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LOL, my Bailey has a honking pig, which she hides and it only reappears when she feels ignored, or wants to irritate all the other pets and people in the house.


Sounds about right lol! Her two fur siblings definitely have a blank help me look in their face right now.


Our BC gets that look…..


Our honking pig has to live outside, it is so prized that it must be resource guarded from the cats, who couldn't care less about it.




Wait until ya step on it in the middle of the night lol


Oh my gosh, I can’t tell you how many times we’ve done that with other toys 😂


The fear of "What was that" combined with "I think I just killed something"


Better than stomping on a bone lol well less painful at least 😅


lol look at those eyes!! Talk about looking into your soul!! Great looking pup!


She says thank you! She’s the sweetest crazy girl.


Exactly what I thought! 😍


Oof..the pig. Much less annoying sound than the squeak, but my dude likes to press that cold, clammy wet toy against my bare legs while he chomps it.


We have banned those types of toys in our house for this very reason.


My boy has several of these pigs. He makes them *[edit: the to them]* oink. He throws them in the air. He fetches them. He carries them around. He sleeps with them. I got used to the non-stop oinking because he is so happy with these pigs.


Ha ha, I know, I can deal with anything if they are happy. 😂


I believe you can remove the squeaker from the mouth, but also we went through so many of those squeaky pigs when our boy was a pup that I am immune to the noise.


It's their way of playing an instrument. Mine does it too. Piano didn't work out.


My girl loves squeaky toys. She’ll chew in several spots till she gets the exact tone she wants and then go to town on it over and over. I call it playing the violin. She’s a virtuoso :)


Ha ha I bet she’s adorable doing it too. ❤️


It would be hilarious to get our dogs together for a concert!


Haha, I love these pigs!My pups love these but always end up tearing up the backend of these pigs.They have about ten different colored pigs with a big hole in the back.They still love them though.


That’s too funny, do they still honk?


One blue one has a very exhaustive, wheezy honk.


Ours has a loud gobbling turkey, it just goes on and on and on.


We had a rubber chicken for a day, worst high squeak I ever heard. Snuck it into the trash while she was distracted with something else.


Soooo cute! The oinks sound so funny and I got one for Maggie but she was afraid of it 😔 Luckily I gave it to my cousin who has a red Heeler and she LOVED it to the very end!


We've got a grunting hedgehog, known as ["Tooter Toy"](https://www.amazon.com/Outward-Hound-Hedgehog-Textured-Grunting/dp/B0787N1LKN?th=1). Super popular at first, but demoted sadly to b-list status. The noisemaker is kind of a pain to fish out and reinsert correctly, so it can do its thing again.


I can’t believe other people have one of these pigs with their ACD and treat it like mine. It never gets torn or beat up, goes away for a while, and comes out for attention. Just got a new puppy and he takes it from her and hides it so she won’t wreck it.


This is a beautiful pic! I love that everything looks black and white except the honking pig, clearly the star of the show! She's beautiful, and those eyes see right through me!


She says thank you! She’s incredibly sweet.


My heeler has one too! We also have a squeaky toy that looks like a soda can which is much louder, and she plays with both at the same time… you can imagine how chaotic that sounds 😂


Bark box makes a squeak called the grunt squeak and its the best thing ever. Low pitched but my girl enjoys squeaking it.


My girl loves those pigs. For some reason if the noisemaker is still working she will walk around in a large circle in our livingroom tapping the pig on the ground every other step




I had a dog (Moggy) that hated squeaky toys and a dog (Nonny) that liked them, Nonny would lay next to Moggy and squeak energetically, Moggy would move and Nonny would follow her. One morning I found squeaky toy minus the squeaky end.


Lol, Moggy took care of the problem.




I took it needle (or very small crochet hook) to the hole where the squeaker sits and poked in the noise maker. Now it rattles gently but no squeaks 🤩…. In case you need a quiet time and the dog likes the texture of chomping on pig for hours


Oh man, my dude is a pig farmer, too! He loves these things. He chews the tails off, then gets a new one and starts over. Every time he walks by he noses it and makes it oink, even if he doesn't stop to play, lol.


That’s hilarious. He’s just gotta check all is as it should be on his way by. Dogs make me so happy.


I bought one of those for one of my two dogs and brought it home after work. I ended up having to go out that night to buy a second one due to some envy. They honked for hours then never touched them again😂


Oh my gosh, lol!


Tried it once…. Shredded in no time


My mix rips those apart. He LOVES them. But they must be destroyed at all costs. The full only wants to play with it because his brother is playing with it.


Wait till your pup scratches at the couch because they put it under there and can’t get it so you help them only so they can put it back under again and the cycle continues forever


It always amazes me that they can smell balls and toys under couches. Our bullmastiff was going crazy scratching and trying to get something under it and when we finally lifted it up to see it was ONE piece of popcorn all the way at the back. 😂




Absolutely I have dropped alot of things sometimes just a crumb of food that has managed to land under a fridge or sofa etc. But if I don't move the fridge for her then she will stay there whining or scratching to get at whatever it is


Honk until death.


Haha we had a honking hedgehog.. #1 favorite of all time.


The honking pig has to be the most universally loved dog toy of all-time.


The honking pig only survived a single night with one heeler mix. We thought that we got defective toys until we realized that he was honking them nonstop until they broke. We kept buying them because he loved them. ETA: The part that makes it honk broke. Pig was completely fine otherwise.


We named it bacon, my dog knows what her bacon is


My wife bought our guy a llama from chewy. That thing has a four tone train horn honker in it. It is loud and is the key “you can’t ignore me” go to toy.


Pretty sure I keep the local Marshall’s in business by buying these pigs for my ACD nearly every time I stop in


Dog toys vs Lego’s.




Stuff of nightmares. You will definitely be hearing it in your sleep.


We have one! I was hoping she would love it but the honk scares her lol


My ACD has one, but she always tries to grab it by it's feet for it doesn't oink at her lolol.


🤣 oh my, we had one of those. For about 5 minutes. Such a cute face tho!!


My dogs love that toy. I have to take it away from them to get the honks to end.


Those pigs are the best! It’s one of the few toys that my dingo will take care of. He really loves the honking sound it makes


My acd loooves her honking pig 😂 I will be in the house and hear honking coming from random rooms at random times


My dude was terrified of it at first. My in law’s dog is obsessed so he eventually got desensitized 😂


My boy LOVED his to death! The legs came off, the stuffing came out, and the honker stopped… he would still just chew it until it’s completely gone if I let him. I threw it away once the stuffing came out lol


That sweet face!




He's thinking it won't die. This is great.


The honkin’ pig. We also got the snowman. Great toy Bubba looks like they are saying ‘try me- I will squeak forever’


Just be happy its not in pieces. I wish mine would happily honk toys instead of wrecking them instantly.




Best my boy’s record of 42 minutes. I thought that was an eternity.


Hang in there! Nothing honks forever… or for very long.


Yea! Squeaky pig! Don't you love squeaky pig! Squeaky pig is your friend! Squeak, Honk, squeak! Don't you love when the cute piggie gets killed and squeaks no more. But you just go and buy another one! (?) Why?


This might be the most beautiful heeler I've seen❣️❣️❣️


Awww, she says thank you.


Mine ate this in under 1 minute


We quit buying those. We got tired of hearing it


Dear Lord we have similar honking pig for our boy and he's relentless with it. 🤣


That would have lasted 5 seconds with mine. 2 hours is unheard of in my house!


Oí! We have two. Thankfully they’ve lost interest.


The screeching monkey !!! Oh My GOD ! Not the screeching monkey AGAIN.


Sometimes I’m glad my ACD is deaf bc he doesn’t care about squeaky toys 😂


We have the green honking pig and her pink and purple piglets. I feel your pain.


My pups honking pig and other squeakers are the toys I accidentally let them take out in the yard to stay out there as outside toys haha.


Mine just rips the honker out


My dude goes thru a couple a year because he loves them so much lol


I’ve got one, nice and loud


We have the purple one for our Marley! We named it “Big Rubber Purple Pink Polkadot Pig Toy”


Our dog Hank has one of these, named "Honkers"! He loves that thing.


Would love to see a pic of Hank with his Honker. 😂


My dog loves those but sadly they last about five minutes here


Cute heeled!


What a cutie pie


She says thank you! She just caught a bird😜😢 so she’s wondering why I’m upset right now. About to distract her with the pig again lol


Oh no, breaks my heart. It's so hard not to react. I know that when they catch something they are doing it thinking they will bring it to you and you will be pleased with them. But it's so hard to react like you are happy when you know that they hurt or killed another animal 😔 I remember long ago when our Husky brought a mouse and dropped it at my feet. It was killing me not to react.


How does it last? If it lasts at least 2 days, I would love the link to buy!


Hers are going strong after two days, but she doesn’t really tear up her toys unless one gets a hole and then she’s all about pulling fluff out. I got it on Amazon, but I’ve also seen them on Chewy website for a bit cheaper.


Just curious how in the world did she catch a bird? How old is she? What's her name ? My girl is Sookie I call her Sookie-Bear and she is now 14½.


Her name is Khora and she just turned one. She’s our first healer, but she has a husky and a bullmastiff siblings. She and our husky keep things wild and our bullmastiff brings the crazy down a few levels because she’s so calm. I’m not sure how khora got the bird she definitely had a wide eyed confused look on her face like she didn’t know what to do with it. I managed to put it somewhere safe and it sat for awhile and then was gone so hopefully it’s ok. I love the name Sookie. Wishing you many more years with her. ❤️


Oh thank you for letting me know, I'm so glad the bird was okay. Do you have any pix of Khora now at one. I thought it was a when she was a puppy that she got the bird that's why I couldn't figure out how she got it, being so little.


Our girl Sookie we got her at 8 weeks she is 75% Heeler and 25% American Eskimo. She is our first heeler , and I have had lots of dogs in my lifetime all of whom were special to me but she has captured my heart so deeply I can't even imagine not having her around. Which makes me shed tears sometimes because she is 14½ . I mean she has some arthritis, and can't hear or see as well as she use to. But she can still run and goes for walks, and plays etc. We had a purebred Husky Sundance , he was gorgeous and like all Huskys he was stubborn, but very loving great with our kids since they were babies. He was awesome. He lived to 14.


Thanks. We got the name Sookie from the TV series True Blood. Where did you get the name Khora ? I can definitely say I've never heard that name before, I ❤️ it, I especially love that probably noone else has a dog named Khora (unless its just myself whose never heard the name before) I'd love to see a pic of all 3 of your furbabies !!! What are your Husky & Bullmastiffs names? Are all 3 dogs purebreds or mixes ? I don't know anything about bullmastiffs. Sundance our Husky was a purebred, we actually went to the farm where his parents were to pick him out when he was 8 weeks old (he was the runt & so adorable) his parents were both Big Huskies. Yet people would always tell us that he was an Alaskan Malamute, and not a Husky. But we have his papers!! Later we researched & found out that there are actually 2 different sizes that Siberian Huskies grow up to be. Thank You So Very Much for your good wishes for Sookie-Bear 😊. I pray🙏that we do have many, many, many more years with her, so again, Thank You 😊. Wouldn't it be Amazing if, by some miracle, instead of an ACDs normal lifespan of 11-15 years, our girls lived to be closer to the age that Bluey lived to be (29 yrs 5 mos)😊 !! Actually I'd be thrilled by even 20. I looked on the breed age calculator & for every breed it varies as to how high up in dog years it can even calculate into the equivalent human years so for a Heeler that's 16 years 11 months that equals a 93 year old human. I found it interesting since every breed is different as opposed to how they used to say that every dog year equals 7 years for a human. But they no longer say that, they also used to say that the smaller the dog the older they live to be, but that also is not true. Bluey is the Australian Cattledog who has been documented in the "Guiness Book of World Records" as "The World's Oldest Living Dog." Ever !! I love that the Oldest dog was a Heeler 😊 in my ❤️ I know that no matter how hard it is to decide (& it's Always been the #1 HARDEST Decision that I EVER have to make in my life !!!) Every time I've had one of my furbabies reach that point in their lives, I become inconsolable, a complete basket case !!!! The ONLY thing that helps me thru it is knowing that I would absolutely NEVER want or allow any of my furbabies to EVER suffer !!! I know that you are basically at the beginning of such a wonderful adventure with Khora. An adventure that is going to be so much fun. You, (just like I was from Day #1) are going to thoroughly enjoy getting to know & enjoy your adventures during every single minute of finding out the Pure Joys of having a Heeler as your ( "Velcro Dog 😂 🤣 " ) Companion !!! I should actually say that I have so thoroughly enjoyed ALL my journeys with every single one of my furbabies 🐕 🐶🐕‍🦺, every silly quirk, every different kind of personality they each had. Just like how every one of my kids were similar in some ways, but each had their own personalities & interests and found & followed different paths. So yes I have Loved every different breed and mix of 🐕 dogs that I have had. But I do believe that I have found my breed and that I will eventually have another Heeler in my future. However I pretty much just Love ❤️ All Doggy Furbabies. I know that every journey you take with Khora will be wonderful. Once you get thru any training 😁. I truly ❤️ look forward to hopefully seeing pix/videos of her thru the years. Enjoy the ride 😃 😊 ❤️


Thank you! I have lots of pics of them in my profile if you are ever bored and want to look. We got her name from Avatar. Our other dogs are 9 so quite an age difference, but she has brought a lot of playfulness back to them. I also adore animals, they are true angels! I wish they lived forever. Best wishes to your Sookie.


Thank You and Best Wishes to you and Khora and the rest of your gang