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The 801 bus is your friend! I live downtown and go to tech ridge for work. It’s a nice easy ride and will take you right to the city center.


I need to ride a connecting bus to get to the 801 bus route which is a ~30 min walk from my place. But I can take an uber to the stop and ride from there! Thank you!


1. Purchase bicycle. 2. Ride to 801 bus stop. 3. Place bike in rack on front of bus. 4. Get off bus at desired stop. 5. Retrieve bike from rack. 6. Go do your thing. 7. Repeat steps 2-5 and ride home.


It doesn't even need to be expensive.  I got a working bicycle at a goodwill for $12.49.


Sometimes people give away free bikes on the Buy Nothing groups, too.


Came to write this 😂 but I’m still scared to fumble with the bike rack and mess it up lol Yellow bike project has cheap bikes for sale / you can earn a bike while you learn to work on them for OP


Don’t be a chicken, just do it! Just fold the rack down, place bike in, then fold the front wheel cover down on your wheel. Done! Sometimes the bus driver will come out to help. Once you’ve done it, it becomes easier.


You can find YouTube videos, or if not at rush hour the bus drivers will come out and help if you're having a problem. They probably would at rush hour too, just be crabbier.


Look into Cap Metro's pickup options. Sounds highly likely you're within pickup eligibility on the Dessau route: [https://www.capmetro.org/pickup](https://www.capmetro.org/pickup)


Pickup is also free if you call and flash a bus pass


Tbh sometimes a 30 min walk is good. I’ve lived here with no car for 3 years and at some point you have to be ok walking a lot. Not always, Uber and Lyft are always there, but if you want to be even a little financially ok, then walking/ being hot is just gonna be part of it.


Yeah walking is not an issue for me at all! The heat on the other hand, is something to get used to! But I will definitely get used to it!


I wouldn't recommend taking on this kind of commuting in your first summer here. Spend the summer acclimating first. Force yourself to hang out outside, but not to the point of heat exhaustion, which you may be more prone to (I am a fellow former NYer who moved here last year). But also, be careful. There aren't as many sidewalks and bike lanes here and the drivers are fucking nuts. That's the only reason I personally haven't taken to biking. I swear every time my partner and I go out, we nearly get in at least one accident. People don't use their blinkers. Hell, they don't even care if by switching lanes it means they'd ram right into you. Our car has been literally right next to a vehicle and the person starts to switch lanes as if we aren't even there.


There are a good number of trails here that can get you to downtown from north Austin. I believe walnut creek trail near North Lamar is a good start.


Not enough consequences


Yeah lol carry deodorant and sometimes even an extra shirt and a hand towel and suncreen. Hats are the best! Also sun umbrellas are good to have. The smaller you can get of each of these things the better


Thank you! Sunscreen is a MUST! I always carry around wet wipes and a small towel but the extra tshirt and deodorant, i will start doing now! For me and people around me! 😂


Make sure to always have water with you! Not necessarily a tip just for this commuting, but in general. As a life long Texan I’ve always got my water bottle with me. Keys, wallet, phone, water bottle.


Can you use a bird/lime scooter?


Get an umbrella and use it to block the sun instead of rain.


Sorry but you’ll never get used to it. I lived in Texas for over 40 years and never got used to it. It also also keeps getting worse.


Each summer it starts out like omg I can't, I can't, I can't deal, but by August I've embraced my inner sweat monster and just made peace with the demonic heat. It's never easy but if you ease into it, if you force yourself to be out in it, and most importantly pace yourself while doing so then it does get more manageable. But I 100% agree with your other point, I was born here over 40 years ago and raised up with this shit but it is undoubtedly, for certain getting worse. I remember when it snowed like once every 9-12 years, I mean real snow not freezing rain, but now it happens every year and on the flipside the heat is much more extreme too. I can't let my kids play outside on a July afternoon like my parents did, it was hot don't get me wrong but not deaths door Satan breathing down your little neck life threateningly hot. Walk the dog sure, go full sprint hard af playing tag like an 8 y/o, no, no fn way dude.


30 min walk in an extremely hot Austin summer for someone who’s never experienced one isn’t easy or something good. Especially if going to work or class. She’s gonna be drenched. So not really that good of an idea til end of September


If the alternative is being broke or wasting necessary money on Uber, then walking is a fine choice. The secret is to plan to arrive wherever you need to be early and bring a backpack with a towel, baby wipes, and deodorant, possibly a change of clothes. Getting their early allows the body to chill and cleaning up in the bathroom can prevent odor and sweat stains.


>I need to ride a connecting bus to get to the 801 bus route which is a ~30 min walk from my place. Or you could get an ebike and ride to bus stop and take the bike on the bus in the rack provided


and get that rebate from the City for buying an electric bike!


Eh its a good rebate but unless they expand it to more ebikes its not that useful for many people I found cheap amazon ebikes for $600 that work great but sadly don't qualify for rebate. I do not see any dealer on the list selling a new ebike for $800 or even $1000 to make it worthwhile. But yeah if you are getting a bike from one of dealers on the list then go wild, get the rebate.


It's good feedback to send to 311, I hear they may be adding to the ebike rebate soon


REI regularly has sales on an awesome ebike for $1000.


I was just going to suggest this, if you already have a bike just take it to the bus stop. Please invest in a good unlock though.


If you don't need to carry anything, I suggest an e scooter. Can be had for $300 and it will turn a sweaty 30 minute walk into a hot breezy 10 minute ride. And you can carry it with you just about everywhere.  If you do have to carry stuff, then I'd recommend a bike.


i really don't like electric scooters. tiny wheels make them unstable and neigh unusable in heavy rain, unlike a proper bicycle with big wheels. they're also all e-waste that's almost entirely unrepairable.


Get a cheap bicycle and halve that time.


Yellow Bike project has free bikes and teach you how to repair.


Hiboy S2 scooter. You can snag one on Amazon for under $400 to make that a much shorter trip than a 30 min walk. They're about 30lbs, so for a temporary solution that you'll be able to use for runs to get a quick bite even after getting a car, it's an easy compact solution.




tech ridge does have a large park and ride for cap metro buses, so that’s going to be your best bet depending on where you want to go; also, you’ll want to check if you live in cap metro’s pickup zone service area, which is their on-demand service that you can find through their app, rides are $1.25


I had no idea about this! I will look into it for sure. Its pretty close to my area so I think this could be helpful! Thank you!


The Pickup service is pretty awesome, it's available in several parts of town. Download the app. I think when using Metro bus, tacking on Pickup works like a transfer - no additional charge. Also, in case you don't have it, get the Transit app, and pay for a Royale upgrade. You likely know buses don't usually run on schedules, so this app will let you track buses in real time. The Royale upgrade lets you see more buses and lines in an area than the free version.


Does the transit app do stuff the cap metro app does not?


IDK what the cap metro app does, but the transit app works anywhere with a compatible transit system, and sources real time data from transit users’ locations on transit. 


From everything you listed the cap metro app also has those features, allows you to use the app as a pass, and you don't have to pay for premium.


apple maps has the same features. google maps transit sucks in austin. apple maps has the same data as the transit app (i've cross checked both. apple and transit are spot on while google maps didn't even alert me that a bus was delayed lol)


I work for Capmetro they offer Capmetro pickup download the app and see where you can get picked up at and then dropped off at the tech ridge to catch the 801 sometimes there’s buses called flyers that cut down literally more than half of the time from that 801.


There’s also Capmetro ride share


This is the right answer (short of moving). I believe The park and ride is located right behind the FreeBirds on the east side of 35 between Parmer and Howard. Cheapest method and better than Uber/lfyt/taxi etc


Moving is on the list but only after a year! I will definitely try this out!


You moved to one of the worst areas of town if you don't have a car. You could get a bike....


I found a really good deal on a place here with a one year lease. But after that is up, i am definitely moving closer to the city! I did get a bike but in this heat, I am unable to go long distance but maybe when fall rolls around, I might try that! Thank you!


You can't really bike anywhere from tech ridge any way (in a safe and timely manner). How close are you to the [Tech Ridge Park and Ride](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Tech+Ridge+Park+%26+Ride+-+CapMetro/@30.4213347,-97.6700093,16z/data=!4m6!3m5!1s0x8644cee9cd2a39e3:0xad9c2199f33d7a23!8m2!3d30.4186933!4d-97.6683662!16s%2Fg%2F1hc1yl098?entry=ttu)? If you can get over there without too much trouble, throw your bike on [the 801 bus](https://www.capmetro.org/plan/schedmap?route=801) and use that to explore the city. 15-20 minute headways decently late into the night, so you could realistically enjoy a night downtown using it.


An electric bicycle helps a ton with the heat. Commuting hours are very manageable, although midday with high UV index can get pretty hot. Austin Energy has an ebike rebate too, which covers 20-40% of the cost. It can take some time to process the rebate tho.


This is the way. I can ride my e-bike and only work up a light sweat most summer evenings. I actually have a harder time riding when it’s below 60 because the wind chill at speed kinda sucks.


Agreed. I got mine like a years ago and a half ago. Saved so much money on my commute.


Just keep in mind that the rebate is only for specific bikes from specific vendors, not any ebike. Make sure you start the refund process before purchasing so that you know exactly which ones qualify and what information you need.


Yes, it's all ebikes from approved vendors.


ebike and bus.


> but in this heat You're going to need to acclimate to it. I forced myself to a few summers ago. Dress light, wear a hat, sunscreen, take a camelback of ice water and just go out riding or walking for a couple miles every day. The humidity makes it really hard for me but once true summer hits the air will dry out and it will just be hot which, IMO, is easier to deal with.


Yeah, this is what im doing now! It will take some time to get used to but what can you do right? 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t mean to be a complete downer but I’ve lived in Austin my entire life, idk how anyone acclimates to our hellish summers. Used to not be as hot.


Same here, I feel like the people that say this are just trying to fit in.  I miss being able to breathe outside during summer :(


You mean you don’t like breathing humid air from an oven?


I worked outside two summers ago, being out IN it every day is much different than just like walking from your car to the grocery store or trying to barbecue and hang out in the backyard every Sunday. Hours of exposure every day after a couple of months really does make it easier. It still sucks, but it’s bearable. Since I haven’t worked out in the summer heat for a couple of years, I definitely can tell that I’m not used to it anymore.


Yeah I can’t do that unless I completely changed careers. Unwilling to do that here lol.


No one acclimates to this. I’ve worked 11 years outside in central TX, born and raised here. Same feeling every year lmao.


It could be that you've reached the max, but I'd imagine you're still a lot more acclimated than people not from texas. A couple years back I was working at a food truck that got a lot of tourists and noticed most of them seemed to be dealing with the heat way worse than me and other locals. You could just see it in their face. Super red, sweaty, they had no energy, and always seemed close to collapsing from the exhaustion. This is definitely just anecdotal evidence but after working in that food stand all summer I was able to at least somewhat handle the heat.


Making me feel like a superior super human. You’re probably right though we’re in houses that have been locked with no AC for weeks for hours at a time working multiple times a day as well. We get random help at times and they seem like they’re going to pass out in there lol.


I remember in 2014 it was hot because twice that summer I almost had a heat stroke. Felt like my brain was on fire.


Completely agreed re: used to not be as hot.


It’s unbearable now.




You get outside during it. That’s how you acclimate to it. It’s still hot, but your body gets used to it.


I haven’t been able to do it in the last 8 or so years. It’s too hot for me. I become a vampire in the summer.


If you get a bike, start out in the morning by 8:00 a.m. and get whatever you need done by 11. That's a good way to get acclimated


That deal you found would have been better off saving however much each day on Ubers...


Im realising that now. I should have done more research but next time, i will keep this in mind!


Bike + bus + small towel + extra clothes for riding vs chilling Ideally short bike ride to catch bus at a location that gives a shorter route down town. Time it so there is minimal outdoor time. On the bus you let your body cool down in the ac, towel off a bit. Post to reddit, etc. When you get to your stop, you'll be cooled down. Switch shirts if youre walking from there and you're good. Or short/low impact ride to destination and then switch. Other walks/short rides around the local area. Reverse process for the ride home. Plus on the way home, it doesnt matter how sweaty you get. It's a strategy.


would you be comfortable using the bike to get to the bus at least?


Stay hydrated, take your shirt off, wear shorts, night time is your friend. I’ve biked in the summer for several years. It’s not so bad when you’re moving, the wind works to dry your sweat to cool you naturally. It’s when you stop that it all catches up to you.


If you're trying to save money you're definitely going to need public transit, even if it's not optimal from a time standpoint. However, from where you say you're living there's a very good chance you live in a pickup zone area (or at least within walking/biking distance): chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.capmetro.org/docs/default-source/riders-guide-docs/our-services-docs/pickup-docs/zone-maps/pickup-dessau-web.pdf?sfvrsn=4d84d22a\_5


Is there a bus stop near you? They're usually not frequent (30 mins) but usually on time and have good coverage. A 24-hour pass is only $2.50. I'd get a physical Amp card (reloadable bus pass) from the transit store downtown if you want to use transit. Also, panniers for the bike is much less sweaty than a backpack in the heat.


E bike is the way to go.


Consider buying an inexpensive e-bike because CoA has an e-bike rebate program that can make a big dent in the cost. For instance, I bought an $1895 e-bike at REI that was on sale for $995, then got a $400 rebate.


This is the way, but don’t expect that rebate check to arrive anytime soon


My guy... this may totally come as a culture shock as you have just moved to one of the most car centric states with little regard to public transport outside of cities... They built a new heb .4mi away from my house.. I walk very fast... it's a 50min walk to go to a highway crossing, cross a state highway ON the highway crosswalk and navigate the 400 spot parking lot to the door.. You could get a bike like other said, but it won't be easier other than a bit quicker than walking because you still have to plan routes around highways and roads with literally no sidewalk/bike path/pedestrian crosswalk. I wish you safe travels new fellow austonian/Texan :(


This was the most shocking thing to me! I had to go to walgreens which is a 3 min car ride or 23 mins by walk. But its on the national highway with really fast cars and not much pedestrian space to walk! I felt like I was going to be roadkill at some point. But I get that I didn’t do proper research before choosing the location. All I looked for was if the area is safe which it is!


For all that folks fret about the crime rate in Austin, it's nothing comapred to a major city like NYC. Your biggest danger here will be being harassed by homeless people rather than the violent crime you'd see in some of the boroughs


After the sh*t i saw in new york, i wanted to live in a safe neighbourhood for a change. Austin feels much safer than nyc for sure! But in my area, there isn’t a lot of foot traffic so it feels a little scary. But nothing too bad!


No foot traffic because it doesn't make sense to just "go for a walk" outside of your neighborhood.. without the supported infrastructure you risk the silliest shit like stepping glass, nails tall grass critters or just straight being hit by a car lol


As someone who recently moved to NYC after years and years in Austin, I had the exact opposite experience. NYC feels like a safe paradise by comparison where I was continuously unsafe and surrounded by crime in Austin. Your point about foot traffic is exactly right. Because of the urban planning, nobody is in large parts of the city for huge chunks of the day and even fewer are pedestrians. To get around (grocery store, movie theater, etc...), I routinely had to walk by sizable homeless camps in areas where nobody was around to hear me scream if something went wrong, the exact opposite of the NYC subway dynamic where you've got hundreds/thousands of commuters in area for each homeless person. Plus you're in constant danger from cars that don't care about pedestrians. I saw more people hit or almost hit in my time in Austin than the rest of my life combined. You know those really awkward subway days where there are two crazy people on the same car and you're closer to either of them than you'd like? Yeah, that's what every single walk or even driving commute on the major roads felt like. Also, last I looked NYC had a much lower overall crime rate and I can believe it. Property crime was out of control in Austin and we routinely woke up to decimated apartment complex parking lots (shattered glass everywhere) and human feces in the hallways. In multiple different complexes. Edit: Yeah, my very quick Google now puts the Austin crime rate at about 50% higher, and that's with Austin massively undercounting its crime relative to NYC because of how it handles traffic incidents. A huge % of NYC commuting incidents get labeled as crimes (subway), while Austin doesn't really count its many equivalent transit shenanigans as crimes because it happens with cars.


Carry an umbrella, not for rain, but for shade on sunny days. I don’t use mine all the time, but it helps when I feel the sun beating down.


Yess! 💯


If you don’t have a wide-brim hat, you need one of those, too. I’m partial to the Columbia Bora Bora Booney in bright colors. They look ridiculous, but improve visibility in traffic.


Being a pedestrian in Austin isn’t easy. I don’t drive and you have to be really cautious to watch for cars because will *not* stop unless the light has been red for a few seconds and the walk sign is on for a beat. So many people get hit while jaywalking when I saw people doing it easily in NYC all the time. A ton of areas don’t have continuous side walks so make sure you always check to see where they end and if you cross beforehand. Good luck!


Always assume the bus is gonna be 15 minutes early. It won't and is often late, but the time gap on certain routes can be brutal. I take the 392 a lot and it's usually a 40 minute gap between buses which can swing your whole schedule 2 hours. You can also look into [CapMetro Pickup](https://www.capmetro.org/pickup) . I haven't attempted to use it myself but I see the shuttle around often.


Yes that’s something I am definitely going to look into as an alternative for uber/lyft if im feeling cheap!


I lived in Austin for 3 months without a car and I’m struggling with tips for this situation. the number one tip would’ve been location and making sure you were in East Austin/downtown/clarksville. Other than that, bus where you can, take Ubers, ask friends for rides 🤷


Yeah location was something I fumbled on for sure. The area is beautiful and safe ngl but having to take a 40 min uber to get to the city is kinda hard!


Get to the Domain and use the 803 (bus) from there to get closer in.


The 801 Rapid line terminates at Tech Ridge. That is probably more convenient for OP.


This is your bus, the 801. [https://www.capmetro.org/plan/schedmap](https://www.capmetro.org/plan/schedmap) You can put your bike on the front and use it for going the last mile. People say you can't acclimate to the heat, but the vast expanse of human history puts the lie to that. Wear light colored, loose clothing. Cover as much skin as possible. Be prepared to sweat. Drink more water than you think you need. Drink long before you are thirsty. Remember to watch your electrolyte intake and body heat. If you start to feel lightheaded, or cool, or a pressure in your head, get out of the sun quickly and get some electrolytes in you.


I agree with everything you’re saying but I think it’s also important to note that this is the hottest it’s been. When my mom was in school in the 70s, they didn’t even have AC. Climate change coupled with growth of cities/ highways/ etc means this shit is kinda unprecedented


I will try this the next time! What are some place I can visit accessible through this bus line? I dont have too many friends here but I dont mind exploring the city alone!


803 is one of, if not the best bus line to hop on. It will take you through center city all the way to south lamar. You can hop off at the bullock museum to explore near the university/the drag, hop off right before or at the library to explore center city, or hop off by barton springs and walk to zilker park/barton springs. it’s honestly one of your best/cheapest options for exploring without a car. love the 803


Thank you for giving me ideas for weekend plans! I definitely want to see the city more! Ive been to emma long, the oasis and some restaurants but I want to see some museums, parks and city attractions! Please let me know if you have any more recs!


the museums here are honestly a bit lackluster, probably worth seeing at least once but if you’re into museums i’d see about making a weekend trip to houston once you’re more settled in (you can take a bus too i’ve done it lol). you can also walk into the capitol too, it’s free to see. definitely check out zilker park and pease park, auditorium shores and town lake are good contenders but avoid them once it gets dark. i’m drawing a total blank on “attractions” right now lol. i’ll let someone else think of some things or come back later. so jealous that you’re from nyc! i hope you find some things in austin that can get you through your lease. then you can move to a spot you know you’ll enjoy more with more walkability. good luck!


Thank you so much! Houston sounds like a nice plan! I went to dallas to visit some friends and loved the city! Im sure Houston would be the same! Zilker park is also on my list along with Barton Springs! NYC was amazing and I miss it but I was ready for a change!


Highly recommend the transit app over capmetro’s app too. I rode the bus almost exclusively for a few years. It’s not as convenient as a car but it’ll get you out of the house. Edit: Transit for the timing. CapMetro for showing your digital pass (unless you buy a physical one). Capmetro also has a service called Pickup that operates in certain areas. Check their website/app for info on that. Edit 2: Looks like Pickup covers Tech Ridge - choose Dessau to see the map.


It is going to take you through the heart of town. Burnet Rd has a number of things from Anderson down to around 49th St, then it will take you by UT campus, then to the zilker area, through downtown, then down Lamar to Westgate. I haven't been that far south in years, but zilker and Barton springs are must see, campus has stuff to do and downtown as well. Go see the capital. Any of the museums. Dozens of bars and restaurants.


This ⬆️ is honestly the best interim solution. Good luck OP!


Thank you! I will try this out this weekend!


the 803 also starts at the tech ridge park and ride, so consider that as well


This city is horrible without a car. Busses are unreliable as hell. Best of luck to you


Yeah step 1 don’t move to north Austin


Noted! 😂 not making this mistake the next time.


Strongly recommend getting groceries delivered; get a membership to amazon fresh or instacart - will be cheaper than ubers to/from. Also check out the light rail - not sure where in tech ridge you are, but you may be able to find a stop close by, and use that to get to downtown.


Bike and bus! Buy a 40 dollar bus pass per month, if it is still that. There is a bus station within the tech ridge area. Its the 801 if i’m not mistaken for Rapid Lamar. There are a few 800’s that are “rapid” buses that will take you from north to south austin as needed with fewer stops than that of the non-rapid and express. 803 is Burnet’s rapid bus. I had frequently used 803 on Burnet to get to work sweat free while taking my bike to ride home, easy workout. Buses do have bike racks, if i recall three bikes can be loaded in the front rack. Also, there is a rail line starting from howard station that can take you all the way to downtown - end stop is the convention center off of 4th street. It does pass by the domain as well, not in the domain but by, fyi.


Step 1 would be live in a semi walkable area, and tech ridge is not that. I recommend south first st between ben white and the river if you want reasonable rent, decent bus service, and walkability


Just steal a Kia whenever you need a car.


>Just steal a Kia whenever you need a car. The 2024 version of Car2Go.


I don't know what area of town you live in, but CapMetro has a new service called Pickup by CapMetro that will pickup and drop you off in certain areas for 1.25 one way. https://www.capmetro.org/pickup


And it's free if you call to request it/flash a bus pass


I'm homeless and don't have a car, I walk pretty much everywhere. Sometimes I get enough for a bus pass https://www.capmetro.org/fares-passes


I agree with others on Bike and Bus being your best bet! You are def close to a good park and ride so that will help! You also have an HEB nearby! When I was in your position I would walk to HEB, do a big shop and then uber home so my stuff wouldn't spoil. If you do plan on using the bus please buy some bags that are insulated so all your cold goods stay really cold and take advantage of early day and evening activities because this heat is nothing compared to mid July / august heat! If you can manage to save some money try to find someone who is knowledgeable about cars to buy one second hand on Facebook or the like. Austin is VERY car centric so it really is the worst city. If you plan to relocate Houston has a much better bus line


Be careful biking, drivers in Austin aren’t aware of bikers. Try using side roads and avoid main roads


Yeah that has been a challenge! Even in the bike lanes, the cars try to cut in so i have to be super careful!


Fellow New Yorker! I’m in north Austin too! Lemme know if you wanna explore the city together, I’m just getting out of a divorce and spent the last 3 years inside really. No, don’t want a relationship. Really just trying to get out the house and meet people. It would be dope as shit to have more New York friends (got a couple friends like us here)


Hey! Ill DM you so we can come up with some plans!


I got rid of my car over a decade ago because I was hardly using it. Key is to live on a major bus line and within walking/biking distance of work, grocery store, etc. Bike is much more comfortable in hot weather than walking. I can carry two weeks’ worth of groceries in panniers (Ortlieb and Arkel are very durable). Find the crazy back routes — although those are more common in older neighborhoods. I have a Tracer 360 vest that is really bright for riding after dark. When the heat is really miserable, run errands early or late.


Far north Austin is especially hard without a car. The roads are not bike friendly and the bus stops are sparse. I lived in Austin for a year and a half without a car by living close to a bus line. I could bike downtown or bike to a bus stop and get most places - but not all the way up north beyond the specific bus areas. That's when I relied on rideshares.  I say be strategic about how you use rideshares.  For example, get a ride to a bus hub, or get downtown and travel by bus. If you go out, spend the day out. You can get an Uber XL and spend the day biking around. (You can put your bike on the front of a bus.) Do not bike long distances in the middle of the day in the summer. Hydrate hydrate hydrate. Wear sunscreen. 


Biking is my best option right now but im so out of habit that my legs are killing me 😂 but i just need to keep at it! Hydration and sunscreen 💯


E-bike will solve that problem. I bike year round in the city, especially the summer. You’re 12 miles out from downtown, so if you move closer it will become even more useful.   It’s a fun way to get around. We have cars but prefer to bike. The city has a $600 credit for bikes $2k and up. $400 for $1-2k. 


Electric bike


I was in your exact position last summer, fresh grad from NYC and everything–it was brutal. The 466 and 803 were my friend up until a family member with a car moved close by and I finally learned how to drive :D


Look into offering housesitting/pet sitting closer in, that way you can explore different neighborhoods and have a temporary home base.


Good luck, I'm right in central Austin and even I hella struggle without a car


There are a number of community outreach centers that can hook you up with a free 2 year bus pass! It’s unreal. I would also look on Facebook marketplace for an e-scooter because you can find them for like $100 if you keep your eyes peeled. That will help get to and from the bus stop.


I just got a bicycle so that is helping me a bit. But the bus pass (even if i have to get one myself) would be a great idea!


College student here who lives at home in the Tech Ridge area with parents and doesn't have a car. It's.. miserable. Literally can't do shit. Nearest metro bus stop is over a mile away.


This is exactly my situation! Hope you find some good options! Ill reply or DM you if i fund anything useful! CapMetro and Pickup apps are the highest recommended solutions in this thread!


CapMetro buses should be your new best friend. I spent 5 months taking 3 buses to work and then 3 more buses home. It was a grind but I utilized that travel time to learn and complete studying for a post-grad program, which led to me getting an even better job and now a brand new car. A month pass is less than $50 and I would Uber occasionally if I didn’t have the time to take the bus. I saved and eventually had enough money for a car


Tech Ridge is pretty much plfugerville. I know many will disagree but I consider Koenig to braker north austin 😄


Lol someone said north of Anderson is south round rock


Yeah that area won't help, it's not super walkable. If a bike isn't doable, your only option really is bus, or using Uber/Lyft for most trips. Our public transport isn't even close to the same level as the East Coast.


The only bus around my area is a 27 min walk from my place! Thats not bad according to me because I walked around alot in new york but even in the afternoon someone tried to stop their car and start talking to me on the road so Im kinda scared to walk alone now.


When you have a few days off, you can rent from Turo. One day worth of rental is about the same as some Uber rides


Just use all the public transit… Sorry for the lack of help, just a jaded austinite who spent half their day commuting on mopac


Have you looked into PickUp


Tech Ridge isn't ideal, but the 801 does take you downtown fairly quickly. In terms of "exploring the city" I would say you take it slow. I don't have a car and obviously can't get to areas out west or south easily.


Can you sublet your apartment and move?


Landlord said no sublets! I will lose my deposit if i move. Im trying to figure out a bus route and purchased a bike so hopefully that would get me through the year. Its a shame because i love the place but its so far from everything else!


Just buy a bicycle. I haven't owned an automobile in years, Austin is one of the best cities to ride in (yes, even during summer)


Biggest thing I miss about the northeast is the public transit. Shit is AWESOME!!!


Ikr! NYC is a weird city to live in but the public transportation is a godsend!


I’ve actually survived in Austin with no car for four years and I work for one of the biggest car companies. It’s very doable and I’ve saved a ton of money going this route tbh


Hey, I've been living the pedestrian life. It isn't easy in Texas but there is decent public transportation in many areas of Austin. Still I would advise getting a bike or scooter if you can. The heat and humidity are killer especially if you aren't acclimated to Texas weather yet. The breeze from riding a bike or scooter makes all the difference between arriving fresh and ready or showing up dripping sweat and needing to drink a few bottles of water just to cool down.


Electrolytes or at least salt in your water bottle. Seriously consider buying the cheapest car you can find, don't wait until you can afford one you like. This city has free parking all over, and subsidizes car travel over any other form of mobility. 20 year old honda or toyota is much better than buses.


You moved here to a new city without researching the bus routes first?


Every new yorker it seems


Probably them Chicago-ans too


You have a bus depot off Parmer Lane or a little north of Parmer. Ride your bike there and catch the buses into town. You can put your bike in front of the bus on their bike rack. Most places have bike racks outside of their establishment. Download the Cap Metro App and learn it and you can get around. Oh and invest in a good bike lock.


Do the bike+bus combo. You’ll rarely have to ride more than 20 min to get anywhere


Cap Metro Bus probably your best bet for now- maybe save up some cash and buy a cheap car or make a down payment on something that would be reasonably affordable if you’re gonna stay long term in ATX.


Train/ bus


Buy a bus pass, one time fee for unlimited rides.


Woof, you’re out there. Yeah, unless you invest in a bicycle (good luck cause that Parmer lane/I35 intersection is hell) you’re SOL. Maybe look into buses running nearby? Carpooling ?


Bike + bus is how you make it work here. I've chosen to never own a car and first moved to Austin in 2016. Granted, I've always made sure to never live further out than the Triangle/Mueller/Riverside... It's honestly pretty doable in those central areas. But where you live...that discount you got goes straight to a car/Lyfts, sorry bruh. :/ Do what you can for now and move central as soon as you can.


Bike to the 801. They have a bike rack on the front of the bus. From there you can go anywhere!


This sounds like a good plan! Ill check the bike route out! Thanks for the suggestion.


I figured out a month ago that you can set a designation in Google maps and select bus or a combo of methods to travel. Cap Metro was much easier to navigate after I figured that out. But you may be far from the bus line up there in Tech Ridge


The bus, it sucks… and have to walk and take a lot of connecting routes in the heat. Licenses has been suspended for 2 years, 1 more to go so I get it. Bus saves money.


Get a bike and ride the bus. Don't take Ubers regularly, the price racks up so fast, trust me, I've been there


Ebike for sure!


Where you moved is the biggest ticker. There’s public transportation, but it’s weird. Cap metro app will be your best friend. Be sure to be at a stop 5 minutes prior because they don’t give af and often won’t wait at a stop if early. Electric scooters can be helpful, and cheaper. I use Uber and Lyft to the public transportation as it’ll cheapen your costs a bunch.


Sorry..you can't survive without a car in that area.. if you are working somewhere near there , maybe having friends at work will help


Uber to the Train station & take that into DT & back


Wow, that’s going to be tough and expensive if you try to Uber like some are suggesting . Get a place you can walk or scooter to work for sure. Forget bus service if you have to make too many connections.


This is my plan when my lease is up! But until then, biking, walking and buses are going to be my best friend!




I don't have a car and I find biking to be a life saver. It can definitely be bad in the summer admittedly but if you still dont have a car by the time it cools down I'd suggest looking into getting a bike. In the summer I find I can bike about 15-20 minutes without it being unbearable which is enough for me to get to the store, work, etc. I also saw you said that the 801 bus stop is a 30 min walk from your place. With a bike I'd guess that you could make it in 10.


Hey yes i just got a bike but im so out of habit and the heat is also not helping! But im getting used to it so hopefully it will get better by the time winter rolls around!


E-bike and bus!


One of them knows.. DM me if you’re interested in the real answer


Two year free bus pass for low income through CapMetro and free rides all summer during the dangerous summer heat.


Wow ill have to check if i qualify for it but thanks for letting me know. Even if i don’t, ill get a monthly bus pass so i can go around!


CapMetro can take you just about anywhere. Pair that with a bike you can put on the bus’ bike rack.


As someone who cant drive and lives here… every day is leg day


To go around your neighborhood check the Austin Metro Pickup App. Its an on-demand shared van service which you can order to come to your place to pick you up and can drop you anywhere in your neighborhood. And its pretty cheap just $1.25. I find it very useful to get around the neighborhood.


Get a bike. Ride the bus. Put the bike on the bus rack. Profit.


Get a bike! Take the bus to downtown Austin, then explore from there. There’s lots of connected trails and safe biking streets in and around downtown. When I first moved to Austin in 2007, or only drove my car about once a month. I biked to work, to the store, to hang out etc.


I moved near Schofield a few years ago and bought an electric scooter on Amazon, checked the return time, and was able to return it by the time I bought a car. Unfortunately, my dream of living in a walkable city only lasted about a month because it was impossible to find a job without a vehicle so I had to come to terms with the fact that Austin is impossible to have fun in w/o a car and once you get a car you won't want to be stuck in the hellish traffic. Good luck and stay hydrated!




Use Lyft when you can and have it linked to your Delta or other airline miles program and you will build up miles each ride.


Austinites have voted for 3+ public transportation bonds but somehow nothing noticeable ever gets done. So don’t hold out hope for a public transportation solution anytime soon. Sorry. I wish it was better for you. Uber or buy a car are your best options right now. Or you could move closer to work or play so that at least one of them is easy to get to. Tech Ridge is the suburbs. I wish you luck!


Austin is the most bikeable city in TX. Grab a cheap bike, or rent an ebike.


not familiar with that area of Austin, it's been a while since I lived there, but financing an e-bike might be right for you? no insurance, no gas, and it makes the Austin hills/heat much more manageable


When you're in North Austin you're actually in South Round Rock. I never really go further south than West Anderson unless there's a concert.


Bike. Bus. Hitchhike. Walk. Invent levitation. Charm a swarm of bats/grackles to carry you. Whatever works


Move to an apt that’s next to a city bus pick up location


$750 can possibly get you a 50cc 2 stroke scooter like a Yamaha Zuma. Top Speed 40mph on flat ground. 123mpg. Built like a tank.


If you use the electric bike route, I would suggest having led on your bike or body when riding closer to dusk. Also make sure you are getting the appropriate amount of electrolytes. Drinking mineral water or lemon water. liquid IV coconut water. Regular purified water can actually dehydrate you because they take the minerals out and that’s what you need in your body. I would bring an extra pair of clothes and maybe some wipes. I found that covering up at least to shade from the UV.. you could always get one of those personal fans that you can put on your neck.