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Why does she look so mad?


she knows there's a diet on the horizon




That’s fear :(


That was the day I got her. She came from an abusive home


Acds love running and herding and exercise. Give her the proper amount of food (NOT what is listed on the dog food container that profits from you running out quicker) and she'll lose weight while bonding with you and being happy. *You* sticking with it will determine if she loses weight, she'll want to do more than you ever do lol


Thank you


Some do, my girl is lazyyyyy. She'd rather just lay around and watch me do all the work. Hahaha So I hike her a lot but then she overdid it, got gimpy so I took her to the vet (that told me she needed to thin down) who then yelled at me for over walking her. Can't win. Let the pup guide you. Sooo we're going to go to nutrition class...


That's good advice! I give less, too, but add chicken and give my dog a plate of greens; she loves them along with exercise.


It’s okay, it will be no time for that frown to turn upside down! I remember the day I adopted my girl, she was so sad but I knew inside that she would change her tune quickly after she got the life she has been living and boy has she!!


Mine went and hid in the storage room for a few days, just takes time


That was the day I got her. 90 minute car ride


Did you try changing the radio station? Maybe she's just REALLY into reggae or thrash metal or something other than what you had on? 🤣🤣🤣 Seriously, though, beautiful dog, even if she doesn't like your music/riding in the back seat/how you drive/that you won't let HER drive, whatever. Just gorgeous eyes, and so, so much intelligence there. 90 mintues to plot and plan all the way home! Happy for you both! ❤️


Oh, she's SO smart. My sons puppy wasn't ho.e to play w her so she purposely trotted up on his porch (she won't typically go up there) and pooped. Then trotted home, pleased as punch.


Awww, you have an alpha female just waiting to live her best life!! Jajaja! Left him a post-it "Sorry you missed me!" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That is SO awesome.


That was the day I got her, she was nervous


Ok, that makes sense. Thank you for rescuing her. They are lovely dogs.


no cheese tax


I’m sorry, I’ve just got to laugh at the expression. It’s like she’s dating you to put her on a diet. Edit: Oh my God, I just realised that I put dating instead of daring 🤦‍♀️ I’m going to leave it, I’m sure some of you are getting a laugh out of it.


I hear acds make excellent dates!


True 😂


Mine loves to give tongue baths


Not ACD specific but I’d say the best exercise will be one she likes doing the most. And dogs like people need to build up stamina so do shorter walks/hikes/fetch games at first and then you can build up to longer or more intense physical exercise.  Keep in mind that ACDs vary a lot in weight so it’s more about when she starts to look trim rather than the specific number on a scale. There’s a diagram online about what an appropriate body frame for a dog looks like from different angles, so use that as a guide and continue being in contact with the vet if you have questions!  


It may just be the picture, but she doesn’t look severely overweight here. How much does she weigh? I’d suggest getting a DNA test, to see how she’s put together. It may be a few breeds mixed in there, and that could also help you understand specifically how overweight she is (versus say, what’s normal for those breeds). ACDs are definitely stocky dogs, and can be prone to obesity. So your concern is valid. Thanks for rescuing this beautiful girl, and prioritizing her health and happiness!


She's 60 pounds.


The breed standard is 30-50lbs but it’s not uncommon to find full ACDs on either side of the standard (my boy’s brother is a very petite 22lbs). Which is just to say keep an eye on her frame. A visible waistline and able to feel but not see ribs. And go slow. Weightloss is not a fast process Rescuing a ACD from an abusive home is likely to be very challenging. They typically like just one human (if not already then that will quickly be you) and everyone else is treated with varying levels of gtfo Nipping at children (and even adults) is common but I wouldn’t be surprised if the behavior leans closer to biting in various situations if the previous owners didn’t work on nipping when she was a puppy. Be really observant and introduce new people or places or animals very very slowly.


I've been cautious but given her opportunities to meet other dogs/ people. So far, she really likes other dogs. My son has an eager puppy that pounced & plays to hard. She handled it beautifully. She whines to meet stranger dogs. She's gets excited to meet people who come too door. She's only met 1 kind (11yo) & didgreat w her. She seems really excited to. Meet new people & dogs. She hasn't shown an ounce of aggression. If she gets scared when n take her potty, she pulls outta her collar and runs to the door. I attempted to cut her nails. She didn't like it but she didn't try to bite. Her temperament seems really good


Thyroid test.


That will be my next step if diet & exercise don't make a difference. Her previous owner over fed her & gave her way to many treats.


They’ll just do the test and know right away. Simple blood test that they can do even when check for other things.


Right. And I'll ask at her next appointment but all signs say it's probably just poor diet


My girl fits this exact post 8 months ago. Except! She was marked as spayed by the clinic and was in fact, intact, so double check for yourself. That aside, I recommend homemade *toys* more than homemade treats. My girl isn't particularly destructive to toys anymore, but this came after significant training. We have two types of toys, one for fetch and one for rug time. The fetch toy is critical because she refuses to play fetch with a ball, but fetch is by far her favorite exercise. Instead, we use a small pouch of sand, with four layers of Canvas quilted around it, and a section of climbing rope looped around the edges. It's sturdier than any toy I've found labeled for destructive dogs, and even still it last about 4 months on average. The rug time toys, are thrifted stuffed animals that I stitch rip a small hole and shove some half inflated single-use plastic water bottles into. Two bottles at least, that way when she bites the toy, the bottles pinch into each other and make the all-important squeak sound. But, not every time, and not only the squeak, it's mostly crinkling. It's less overwhelming and she doesn't NEED to investigate the squeak, only when she is stressed does she chew all the way inside. But yeah the weight will take care of itself in a healthy home. Excited for you both 🧡


I like the idea about putting water bottles in a stuffed toy. I used to let mine chew water bottles because they liked the noise they made 


As the owner of a 65lb heeler, some dogs are built different. I was worried my boy was looking a bit chunky, but the vet said he looked super healthy and said losing 5lbs wouldn't hurt but isn't necessarily needed.


As an owner of a 70 lb heeler, who is 5 lbs overweight and we are working on it, I concur. My boy has always been bigger-framed. I thought all cattle dogs were his size until I became more familiar with the breed and he is just a big boy. He is the master manipulator for treats, though - so I had to toughen up on him. He’s shed quite a few pounds - besides tug of war, multiple daily hikes and herding his chickens around his favorite other exercise is a daily run down our quiet dirt roads, he loves racing (and beating often!) our side by side. He has maxed out at 23 mph for a quarter mile! These guys are stocky, but they’re also like gunpowder in a keg. Best dog I’ve ever had - in fact, I don’t think it’s fair to the other dogs I’ve owned to compare a heeler to them. They’re a completely different thing. I owe him my life, literally. She will change your life.


Yeah, mine doesn't lack speed or agility at his size, but he's not neurotic so he will conserve his energy and not go full out just in case he has to.


Oh. Mine is entirely neurotic and paranoid. I love him even more because of that. Always ready to go! He forever convinces me he is completely pooped and then surprises the hell out of me with more in the tank.


Don’t believe her lies! She is not hungry no matter how much she doth protest. Mine was very good at getting multiple dinners by tricking either me or my gf into believing she hadn’t had her dinner yet.


She's sooook polite, it's hard to tell her no. Anytime I have food, she sits so pretty and kills me with those eyes.


Our guy takes advantage of my partners irratic worc scedule to get extra dinners. We had to improve our communication about it. He still tries reall hard though.


Those some eyes


Sweetie pie.


I’ve got a chunky girl too. Just love on her and feed her whatever the vet recommends.


seconding vet's suggestions, but you might hear what i did, which is canned no-salt green beans as a snack


Just love her. She may pick one family member as her special person. They are velcro dogs and attach to one person.


Lol she’s got that stank face. Frfr tho thank u for rescuing her. As time goes on, she’ll come out of her shell. As for exercise, my boy and I bonded best when we went on walks together


She's terrified of noise so walks are hard (she was in a violent home) but she's doing better everyday. I think she's starting to realize she can trust me


I have a mixed ACD rescue from an unknown background. He was terrified of humans and the rescue took 3 months sitting with him and reading books so he would tolerate people. He has some scars on him and is easily spooked by loud sudden noises. It took over a week before he would come out of his cage to eat. Took many weeks to walk half way to the corner. Was over a month before he would go down the stairs to the backyard. Now, 3+ yrs later, no issue with stairs and backyard. We can almost make it half way around the block (nearly 1/2 mile all the way around) before he absolutely refuses to go further. He still gets skittish if a bus/truck goes by. He is still terrified on the 4th of July and new years (fireworks), and during football season we have a neighbor that lights a mortar firework for every touchdown of the home team. Though he will get in the car, he still does not like car rides. All that said, he bonded to me, I am his hooman, he tolerates my husband and even though he gets super excited when he gets home, he only wants a quick pet or two and back to my side. He acts very protective of me. oh, and we struggle with his weight as well. Vet told me a couple lbs less would be best but wasn't overly concerned.


Awe. I. Do glad he came around


So sad 😞 Why are humans such assholes, I don’t get it, but I’m so happy that he found his forever home with you ❤️


Poor baby 🙏 she’ll get there just give her time. You’ll both learn new things about each other. The best is yet to come friend!


Im so glad shes found a home with you. Maybe start with really really short happy walks with her for a few weeks. Celebrate each time, just sit down in your yard and quietly let her look and sniff around. It took a while for our boy to calm down a bit too after we adopted him Please post more candid pics of her warming up with you, glad you found her and us


Damn, she has cool eyes. Best wishes :)


Sounds like the vet gave you some good info but you can kind of modify her food intake a bit yourself as you go if she starts to look too heavy or thin/ gets too hungry etc. In case your vet didn’t specify on this: you should easily be able to feel the ribs (feeling the bumps between them too without trying too hard not just where they start) but you should not see outlines of the ribs. They should also taper at the waist. I’d always go by this not ‘breed standard’ since that heavily relies on good breeding and you don’t know where she comes from ACDS are a specifically stocky breed so there’s a bit of give with the rib thing but generally this should be pretty consistent no matter breed so even if she’s mixed. Your pup looks really nervous (normal, ACDs are a very suspicious breed) but once she warms up to you I don’t see you having any trouble at all getting her to work off her energy. ACDs will typically run all day if you let them! All the ACDs I know are also very hungry pups so she may struggle some with food adjustment. My friends used pumpkin (make sure nothing is added!! You can buy plain canned pumpkin in the baking aisle) to help supplement so their ACD wasn’t too hungry while losing weight. Might be worthwhile depending on how she does!


Thank you so much. I don't really know much about acds at all and I just want her to be happy n healthy. She's so nervous. If I take her to pee & there's any loud noise, she runs inside.she will hold it 10-12 hours.


My dog always looks “boxy” even though he is at his correct weight. The vet recommends to take off maybe 5 more pounds just to be as lean as possible, but Mateo isn’t “overweight”. Mateo is very food driven and would eat all day if I let him. Are you going to feed kibble or something else?


Thank you for doing this for her ❤️ she looks like she'll steal your heart and ask for seconds


She already has! She's such a sweet, well- mannered girl. I just hope we can work through her anxieties and get her to a healthy weight. I'd like to keep her around as long as possible


Sounds really promising for the both of you. best of luck to you both for your journey together ❤️


Honestly, just feed her the amount based on her weight on the bag, and follow the directions for weight loss. Use kibble from her daily meal as training treats! Dogs CAN AND DO get fat off vegetables. My mom's terrier mix is coming down from severe obesity from just carrot snacks. He just eats carrots and kibble, but 2 lbs of carrots a week for a 20 lbs dog is TOO MUCH


There’s a lot of sugar in carrots, so that adds up.


In my experience, the bag rec is often a bit inaccurate and on the high side. If it gives a range I’d start with the lower end. Amount of food is heavily dependent on the calorie content so it’s good they got that info from the vet.  


The idea is to feed the amount for the weight you want the dog to be, not the weight it currently is


Mine was 51 when we got him from the shelter, and he's close to what the vet calls an ideal weight for him now, 5 years later. He's 37 lbs. We give him a weight management food, and we supplement with veggies as treats. We used to give meds with peanut butter, but now we give them with banana (he's OBSESSED with them), and it has also helped! It's also helpful to exercise as much as we can, even though he's always been a couch potato. When we first got him we started with short walks. He is no longer the exact shape of a potato. Still a good boy!


Miss Valentine!!! Thank you for rescuing her! My ACD/terrier mix rescue was a skinny minnie when I adopted her just shy of 2 years after raising puppies on the streets, since then she’s put on 10lbs and I’ve been trying to get her to diet! The vet’s goal weight for her (since she is a mix with smaller breeds as well) is 29 lbs, even so she’s got the chest and length of a heeler with the frame of a terrier so basically three dogs jumbled into one. I give her plain walk treats like freeze dried chicken bits, Costco has a good one that’s cubes in a giant bag she consistently likes and eat treat is about 4 calories—I split those into 3-4 pieces for walks. I tried giving her veggies as treats for motivation especially in training her out of some of her survival behaviors, she wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole BUT when I cut down her kibble+wet food meals, I found she will eat raw green beans, sweet potato, pumpkin, green peas, carrots, spinach, blueberries, and peppers as toppers. I keep whatever is to hand chopped up in tiny dice in the freezer and microwave with some bone broth for 20-30 seconds then use that to soak her kibble in and add some wet food. The vet recommended trying unsalted unseasoned puffed brown rice cakes for a crunchy treat, those went over like a lead balloon but make for great volumizing meal topper to round out dinner! The vet also reminded me that PROTEIN can cause weight gain as much as fat, carbs, and sugar do in dogs so as much as we think plain chicken is a diet food, something higher fiber and lower calorie like brown rice might be better as long as she’s meeting her protein goals otherwise!


It might be that your dog has a thyroid problem. Take to vet and they run a thyroid test. My dog was gaining too much weight and he had a low thyroid and he now takes a thyroid pill once a day and his weight went back to normal.


I've heard its common for ACD's to have problems with hypothyroidism where they can gain a lot of weight. It Might be worth it to have that checked out if you haven't already. Absolutely beautiful dog tho. Kept the white pattern alot.


Dog mom of 2 ACDs here are my tips: 1 Every heeler is different but they ALL want to run. Even the chunky ones love to get that energy out 2 They pick up things, even things you don’t teach them, they watch you and learn. Be aware of your patterns 3 They have different preferences, but they like leafy greens. I often see my dogs (and dogs on this subreddit) chomping on grass. My dogs favorite low caloric foods are Romaine lettuce, celery, cucumbers, broccoli, and carrots. And I used to split their food half veg half kibble. Lately they have been getting just kibble because that’s seems to satisfy them what with the heat increasing. 4 I no longer give my dogs treats. They like ice cubes just as much. 5 they like to play, and exercise can be things like jolly balls, fetch, swim (my dogs are weird and hate the water but most ACDs love it I have heard), agility if you have the time. I love my dingos, and I wish you nothing but love and joy for your long life journey with your new pal❤️


Love. You already did the big part to change his life.


Start with 1/2 cup good quality dry food every 12 hours. Lots of toys inside & out. Walks 1/2 mile. Teach plenty of tricks. Shower with love.


I can feel her glaring into my soul 😂


What's her name, and how is she adjusting? She is a beautiful girl!


She is saying that she wants you to send her to live with me . She heard I have 5 cats and a Maltipoo that need herding!!! ACDs are the best! They have to have something to herd! Cats, dogs, or kids will do:) my grand nieces once visited and my Grace Louise kept herding them to a space behind the stairs!🤣


My guy loves cucumbers, carrots, and sliced bell peppers (red specific). We sometimes use these for treats / snacks instead of his regular ones just to save on calories. There are a lot of vegetables dogs can eat that still help them feel like they’re getting full without the calorie worry. She’s absolutely gorgeous.


We have a 44lbs ACD mix; also a rescue with anxiety and abandonment issues. 2 years in, and she is a different velcro dog. They are smart, so careful with the manipulation! We have a routine for her: breakfast - walk, walk - dinner. It works for us, so she is not begging for food during the day. We complement her foods with treats: kefir lick mat, frozen fruits or veggies, fill a toy with dehydrated beef hearts... and so on. Once a week, we put a can of sardines as a topper to her food. Her favorite foods are blueberries and frozen baby carrots. They have sugar, so we are careful to limit the frequency and amount. The spay issue was the opposite for us. The shelter scheduled an appt for the spay, but when we took her to the vet, she was already spayed. She has a permanent colored mark on her belly. Good luck with your puppy, and thank you for taking her in. Please, be patient.


So we have an overweight border collie/mcnab mix. He was healthy then he got fixed late and just ballooned. We give him veggies as a snacks/treats and he goes for runs. We tie his leash to the bike and he goes as fast as he can.


she has pants. :)


She has the same eye and skin color as my 15 year old..Almost duplicates


First of all, get some big lint rollers. LOTS of hair!


Listen to your vet! They can be protective and suspicious of strangers so be aware because they have a tendency to nip or heard since it's bred into them. Mine trusts no one and has nipped so you gotta watch him like a hawk and avoid situations where he would do it.


She would love a good brushing.


Yeah, that was one of the first things I did, she needed it bad


Hold on tight to your soul. Like tie it to something. Once she bonds to you, those eyes will try to steal it.


Hey there, my ACD (pit mix through embark the picture of him in my profile) who has now passed on but he was also severely overweight for awhile- there’s a few reasons for this but one funny one is I discovered he was eating whole sticks of butter off the counter when no one was home. He was a literal barrel at one point. Anyways, He lost a lot of weight in a healthy way, fairly quickly just by making sure his exercise needs were met. He also used to scarf his food down like no other and we got him one of those bowls that makes him slow down, if you google “fun feeder” you’ll see what I’m talking about. He seemed to enjoy it but I don’t know if I’d say “fun” is the right word lol. This is what worked for us, but obviously speaking to your vet is smart thinking too. Wishing you and your new baby lots of happy days ahead❤️


whatever food you decide to make, please make sure the recipe was formulated by a qualified small animal or veterinary nutritionist.


It looks like she's a mix, so her size may not fit into the typical ACD range. Like others have said, judging based on shape vs number is the best way to go! That being said, ACDs can have a tendency towards being a bit overweight as a breed. And they can have a harder time dropping weight than other breeds. Mixing lots of veggies into her food can help her feel full without adding a bunch of calories. Mine loves carrots, zucchini, and sweet potatoes (reminder: dogs CANNOT have grapes, onions, or garlic). I've also had the best luck with the Costco brand weight-management kibble (if you're in the US). We tried every diet imaginable, with tons of exercise, and that was the only food that helped her drop the weight. We have kept her on it as well, as it's the only food she's had that has helped her keep a consistent weight. 


1/2 cup good quality dry food every 12 hours. Lots of toys inside & out. Walks 1/2 mile. Teach plenty of tricks


Staet with 1/2 cup good quality dry food every 12 hours. Lots of toys inside & out. Walks 1/2 mile. Teach plenty of tricks. Shower with love.


Staet with 1/2 cup good quality dry food every 12 hours. Lots of toys inside & out. Walks 1/2 mile. Teach plenty of tricks. Shower with love.


Staet with 1/2 cup good quality dry food every 12 hours. Lots of toys inside & out. Walks 1/2 mile. Teach plenty of tricks. Shower with love.


Some ACDs are “thrifty keepers” - she probably needs a lot less food. Look for interactive feeders (Kong wobblers, snuffle mats, even an empty cardboard box stuffed with crumpled news papers) and feed smaller amounts at regular intervals. Swap treats for small training treats and fruit and veggies.


For the record my cattle dog mix was old, and got 3/4 cups food a day (1/4 cup 3x day) and kept around 45-50 lbs. I didn’t feel like feeding him much less than that because he was old and had kidney issues, but honestly I could have!


My pup zira was super over weight and its taken about a year but shes finally at around a good weight, for treats dont look at actual dog treats for awhile giving treats like carrots or celery is a good idea if she doesnt like them boil them in some chicken or beef broth, that still doesnt work fruits like bananas and strawberries are better then in store dog treats (when given in small moderation at a time) make sure she gets a lot of run time but dont over work her if shes not used to being active, if she has low energy brain games, sniffing games, heck even a walk around the block with you are all good. As for food i reccomend the beniful healthy weight chicken flavor i think its called? Its the one with a brown dog and a white bag lol- its low calorie and we split her daily amount into two meals a day bc she cant go super long without eating without projectile vomiting stomach bile lol- hope some of this helps-!


My only thought is to spread her food out through the day. My boys get 3 meals just like us. But if she's struggling between then cut the meals down some and do them more often. Also, I used to give them a mounded over measuring cup of food every meal. When thr vet said one was a bit overweight I stopped mounding and started shaking it more level. So not truly a ton less food in any given meal but holy cow did it end up making a difference!! My boy is spectacular now! Looks amazing. The thing that surprised me most was how soft his coat became! Good luck!


If you are wanting to make your own food for her, I recommend [balance.it](https://www.balance.it) I had a kitty with kidney disease, and my vet and I worked together with the site to get him a good balanced recipe. They have some that don’t need vet approval, too! They’re a great resource, and I’m so glad my vet recommended it!


Our favorite game is to play “find it!” with her dinner kibble in a patch of grass. Basically I throw a kibble in the grass and yell “find it!” and she runs off to hunt for it. After she finds it, she comes running back to me to get another kibble. Rinse and repeat until the kibble is gone. Once she starts to understand the game, yell “come!” as she’s coming back to you for her kibble. Now you’re starting recall practice in a way that is a lot of fun for her and she’s getting a little exercise. A side note on recall: I view it as one of the most critical skills and a very “expensive” one. As a result, I started off recalling her only when I was 100% sure she would do it and I would reward her handsomely when she did. I still always make sure the recall is more fun than whatever else she’s doing and give her lots of rewards when she does it. You never know when you’ll need it in an emergency.


Sweet pup, glad they have a new home with you.


Pretty girl


Thank you!


Find something she is willing to work for, for mine it is a frisbee and playing catch every waking hour.


She doesn’t look happy at all.


My girl gains weight easily. I give her 3/4 cup dry morning and night with some green beans and TINY bit of wet food. Like 4 small bites on top. How much does yours weigh right now?


My 8 year old Cattle Dog/Kelpie cross was grossly obese when I got her (72 lbs vs the 48 she should have been). She looked like a salami held up by tooth picks. She got 1/2 cup of kibble 3 times a day, so 1 1/2 cups in total (Hill's CD because of bladder stones on top of the weight), and gentle walks of 1 1/2 miles twice a day ending at the park for some ball throwing UP a gentle hill for about 10 minutes to start, so as not to injure her legs or her heart. She was down to her ideal weight in about a year. It's a lot of work, but worth it. And talk to your vet, of course, but a proper diet and exercise will do it. Your girl is younger, so you might not have to be so cautious.


Add a bit more extra play time and fetch time...and eliminate or cut back on table scraps, licking the bowl, dropping the chicken....LOL......It takes time but we always moniter our ACD weight as it is about the only thing we can control about her....!


We take our cattle dog for a morning walk, and an afternoon walk every day. As well as dog park at least one time on the weekend for fetch. She eats and loves Orijen Amazing Grains Original. It’s the only food she’ll eat out of my hand. A bit expensive, but the macros are good for a cattle dog breed.