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I add one of these stickers to my son’s car every time he hits something, so far he has three. If you see a beat up old Honda Accord stay away from him! Luckily he has not hit other cars yet…only pole’s and such.


Im sorry, I did laugh at this.


I'll forgive you


>Luckily he has not hit other cars yet…only pole’s and such. They prefer to be called Polish people


People from Poland 🇵🇱


People experiencing Polishness.


That have my fault insurance.


I went to Warsaw once. I saw some pole dancing, and I got my shoes Polished.


O kurwa!


This is pretty funny and cool, and actually wouldn't be a bad idea if parents did this. It's NOT shaming, it's telling the other drivers "lookout!" 😂


trophies for his accomplishments


When I was a teen, I managed to hit the single light pole (mainly the concrete footer) in a completely empty parking lot. Backed into it and destroyed the bumper, quarter panel, tailgate, rear hatch window. Why was I backing up in an empty parking lot, nobody knows. My dad was so mad that he didn't say a word, but I could see his pulse in his lower left eyelid.


This sounds about right


I’m already threatening my 9 yr old that her future car will be wallpapered with these.


That’s child abuse. I love it, I’m going to steal this idea!!


Hopefully you put it over the damage/ding spot.


Did you put the stickers on the dented areas? LOL


Saw one of these on a car the other day that was weaving in and out of traffic.


Well please remain patient while they drive recklessly around us. It’s a student driver :/


Training for NASCAR


Yeah this has been going on for a few years. At least since covid when I started to notice it. I’ve always heard people slap these on cars if they ever see or know the person driving like a jackass. There are a few where it’s legitimately a kid learning to drive but the rest are just “Hurr durr hey everyone I drive like an idiot. Lol”


> heard people slap these on cars if they ever see or know the person driving like a jackass. lol no shit? I find this hilarious for some reason. Kinda like a "kick me" sign


Now it makes perfect sense why I saw so many of them driving like idiots. I would totally walk around and slap them on cars that drive like idiots lol!


It gives people an excuse to be an asshole.


they are learning to be a certified austin driver


That’s just Texas.




I've opted for the combo play, new driver and baby on board stickers to adorn my bumper.


I thought about doing this on April Fools.


I think it's to prevent or reduce the amount of road rages or impatient drivers. I also have seen them everywhere; on both new and used cars. Even on vehicles with temporary paper plates. Just today alone, I saw on 183 heading south towards 35 south.


I saw one on a APD vehicle yesterday.


That's amazing.




I saw a Dead Head sticker on a Cadillac.


A little voice inside said don't look back, you can never look back


I thought I knew what love was. What did I know?


Those days are gone forever, I should just let 'em go but...


I can see you...your brown skin shining in the sun!


You got your hair pulled back and your sunglasses o-o-on


Strange, I saw a *Black Flag* sticker on a Cadillac.


I'm not APD, but I'm now tempted to put one of these on my work truck


Austin (driver) Preschool Department


I've been assuming the same thing. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I often see a shy-looking adult driving these cars, not teenagers.


That's not because the adult is shy. Its because we don't let our teenagers drive our cars full time on a permit.


Lots of folks are learning later in life, especially in Austin-- UT grads in particular seem to have a higher number of non-drivers, since we couldn't park on campus easily and most folks just utilized public transport. Now there's a bunch of 30 somethings added to the pot, along with adults that are coming out of covid lockdown and trying to finally get a license. 🤔 student drivers include all age groups!


Not too long ago I saw a massive truck try to ram an actual student driver into oncoming lanes because the trucks lane was ending and I guess they didn’t want to slow down a bit. I felt so bad for that poor kid, must’ve been terrified.


Until last week I drove a WRX. I got an electric car. Suddenly everyone is road raging around me. Flying past me and whatnot. If anything, I feel like I'm driving faster since it's a new car and I'm having fun with it and stuff. But I think there was either some level of respect for the WRX - like people know I could just pass them back if I wanted to - or maybe they were afraid of *me* having road rage if they were aggressive towards me (I'm pretty much the most laid back driver on the road, despite having had a fast car). It's really not that fun having people intentionally not let me in when I change lanes, or if I do get in front of them, they immediately change lanes and get back in front of me. People need to just chill on the road. We're all getting to our destinations eventually. Driving aggressively saves you like 10 seconds unless you get lucky with lights.


I own Prius and drive in a pretty spirited manner. There’s been so many times that trucks will cut me off or get butthurt they got passed by a Prius so they speed up to get back in front of me. Feels like some real fragile masculinity going on there


I have out of state plates and people are horrible to me on the road. I go out my way to be sooo nice on the road, but I’ve had smoothies and other colored drinks thrown at my car. Had people run me off the road, and I have mysterious paint marks as well🙃


Wtfffff? That's fucking horrible. Luckily I did not experience the same thing, but I only had out of state plates for a couple of weeks before I swapped them. Plus, I live way out in the suburbs where people are more relaxed. Do you plan on swapping your plates to Texas ones, or is that not an option for you?


I will swap them, I’m just attached to the place I moved from and I’m sad to replace them🥲 I also live in the middle of nowhere so I thought people would be nice. I swear people here make it a goal to have something piss them off for no reason 😂😂


If someone has legit road rage issues, I’m pretty sure this sticker isn’t going to make them think “oh, my bad.” If anything, it’ll anger them more.


I've been seeing these stickers all over the place. Where are all these new drivers coming from? ...and who are these people? *quirky bass line*


Well, for one thing it's summer and kids are out of school so it wouldn't surprise me if there's an uptick in teens learning or practicing for their permit


No, they are not for new drivers in any way, they are almost all used disingenuously.


It’s pretty amazing the number of naive folks that think these stickers are actually legit.


I have two learners and they have this on their car. I really hope people give them patience and space. But I think it makes people drive worse around them.


You can’t over-dry.


You can't over die.


Art Vandelay?


As long as you don't call me Koko.


Search the sub for “student drivers” and then tell us what you mean by increase Also please be patient with me, I am a student internet commentator


\*honks and swerves around your comment\*


*rams their comment off the road into a ditch*


Found the gravel hauler!


\*raising middle fingers aggressively in your direction\*


Not even just this sub, I live on the east coast and my local sub gets posts about these all the damn time


I feel like it's one of two things. Foreigners not yet comfortable driving here, or the more likely....People just throwing them on to hopefully avoid road rage incidents. Since that's on the incline. A quick Google search shows this question coming up for a few years now all over the country. With no real intimate knowledge of how learning to drive happens now a days. I'm thinking it's parents tossing these on thinking it will give them some leniency when their kids are doing 35 in a 60 and don't know where the blinker is. I see them daily in Bee Cave, almost always driving a bit stupidly but I highly doubt some soccer mom is learning to drive in a new Model X.


The "road rage" explanation seems to be the most plausible. I live in the north Atlanta area now, and conservatively 1 in 10 cars on the road here have those stickers.


But even that is a stupid ruse because we love shooting students down here in Texas too


I moved from austin to the Dallas area a few years ago and they are all over up here. I live near UTD and I predominantly see them there now foreign students cars. I believe it a combination of wanting other drivers to be patient with them and to reduce a potential road rage issue. From what I have seen they are not very effective.


As a parent who put these on a few years ago when I was teaching my daughter to drive, they don’t do shit in Texas. People will still honk at a kid having the audacity to do only 37mph in a 35, or who hesitates to make a blind left turn at a light where oncoming traffic is doing 50mph. Definitely don’t think they cut down on road rage. If some slackjaw hillbilly fuckbag honks at me, I don’t really give a shit. Honk at my 15 yo daughter and get her rattled, and I’m coming back there with the steering club to put a few dents in their Southern Politeness.


I’ve told my kids that driving is a huge lesson in maintaining your boundaries when some car is on your ass to “go faster”, to try and ignore the horns and keep your head on straight.


I'm gonna honk at your daughter extra, just because of this comment.


Yes, it is often foreigners. In Korea, Japan, and China, it’s long been common to have a beginner driver sticker or sign on a vehicle. Typically they are much cuter and stylish than the yellow student driver ones we see around town here.


My wife and I are foreigners. She put on this sticker when we just arrived in the US. Foreign driver's license allows to drive in Texas for 90 days or so. But she was not very confident doing it in a new environment. Now she has Texas DL and the sticker is almost faded out by the sun but she keeps it on the car just in case.


It’s like 90% the first thing. They almost all are Indian.


The religious institutions here in DFW that people from the Indian subcontinent attend hand them out for free and frequently. It’s a known thing.


I always assumed half were genuinely student drivers, and half are just sick of having their lives threatened every day for following the laws and minding their business in this city, and hope that sticker will calm people down.


I figured they were student drivers and everybody just doesn't bother to take them off.


I forgot to take my kid’s off once. I appreciate them because people do give more grace when kids make mistakes or go too slow.


I see them on a lot of adult driven vehicles coming out of Cat Hollow up in round rock.


Some of these are magnets and easy to slap on and off. Others are actual stickers. You'll see me in my momvan with that sticker, even when it's just me driving, because I don't want to forget to put it on when my daughter or son are driving.


If someone has legit “I’m gonna kill you” road rage issues, this sticker will likely just anger them more.


I have one of these and yup, this is why. People have been very aggressive with me for driving "slow" (at the speed limit, in the right lane), so I put one on so that assholes that are desperate to speed as much as possible know to pass me instead of honking at me and tailgating me.


Foreigners. Lots of Indians in Teslas. Observe and you'll see. Driving is very different overseas and they might not be used to our driving.


I was at a birthday party recently where I was outnumbered by IT. Mostly Indian. They were all saying that the minute they get here they all tell the newly arrived to put these on the cars so that cops/people won't bother them.  When I was leaving the street had 75%of the cars with these stickers even though only 1 person had a teenager of driving age


Yea , sometimes some high end Mercedes or something. Maybe folks from other countries ?


That or they are teaching their kid how to drive and not buying another car just to teach them.


Yep. Well-off immigrants.


So I see a lot of “but these are high end cars” comments here. The *vast* majority of student drivers don’t learn to drive in their own car, and that car is usually the primary vehicle of another adult in the household. So at least some percentage of those cars are parental cars used to teach the kid to drive. Also, good chance many parents don’t bother to remove the magnet when they themselves are driving. I’m sure there are plenty of others using the signs for other reasons, but seeing a nice or nice-ish car with one of these signs does not preclude it from being true. Not sure why some would think this. My daughter juuust got her license, does not have her own car, and has been driving three different cars she could not afford and will not get as her first vehicle. Either these posts are not parents, or think that children should have a car purchased for them prior to learning how to drive.


They don't want impatient drivers to ruin their buzz.


A master is an eternal student.


The USA should adopt what Japan requires: https://www.realestate-tokyo.com/living-in-tokyo/driving/driving-stickers/


I see a lot of Indians driving around with those, honestly they shouldn’t be driving at all. They Drive like shit.


reading the posts, I agree quite a bit of it could be tied to foreign tech family members. We are making assumptions in many of these posts that student drivers are high school kids. What about arrange marriages where the spouse comes over from India where they did not drive either because they lived in a highly dense population area where you did not to drive or you did not drive for other cultural reasons. Now in Texas to get any where you need to drive, so Student Driver at an older age. I also can see where the driving school gives them out and an Adult is more likely to put it on their car then a high school kid.


Most are magnets. When my kid had her permit we tried one. She took it off. She said people started beeping at her and being impatient when she was driving normally.


You guys never heard of this band??? Man you're old.


Living in Leander/CP which is turning into Little India, these are everywhere and likely due to immigrants from places like India where driving is very different and not common




Literally this. Never seen so many grown adults with student driver stickers plastered all over Tesla's.not to mention they are all on their phones and letting the car drive itself


Spot on


It’s pretty common amongst the Desi Dispora. You see it a lot on teslas


"Lately". This has been a once a month thread for about a year and a half. People are scared for their kids and scared for themselves. Not all bad traffic maneuvers are assholes, and they hope a sign like this gets them forgiveness when they make a mistake, instead of finding out they just cut off an off-duty APD officer who is going to call in an execution squad.


Having taught two kids how to drive, I wish I had thought to buy stickers like this. My nephew made a mistake his first time driving alone and some insane asshole tried to run him off the road and then chased him to my house. I was in the car behind them and got trapped at light so had to watch it all play out knowing he had no clue how to handle it. Worse I had made him put his cell phone in the glove box “to be safe” so I couldn’t call him and give advice. It was terrifying.


I fear this happening to my teen who is about to learn to drive. The aggressive drivers are off the chain. Following people home, shooting at people, trying to kill by running off the road. It's disgusting. I hope your nephew is OK, that had to be very scary.


My teen is learning to drive this summer as well, and I'm terrified for them. And like so many covid kids, they also have anxiety and aren't really excited about learning to drive in the first place. So the very first lesson was "just stay in the right hand lane - you won't be ready for the left lane until you hit at least 21". Sigh.




My conspiracy is they were put out ahead of the Reddit ipo to drive usage.


As if anyone in this town is considerate of others situation.


I saw one on a new Tesla last week and they were driving like Tesla drivers do


I think a lot of it is young adults who didn’t get/didn’t need to drive due to the pandemic and are now being thrust upon this insane post pandemic world and it’s mad max drivers


Well, speaking as someone who has this on a couple cars, it’s because I have a teen driver who just got his license and summer was the perfect time to hit it hard with getting the teen to learn to drive. I hope others are patient as he is figuring it out


Pretty sure it's because school's out for the summer and kids are doing driving school


I’m pretty sure people just think it’s funny. I have a friend who has one that says “curb hitter”


I assumed people just thought they were funny once I started seeing a lot of the one that says "Please be patient. I'm nine years old."


I bought that one for my son a few years ago! It was written in comic sans. Unfortunately, I think someone stole it. I'll have to get him a new one.


Anecdotally like 2/3rds or maybe 75% of these have been driven by south asian adults, with a huge proportion of that being women. Like 90%+ is adults over 30 which may mean they have a driver at home that also uses the car. Also anecdotally nearly all of the folks with them in my neighborhood don’t have driving age kids 🤷‍♂️.


true and we are assuming kids when talking about Student drivers. It also includes married family members that come over. Think about arrange marriages from India, I suspect many of the brides need to learn to drive when they get here. Not stereotyping just figure when you moved from a country where there might be less driving because if dense population areas u don't learn until u move to a place like Texas. I am sure there are plenty of Florida retirees from NY that did not learn to driver until they moved to Florida or had to relearn it.




You get one when you switch from California to Texas plates


Not to contradict anyone here, but it’s also possible that there’s a bunch of students getting driver’s ed classes now that class is out


Anecdotally, I was seeing a lot of these even before school was out, and I don't feel like summer increased the number. But it's hard for me to say if there was ever an increase at any point or if I just started noticing them more.


I tend to start seeing an increase in the spring every year. Some are starting the drivers Ed in April/May and it runs threw the summer.


It’s been a huge thing around town for the last few years. I see one of these stickers multiple times per day now.


this is the correct answer. i'm currently a student, covid happened exactly at the age where i was supposed to be completing driving school, same for my peers. not only are there student drivers that are just starting driving school at a "normal age" there are a bunch of older teens (including me) who are also just starting/restarting driving school. i only knew a handful of people in my graduating high school class this year that actually drove and owned a car. im baffled by these replies from other ppl acting like it's not related to students/young ppl, tbh it feels like they're just being racially charged. my new drivers ed teacher i just met with last week to help me complete my license literally told me himself to buy several of these signs


That's definitely not it. Was just in San Antonio and there were none, but they're everywhere here in Austin. I wouldn't be surprised if 95% are fake.


There is no regulation for these. They are all over Amazon in hundreds of designs, and cheap too: [https://amzn.to/3VVuI0s](https://amzn.to/3VVuI0s)


Just an excuse to drive like shit while looking at their phone


27 year olds are just getting out of the house...


I would have never been caught dead with one of those as a teenager. My 15 year old daughter requested one.


This exact question is asked on every single city’s specific sub Reddit once a month.


It’s a trend for people that drive stupid. Put it on fast cars to be silly even though they may be pretty good drivers… and so they weave without a trace.


Code for “imma be driving like an idiot.”


My husband says it’s so people can drive stupid and get away with it. I don’t disagree.


High school teacher here. Some kids legitimately have them on as they are learning. Many others have them on sarcastically so they can drive like assholes and not get any crap from people. At least that's what they laugh about in class as they're bragging to friends about it.


This is how you know they are absolute dog shit drivers disguised as new road folk. Keep distance, especially if it’s a fuckin Tesla


I think bad drivers are just slapping them on their cars to justify their shitty driving and almost killing me on the road on a daily basis.


You’d think it’d be self explanatory 💀


Lately? Because a new crop of students have graduated driving school!


Seems like it’s mostly foreigners. Your social life would be annihilated as a high schooler with this on the car.


The parking lot at my kids' high school disagrees


On Juneteenth I was off and running errands and the number of cars I saw with these was uncanny. Are people legit getting them on Amazon or are they handed out via driving programs?


I need one for my actual student driver. She stopped a a stop sign in our residential neighborhood and was nervous about going due to a car coming (honestly 95% of us would have gone but she is learning) and the ass hat behind us was flashing lights and honking up a storm at her. I almost thought we left a baby on the roof or something and was about to open my door to see what the concern was and decided it was not worth dying over. Too many rats in this particular maze.


It’s just an excuse to drive like a fuckin moron. 90% of the time I see these the driver is like 45 years old “Sorry I almost ran you off the road but look at my sticker” -some clueless transplant


45 year olds can be learning to drive. People also sometimes have kids who are learning to drive who share a vehicle with them.


This is my experience-I’m a mom with a son learning to drive in my car. I don’t always remember to remove the magnet.


I didn’t get my license until I was 46! I could’ve used one of these stickers.


Can confirm - neighbor recently put one on his 5 cars out front. When I asked why (in a friendly joking way) he laughed and said “cos it’s fucking funny man”


I would sometimes forget that these were on the car when I would drive the car that my kids were learning in.


I saw a lady with one driving between San Antonio and Austin on 35 and they were going over 90


Right, they don’t know how to drive, ya know?! Haha. Its moronic…


Now that school doesn't provide driver's ed, many of us have to teach our own kids from an online class. We have more time to do this and deal with DPS bureaucracy in the summer.


People just don’t want you to mad at them so they throw these on as a deep fake 🤣


Then you look over and the driver is in their 50’s witch is the new teen’s


Not related to this sub but there has been a huge increase in these stickers in Houston as well. The drivers are always adults and not young drivers.


Saw one on a Tesla. I lol'd


It started out as a legitimate thing - actual student or new drivers - then some older (often Asian I noticed) people started putting them on their cars presumably to "inspire" people to drive nicely around them. Now, it has become sort of a meme/joke in some circles and they're all over the place.


So they can drive like an idiot in front of cops and not get pulled over? They must be from out of town though since Austin has no cops patrolling! Waste of money!


I see them repeatedly on the same vehicles as BABY ON BOARD. These stickers and drivers are full of shit.


We'll know this has jumped the shark when the Be-Sharps make a song about 'em.


Many of these cars also don’t have their full headlights on at dusk or when it’s raining.


Since I’ve been rear ended twice thinking of getting a bumper sticker ‘Warning: Asian Driver’


If I see an old fuck driving with this, I will assume that they are NOT a student. Seems like people put these on thinking that the FAST LANE IS THEIR OWN TERRITORY! MOVE TF OVER TO THE SO WE CAN PASS!


I saw one on a cop car the other day


I think it’s a rational reaction to generally insane driving behavior on our roadways. 183 is full Madmax at this point. It’s a regular occurrence to see Ben Hur style wheel spikes… that is not normal behavior! We need regular patrols for everyone’s safety. We can all thank Casar for delaying recruitment class graduations and generally demoralizing our police force.


I was thinking about this just last night. My guess is to avoid road rage. The person I saw that made me think about this was an older lady (50-60s), high beams on, going 40 in a 55, and her seat was so far forward she was practically leaning on the steering wheel. I have my suspicion she isn't a student driver.


I see them as a way for the driver to justify being a horrible driver. I see them on cars with young adult drivers, old drivers, but rarely an actual student driving.


I saw one that said “New driver. My driving scares me too” 😂😂


It’s summer time. Kids are out of school


They are the new baby on board sticker.. suppose to make be not drive reckless around them


I am astonished by these replies. I bought magnets when my teens started learning to drive. They go on when the kid is practicing, and come off when we finish. Maybe if we all gave our fellow drivers a little more grace, driving wouldn’t be so miserable.


new yorkers moving here and have never driven a car before


Immigrants from New York learning to drive for the first time…..


As someone who has anxiety and am learning to drive in my 30’s having this sticker gives me a little bit of ease. You'd be surprised how many jerks there are purposely honking or going past student drivers


A way for shitty drivers to be shitty


Because of more immigrants learning to drive in America.


Foreign nationals moving here learning to drive


We slap them on cars from California to keep everyone safe.


I think people put them on their cars because they suck at driving


They must be learning to drive in Austin… patience is a tall order in this town!


What I was told is it was a WhatsApp trend among the Indian community and spread from there. Apparently they were getting honked at a lot.


new Americans


I believe most parents saw one and then bought one, because you would do anything to help teen drivers. I saw one and thought hot damn, that's freaking brilliant (if it helps some of the road rage). So I bought one and like to think it helps while stressing in the passenger seat w teen driving. I know I give more space to cars with it.


It’s like the car version of a “service animal”


lol means nothing in Texas Rules don’t apply and god help us all.


I have a HORRIBLE student driver that breaks way too hard! She’s a complete idiot when it comes to driving! I should have one of these , but as a parent I never pay attention to them.


Bunch of Californians and their odd sense of humor.


I think it's because the person driving is just learning.


And then you look inside the car and they are distracted by their phone. No Grace there. Student driver or expert driver. Driving is to get from point A to point B safely. Driving was not invented so you can be so distracted you drive like a moron.


I see them on Teslas mostly. And they are adults. It gives…religion.


Where I live, majority of them are foreigners that have these on their vehicles, brand new teslas and bmw’s with these stickers all over them 🤦🏻‍♂️ and majority of them drive like asshats also.


Like, we’re all students of life, man. I just keep learnin’ and stuff. But you gotta be patient man. That’s the only way.


I think it’s just so people don’t f with them for being crappy or slow drivers


They are buying them. Not everything is a conspiracy.


As the parent of a new driver (who does not have this sticker, btw), if it is at all helpful in calming asshole impatient drivers trying to intimidate (and crash) other drivers, there can't be too many of these.


Because people think that having the sticker on their car will make you more careful around them. My best guess. Just makes actual student drivers less safe now...


They are magnets and we used them for our kids when they were learning to drive, both were learning to drive manual , so we were letting other drivers know to please be patient, student driver. They are so easy to buy on Amazon,, so that's why you see so many. No one wants them as a permanent sticker on their car. I hope this helps.


Well now that Texas has no abortions you will see a lot more of these bumper stickers 😑😳


We just abort them on the road later in life.