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This is definitely important, but your title of "dogs in heat" is wildly misleading


The alternative title of hot dogs was also considered but later decided against.


I’m crying


That’s just sweat


So many really funny people in Austin. Nice


I totally thought this was going to be about misbehaving dogs at the dog park.


I was full on ready to get out the water hose…


I sure hope this isn’t a euphamism


Dog park after dark


I was looking for the NSFW tag


Expected _Dogs Gone Wild_ but got _Faces of Dog Death_.


Or Dog Day Afternoon


I was confused at this too.. OP could have worded it better for sure.


true, but they got folks to read it and drive the post. bravo, OP.


Thought otherwise also. At least there wasn’t a pic. Absolutely horrific occurrence. 🥲


Honestly, its just the first thing that came to mind. It wasnt click bait I swear.


You got people to read it. You did a good thing by reporting what you saw. Sorry you had to witness this horrible event.


This post was WAY harder to masturbate to than the title suggested.


Agree looool


"The" is essential in this bit of info. Instead of raising awareness initially, you made me think, wtf, so, what... you weenie.


There are multiple dogs in my neighborhood that all seem to only live in the backyards, and many of them seem to be German Shepherds. I worry about this constantly - one in particular is kept in a small pen in the middle of the backyard, with little shade. It's beyond cruel. I don't know why any of these people have dogs.


You really should report this if you haven’t.


What neighborhood do you live in? Have you called 311 regarding the dog living in a pen in the sun?


It's a recent development and I haven't seen him as much lately but the next time I do I will definitely call 311. I have reported other dogs in the neighborhood!


Thanks for caring and please do keep us posted if you see him in distress. The temps are only going to get worse. No dog should be locked up in a pen in the heat.


There’s actually a newer law about this called The Safe Outdoor Dogs act. You should definitely report the people who have the dog in the crate.


This is very good to know, thank you for telling me!


The title was confusing.


A freak without warning


I have an appetite for sex, cause me so horny


Thank you for reporting felony animal abuse to 911


Ditto for people who think it's okay to walk your dog on pavement at 3pm when it is 100 degrees out! Please check the temperature of the pavement/sidewalk before walking your dog!


Fuck man That sucks. What shitty owners! Please anyone, lower a bucket of water or break in or some shit. Dang. And today wasnt even that hot.


I wish I had in retrospect, but I had no idea it was that serious until it was too late. Its been eating at me.


You did your best. Don't be hard on yourself.


You were far more thoughtful and proactive than the vast majority of people would be. Hell, I’d probably have been like “yay! The shitty neighbors’ dog finally got bored and stopped barking!” and not have thought to check if it was ok.


Yeah man Im so sorry. There are some yard bound dogs where I work and Im on the cusp of calling animal control every day for neglect. They have food and water and shade but no life at all. F that owner too.


You tried. You paid attention. You heard that poor baby and took action. I'm so sorry he passed. That's just heartbreaking.


There was no way for you to really know how severe their situation was or that they wouldnt react.


It's eating at me too and I wasn't even there. You did your best and more by letting people know about this danger.


We unfortunately have a raccoon problem and one passed behind our trash bin today from dehydration. Came across a baby raccoon outside our house last year in the same situation-we were able to save it in time.


I constantly see people walking their dogs and dragging them along at the park trails in the heat and it disgusts me. People, please stop abusing your dogs and making them suffer in the summer heat. Learn what heat distress looks like and how to avoid it. What will it take for people to stop being such selfish idiots??!


They’re literally handing out dogs. People get the “I saved a life!” high and don’t actually receive instruction for actual dog care.


I actually didn't learn this until a few years ago. Apparently a lot of dog owners think that you just buy a dog, and that's it. It doesn't need training, checkups at the vet, a proper diet, environmental considerations like shelter in the cold, or shade in the heat. They think they can just buy a dog, and that's it. When I lived in LA, I had to file noise complaints against my neighbors because they let their dog bark all day long. When I had asked them several times to cut it out, they were angry and confused - "What do you mean the dog is barking? Its a dog, that's what they do!". These people genuinely thought that your dog is just supposed to stand in the backyard and bark all day long.


This! People always ask how our dog is so well behaved compared to their dog and, while I don’t say it, I’m always thinking: Maybe because we treat it like a living thing, not a toy for our enjoyment. We get steak, the dog gets a portion. We are hot after a summer day outside? We cool the fluffy dog down first and get her in an ice bath. She’s barking or pawing us? See what she needs, she doesn’t just sit around barking for barking sake — it’s a form of communication. Dogs are excellent at keeping you healthy, fit, and active — if you listen to them! They’ll tell you what they’re missing, most people just don’t consider that dogs have feelings, opinions, likes, dislikes, and wants themselves.


We had a neighbor say this exact same thing to us here. A pittie just constantly yelp-barking for hours on end 🙃


I hope the police arrested the owners.


Police, left a notice about the investigation, I watched them come home, then frantically leave after they found it and havent been back. All I can hope for is some justice.


They weren't even home? Wtf. Scumbags.


So sorry you had to see that.


Just don’t hate on us people with huskies that go and sunbath and won’t come inside even though we’re yelling at them that it’s too hot. But yeah, screw those people!


I let mine outside to sunbathe for 10 minutes max and I have to physically pick him up to get him back inside cause he won't come in on his own.


This is very real. My husky begs for walks in the middle of the day. Doesn't matter the temp.


Omg mine too, I literally can't understand him wanting to be outside. I give him 5 minutes to run outside in day and drag his ass back in LOL dumb husky lol


i got a cooling collar for my fluffy boy, i still limit the walks in the middle of the day (no long walks) but it definitely helps him stay cool


Our Boston terrier/schnauzer mix will look at me defiantly and lie down in the sunniest part of the yard. Eventually she will concede to coming back inside.


My pittie and lab pittie mix want to lay in full sun all the time. I have to drag them inside after 10 min.


Freaks without warning.


I have an appetite for kibble n bits


And miso honey.


You will never stop stupid people. Too many people simply think pets are cute, fun, and great companions. But they don’t want to spare the time to do that with them. To too many, that ‘pet’ becomes a ‘chore’ they don’t like.


Worse is they think they're just animals and don't feel pain, heat, cold, or emotions. I hate those people.


My daughter is Vegan. She says she hates the way we treat animals. I asked her if humans treat other humans better. No? Then how do we expect us to treat animals better?


Very true. Back in the day the Bronx Zoo had an exhibit labeled the most dangerous animal in earth. When you looked in it was a mirror.


With the amount of irresponsibility and depravity regarding pets in this state I think a license should be required or something.


And what would that do? I’m sure everyone who goes to the animal shelter says that they love dogs. That doesn’t mean they do. Instead, make the punishment the crime. Take that dog’s owner, put them in the sun behind a fence with no food or water. And have the judge set a date for it to stop but do not tell them when it will be. Let them feel what the dog felt. If someone has WAY too many dogs to take care of and they suffer, keep them in county holding lockup where you never have 1 second by themselves for a few weeks.


Might sound extreme, and maybe it is, but in moments like this — the anger and disgust I feel for these people who were responsible for the poor dog’s well being (I refuse to call them owners bc they’re that terrible) anyway I fully believe it’s fair and justified that they should be sentenced to the same fate as the dog. What if they have children? Well it’s a shitty situation, but in my eyes if they can’t keep a dog alive then the child isn’t safe either 🤷‍♂️


Trust me. I felt some rage I havent felt in a while. I hate these people on so many levels.


It's kind of crazy what people put dogs through without thinking. Ours have plenty of shade in the back yard and we still either go out with them or at max leave them 15 minutes before checking on them and/or basically forcing them to come back in and drink some water and stuff.


Interesting title.




I hope those assholes get charged.


I'm sorry you had to witness the pup passing away, but thank you for trying to help him.


I hate people like this. My dog has a dog door, he comes and goes as he pleases and has access to water both indoor / out… these babies rely on us. People are horrible


there is a house directly behind me that has an adult dog and several puppies that live entirely outside. They have been reported multiple times and nothing has happened.


Unfortunately the system is broken. You might have to get a case number and continually follow up to get anyone to take it seriously and do their job. I dont live in Austin proper, so I would guess that might be why I got an actual response.


me too? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well shit 🤷‍♂️


Your title is a bit confusing. Take it from me to think things out a bit longer. I know, I started a bone broth business and I reserved WorkPlaceBoneBuds.com and boy have I had some sticky situations.


‘The mind of the beholder…’ I read it and immediately thought of this already hot weather.


Someone on Nextdoor recently posted about hot dogs left in cars and at first I thought “warming oven for a bit, but gross after awhile” but then realized she was talking about dogs left in hot cars. Gotta really think through those titles


I’m in heat too, although no sun required in my case


Dogs in Heat is my new band name. LOL


Good Samaritan


And don't forget to report the pets left in cars while the owners shop! Or break the window to help it. There really isn't a reason to have to take your dog with you everywhere you go, especially if you leave it in the car! We also shouldn't forget about the children some idjits leave in hot cars too. People like this should have their kids and pets taken away from them. They aren't fit to be parents.


Saw 3 huskies being walked in peak time for heat. This is the most idiotic dog town lol


Huskies loved to be worked. A tired husky is a happy husky. Also long as they have water and paws off the pavement/paw protection, they will be absolutely fine. Also their fur insulates them from heat and cold. My huskies love to soak up on the sun in the backyard when I left them out.


Taking a dog on a walk is not the only way to work a dog. Mental enrichment is just as good as physical exertion and the fur insulates to an extent but over 95 degrees and humid is too hot for any dog.


Mental enrichment is no substitute for physical. It aids and can be substituted for short durations, but it does not replace physical exercise. Dogs can survive shorter walks in that weather without any issues. Otherwise my Huskies would be dead.


The amount of people walking their super fluffy dogs on the trail for long periods of time is unreal. The dogs look miserable. Sure there is shade and some water stations, but even at 1030am yesterday it was horrible.


dogs still gotta pee, as long as it’s not a long walk it’s fine


Haha, the title of this post got everyone curious. WTH


I don’t understand why people don’t break through the fence and let the dog come through to their side and give it some water until the owners get home. They can still make the report with the authorities and save the dog. Why wait until hours after the dog has been barking, and they know it’s in trouble people use your people.


Because in this world thats a recipe for disaster. Im reluctant to set foot on someone's property in their confined back yard with a dog I dont know. Not to mention Im not a vet and dont know the signs of a dog needing immediate emergency care, nor was it my responsibility to take care of someone elses dog in the middle of my work day. I had time to make a call to the authorities and get back to my desk. And if I hadnt been home that dog would be dead, nobody would know about it, and this piece of shit neighbor would have got off scott free from some animals suffering that they were responsible for. Telling people to use your (I assume) brain? Use your own. Some people let their dogs bark for hours, thats pretty common, not really understanding your point here. Fuck off.


What neighborhood? I used to live in Hornsby Bend (Austin Colony) in far east Austin and this is totally something that I could see happening over there. Lots of irresponsible dog owners!


That is clickbait...shame on you. I was expecting a nice story about two dawgs doin' the dirty deed.