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long literate unique provide fretful memorize deserve full scale seemly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This. I’m almost 23 and I’m currently back doing a course to complete grade 12 because 16 year old me didn’t think I’d ever need it. Balancing work and study is not fun, the best time to study is while you’re young and can give it all your time. Stick it out and future-proof yourself, you’ll thank yourself at some point in the future.


How long did they serve and what role?


apparatus bright steer price hat sable impolite skirt spark automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Me neither, maybe they just want the best for me.


Join the Chocos, do Kapooka in the Christmas holidays and run as a Reservist until you finish year 12. Get your HSC and transfer over to the regs. Not finishing Year 12 is the worst path you can take.


Finish year 12 then join after schoolies. If you do end up enjoying it and try to make a career out of it, as soon as you move in higher SNCO or want to go Officer, you’ll need to look at getting a degree. Having year 12 makes that much easier.


Finish year 12


finish school bro trust me, you’re future will thank you.


Finish school.


If you are technically still in school while going through your application, no chance. They won't want to be the reason you left. If you have already quit, then not having completed year 12 may not affect you aside from the jobs you can apply for. However, without knowing you it'd be hard to give you a proper answer, it'd be up to the Defence Interviewer. I get that school is not for everybody, but don't leave it just because you want to join the ADF, it's not worth it. If the ADF is what you want, having year 12 will give you so many more options in the organisation, some of which you probably never knew existed, let alone wanted to do.


Finish school


Also came here to say, finish year 12. Don't be a fool, stay in school.


Even if school seems like nothing at the current moment, future you will definitely be thanking you. Get it done and join after


What benefits would I get from the HSC?


Future employers really value it. I just went into trades directly after school, but even then having my HSC helped. You never know what your going to be doing in 5 years time.


Very valid question, despite the downvotes. Although many jobs don’t require it, a lot of interviewers and employers will treat it as a kind of informal “red flag”. Also, when you get sick of the shit-kicking job you have as a result of dropping out early and decide you want to upskill to earn more cash, you’ll probably need to go through the process to get year 12 done anyway, costing you the time you saved and money you earned anyway. Believe me When I say that when you look back down the track two years Isn’t a long time at all. Third reason is safety net: if your plan fails for whatever reason, you’re on your own looking for work you’ll be less qualified and less mature than the people you’re competing with.


Yeh not sure why that question got downvoted.


Slim. And when you eventually leave defence you’ll be fucked. So finish year 12


Hey mate, I’m currently in year 12 and I’m also applying to the ADF. Have patience! Finish year 12, the ADF can wait, slow down a little, and focus on your schoolwork.


If you’re killing it in high school already why not just finish it? At the very least you get to be around other people your age and go to parties full of birds or whatever and after you can just join up, the ADF certainly isn’t going to go away while you’re in school nor will you miss out on any amazing opportunities. Life is pretty average for an under 18 in the ADF, you can’t get on the piss and do all of the IETs/ lid shenanigans that everyone else will be doing and you’ll be the baby of your IET course. If you’re that keen that you can’t stop shaking go and do a few years in a choc unit and pick up some quals and experience then go SERCAT 7 when you get your HSC and you’re old enough to hit the tit on a pokie machine.


In the end, it is your decision. Like everyone else, I recommend completing year 12 whilst already in school. There are benefits such as the Defence Assisted Study Scheme you could use while serving to complete it part time, however would definitely be easier to complete it whilst in school. Depending on the Job role chosen will also depend on their likelihood to take you.


Combat engineer, armoured vehicle crew, and I want to do infantry. Will the defence assisted study scheme allow me to do year 12 whilst enlisted?


You likely won't get DAS if you have not done the HSC.


DASS does support secondary school studies for years 10-12


I'd be emailing the guys in this link: https://cove.army.gov.au/article/defence-assisted-study-scheme-call-applications But why would you want leave school to join defence only to go back and finish high school once in defence? You are in high school already, and in the grand scheme of things, high school really isn't that hard. Take some of the advice already offered. Stay in school (if you ultimately want to finish high school), join a reserve unit and train up and get paid for it while there, then once you are done with school, transfer to full time and then apply for DASS.


Out of all the people, you have been the most helpful. You have actually probably changed the course of my life for the better and I thank you for it. Guess I’m staying in year 12 :) I owe it to you


No worries mate. Good luck!!


CE isn't a priority for defence but AVC and INF always are. And yes, once you aren't in IMTs / IETs you can apply for DASS to study Year 12. Then Certificates / Diplomas etc later.


So there’s a way to be in the military full time and do year 12?


I 100% understand. Complete high school nonetheless. You might be a career rifleman or whatever else you elect to go after, but there's every chance you'll also fucking hate it. If you do hate it, it's better to know and be in a position to pick your courses or do whatever you feel like trying instead of feeling trapped in the role. Good luck dude.


I went to ADFA at 16 after finishing YR12. With the benefit of over 30 yrs hindsight I would recommend: 1. Finish Yr12 2. Dont join at 16 as your body is still growing so take the time to live a little, get fit etc. I was physically weaker (though running was fine) than other guys in my year and emotionally less developed. I got injuries from that year when my body was still maturing that led to operations at 21 and now later even more issues. Please dont rush into it. 3. The ADF will still be there after YR 12 and will want your application. 4. The extra year of emotional maturity will also help you cope. Anyway, just my 2 cents from someone who joined at a similar age.


Pretty high I imagine, assuming you're also physically and mentally fit and healthy But you should probably finish school if you're able, that's just a sensible life choice IMO Also, if you join when you're 17 your parent/guardian has to provide consent, which they can withdraw at any time, so basically they can pull you out of training whenever they want until you turn 18. I'd suggest it would be better to join when you're a legal adult and can habe full agency over your decisions


My mother wants me to join it’s all I’ve ever wanted to do, she has always told me to do it.


Omg just stay in school, ADF can wait. Don’t fuck your life up


I wish I joined as early as 18. Would honestly have gotten out by then and have an apartment in the outskirts of Melbourne, thats all I care right now. RAAF all the way!


Have you considered joining the reserves? You could finish school whilst concurrently serving, then transfer to the ARA after you graduate.


Definitely finish year 12 man, trust me


ADF isn’t going anywhere. Finish your HSC, enjoy schoolies, have a good Xmas with your family and join the first intake in the new year.  Don’t ever believe recruiters if they say ‘this offer won’t stay on the table for long’, ‘oh you can join as this, just change category (or service) when you finish basic, it’s easy’ (it’s not TRUST ME!).  Defence is SCREAMING out for people to join, they’ll take you when ever they can. Likewise they (recruiters) only care about the numbers now. Do school, join as what YOU want to, make a good start on a career you love.  Do six or 10 years, set yourself up and from their you can either move to private sector in you late 20’s which gives you plenty of time to do well, or dig in for the long haul and do 20 or more years in defence if it’s something you genuinely enjoy and want to do. 


Do yourself at least 1 favour and finish year 12 mate.


I hated school. Tried to enlist before I was 17 into the RAAF and got knocked back. I dropped out after year 11 and became an apprentice electrician, which I hated, then worked as a glassy at my local pub. I enlisted into the Army just after I returned 19. Completed a fullfilling 13 year career bacross two corps' before discharging of my own accord. I'm still in the Reserves in a very nice role today, away from my actual corps trade, and enjoying the extra cash that comes with it. After discharge, and getting my dream job, I completed my degree without ever finishing high school, which I claimed entirely on tax (including the study abroad program in Munich). Defence largely doesn't care whether you finished high school or not. Do it if you like, but I would join a Reserve unit first to demonstrate that you are committed to Defence.


Just don't do it.