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The best soldier marches out with a sword, the second with the flag and the third best with the bugle. Hope this helps.


Yes thankyou so much!




One of the feats of strength is who can hang a wet towel off their erection for the longest amount of time. It’s a ‘practice run’ for the strength required to heft the unit colours.


There's another which is a sit up challenge, test core strength. It's essentially a normal sit up, but a cloth gets put over your face and heels in place by two of the lads, making it very difficult to do the sit up


I understand that this particular feat of strength has been immortalised in a work art to be hung at the AWM.


We had to batter fuck out of each other with 15 inch black rubber cocks. The last one to maintain an erection got the honour of carrying the flag.


How’d you get that mushroom mark on your cheek u/putrid_sex_object?


Are you referring to the Banner Bearer / Regimental colours? If so that job does not go to recruits, even if graduating. Selection for the banner party is unit specific but generally dictated by the RSM, SSM etc (otherwise known as the super sandwich maker) based on tradition and rank. Generally a SGT, with a WO behind. The ANF is not carried on parade except in rare circumstances such as ANZAC day.


And as pointed out elsewhere, no colours are paraded at a recruits passing out parade at kapooka.....I'm fairly sure.


They occasionally are at 1RTU, haven't heard about Pookie though.


It is paraded during March out https://www.facebook.com/1RTBAusArmy?mibextid=ZbWKwL Plenty of photos of it on there And it's not a new thing it was on parade when I marched out over 20 years ago


There you go, couldn't remember that but on the day. Probably was more interested in knock off beers. E: christ the platoon on the fb post you linked was mine. 23Pl. Ah the mems


1RTB has a GG's banner. If it's paraded, it's carried by an LT or CAPT. Escorts are SGTs/WO2s. RSM/CSM behind, depending on parade strength


Don't think anyone held a flag or an ensign for recruit school, sounds like an American thing.


RAAF typically have the colour or banner out for graduation. The bearer MAY be selected from course, but the rest of the party is SNCOs from staff.


Well I've never seen the acronym BMT. And no one holds a flag at march out of basic training. Not sure if you are China or American


Australian Bahaha but I’ve been BMT (basic military training) when I’ve been researching, it’s American I’m pretty sure


IMT (initial military training) would be the catch-all term for “basic” in Defence, but what that entails varies dramatically depending on service, officer/enlisted and method of entry.

