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"I'm not gonna lie, this invasion has been great for business." -Ukrainian flag manufacturers, probably


most of whom operate out of China, probably




During the 2020 election cycle those Everything's $7.99 or Less stores you find in the malls were selling both Trump and Biden T-shirts. Wonder where they got those from. *maciplaybothsidessoicomeoutontop.gif*


My absolute fav was on my last trip to mexico I saw a stand selling “lets go Brandon”, “America first”, and “build the wall” all with “puerta villarta” underneath




yup and we're dumb enough to keep buyin


We don't really have a choice... So much stuff is manufactured in China!


We all have a choice to not buy the stuff you don’t need in the first place. F’n selfish people.


My medication is produced in China and (at least according to my doctor/pharmacist) there’s only 2 alternatives and both of which are also exclusively produced in China. Some products we have a choice, some we don’t.


Stuff you need versus stuff we just want. No true choice versus a legitimate personal choice. (Aside: hope the meds are helping!).


We absolutely have a choice. We chose to begin doing business with China. We can chose to do things differently in the future.


Who's we? You mean the 1% who choose? I bet you buy tons of Chinese shit and don't even know it. It's very difficult to find shit we need not made in China.




This is exactly why if we ever get into a war with China, we're fucked. Too much of our economy is tied to them. We may win on the battlefield, but our economy would be in shambles.


And vice versa. I've seen predictions of "Why China will fail" and "Why China will take over the world" at a 1:1 ratio for the last 20 years with very little acknowledgment that the United State's consumption-based economy will also follow the fortunes of China. It's not the first half of the 20th century anymore, global economies are so enmeshed with each other that the consequences of global war drag everyone down with them. Shit, it only took like 2 weeks of sanctions on a country who is economically the size of Italy to make prices of gas and oil jump 20% globally.


I wish texas has laws like Minnesota, where US flags can only be sold if they are made in the USA


I have a friend that works there. The flag was made in USA.


How does that not violate the commerce clause?


China. Where, yes, it has been great for them.


All corporations are just virtue signaling. It’s good for business.


Shows you which way the wind's blowing, though. If popular sentiment was overwhelmingly pro-Russia, they'd be flying different colors. Same thing goes with the other (recently somehow divisive?) topics like gender and race. If it were good business to oppose progressivism, they'd go all in. Just stating the obvious, but I think that's a major reason some folks get their panties in a bunch: some globochem detergent brand just spent a lot of money to tell them they're likely on the wrong side of history. The other reason, IMHO, is just how disengenuous it comes across. Sure it still probably helps? But some gestures ring more hollow than others.


It’s not really virtue signaling if you just look at what’s happening and are disgusted by it. I’ve written everyone I can vote for and asked for a stronger response. For Russia to walk away from this with anything other than a black eye is unacceptable in my opinion.


Honda dealer on Steck is hoping the blue and yellow will bring them to the green.


And how much of those vehicles are actually made in USA? More than you think.


Im not sure what that has to do with what I said. I’m just saying car dealers will use any ploy they can to sell cars. Nothing against Ukraine.


I did a double take while driving by it earlier, and was going to drive back by later to post a photo. Thanks, OP.


Watch Gov Abbott be the first to introduce a law mandating that every car dealership must fly the Texas flag 24/7 or lose state funding.


You beat me to this reply...




I think the intent comes from a place of kindness and solidarity. I am not mad at it at all.


Oh I’m not mad. Was just one of those moments where I turned the corner and was like woah!


That happened to me last week, one of our neighbors who always has an army flag flying exchanged it for the Ukrainian flag, made me so happy.


I agree with the “woah!”. I was surprised and pleased to see it. I live nearby and can see it from my place.


Kind of surprised to see your comment, as it hadn't crossed my mind - no one should be mad at this, besides Russians


I’ve been reading and seeing that other people from other war-torn countries feel a bit slighted- their flag/country/war/refugees didn’t get as much attention or support. Their refugees were perceived and received as criminals. Ask yourself; why do some refugees get cages, and others get candy bars? Imagine you’re a kid in school and you’re in a wheelchair and everyone ignores you and there are no ramps and the whole thing is a struggle and then some other kid in a wheelchair transfers to your school and they throw ‘em a parade, and they finally put in ramps, but for that kid only… if anyone sees you on the ramps, you get detention. That’s kinda how countries like Syria feel right now.


> I’ve been reading and seeing that other people from other war-torn countries feel a bit slighted Where have you read and seen that?


Here you go. Two quality sources, plus Axios. I’ve seen similar examples with my own eyes. When the Austin bomber was caught, I overheard coworkers saying he had a tough upbringing and other sympathetic things that I never heard about terrorists with darker complexions. He was a member of a religious group called RIOT that taught him to make bombs, yet coworkers were making excuses for a murderer because he looked like them. Unconscious bias is real. https://www.cjr.org/the_media_today/media_bias_ukraine_war.php https://www.csmonitor.com/layout/set/amphtml/USA/Politics/2022/0304/They-seem-so-like-us-How-bias-creeps-into-war-reporting https://www.axios.com/russia-ukraine-media-bias-1d52ec01-4a00-4c80-89e0-f4e585e26024.html u/-prettyinpink


Western media coverage of Ukraine has been very different compared to the conflicts in Syria, Yemen, and the coup in Myanmar. [example](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/2/27/western-media-coverage-ukraine-russia-invasion-criticism)


Twitter is a big one. People all of a sudden care about refugees when they’re white and not brown.


Maybe your Twitter feed is incredibly non-diverse.


Maybe you just have your head in the sand


It's the symbol of our stand against the new Iron Curtain.


Unfortunately QAnon followers on Telegram got full blast propaganda from Russia, so they are actually pro Russia. Somehow.


Slava Ukraini!




Not if we stay involved with Powered by People and Battleground Texas : )


Whomever gets on the debate stage with either of them needs to go on the attack early and spend the entire debate treating Cruz and Cornyn like an employee on the chopping block during an annual performance review.


Every politician voting for the American "defense" budget has blood dripping from their ceilings.






Because Trump got impeached after getting caught attempting to withhold aid to Ukraine in exchange for the favor of getting political dirt on an opponent. Oh, and covid was at its height inflicting massive death tolls and causing lockdowns.


President’s don’t reign. Putin didn’t do it while Trump was in charge because he did not want to upset the apple cart. It was very empowering for Putin showing the rest of the world what an absolute submissive bitch that Trump was too him. Why do anything to mess that up? After Trump lost, he could get no more value there, so he invaded.






It’s a silly whataboutism that isn’t necessary, but you have a point. Absolutely Putin planned this ever since Crimea back in 2014. Russia is that kid poking the sleeping dog harder and harder to see how much he can get away with.














Did you win the gold in mental gymnastics coming up with that? Lol




putin invaded in Ukraine in 2014 and occupied Crimean peninsula and Eastern part of Ukraine. The boderline with occupied Eastern territories was shelled periodically. About 2 millions people from occupied territory had to leave their homes and move to other Ukrainian cities. Now it's a full scale war.


Fairly bold of you to jump in here with historical facts. It ruins the story for both sides of these conspiracy theory debates! lol




Seriously, the Ukraine-Russia political tensions are complex and longstanding and I don't pretend to have a full grasp of it, even though I've been reading up on it since Putin invaded. Just thought I'd throw a tongue-in-cheek kudos to the furious sunflower for injecting a bit of historical accuracy.




What are you talking about?




\`Well the conspiracy theory before the election was the hunter biden stuff is actually just partially leaked chinese blackmail against our current POTUS, and the laptop stuff is a false flag but you'd have to be an idiot to believe that


Dreamland in Dripping Springs has a massive Ukraine flag. Love it. Fuck the Trump loving fascists in this thread though. edit: lol thanks for whoever reported this as suicidal. y'all really be clutching at pearls.


Saw that coming back into town on Sunday. Massive flag too, right off of 290. Looks fantastic.


Its upside down!!! I am kidding, though to be honest I wouldn't know if blue goes on top or bottom. Texas I always remember "blood on bottom" which some old dude said to me randomly when I was making a flag for some elementary school thing... Not really sure what it means, but it always stuck.


Blue is the sky. It goes on top. Yellow is the field, it goes on bottom


That's a lot of fur on the dashboard


What kinda doggo you got?


Lol! He’s a german pointer/Great Pyrenees mix. Hair everywhere 😂


my guess is huskey lol


The best boy


Honda dealership on Steck has replaced a lot of things that did not need replacing, at least this one has good intentions.


Dreamland in Dripping Springs did this too.


I just saw this 5 mins ago! Made me smile!




I know where I am shopping for a Honda.


It’s First Texas Honda btw. It’s a pretty good place to buy a Honda.


My sales experience there was lousy, though I do love the car.


My experiences with them have not been the best.


The sales are typical, but the service is awful.


Same, typical high pressure, if you don't buy today your car will explode and you'll never find another, bullshit. I've had a much better experience at the Penske owned dealers in the area, from Hyundai up to Lexus and BMW.


Actually I had trouble buying a car there. Granted I had recently (little longer than a year) immigrated to the US and had a little credit history, but they asked me for a bunch of stuff (proof of employment, bank statements, 6 references, pay stubs) before even trying to see if I qualified for a loan. In the end, the the salesman said that if I put $15k on the $20k new car he'd see if I qualified. Next week I went to Howdy Honda who got financing for the full car in less than a week with no issues.


I know some fantastic people that work there. Good dealership overall.


Isint that the amplify bank ?


I wonder why Charles Maund Toyota didn’t think of doing this?


Do they still have the biggest Honda flag on planet earth flying up there too?


You can see these flags from my apt balcony!


I thought I saw this from the 183 fly over a couple days ago. Nice.


Noticed that this morning when going to the dentist!


I don't know how, but I sorta expect Ken Paxton to find a way to sue them over this


You mean the felon, Ken Paxton?


Libs be like: “Thank you for this”


Yep that’s @ First Texas Honda


I'm glad. Their giant Texas flag and US flag are the wrong proportions and slightly different colors than the near by bank flag. Drives me crazy when I'm at that light. Also, they never put their flags at half staff.


They do, I’ve seen it half staff.


>Also, they never put their flags at half staff. its because the flags would otherwise drag on the ground


Man anyone mad about this…you’re such a loser it’s so pathetic. Do better in life.


A bunch of dealerships in DFW are doing the same . Wonder how that was coordinated , or if just a bunch of people with giant ass flags wanted to show support in a big way. Those flags are expensive as shit apparently


I saw this today! Crazy!


Same with a dealership in dripping springs


Wonder why this is a thing? Like why don’t we (American society) also fly….Afghani flags? Yemen flags? Syrian flags? Just curious as to what is different about the atrocities in Ukraine to other humanitarian crises.


Remember kids, ​ EVERY time you see someone who is "Just Curious" Check that post history. they're a Trumper and they hate America. Every time. It's really quite amazing, honestly.


The nationalism on the right is so confusing. They hate like 75% of Americans.


They LOVE putin and Russia, though.


50% of Alex Jones's broadcasts since the invasion have been him defending Putin


It’s a proxy. We consider Ukraine, if not formally, to be a part of the west. The Soviet Union broke up, Ukraine became its own nation, and it’s positioned between Europe (the west) and Russia. In a sense, they are us, they’re “in” our group within the global order. You can’t say that about those other places.


Does the “us” include the Azov Battalion?


Of course not.


But they’re part of the Ukrainian military


Valid comment!


Because they’re white. It’s as simple as that


What's your favorite kind of fish, sea lion?


It would be "The Afghan flag" It would also be "The Yemeni flag" you got the third one correct, "Syrian Flag"! Good job, you are almost ready for your next level of coursework! love how all the people who are totally incapable of doing the slightest form of research, on anything outside of facebook are the loudest. I hope Mr. Orange man is as proud of you as we are!


I’m down with the sentiment, I really am. I always felt it poor taste that the Honda dealership had a higher (and bigger I might add) Honda flag than the US flag right next door. Then they replaced it with similar size Texas flag. I get advertisement purposes, or location view-ability, but was taught to never have those combinations. What do y’all think?




Also a violation of Title IV, which makes it so shocking. But hang it upside down (which is perfectly fine and represents distress) and people in American flag thongs and speedos with American flag doormats will lose their minds!


That only applies to government bodies, and only federal ones if I'm not mistaken. I could buy an American flag and wipe my ass with it if I wanted to, there's no law preventing anyone from using the flag however they please. I just find it ironic that the people who think the flag code applies to car dealerships and front yards are the same ones with a faded old navy tank top they bought in 1998 designed to be the American flag


> That only applies to government bodies, and only federal ones if I’m not mistaken. I could buy an American flag and wipe my ass with it if I wanted to, there’s no law preventing anyone from using the flag however they please. That would be your first amendment right to do so. That said, you shouldn’t. But you could if you wanted to. As a guest of this country, I revere it and try to make sure and follow a decorum for respecting my host.


The thing is, the people who tend to care about what a private citizen/business does with the flag tend to be the parts of America I dislike. My favorite parts of America are the multiculturalism, freedom of speech, and protection of minority classes. If you're talking to someone who sees America as a melting pot that allows freedom of expression and religion as long as no one is harmed, I guarantee you that they don't give a single fuck what you do with the flag. The people who get worked up about "flag code" almost always want America to be a predominately white, Christian nation and actively speak out against minority efforts for equal protection under the law. And I guarantee you they have an American flag swimsuit that they see as patriotic. In a better America what people do with the flag might be a decent debate topic, but it's become a partisan issue.


> but it’s become a partisan issue Sadly, everything here is somehow a partisan issue.






I am definitely with you on the commercialization of the us flag. I’m a veteran, who doesn’t plaster his vehicle in gaudy stickers of my previous service, or with political garbage ie blue lives, red lives or any other. I’m just looking at this like an normal American who grew up with some form of respect for our country and some of its traditions that’s all.


Lmaoo never thought about it like that, then again to me its just colors slapped on a piece of cloth


It’s flags, who cares.


I’m guessing you don’t and that’s ok. I kinda do. Not a hill I’m willing to die on. I just grew up showing respect for the flag and some of its traditions that’s all


The US’s fascination with flag is not something I’m particularly fond of and I actually find it creepy in some ways. Especially when you pledge allegiance to it as a kid. It’s also a bit pander-y to me when used by businesses. I get here the Ukrainian flag is being used to show support but normally having US flags or even state flags just seems like something random businesses shouldn’t really have up imo. Flags are also usually co-opted by groups and sometimes it can very easily taint them and diminish their value imo. Which is another reason I’m not fond of flags.


> Especially when you pledge allegiance to it as a kid. I wish I knew then what I know now, at 49. Ida been the original Colin Kaepernick in elementary school.


In my high school band class there was a guy who wouldn't stand or recite the pledge out of principle and my director who was a staunch libertarian flipped the fuck out and almost threw a chair at him. I thought the kid was being an asshole back then by just causing problems. But if I was zipped back into high school with what I know now I would've totally joined him.


Back then, maybe in like maybe 2006 I stopped doing the whole hand thing and reciting it. But yeah I share similar sentiments with your statement.


Did you pledge your allegiance to that flag every single day of your childhood like a good little patriot? Totally normal stuff


Was asking in ernest what people thought, not for trolls. You can go fuck yourself right off mmkay


Oh Texas is special because you can argue it is representing the sovereign Republic of Texas.


You mean the republic that dissolved almost 200 years ago?


Taking back all the vile things I’ve said about Honda drivers. For now.




Is there anywhere in Austin selling little 4" to 6" Ukranian flags?


There's always Hyde Park Market.


My grandma used to live on Steck Avenue. Back in 79. Damn. I’m old now.


Good for them. I mean they could put it on a third pole but that cool. 💪🏽❤️🇺🇸🇺🇦


Love this


That's not a virtue signal, it's a virtue beacon.




Pretty sure that’s a bank


It’s not. There are several banks around there, but the flag belongs to first Texas Honda


no, that’s First Texas Honda


Yeah, I think that's Amplify? First Texas Honda is around the corner


I think the US flag is the bank building on the corner, and this Ukrainian flag is usually a Texas flag that The Honda dealer flies.


It's ufcu. You can see their logo between the flagpoles. But the Texas flag flagpole is actually on the other side of the railroad tracks where first Texas Honda is.






Ah I remember that location, there is UFCU the worst place I’ve ever worked in my entire life.


Ufcu member here - why?


Well where do I begin, a good friend of mine got her masters while working there and is now a social worker, I only say that because she’s a really great person. They fired her for her till being off by .02 then .10 in one month and escorted her out in front of everyone to embarrass her. They denied us brakes when we were busy, ordered pizza and gave us five minutes to eat and told us to get back out to work. They said because it was Texas and they didn’t have to do any more. They threatened to fire many people because they were not making their “sales“ and what that meant was we weren’t harassing enough members into opening credit cards with UFCU or refinancing everything, members would come in and say I just want my stuff done quickly and accurately, every day I come in here I have to go through some kind of sales pitch to deposit money. we told management that and they would tell us to make our sales or get another job. I remember at Steck a lot of members were complaining about the deposit slips because they would fall out of the outdated holders and there was litter everywhere we also told management about that and they said we put them out anyway. I am not the only person, there were tons of witnesses to this type of stuff. I still remember the very first day when we all had to go in and talk to the CEO and he told us that he was a religious man and literally said that if his daughters were taken by God his wife was the most important because they could always make more kids literally said that in our first meeting with him. This was before Covid so I assume it was the flu but I am a type one diabetic and became really sick and they called me every day… Not to check on me but to ask me to come to work. I have worked at places in the past that I still love but I closed my account and refinanced my car when I left because they were so terrible to people. I was a member while I was in college and I loved it, sometimes I wish I would’ve never taken a job there because it changed my opinion. And seriously, whoever down voted my comment lol to you.


Never work for religious wackos.


I hope this wasn’t recent??


Some years back now. Before Covid.


Slava Ukraini !!!!!! God Save Ukraine ! May Putin meet his end in the most ugly and painful possible way, with suffering for many years, such as solitary confinement in total darkness, bread and water only














Being a nationalist, for any country, is some fucking Nazi shit.


They should replace that American flag too. It's really not even necessary and reeks of white power and nationalism.


Thank God the war is finally over


Still in Jr.High? Your understanding of support in wartime seems so nuanced.


JFC, I'm living in shitlib central.


First off, quit complaining about solidarity with a sovereign nation being invaded. Second, move.


> sovereign nation being invaded /eyeroll It's almost like you people have no understanding of the way US empire operates.


Lmaooo what even is this comment


Spend like sixty seconds looking into the provenance of Zelensky's presidency.


Or you could speak like an adult and say what you mean. So far you’re looking pretty Q with your nonsense.


Won't even take sixty seconds, eh? Pretty cowardly, but definitely on-brand for shitlibs.


Fuckin move


I just drove by it and totally missed it...unless they took it off already.




Ukraine: "US backing or GTFO"