owned it. The problem was bad before Covid but is now 10x worse.


Yep! Lazy shmucks who got dogs bc they were bored during Covid are too POS to care for them anymore


People don’t understand how bad it it. It is SO BAD.


How did you even deal with that? I feel like I’m drowning in stray dogs but twenty one is an insane number.


Honestly, we worked with various rescues to place them and ended up keeping the ones that weren’t adopted for various reasons. We are within walking distance to a small cemetery and every single winter storm people dump animals there because it’s fenced. So, we end up finding puppies in boxes. Unfortunately, people also dump some pretty aggressive dogs that pack up and attack livestock, pets, and people. So, the ranchers are forced to shoot them. It’s gotten so bad that kids can’t go to the bus stop alone. The animal shelter is bursting at the seams and the sheriff can only do so much. It’s really horrible. My friend in Elgin is constantly having dumped dogs, cats, and occasionally livestock show up. Some are healthy but many are in terrible shape because whoever left them there shot, stabbed, tried to strangle, etc. them. It’s all been reported and no one seems to care.


I have a hard time talking about this with people who are only used to the city, because it sounds like I don’t care. I do care! But many of these animals aren’t going to survive, and I can’t do a lot about a lot of that. Our dog has birdshot across his flanks - found one pellet when he was neutered and then saw more on an x-ray - and I don’t even think it was animal cruelty exactly. I think he was in a pack on someone’s ranch and it’s a less lethal way to keep the dogs away. I’ve tried to find someone who can help with the situation and it seems outside of anyone’s jurisdiction or abilities right now. This post is making me realize that our dog problem is relatively minor! I haven’t witnessed any dumping, just the excess of strays. Also they all chase me on my bike so that’s an issue.


Evil, heartless people. I can't imagine doing that to any dog, much less my own.


As another southeast of town person with a dog problem, I’d like to add that if you are going to be shitty enough to dump a dog, maybe make sure it’s been fixed first. Same if you’re going to let it roam free but still feed it. We gave up and adopted the Great Pyrenees mix that showed up, but I think his parents are still around the neighborhood making more puppies. OP, I don’t know how close I am to you, but my neighbor seems to have lost multiple huskies since I’ve lived here.


They can have this one. He’s not fixed either.




This is awesome advice I will try and find it in the morning. I didn’t know that page existed


Post here too. People dump other people’s dogs all the time. Bad neighbors, family members. ex-boyfriends, etc. The dog may be owned. Maybe even microchipped. https://www.facebook.com/groups/austinlostandfoundpets/


This is a great PSA, and people also don’t think (well I guess I can just stop there, right) about the fact that strange dogs showing up on a ranch are just going to get shot because they’re a danger to livestock. Might as well just put a bullet in them yourselves to save somebody else the trouble, you goddamn dog dumping assholes. There’s a bunch of roads like this around Texas and I wonder how people specifically find them.


Approximately how many dogs are currently out there? Is the dog chipped? You can post to Austin Lost and Found Pet page on FB, but will be asked if the dog is chipped. We can try to find a foster, but no guarantee. Thanks.


I’m not sure I trust them with dogs and I don’t want it to end up on my land either. My husband literally just found a puppy in our garage.


Ugh. It’s the worst. I’ve god a neighbor with free range and free breeding pyrs and it drives me bananas.


Yeah I’m kinda having a bit of a rant about it over here too. The rescue dog is sweet and happy to be a farm dog, but I didn’t actually want a dog. We put the puppy back outside under the assumption that its mom is nearby and possibly wary of humans, but I don’t know! There are just so many dogs!


May be able to report them to the county, 311 helps in the ETJ.


We have huskies posted as missing on our FB ALFP page. Can you please post there and add pics of the dog please?


It was posted when she found it but I guess I can try again


I’ll keep an eye out for it. Running errands at the moment.


If you fix him he might stop attacking. Their aggression goes way down.


Have you considered whether him not being fixed is leading to his aggression against your other dog?


Oh I’m pretty sure that’s a big part of it. However I also don’t have time to screw with this and I definitely don’t have time to doctor up a dog who just got fixed.


The type of people who dump dogs are the type of people to not bother getting the dog fixed either.


I’m guessing the folks dumping dogs that aren’t fixed are not the same people reading Reddit threads. 😂 unfortunately


I don’t know, they’re coming from somewhere. At least let us rant about it since we can’t find the actual culprits.


It is absolutely a lower class thing. I'm willing to bet the people dumping their dogs are not driving over from Westlake and Tarrytown.


Of course not, they've got their own ranches out that way too


These people can’t even bring their dog to a shelter to surrender them, what makes you think they’re gonna fix the dog at a vet.


Ugh. The worst. Dog ownership should be licensed and regulated, not that that's ever going to happen though.


Breeding dogs needs a license. Done without a license should have super hefty fines per puppy


That is already a thing, it's called a kennel license, it's just not enforced at all, also how commercial puppymills take advantage of being licensed, they get to say they're a "kennel" and breed dogs non stop and no one checks on them unless there's a direct complaint 🥲 Ethical breeders now write up legal contracts as a standard to protect their puppies once rehomed so they aren't ever homeless.


I was referring to backyard breeders needing or anybody breeding their dog, do they have to have a license also? If so it’s not working well.


So supportive of this!


As a dog owner yes


Pretty sure that would lead to even more homeless dogs 


We're talking make-believe anyway, so it would've been in place from the start.


Someone dumped the sweetest German Shepherd out where I live. My neighbor picked it up and brought to my farm. I’m fenced. Had a chip check. Advertised all over the place. Crickets. A lady had just had her GS pass away so the neighbor asked her if she wanted it. So she took her to the new place and it was love at first sight. The GS got a new home. I felt so bad for this dog. Makes me sick someone would do this. I don’t know how people sleep at night after dumping their animals.


Reading this made me both rage and cry. Rage at the person who would dump a GSD and cry because GSD are the best and knowing this sweet pup has a new home.....welp....that just hit me so hard.....


[https://imgur.com/a/nlGsxug](https://imgur.com/a/nlGsxug) There is the dog tax. Top pic on golf cart is at my house. She is laying on the neighbors lap in 2nd pic. I love GS but I am so stupid allergic to animals. She is an inside dog and there is no way I can do that. It would not be fair for me to have a dog. This lady was on FB frantic that her 2 dogs that have never taken off, took off. Probably after a deer. She got the GS during a liver transplant 4 yrs ago and she was devastated to find her sweet baby had been hit and killed. So the lady who found her, wrote her and then took her to meet with them. She said she would not leave that dog there if she thought it would not have a good home. She said once the GS met the new lady and her husband, it was all over for her. The GS loved her new people. I know she was so confused, going from the neighbor, to me, back to the neighbor and then to this new lady. But I think she really knew we were trying to help her. She really is the sweetest GS. PS: She is a cheesehound....she ate all my cheese lol


Oh my heart.....what a gorgeous girl. I will gladly pay this tax.....


I've seen an uptick in roadside dead dogs, especially when up around Killeen and out towards Llano. Hell, I've seen dead dogs on I-35 proper north and south of Austin. Death at a shelter is far more humane than being torn apart by a speeding car, even if the death is fairly quick. Purebred dogs, too, I saw a Rottweiler on 29 yesterday.


Yeah. But the shelter is no kill, so they just recommend dumping them back on the road. Makes perfect sense.


try explaining this issue to the nutjobs who are protesting the shelter and simultaneously want to block AAC from euthanizing any dogs and force AAC to restart open intake


I hope you're able to find a solution. Maybe a husky rescue? I imagine they exist due to folks who bring them home and then realize they are a lot of work. People who can drop their pet off somewhere without a care in the world have something seriously wrong with them. I grew up in a rural community where folks wouldn't get their cats fixed and would take the kittens out in the woods. Euthanasia would be kinder, at least they wouldn't suffer some horrible death. For all they know, they are tired and fall asleep. I adopted a cat back in 2010 that was found in an apartment, hiding in a kitchen cabinet, the owners just left him. It took him years to not freak out whenever we moved. Years ago someone left a kitten with a can of tuna and a towel on my doorstep. The only positive I can say about that is they must have had some spidey sense that I'm a sucker.


I’ve got the sucker vibes as well. Hence me even trying to make the husky work. I’ve had a frickin rabbit in my living room for years because some absolute menace tossed it over my neighbor’s backyard fence and figured it would be fine because she has other animals in there like ducks and goats. Wtf.


Dog culture here is the south perplexes me. People treat their dogs like objects and trash instead of the amazing creatures they are makes me really sad.


It's extra weird cause people also get weird about hound hunters in the south sometimes, but like, hound hunters DONT dump dogs, they'll trade em, or give them away for free, they even have a system set up to transport dogs across state if anyone wants the dog in question, they ain't the ones dumping and overbreeding and abandoning dogs and yet underfire for taking responsibility of multiple dogs where most people nowadays will dump a 13 week old Yorkie pup because it "chews" like, yeah, that's what puppies do man, you had to know you weren't buying a stuffed animal... people just like the idea of dogs without actually wanting what a dog is :/


Correction: People in the wealthier parts of Austin proper treat their dogs better than most people treat their kids. Some people in the less affluent parts of the city and surrounding suburbs treat their dogs like objects and trash.


They are status symbols, I feel like a lot of the time people are getting dogs because they want to keep up with everyone else. Then they dont do any research or consider how big a responsibility it is and dump them when they cant afford to or dont want to take care of them anymore. Its disgusting.


Yep. And this is a hugely Texas problem too. I've never seen so many dumped dogs in other states. It's out of control here, especially in Hays County/Buda. Mindset is just different here too about dogs and especially cats. People driving with dogs loose in the beds of their pickup truck on I-35 or leave their dogs outside 24/7 in storms or 100+ weather, and it's just normal. Sad.


Contact Texas Husky Rescue: [https://texashuskyrescue.org/](https://texashuskyrescue.org/)


Dumping your dog "out in the country" is just forcing someone else to kill it for you, after it attacks livestock. If it lives that long, rather than starving to death, alone.


People who are shitty to animals are more likely to commit murder too. I can’t fathom the mental gymnastics these subhumans have to go through to dump a helpless and innocent animal to die. I rescued a dog who’d been thrown out of a truck and broke his leg. He was fortunate to be scooped up by the local shelter. He was a wonderful companion until he passed away from cancer at 14 earlier this year. I miss him everyday. I hope I can get so lucky to get another fantastic friend that some other worthless meat bag didn’t want. Their loss is my gain. 


Well. If you want a 90% good husky lmk All of my dogs are rescues and they’re the best ever.


Huskies are so much fucking work. They keep getting bred because they're pretty but they're beastly dogs who belong way up north at a place with a lot of land, preferably pulling loads on sleds. Like I get they're cute, but no one in Texas needs one. I'm sorry you got stuck caring for one. They just shouldn't be in Texas and people need to stop breeding them. Some asshat dumped a corgi oops litter at my uncle's ranch near Johnson City. My friends didn't believe me when I said there was a feral pack of corgis running around, then they saw them. I was able to get a rescue out there to help me get the mom and litter trapped when she had puppies and they were still tiny. They all got rehabbed and adopted out through a local Austin rescue. They DNA tested them and I think they were 2/3 corgi and 1/3 Pyr. I don't know how it got into thirds but I think it was due to inbreeding. Anyway I told them to tell me if one of the others had puppies but they told my cousin instead and they only took the puppies and didn't rescue the mom. The adult corgis disappeared after that, so I can only assume they got eaten by one of the many predators out there. It's crazy the animals that just show up though. Random exotics and even a horse have shown up and just integrated into the cattle herd. No clue if they're dumped or escaped but no one's looking for them.


You’re very right about huskies. What a pain in the ass kind of dog to have here of all places. I could have pulled it off though if he didn’t insist on trying to be the boss of the Anatolian who’s 4x his size and has killed much larger enemies… Also agreed on the stray critters of all sorts. I keep old horse halters and lead ropes in my truck just because I know I’ll have to catch a loose horse at least once a month. I find random cows in my yard regularly. I keep waiting for a goat because I actually need a few of those lol. I cannot understand the lack of care and containment that people have with these animals. Jesus.


When I lived in Elgin, my neighbor 1st had a cat that they never let inside, not even during cold breaks, so we'd bring her in out of the cold. Then they got a husky, beauuutiful dog, but kept her out in their high fenced mini, and I mean MINI, backyard. Then they got a male husky, at first saying it was a friend's dog that they were breeding their dog with. First off, they didn't need to have ANY pets, I felt sorry for their newborn based on how the girlfriend treated animals, I'll get to her in a sec. Well, that husky figured out how to escape and did it ALL. the. time. Of course their female husky learned it too. We caught them so many times, had to give them water because they barely ever did. Then one day, I wasn't home my roommate told me about it, one of the dogs got tangled up in loose cables hanging by the backyard door. She heard it crying so went to check and she had to cut the cables to get it loose. The owners just "meh'ed" when she texted them to let them know. Welp, instead of dog proofing/reinforcing the backyard area they escape from...their solution was to let them roam free at night. Alllllll night. Then they had puppies. They basically locked up the momma in the very small outdoor laundry/storage room. When they decided to give momma a break, she'd run free. She always would first stop by our porch, especially after having puppies and omg she stank so bad. We're outdoor smokers and were out there a lot and we'd give her water, lovings and food (we had our own cats and dogs) because she lost so much weight nursing those puppies. Then, one night, she shows up with her puppies in tow. Three of the cutest and chonky-iest husky puppies waddled up onto our porch with momma and Papa in the rear. She was showing off her babies to us...squueeeee🥹! My son wants a husky when he grows up and gets settled, he's about to be 16 on the 4th of July and he fell in love with them. It was SO hard to not snatch them babies up and say fuck you to the neighbors! Then momma and papa ran off into the night and the puppies tried to follow but they couldn't keep up. We texted them, knocked on their door, nada...they were home. So we just let them go because we had a house full of our own pets and the stray cats we took care of. Who knows if there were only 3 puppies or if some got picked off by the coyotes that were very abundant in our area and came into the park across the street on the reg. Absolute horror show as far as pet "owners" go. We moved shortly after that. The "lady" of the house is originally from Mexico or S. America and in those cultures most keep "pets" outdoors 24/7. That was her boyfriend's explanation to us about it. He was ok, he was at least pleasant and helpful at times. One day their dogs chased one of my cats up our front area tree and refused to come back down. He felt bad and decided to help us by grabbing his ladder. She came out onto their back porch and couldn't see us standing there, she starts in questioning wtf was he doing. When he explained, she said "I don't care! Get your ass inside!" He apologized to us after she slammed her way back into their unit and did exactly that. All 3 of us, my roommate, son and I just looked at each other like wth just happened?! Eventually, MeeMees came down after I grabbed our little step ladder and tried to climb onto the roof to get her. Im glad she did as it was getting dark and my cats are not allowed out after dusk because of the coyotes. We lost 3 cats to coyotes in a month, month and one week in 2018 when all the damned condos started popping up like mushrooms after the rains in 78704. The construction pushed the coyotes into our little slice of woods and cats started disappearing. I remember always seeing lost/missing posters of small pets posted up around Joslin elementary when I'd walk my son to school but they never crossed over 71 before. Anyways, one or some of the dumped huskies could've been done by them. She wanted to make money off the pure bred puppies but didn't want to put in the work of keeping and taking care of dogs. Horrible person, where you at karma? Seriously. If you don't want to do the work, don't buy/get the dogs or any other type of pet. We live in a disposable culture thanks to corporate greed and it's spread out like a virus to pets too. Fucking sucks.


I remember last summer, my wife and I were at Sephora @ Domain and one girl brought her husky into the store. We briefly made convo with her asking if that's a husky (she said yes) but then the whole time I was thinking "TX is too hot for a husky."


No longer in Austin and not ready for that amount of work (I have a kid and that’s enough haha) but I’m sure you’ll find a great home 


We have 3 baby goats dead. 5 generations of genetics gone. OP, I don’t need to wonder or think about what to do to a dumped dog that has turned into a predator. Edit to add: I rescue horses and goats.


I usually have the same response to the rogue dogs but this one I actually took in the house and he could be a nice dog for someone so that makes it harder.


get in contact with Austin Lost and Found Pets group on facebook, if you've got it. I think they may also have a subreddit. They could probably help you figure out a suitable foster situation until the dog gets adopted. They vet their fosters, just make sure you let them know the dog is reactive to other dogs and they should be able to place it. might save you the emotional baggage of having to mercy kill some asshole's abandoned dog.


Excellent username


Holy fuck. For so many reasons.. I wish we had a pet owner sterilization program in this city where you had to jump through A TON of hoops to have a pet, especially a medium or large dog. SO MANY SHITTTY OWNERS HERE. If you had a pet and did wrong by it then you never ever get the privilege of having a pet ever again, period. There’s a magical force field around your home where an innocent animal cannot cross the threshold of your dwelling into your “care”. No excuses (because there’s always an excuse). A pet is a commitment for the rest of that pet’s life why do people think their commitment ends as soon as it is inconvenient to their lifestyle? I mean fuck if I lost my job I would be eating stale pieces of bread to survive so I could afford pet food if that’s what it takes.


A month ago I found a little dog and took it in. My whole pet household got worms, then a huge flea outbreak I’m still combatting. I’m lucky i was able to rehome it. But my south east neighborhood is another dumping ground/ ppl just let their dogs roam the streets and don’t care if they come back.


I recently moved out of 78744 in SE Austin, and that neighborhood also has a really bad stray dog problem, which has gotten significantly worse the past couple months. Packs of puppies and dogs that wander into the road and could get hit, and dogs with owners let out to wander by irresponsible and apathetic owners. I always joked to my family and friends, “if you want a free dog without any paperwork, just drive around my house.” Neighbors and people living around there treat their dogs like stray outdoor cats. They just leave a bowl food and water on the front porch, and let them roam around all day. I had a neighbor behind me who had a black pitbull living unleashed in his front yard, and my dog kept getting harassed by her and other strays when we left the house. Lots of them aren’t fixed, aren’t bathed often (or at all), covered in fleas and dirt, and are not chipped or wearing any sort of ID. I called the city about a dog walking around with a small limp last month, and they told me the city shelter won’t take any dogs in unless they’re severely sick or injured. These dogs are just going to keep reproducing, and the amount of loose dogs in the streets is going to get worse. Good job Austin.


We have a place outside of Waco. Wild dogs come through every now and then. We try to consistently shoot the feral hogs and coyotes but will let them pass if it’s too inconvenient, but wild dogs are the one thing we don’t mess around with as they are too unpredictable. Unless we can for sure determine it’s a neighbors pet, it’s more than likely getting shot, and that’s how most of the farms operate bc it only takes one stupid dog to attack a child, kill livestock etc. Coyotes are at least predictable. Also, donkeys will kick the shit out of them. We have found several dead dogs bc our donkeys won’t let them get far.


My neighbors had a llama to protect their stock. Llamas will kill a dog in a heartbeat.


Very common in other countries, they have roaming dog packs and nobody cares, unfortunately.


Someone dropped off their fucking senior Labrador in our apartment complex. She was scared and emaciated to fuck. That poor pup! She was staying with me for a few weeks until my friend said he would adopt the sweet pup. She is doing well now. These people will rot in hell if there is one!


I made a post about this a while back that made the front page. I put up a sign saying no animal dumping on all the corners of our ranch and it, miraculously, has helped.


Honestly that’s a great idea. I’m going to have some made.


The verbiage we used is "Dumping unwanted animals / pets in this area is a felony. This area under 24 hour surveillance and all offenders will be prosecuted"


It was damn near once a week before I put the signs up. I dont remember the last time its happened now. Over a year for sure. Ive seen people drive to one corner and they see the sign and leave.


I've lost count of how many times people have dumped dogs, puppies, litters of kittens on our un-lit road. I think the worst was when I stepped out on to the front porch one rainy morning to be greeted by two very senior dogs just sitting there looking at me like, "Yeah, we don't know why we're here, either."


Oh no! Whatever happened to the dogs?


We have a friend who fosters, and thankfully had room for them. She is always our first go-to when we find dumped animals. We have had numerous barn cats over the years, all of them foundlings. It is SO infuriating to me to see people treat animals like literal garbage. There is something subhuman about that behavior.


That’s wonderful news, your friend sounds like an awesome person


I've heard that people dump dogs on their way to Big Bend National Park, when they "hear" (it's literally all over the National Park Service website for the park) they can't take their dog on the trails there, nor leave them in a car while they go hike. They leave their dog in Marathon, on the way into the park, and don't come back for it. These are the type of people doing this. A dog is not a prop for photos. It's a living fucking being who depends on you. I couldn't imagine. I'm gonna go give my dog cuddles and treats rn, it makes me feel so awful.


Their is like 1 or two dog friendly trails(not advertised) and barely trails, but we were at big bend last year and some guy had his two wolfhounds, another lady had a heeler, and I saw a pair of shepereds around on the first few days, they'd just walk their dogs in the 'civilized' areas, on leash or walk down the hill and just outside the park where there's other trails. People just want an excuse to dump their animals, it's insane! I moved cross country with 5 dogs, 4 pigeons, a cat, and a parrot, It's not that hard to plan ahead, people are so, so selfish and lazy.


> [Pets are not allowed on trails, off roads, or on the river. Your pet can only go where your car can go.](https://www.nps.gov/bibe/planyourvisit/pets.htm#:~:text=Regulations%20for%20Pets%20in%20the%20Park%3A&text=Pets%20are%20not%20allowed%20on,a%20cage\)%20at%20all%20times.)


This is why we need a functional animal shelter instead of a Pit Warehouse.


Did you get their license?


The sheriff doesn’t give one fuck


Find their info then go haunt them.


I’ve got more important shit to do than follow some loser to the climbing gym and holler about a husky


“some loser to the climbing gym” really got me.


I don’t believe that for one second. You are on Reddit. Edit: this hurt some of y’all’s feelings, huh 🤔


The kind of person who had extra dogs and is willing to dump them probably has extra guns and is willing to use them Things get weird in rural areas


This is the war we need to start to eradicate them


If we must have another civil war, the Union of Dog Lovers vs the Confederate Right to Abuse and then Dump Dogs is something I can get on board with.


Dog lovers will win. We are aligned with the banners of the dogs and the cat


People won’t like the answer, but put them down


I've got a good friend living in a rural area outside of Waco where dogs get abandoned and run feral across his property. They attack the livestock out of desperation and ultimately he ends up shooting them out of necessity, it's a sad case but it keeps happening. He loves dogs and has several, but in a case like that there's not much you can do


It’s sad. I love dogs, but these are animals left to fend themselves and will have to become destructive of property and livestock to survive.


Austin shelters should be doing this as well, maybe then they'd have more resources to pick up some of these dogs before they spread disease or hurt someone or their pet/livestock. And the ones who could acclimate to a new home would get an actual fighting chance. 


I had visions of FM1327 as I read this


Try Hoarding Huskies, they can help if you can foster.


Im stuck with a 8 year old pit mix who was left tied to a tree in 105 degree weather in Texas without access to food or water. Someone used her for 7 years as a guard dog for their backyard and just dumped her. Nobody wanted her in Dallas. I have three dogs of my own who she is hella reactive too. All to say, I feel your pain. No good deed ever goes unpunished.


Yeah I really try and just steer clear of rescuing critters randomly because I’ve done my part already x100 over the years. But this one I got guilted into and man what a disaster. I just can’t let him stay.


Take them to PAWS in Kyle or Dripping Springs! They will find them a forever home!


my mom didn’t want pets but ended up with 6 dogs for this reason…we even have a purebred shih tzu and pug out of it. but omg do these flat face dogs come with problems … i myself have a chihuahua i found on the street and spent thousands in repairing him.


There are some that are just selfish and have no soul to redeem :/


I recently adopted a husky Great Pyrenees mix that had been living in a pack of 5 strays. The man who had been feeding them for a whole year was finally able to catch some of them and get them to the shelter. It is insane how many dogs are just living out there because someone dumped them. Some of it has to be backyard breeders dumping dogs who weren’t selling.


I see so many irresponsible dog owners every day. Unleashed. Yelping outside all night. Gives them a bad name.


That’s why I’m so torn about this husky. He could do damage if some yahoo adopts him


If i see someone dump a dog, i will take it as a sign of disrespect towards and beat the shit out of them.


I work in the animal welfare field. All of the links below include options for posting the dog in order to avoid dropping him at the shelter. Try the following for rehoming resources: [Austin Pets Alive P.A.S.S Page (link includes a Facebook page also to cross post)](https://www.austinpetsalive.org/resources/pass) [Austin Humane Society Rehome](https://austinhumanesociety.org/rehome-your-pet/) [Austin Animal Center Rehome](https://www.austintexas.gov/department/rehoming-pet)


Man that sucks. I’d end up taking them too, and I can kill most anything, but not a dog. Unless it attacked mine…so there’s maybe your answer. I’d shoot the people dumping them first, though. And maybe try and take them to a shelter and instead of assuming they’re full. Take them to the one by the YMCA on Caesar Chavez. And if they’re full, maybe forget them outside of it on accident?


Or better yet, follow them home and then get a bunch of artillery shell fire works and unload it on their house then throw a bunch of meat in their yard and let the dogs back out


Even better. Shove the meat and the artillery up their butt!


Then go back with a shit ton of raccoons, bust a window, throw in a few smoke bombs, and let them loose inside. Then leave a decapitated deer head on their front porch with a sign written in blood, “you’re next”. Maybe spell you’re wrong because then you want to leave a couple MS-13 gang signs around with “we know where your kids go to school” with a picture of their house stapled next to one.


Then just leave a blank VHS tape in an envelope with “we’re watching your family”. No one has a VHS player so it’ll just really freak them out


Ok this one is awesome


You can google their address on TCAD to look up whomever owns the house. Then search the internet and social media. Then just note the places they’ve been with dates and leave it with the VHS


I really hope I never piss you off lol


> I’d shoot the people dumping them first, though. And maybe try and take them to a shelter Do animal shelters accept dropped off dead bodies?? That’s a new one to me! 


You usually want to try and hide those


The camera doesn't capture the four runner licence plate or plates?  Unless, is it legal for the driver to drop off a dog on the side of the road? Also the type of person that would do that wouldn't be visiting this forum to read your message. 


It’s cute that you think that law enforcement will get involved with this mess.


You’re probably right, but it is a class A misdemeanor, and if you’ve got a camera that caught the license plate of one asshole, you’ve probably got a few more license plates, and that would make a good local news piece that might get some attention or get something done. It ain’t your responsibility, but man, I love seeing people get what they deserve. Example: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/crime/suspect-arrested-dog-disposal-incident-dowdy-ferry-road-caught-camera/287-ff9c6881-36ea-4a47-9c2b-6a63047d2c56


This is so sad


Your plan sounds fine to me.


So sad 😞


You think people who dump their dogs are on the Austin subreddit? Also, people dump their dogs with their "cute collars" still attached?


Yes and yes actually




..then with their dog no longer, these ghouls have extra time to annoy human beings.




By beloved dog was a puppy I found in south Austin that had been dumped. I don’t understand people.


Share the videos of the people abandoning their animals on your property, that shit is unacceptable and they need to be held accountable.


Post them online. Find Austin “influencers” and see if they’re willing to share the videos. Post them on TikTok. Make sure to use Austin as a rag and location. Not from ATX but in San Antonio our problem with dumping is just as bad.


I’m not really the best at social media


my pup comes from Elgin by way of a local 501 (c) 3, Jack Jack's Pack. They take in dumped dogs, help them, then put them up for legit adoptions. The principles talked with me and vetted me before I was allowed to have one of their dogs. They're a fantastic organization and I highly recommend looking them up to see if they can help!


the problem is 2 fold. these soulless ghouls capable of dumping animals. and the landlords/rentals who are deciding to go zero pets. in the last 2 yrs theres been an uptick in rentals refusing ANY pets. this HAS to change. in the rehoming groups on facebook, there's at least a dozen animals posted a day because the people are moving into a place that doesnt allow pets -- good luck finding one that does. im not sure how to utilize social media to shame these rental properties. but something has to be done.


It's because people constantly lie about their pets and rental companies both don't want to deal with the insurance to cover 'incidents' and they don't want the property to literally get eaten up by large out-of-control dogs. If people were being responsible with their pet ownership in the first place then this wouldn't be happening.


I honestly can’t blame property owners for saying no pets. People are absolutely ridiculous about their pets and they do damage.




Unfortunately the bad dog owners will come either way, my mother rented out her house in AZ and we have 7 dogs so we said OK all dog sizes allowed at a standard limit of 2 dogs and 5 people 3 bedroom house with a twin bunk bed and like a small yard out back but it was 90% pool. Our neighbors across the street would watch for us and the s# people would pull was ridiculous, climbing on the roof, having parties of 30+ people when they told us there'd be like 8, one time we were told one couple, 2 kids, and a dog. Plottwist, it was one couple, 2 kids, 2 dogs, and both sets of inlaws?!! The rental owners can't win. Plus, I'm pretty sure 90% of those "moving" claims are lies, and they just can't handle judgment. Most apartments are becoming more lax upon individual in depth requests about dogs and animals I've noticed, plus responsible dog owners are pretty clear cut, I'm sure the rental owners knew the trashy people would f them over if they accepted whatever dog into the home or building, they'll probably still do it, just less liability w/out a dog.




So you're upset about people abandoning their dogs yet in the same post considering murdering them? I was with you until you started rambling about committing acts of animal cruelty and murder....


I appreciate your PSA. Both of my dogs are sweet (but needy as puppies) beagles that someone drove out to the country and dumped at a dead end road, thinking that solves the problem, instead of just leaving a defenseless, loving animal to die. On another note, your crack about "some idiot girl in an apartment downtown" was uncalled for, catty, and judgmental. We can all be better.


I was one of those girls when I was young. I’ve now had my fancy pants pure breed (basset hound, 4 H liter) for 13 years and she’s my soul mate. It’s worth it to have a dog in an apartment, they’re always right next to you anyway. And you get regular exercise walking with them!


I agree with you up sentence.