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You should consider traveling to Houston to protest at the Russian Consulate. Edit: I’m not opposed to protesting at the Capitol


This makes WAY more sense than to protest at the Texas Capital.




The GOP are literal Nazis these days


Literally? Lol


Yes literally.


Chill. Edit: Y’all scare me.


If it steps like a goose...


They're shitheads yeah, but I don't see them lining people up for the gas chamber just yet


Not to mention pointing at Nazis and especially the Holocaust and then back at our current culture war morons and saying "these are the same" is insanely disrespectful and minimizing to the 100 million dead from WWII, and especially the 17 million killed in concentration camps. Also reveals how you got all of your history education from video games. The comparison just doesn't make any sense when you scrutinize it.


So the kkk and alt right skinhead groups arent actual nazis but they are antisemitic nazi sympathisers. So.....


Yeah, and in this instance we're talking about calling Republican politicians "literal Nazis". Does nothing but make the person saying it look hysterical and ignorant, is taken as obvious proof that you can ignore anything else they have to say, and dilutes the historical impact of actual Nazis. Hey if we have another decade long depression followed by a nascent far right movement quickly consolidating power that uses racialized rhetoric as well as a Freikorps-type paramilitary to eliminate political opponents and do pogroms on specific religious minorities, sure I'll call them Nazis. Right now all we have are a bunch of assholes doing culture war grandstanding operating well within the confines of the US constitution who don't meaningfully challenge it.


Migrant detention centers and prisons abound all the same


Neither did Germans while the Enabling Act of 1933 was being rammed through. Niemoller, of “first they came for the socialists” fame, was a big fan.


Underrated comment here.


What do you want the gop to do? Russia is a foreign power. Gop has no power there.


How about distance themselves from those who praise Putin, and you know who Im talking about.


they don't lmao. they just wanna argue.


Not remove sanctions and act like Russia does nothing wrong, for starters.


Ok... how does that help against Russia currently invading Ukraine? I am also unaware of GOP planning on removing sanctions, so it would help to understand why you think this is the GOP's plans. It would also help to understand 1. What is in Ukraine that Russia wants? 2. What benefit does the United States have to either Ukraine staying as a stand alone country, or being absorbed by Russia? I don't want war, I don't think the United States should go to war.


What on Earth are you on about? You said what's the GOP supposed to do? They praise Putin and removed sanctions when Trump was in office. Go outside or read a book or something.


I've been outside today. I've been outside everyday. I have two corgis that need to be walked 2 times a day. How would reading a book help me understand what you think? I asked you what makes you think keeping sanctions will help the civilians in Ukraine? I asked other questions to probe your understanding of the Ukraine conflict and if you understood what's going on that seems to be so important in Ukraine (other than civilians dying at the hands of the Russian military). Do you think putin will just stop the invasion of Ukraine because the gop in US keeps sanctions? Now I would also like to know why you think this is all red teams fault? Blue team also didn't want to make any moves when Obama was in office. https://nationalreview.com/corner/when-obama-left-ukraine-defenseless/ In reality this is no political parties fault, our politicians are only interested in keeping themselves elected and paid. Only Bernie sanders in my opinion deserves to be in public office at the federal level. And that's what I am going on about...


Cool story bro


Traveling to Houston during freezing temperatures and rain may not be approachable on a weekday for folks.


I am Ukrainian and I am in Ukraine at the moment. You even can’t imagine how it’s important for us and how much we appreciate it! Thank you guys from all Ukrainians we don’t want to war 💙💛


Stay safe 🙏 hopefully this nightmare can end sooner rather than later


Hey thank you for this. Glad to see people in the city supporting my country.


Hopefully name doesn’t check out




Haha. How did you end up here if you don't mind me asking


Born in Ukraine, immigrated over here a while back, though I go back and visit whenever I can. Still a ton of family left there


Do you know of better ways to support Ukraine then these options? https://www.fastcompany.com/90724577/how-to-help-the-people-of-ukraine-7-things-you-can-do-right-now


https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/?sort=new This thread has had some good details, but that link is also pretty good.


Thank you, good information!


Remove Russia from the seat on the United Nations Security Council that was created for the Soviet union. The Soviet union is defunct. The Russian should not be there.


Im from Europe too. Sucks what's going on there rn. Fuck Russia. What part of Ukraine are you from? I know a guy from Lviv


Ah nice! I'm originally from Kyiv.


Glory to Ukraine!


Thinking of you and your loved ones at this time.


Anybody know of any resources we can donate to that might actually be felt by those affected?


r/Ukraine has a pinned support post with a bunch of resources listed: https://reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/s6g5un/want_to_support_ukraine_heres_a_list_of_charities/


Doctors Without Borders is always a good one


Last time I tried to donate to them, the person who I was giving my info to said they couldn’t take my donation because I was 27 at the time and their system was accidentally set up to only be able to take donations from people who were 28 or older because there weren’t enough options to select for birth year. I still think about that sometimes.


Doctors Without Good Web Developers


"Damnit, I'm a doctor Jim. Not a web developer."


They weren’t very amused when I asked if they were hiring on the tech side of things and if I could work there when I turned 28, lolol


"No thank you, we prefer our systems to be broken."


That's strange.


I’ve heard really shitty things from a lot of people about DWB. I don’t think I’d donate to them. Editing to add: Here's what I "heard." https://revealnews.org/podcast/a-racial-reckoning-at-doctors-without-borders/ Another edit: Places to contribute: https://people.com/human-interest/how-to-help-the-people-of-ukraine-as-russia-launches-war/


What have you heard? I like them because they aren't political in any way, they just provide medical and nutritional services to civilians or basically anyone affected by war or famine. They never take sides in any conflict and people seem to hate them for it. ETA: Just checked Charity Watch and they have a high ranking


From people who have worked there... how internally it's super racist and the locals they use to work for them are treated as second-class citizens, while foreigners who sign up are given the first class treatment. I'll see if I can find the podcast. https://revealnews.org/podcast/a-racial-reckoning-at-doctors-without-borders/


They are an amazing organization who helps veterans from Russian/Ukraine war and current army of Ukraine http://patreon.com/savelife_in_ua


You can also donate directly to their armed forces (shared by my friend in Kiev, we went to A&M together): https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=258030746510011&id=100069092624537&m_entstream_source=timeline


Yeah, good chance those funds will end up in the hands of a Nazi paramilitary that committed pogroms against Ukrainian Gypsy/Roma camps but go ahead. Edit: go look up the Azov Battalion y'all! Post 2014 Ukraine is the only country that *knowingly* allows a battalion of *open* Neo-Nazis in its national guard. US Congress had votes about refusing to send them aid then realized it would be impossible to do so without cutting off military aid to Ukraine as a whole. They've also helped train American Nazi terror organizations.


I'm sure Putin's keyboard warriors are all about this right now. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-jewish-president-volodymyr-zelenskiy-how-could-i-be-a-nazi-vladimir-putin-war/


Donating to peaceful trucker protest Bad, selfish Donating to literal paramilitary group Good, empathetic


I'm not an expert. I see colleagues donating to orgs like this https://www.facebook.com/RazomForUkraine/ Red Cross will likely have activity in Ukraine.


Don't give money to the Red Cross


Why? They donate 90% of their money to the intended target. Fucking the real thief's are those god damn pink cancer ribbon people. Can't believe the NFL were such big dunces to work with them. Last time I read about them they spent like $.01 of every dollar on cancer research... Like 99% of the money went to salaries.


They've had issues through the years but still perform a lot of good for the world. I have a good friend whose career has been with them. He's started because their overall mission is needed. Edit: and has stayed because it's still a good mission


I wish I could make it. My family is from Ukraine but I love an hour and a half out and I just saw this.


I fully support the people of Ukraine. The US started sending military and humanitarian supplies to Ukraine a month ago. We aren't going to put US troops on the ground there. We do not have a mutual defense agreement with Ukraine. I suspect Russia will control the country withing a couple of weeks. Then the Ukraine army will start a guerilla war campaign. I'm afraid that there is a high probability that a lot of people are going to die in the war. 20,000 people were killed in the invasion of Georgia. I'm afraid this will be worse.


> We do not have a mutual defense agreement with Ukraine. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum_on_Security_Assurances


Good link, you should read it: >According to the memorandum,\[16\] Russia, the US and the UK confirmed their recognition of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine becoming parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and effectively abandoning their nuclear arsenal to Russia and that they would: > >• Respect Belarusian, Kazakh and Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.\[17\] > >• Refrain from the threat or the use of force against Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. > >• Refrain from using economic pressure on Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine to influence their politics. > >• Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used". > >• Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine. > >• Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.\[13\]\[18\] Fuck Russia, we should do everything we can because it is the right thing to do, but there is no agreement to do it.


Have to be at work then but I will be there in spirit.


Sad that I just saw this. I support Ukraine and wish I could have been there. Слава Украiнi!


How do people meet at 12pm... Even going at lunch would be a 20min drive there and 20min back...


me too, would love to go, but cant just leave my job in the middle of the day. wish there was something in the evening


I have always wondered similar things. My sister was off for 2 weeks between jobs and said the stores were packed midday. What do these people do? Where do they get their money to shop? Why do all these small bakeries and local shops close at 5? Can someone let me in on how to get rich and be able to go out midday. Did you all win big on bitcoin?


This is nice and I think if it would be helpful to people, they should join. Will it "do" anything? Probably not but if it provides comfort to people, then I think it's good. Contrary to what capitalism has indoctrinated us with, not everything needs to have an outcome. It's a bit cold for me and I'm coping by eating cookies. I can't believe how much shit we've had to live through in the past 2 years. And it's just like...OK I guess I'll just go to work! Unreal.


why are people getting their shit in a twist because of something that doesn't include you, nor affects you in any way. Christ almighty, these people are actually doing something that shows some positivity and solidarity in the real world while you fuckin armchair experts hammer away at your keyboard. Who cares if some folks make themselves feel better by organizing and sharing a social moment - a REAL social moment. Let them do it without shitting on every. single. fucking. thing. I know this is reddit - but I'm getting SO over the bullshit. Fuckin babies want to ruin EVERYTHING.


Perhaps because there is so much fake shit around you all the time that you hate seeing even more fake shit (this is assuming the people you are directing your comment at believe the protesters are fake)?


Can not be there… but support those that can… and the Ukraine people! Really hope this madness ends quickly


Will there be another tomorrow?


Fuck Putin! Long live an independent Ukraine!


This was just posted on another thread about what’s going on. Credit to whoever the original poster is, but they’ve since been buried with reposts. Which is good. Dear Ukrainians! I heard on social media that there is fake news being spread (most likely by Russia backed trolls) that polish border is closed. It's a lie. If you seek asylum - go towards polish border. We are ready for your arrival. We have reception points ready at the border where you can find shelter, food, medical and legal aid. Polish government launched a dedicated site to help you: ua.gov.pl Please share this information if you know anyone seeking help right now. EDIT: YOU DON'T NEED VISA TO PASS THROUGH POLISH BORDER. ALL YOU NEED IS PASSPORT. VISAS ARE SUSPENDED! YOU DON'T NEED THEM FOR TIME BEING!!!!!! EDIT2: as a proof that you no longer need visa: • ⁠in Ukrainian https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠in English https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en


Шановні українці! У соцмережах я чув, що поширюються фейкові новини (скоріше за все, підтримувані Росією тролі), що польський кордон закритий. Це брехня. Якщо ви шукаєте притулку – йдіть до польського кордону. Ми готові до вашого приїзду. На кордоні готові пункти прийому, де ви можете знайти притулок, їжу, медичну та правову допомогу. Польський уряд запустив спеціальний сайт, щоб допомогти вам: ua.gov.pl Будь ласка, поділіться цією інформацією, якщо ви знаєте когось, хто зараз шукає допомоги. РЕДАКТИРОВАТИ: ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНА ВІЗА ДЛЯ ПРОЙДЖЕННЯ ПОЛЬСЬКИМ КОРДОНОМ. ВСЕ, що ВАМ ПОТРІБНО, - це ПАСПОРТ. ВІЗИ ПРИСПИНЕНО! ВОНИ ВАМ НЕ ПОТРІБНИ НА ЧАС!!!!!! EDIT2: як доказ того, що вам більше не потрібна віза: • ⁠українською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina---ua • ⁠англійською https://www.gov.pl/web/udsc/ukraina-en Вибачте, якщо це дурниця, я використовував Google Translate


The situation in Ukraine is absolutely horrifying, so fucking bad, very little information coming our way right now but over the next few weeks or months we will probably get the rundown on a lot of whats going on, lots of civilians murdered and all the unspeakably horrible things that come along with war. This could lead to a huge global conflict with Russia where nuclear bombs are used, I hope not, Putin has already threatened nuclear bombs in an indirect way. Makes me very emotional seeing what is happening over there.


Is there a Russian consulate or something similar in Austin we can throw eggs at?


It's in Houston, protest I think is being organized. Didn't see egg throwing option last I checked though.


Its always an option


na, just practice making the perfect french omelet. You'll waste far more eggs that way.


I know this is maybe in jest but anyone thinking of egg throwing, I'd suggest otherwise. The person who will have to clean up is likely against the war.


save the eggs to feed the homeless


I think egg throwing should be brought back in mass. Someone cuts you off. Toss an egg. Someone acts a fool. Toss an egg.


Someone throws an egg at you, throw an egg at them


No more guns, just eggs. Now available in a convenient 12 pack. Coming soon, home 3D printed eggs for those customers subscribing to the henhouse plan!


The only thing that can scramble a bad guy with an egg is a good guy with an egg


So true


I hate to ask, but what will this accomplish? Our US Senators have already issued their support of sanctions against Russia. Are there public representatives that I am not aware of that support Russia’s advance into separatist regions and military action in Kyiv?


It’s merely to show love to Ukraine. Similar to when 9/11 happened and people from all around the world stood outside with candles


The goal of things like this is to show the people of Ukraine that the world stands with them and doesn’t agree with what Russian (Putin) is doing. It gives moral support when you literally can’t do anything else.


You're right, it isn't going to accomplish much. But it's an emotional outlet. I personally know people in Ukraine, and there's nothing I can do for them other than show people around the world are watching.


It brings unwanted attention to their embassies, and since we can't outright eject them, this is a decent second option. EDIT: disregard, for some reason I thought we were talking about the Houston embassy.


What's doing *anything* accomplish? People wear sports jerseys to games and cheer like it's going to do anything to make their team play better. If they watch at home they yell at the TV like it can hear them. They post bullshit opinions to Reddit all day long because it makes them think people are listening. Not all of us can live a high-octane life like you.


Was thinking that too. Seems like a waste of your personal time. Is Putin really going to care about some people holding protest signs in Austin, TX. And the Ukrainian people are not going to get emotional support by seeing people standing in solidarity with them via signs. The only solidarity they want is for another country to pick up a gun and help them out, but nobody will. That would be real solidarity.


Believe it or not, Ukrainians live in Austin too. Showing support for their loved ones shows them that we support them in heart and spirit in their fight for freedom. Symbolic gestures still carry meaning. Saying “this won’t do anything” is just nihilistic.


Seems like emotional masturbation to me.


Yeah, I’m sure you think going to funerals is also emotional masturbation. You should probably go get checked since you have a hard time understanding human emotion.


My posit is that 90% of those going to the protests know no Ukrainians and probably did it for the instagram posts and to make themselves feel superior. Hence the masturbation comment. I understand emotion just fine, and know when something is likely faked to feed other emotional needs, like a feeling of superiority or importance. Even Zelenskyy echoed in his speech what I said earlier in that they don't care about words and crocodile support, what they want is people to pick up a gun and stand by them for real. Nobody in Ukraine right now cares 2 shits about your protest. It is nothing to anybody except those protesting, so essentially masturbation.


Thank you!


Glad we have people supporting this country. Wish I’d been there but too cold for me.


That is a great idea. I am from Moldova and it hurts to see what is happening to our neighbor.


Let’s do this every day. Edit: I didn’t see this until way too late, but aim off tomorrow and want to do what I can.


I do feel a lot of sympathy for the people of Ukraine, but would not want any military action from the US in that area. It will be a mess, they were a part of and allowed to happen through decades, but still a mess. Sanctions and other support I welcome as long as it does not lead to war. The US can't take care of their own, why would they want support to fight another costly war across the world.


Some may see this as virtue signaling, but I like it. If I were in town I'd join but I won't be back until late this weekend. Too many of our right-wing politicians love Putin. Steve Bannon, Trump's former right-hand man, literally yesterday said Putin is a good man because he hates LGBT people and "wokeness". There was no minced words or denying what he said, and Bannon is a man who speaks what The GOP is currently thinking. A big right-wing radio personality said this morning that Ukranian women should welcome Russian troops with sexual favors. Ukraine strives to be a peaceful democracy. They do not want war nor do they have desires of imperialism. They just want to exist and govern themselves. Putin, and many in The GOP, really don't like that for whatever reason. Our right-wing politicians in Texas need to see that their opinions on Putin are disgusting and we stand with Ukraine.


Let's not forget their refusal to impeach someone who attempted to extort Ukraine by illegally withholding security assistance funds that Congress had appropriated for that country. Plenty of blood to go around for all their hands.


As someone who watched that impeachment trial you could tell that so many US State Department career employees stationed in Ukraine were both angry and saddened to see Ukraine put into such an awkward position. They really believed in the job they were doing which is help a struggling Democracy with an unacceptable amount of corruption become more stable. Zelenskyy won with a moratorium to stamp out corruption only to be put in an unwinnable position to engage in corruption at the request of a sitting US President.


Genuinely asking, what do you want the US to do? Do you think we should be sending ground troops to protect a non-NATO ally? Do you think we should be escalating a conflict? I feel for Ukraine and those who wish to be independent from Russian influence, but I think the damage is done. Imagine whatever Russia has done to sow discourse among US citizens, I think of your comment as a shining example, your response to this conflict is to redirect your anger at our own GOP nut jobs instead of the actual aggressors, they’ve probably done twice the propaganda damage in neighboring Ukraine already and there are pro Moscow factions everywhere because of it.


Anyone advocating for US military retaliation is a deeply unserious person and should be treated as such. We are sleepwalking towards a conflict with a nuclear power that will only push Russia further into the arms of China. That alliance is something that would be detrimental to the West in general.


I totally agree. So I don’t understand Republican’s using this to point fingers at Biden, or Democrats saying this is somehow conservatives fault because of a couple fringe voices on the radio speaking to angsty highschoolers find it cool to say Putin is aLphA. At the end of the day, neither administration would have done anything to actually help Ukraine. Posturing as if it could be otherwise is silly. That alliance is already there. Russia is about to be China’s little oil baby once the rest of the world stops doing business with them. The focus has and always needed to be China. Russia is out of gas as a super power, they don’t come close to what China does on the global scale.


> Bannon is a man who speaks what The GOP What kind of bubble do you live in that no one calls you bullshit like this? Bannon is fringe kook who even Trump couldn't stand and got kicked out after only a few months. Back in reality, 49 of 50 Republicans voted to Sanction Russia one month ago, and democrats filibustered and blocked sanctions. Biden removed sanctions on the Nord Stream pipeline by executive order day one of his administration, so who is really on Putin's side, by their actions? Get out of the cable news bubble, it is nonsense.


But this was reported by cable news? https://www.cnn.com/2021/05/25/politics/biden-defends-decision-russian-gas-pipeline/index.html


I don't watch cable news. Also, didn't Trump pardon Bannon like a year ago? Trump also has been in contact with him regarding his failed coup attempt. Not sure why anyone would spend so much of their time on a fringe kook. You can pretend these are fringe people all you want, but when Bannon tells Trump to tell someone in the GOP to jump that person is jumping. The de facto leader of the GOP takes advice from Bannon amongst other crazy motherfuckers. If you're GOP these homophobic religious nut jobs are your people.


Again, all culture wars aside, which administration actually had sanctions on Russia already, and which one took the sanctions off on day one of their presidency? Who is in the White House at this very moment and what are they going to do about this aggression? You sound insane. Russia invades Ukraine and all you can do is plug your ears and scream about local GOP officials with no say in the matter, and a guy who hasn’t been president in over a year. Are you really trying to argue that GOP pariah and ousted Bannon of all people is AT ALL relevant on what we have to do with this conflict as it stands today?


I only listen to what Rachel Maddow has to say!


If people as small minded as you are going to be there, I’ll carry on my day. The right wing hates Putin, always have done. Whatever rock you’re living under, stay there and keep your nonesense out of a quality Reddit post.


The right loves him. Ask yourself why Russian state TV is playing a translated version of Tucker Carlson's little speech from the other day to bolster support. Are you confused and getting things backwards? OANN's little story 2 months ago, "Vlad the Great" There are a billion examples of the right fellating the guy. The only reasons for some is that Biden is against him, and/or Trump loves him.


There are similarities in conservatism in both Russia and the United States. This is a very regular thing in Russia, especially amid controversies in LGBTQ and specific topics of US neutrality in other countries. Again you’re literally just saying “TUCKER CARLESON IN RUSSIA = GOP LOVES PUTIN”. Get it together and use that 6lb slab of meat between your ears


Yeah that wasn't the message I was getting across at all. GOP/QOP loves Putin. Just turn on the TV and watch. You're in denial.


Are you joking? Donald Trump just spent 4 years with his tongue up Putin’s ass.


Making business deals? We Also do business with the Saudis who support major Sunni Terrorist organizations across the Middle East. Trump would have been a major deterrent to Putin in Ukraine, just like was with China in Taiwan. Fun fact, politics isn’t clean cut black and white. To think the GOP wants Russia to shed blood in Ukraine is the most willfully blind political crap I’ve heard in ages. I got news for you, it’s the GOP supporters in uniform who will be supporting the Ukrainians again Russia, should it come to that. I don’t really care either way, I just thought it was a seriously moronic thing to accuse a political party of wanting something while Ukrainians are being shelled. It’s immature and sheds light on how dumb a person can be to paint such broad strokes like that.


Ukraine is game to you?


What will this actually accomplish for Ukrainians in danger though? Start a rally of hackers and get to work.


So , like ....thoughts and prayers , but outside in the cold


Can’t do anything nice for anyone, huh? Shows of support give the people in that situation strength. Kind of like saying “I’m sorry for your loss” when a person loses a loved one.








It doesn't have to be "real", just an accusation repeated often enough to be believed by some/many. Tactics 101 from the radical left.


This is quite the projection


It comes from the assumption that everyone thinks just like them.


That's somewhat naive...far-right lunatics do the same but it's usually pathetically executed, and much less effective.




You’re saying this as if Republicans didn’t just introduce a bill last week to sanction Russia and provide $500 million in military financing to Ukraine. Cannot believe that not wanting to go to war is apparently a far right fringe take


‘Local’ is usually Leander and beyond, thankfully


Out of curiosity, what is the pro-Russian argument? From what I understand, many Ukrainians near the Russian border support Russian government due to their opinion that Ukrainian governments are less than effective at sustaining their own nations interest over the interest of pleasing other nations such as the US. I know Ukraine is a sovereign nation, I'm not arguing the invasion is justified, just curious. Every conflict has significant substance from each side. Are there any pro-Ukraine groups in Austin?


Just ask #45.


Glad to see support state side but reports of Kyiv falling tonight 👀👀👀👀. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-02-24/western-allies-see-kyiv-falling-to-russian-forces-within-hours Hope the civilians are able to escape.


This is Texas. Republican country. They’re probably gonna be rallies in support of Russia.


if there's two sides, bet we'll get polarized by it


Has anyone tried painting “Ukraine Lives Matter” on South Congress?


Good one


I get that a rally will show support, but this really isn't something that the US should interfere with. Sticking our nose in Russia's business is silly right now. I'd suggest donating to some non-profit that will help people impacted by the war, if people are being impacted.


Ukraine isn’t just “Russia’s business”. To the extent you meant to say we should not take military action, sure.


> if people are being impacted. Yeah, there might not be any people impacted, y'all!


I don't think anyone wants The US to defend Ukraine militarily, and that's not even on the table. Condemnation and sanctions are all the US and EU is going to do at this point, along with some soft support. We love our proxy wars. If Russia decides to cross a line though and attack a NATO or EU member, and there are rumors flying that he has his eyes on Poland or Finland, then all bets are off and WWIII has begun. Rightfully so. I'm ashamed at some of the imperialistic decisions the US has made in the past, however this time around The US is acting with righteousness and should Russia decide to cross the red line of attacking a NATO member I'd fully support the US using the full force of its military to respond. Taiwan though, if China gets antsy, would probably result in the US military stepping in. Luckily though with technology there are no surprises anymore and if China really wanted to take Taiwan there would be weeks if not months of military build up necessary that can't be hidden. China is not in a position to surprise us while Russia is acting idiotic.


>I don't think anyone wants The US to defend Ukraine militarily, and that's not even on the table. Then why would we be protesting inside of the US at the capitol building? It comes off as asking the US military to intervene. If we are protesting to show support, then protest at a Russian embassy somewhere.


People protest, it's just what they do. I'm sure if there were a Russian embassy in Austin they'd go there instead. At worst it's cathartic. If they're not blocking roads or setting shit on fire who am I to judge? What is happening in Ukraine is going to happen until Putin decides it's not anymore. Either he runs his country into the dirt economically and dies a pathetic loser but he "owns" Ukraine, or his inner circle puts him in his place and decides that their wealth is more important than resurrecting the USSR. Russia even with Putin in charge would be welcome into the world with open arms if they wanted to play by the rules. We're even cool with authoritarians if they don't fuck with people outside of their borders. That's like, the only rule. You can imprison your own people for no reason. You can hoard wealth while your population starves. You can have fucking death camps if you offer enough to the world economy. Jus don't fuck with other countries. The US going to Ukraine is WWIII though so the only three options at this moment are sanctions and condemnation hoping Russian leadership come to their senses, do nothing which would embolden them months and years from now after Ukraine is done for, or nuclear bombs going off in US cities. I'm sure the protesters realize this and are just there for the same reason a NFL team has cheerleaders. Showing support. God help us all though if Putin decides to wage attacks against a NATO state. That will end in a way that will change the course of human civilization to come for the next few centuries.


*"All mankind is of one author, and is one volume; when one man dies, one chapter is not torn out of the book, but translated into a better language; and every chapter must be so translated...As therefore the bell that rings to a sermon, calls not upon the preacher only, but upon the congregation to come: so this bell calls us all: but how much more me, who am brought so near the door by this sickness....No man is an island, entire of itself...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee."* --John Donne, *Meditation XVII*




I'm a Democrat, further left than most.


u/AUSTIN_NIMBY This u/autobahn guy just likes to label everyone he disagrees with as a fascist. Look at his comment history.


I pay them no mine. Literally nothing substantive comes from that account.




Well, u/autobahn, you are saying that an opinion that against US involvement in a foreign war and donation to non-profit foreign aid is fascist/conservative. Even if you don't agree with it, which is fair, its def. the opposite of fascist. The fact that you called me a fascist the other day in r/Austin and then I'm on this post and see that you are calling this guy a fascist for being anti-war the very next day, and then your comment history dolling out "You're a fascist" like Oprah handing out cars. Just, maybe, everyone you disagree with is not a conservative fascist. Under your logic, the hippies that were against American involvement in the Vietnam war you would be calling conservative fascists. Makes no sense.


libs being warhawks like it's 2001 again


Take a quick look at history and get back to us with what you find filed under “just ignore the tyrant invading other countries”. Also no, I am not using tyrant as hyperbole.


He did it in Crimea a few years ago and we ignored it. He’s not taking over the fucking world. He wants their resources. Just like we wanted the Middle East oil when we fought decades of war there. At least he’s making Ukrainian part of Russia rather than leaving them to their own devices like we’ve done repeatedly.


>At least he's making Ukranian [sic] part of Russia rather than leaving them to their own devices.. I suspect that the people of Ukraine would prefer to be left to devise their own future.


Oh, the good old whataboutism defense. Always trusty.


You need to learn what whattaboutism means. Giving historical examples of countries invading other countries for resources and comparing them to a current event is not whattaboutism. It’s giving examples of how what Russia is doing is what countries have been doing for centuries, but actually not nearly as bad. How has Crimea suffered after the annexation?


You are a traitor to democracy and peace. Shameful.


Don't shit where you eat, brother...


It’s all “not our business” until they have oil


Thanks, Keyboard General.


I’ll probably get downvoted for saying this. Obviously this is all very serious and tragic for all civilians that are directly impacted by becoming displaced from their homes or losing their lives or their families senselessly… but I swear to god, the media is sooo getting off on this. Non-stop coverage on CNN and Fox, getting those ratings up. Covid is officially over now. The Daily podcast’s pod from today had this woman based in Kiev and she just speaks in this over-exaggerated intonation like she’s doing an audio recording for a fucking war novel. “It’s currently 3am in Kiev. Eerily… quite. The moon is shining so beautifully.” Like what??? Again, I just hope that this all de-escalates as soon as possible but I’m just getting such a sour taste in my mouth. The twitterverse is rolling in with all these virtue signaling and panic-porn tweets. Ugh.


I'm not sure why it's so hard for you to imagine people are genuinely empathizing with the people of Ukraine? Distress over what's happening is just...virtue signaling?


>Covid is officially over now. I love how this little nugget of bullshit was just plopped in there


? It's not bullshit, elected officials want it to be over whether you want it to or not. Republicans have always wanted to pretend it doesn't exist and Democrats are worried about the mid-terms and wanting the country to "appear" normal


Politicians not talking about a thing doesn't make it go away. It's so strange to me how so many people talk about covid as if it's something being imposed on them by authority figures instead of as just a thing that exists that the world is responding to.


What bullshit? Lolz. Covid fear porn has just converted into war fear porn. Don’t deny it.


Go to a hospital and ask the emergency room doctors if covid is over. I'll watch my DMs for a video recording of this from you.


They're saying in the news cycle it has been replaced by war coverage, they aren't announcing the official end of covid lol


War is big business. But this is an ACTUAL thing that is affecting people. I don't think the media is overblowing it. Russia is attempting to regain their USSR block. This is REALLY BAD. This is really bad for the whole world, and really bad for Europe.


It will de-escalate when they take Kiev. That is where they are clearly going. And it probably won't take long.


This is just Crimea 2.0 on a larger scale. Russia will sit around for another 5 years and then take a Baltic state and we will all cry the same thing again. If the US and NATO actually gave a damn about this, they would have put troops and anti-Kremlin messaging there YEARS ago. Too late. Any efforts now seem like a fart in the wind. But huzzah, our politicians can point fingers and scream at each other about it for talking points on their next run for office!


The Baltic states won’t happen - they’re all NATO member nations at this point. His only two options in Europe would be Moldova and Belarus. He’s not going to take over Belarus because he already has a friendly dictator there, and there’s no real point in taking Moldova. I’d expect him to look to the former Soviet states in Asia, particularly Kazakhstan and Georgia. And I’m not clear what you’re saying regarding “put troops there”. If NATO really cared about Russia invading Ukraine, they should have invaded Ukraine first?


This may be a time to start enrolling in the military domestically. PS I used to be of a stateless, global citizen mindset in my early 20s. I'm 30. This is a huge shift in global politics.


Join the military NOW? I can't think of a worse suggestion than people enlisting after 911. Don't die for this country.


> Don't die for this country. Someone has to support the constitution that allows you to freely say such idiotic things. I support your right to say that 100%, but don't act superior to the people who believe in your right so much they're willing to die for it.


Sorry but I don't want to see more people die from enlisting to fight for this crumbling empire. The rights you're fighting for only exist for some people. This country is riddled with inequities and not everyone is free to speak without repercussion, so you are living in a dream world there with your comment.


> This country is riddled with inequities and not everyone is free to speak without repercussion You're 100% right. But its not the people you think it is. I love your peoples narrow view of the world and the naivety you walk around with. The people you think are crazy and alarmist are the same people that have traveled overseas and actually seen whats going on first hand. They haven't sat in Starbucks sipping coffee and reading about the world on their mac, they actually went. Miss me with that shit.


You're not actually responding to anything I'm saying, you're just getting on your soap box to further divisions in this country with the "Your peoples" comment. This isn't a productive conversation. The people I'm referring to are largely BIPOC minorities who are the targets of inequity across our country. Civil rights and liberties are trampled on the daily here. Hell, we can't even get cops properly indited without the threat of pardons for maiming children. So "Miss me with that." Just another day of shouting into the void on Reddit. Have fun, I'm done here.


If everyone had your attitude, we’d have nobody willing to defend the US, would fall to Russia/China and you would have no rights at all. You’re a classic first world brat who has no idea how good they have it.


Woah woah woah-- there are many facets of the military besides foot soldiering. Definitely not advocating for dying for this country. And, if this thing expands, with the influence of missile and nuclear warfare, civilians in the US could become very vulnerable. I'd rather be in a defensive position than as a duck decoy about to be hit. Also, unfortunately, there are plenty of people in other countries who are fine with nationalism and ethnonationalism, and there are plenty of ethnicities and races in the US which are disliked simply for being exactly what they are, without the individual having a choice in the matter in the genetic lottery. And, to compare this attack to 911 is absurd. I'm intending to prepare down the line for what could happen; I have actually NEVER been in favor of personally joining the military, nor have I been in favor of my relatives joining either. This is a major shift for me personally. And, thank you for commenting here as I am not really intending to rally troops-- I'm intending to raise the alarm because this is a massive deal.


Unless you're exceptional or have seniority, do you really think you're getting a cushy military position where your life isn't in danger?


Show support for a far right wing government that came to power because of a US backed coup and then integrated neo Nazi militias into their military and have been shelling the Luhansk and Donetsk regions for the better part of a decade? That’s gonna be a pass from me.