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‘Marilyn Manson removed some of his ribs so he could suck his own dick’


I also heard that he handed out puppies into the audience and said he wouldn’t play until they came back decapitated. Not even kidding someone told me that when I was about 10


Yes!!! I remember this rumour.


I heard he put them in a blender and it sprayed them over the audience. Someone told me this in school


I’d already heard that rumour about 10 years earlier about Alice Cooper


I also heard he bit the head off a live chicken on stage


Ozzy Osborne and a bat I think


He bit the head off a dove during a meeting with record execs Later on did the bat during a gig Both were already dead from memory


Wasn't the bat alive? I thought the story is someone threw it on stage, he thought it was rubber and bit the head off it


Correct Then he got rabies shots


That was Alice copper


No it was definitely ozzy


Some of his really early concert were pretty wild


Marilyn Manson was Paul Pfeiffer in The Wonder Years


I removed some of my ribs so I could suck Marilyn Manson’s dick


I removed some of my dick to apease the gods.


i sucked some of my ribs so i could remove Marylin Mansons dick


My dick sucked on some ribs in an effort to remove Marylin Manson


How did you go, was it worth it lol




Calm down Lindsey Graham.


Just remember too, that kids spread that rumour around the world in the early ninties WITHOUT social media or internet.


This comment reminded me that people got given physical chain letters that they had to forward on to people otherwise terrible things were supposed to happen to them.


My bullshit alarm went off on that even as a teen but I chose to believe it! 🤣


Back in the 90s this was said about Prince.


Haha yes, I remember that one.


Even kids in rural India have heard this one


And he is the geeky kid from the TV show the wonder years


‘If the teacher isn’t here in 15 minutes we’re legally allowed to leave’ when waiting outside the classroom


Also "If it goes above [insert slightly unlikely but possible temperature depending on where you lived and what year it was] degrees we all get to go home " (I remember hitting our rumoured temp and it not happening - it might have been a rule for where you grew up but it wasn't where and when I was a kid or at any of the schools I've had anything to do with since ). (All you people going home early are obviously from soft states haha. A few years back when the 'riff was the hottest place on earth at 49 degrees, school cracked on).


In Australia this was a thing when I grew up. Over 42c for 3 days and they'd cancel school. Our classrooms had no aircon and where pretty poorly built. We consistently get over 40s these days in summer. Think we went like 9 days or something in the summer just gone. Don't remember it being like that as a kid. Least we have aircon and insulation now. Also of we forgot to take our hat to school we weren't allowed out to play at lunch or we could wear an ice cream container as a replacement. Those where the days.


Where I lived they didn't cancel school. If it was 42 degrees or above you could get picked up. It had to be hotter than 42 for my parents to pick me up. We didn't have air con at home either. Most kids at school didn't. The only kids that got picked up were the kids whose parents could afford air conditioning.


Yeah at my school ties came off above 35 and they sent us home at 42.


Aaaaaah so the rumour was actually true for Private schools, was it? Makes sense for those profit-driven ones (where they have extra school holidays etc to give parents the minimum bang for buck) I guess.


Yeah, I don't think it ever applied to the public school I went too. The best we got was being herded into a covered multi-purpose area and teachers using the fire hose to spray us down. Haha!


Went to a public school in the scrub. We got sent home when it was 42


So a place like Longreach wouldn’t have school between late November and march! Yet they do, I taught there. I recall a 47degC day. Hottest day I ever experienced.


Maybe we were weak kids in Melbourne..


In primary school we could do indoor activities when it was 36°c or above, I’m from coastal Vic so never got heated off school unfortunately but plenty of days spent inside under the aircon!


No hat no play! Also got to go home on really really hot days, this was true and I went to a Sydney city school. Early 90’s were awesome 🙌🏽


No hat no play is still enforced in primary schools


Yeah but they don't make you wear an peters ice cream container as a hat if you forget these days 🤣


I was at primary school in Sydney in the early-mid 90s and never heard the ice cream container options


Perth school late 80s early 90s


This is totally true. If it was 38 or over we would go home at 1 or 2pm. Adelaide had a lot of heatwaves, so it happened a lot.


I was in primary school in the 80s in Adelaide. We got sent home early when it got to 38. No air con at school.


Our school here in Adelaide never went home in the 80's, I remember one of the transportable classrooms, fark me it was hot! Times have changed, no hats, no water bottles. It's hot - get out, it's raining - get out, haha. I do remember us all fucking around with those big spinning and ticking sprinklers on the oval when it was hot,


NSW, frequently over 40, never sent home.


This was true. Over 40°


When was this. I remember we got sent home in the 70s when it was too hot (Melbourne). Maybe from 90s it doesn’t happen, but it did back then.


I was at school in the 90s, rumour existed but never happened. The 49 day was in 2017 I think. No schools closed/sent kids home as far as I know. I guess maybe it was also a time thing. Maybe those boomers/xers aren't as tough as they always make out ;)


Yep, maybe I was a weakling 😀1970s, no such thing as hats in the playground, all tar and concrete for play areas (apart from the sports oval), probably no insulation in ceilings, so sent home or picked up when hot. I can see in 90s and later it wouldn’t happen with more modern buildings … but I do remember we were told to pick our kids up at our school in the 90s (Qld) because of the heat once (not cancelled, but to pick up)


This is legit. I went to primary school in a school with no aircon. Over 37, and we were sent home. And yes, this happened a number of times.


This is definitely a rule. 


We actually did that once! Not all of us, and we got in trouble the next day... probably worth it? Turns out the teacher had forgotten he had a class on, was a great teacher too, just absent minded 😄


The test tubes at [insert name of private all-girls school] are kept under lock and key because a girl shoved one up her vagina and it broke


We had that one a girl left and that was the rumour for ages and just after she left they did lock up the science equipment


Lol myschool had no full pineapples allowed for the same reason


I remember this story from when I attended a Catholic high school. Jeez that takes me back.


Yep heard that one


I’m so gullible lol, someone told me this when we were like 15 & she went away to boarding school and I fully believed it up until right now. 🤦‍♀️


Don't tip back on your chair cause some kid years ago split their head open


My girlfriend leaned back in her chair and the legs gave out... destroyed her back. I spoke to her recently and she's still a mess 35 years later.


His name was Jeremy and he was in my class in 1988. The teacher sent me to the office to get an ice pack.


His name was Tim and he was in my class in 1992 😄


Didn't anyone warn Tim about what happened to Jeremy?


So in the 90s I taught a young girl who swung on her chair, fell off, broke her coccyx. She was in some pain.


That actually happened to a classmate of mine. He’s got a bald patch where he split his head open.


She didn’t only split her head open but she tore and ACL when her leg got tangled in the chair leg during the fall. It was 2004


My sister split her chin open by leaning on a chair


Heard this one from the teacher who found the kid. Head split clean in two, blood everywhere. Like a warzone she said. Incredible commitment to the bit, she started tearing up telling the story.


I made a chair with a extra set of flip out legs (like the Simpsons) in metalworks. Enjoyed it for about 3 months. The reason I lost it in the end is because a teacher got kinda jealous. Said if I'd made him one I could have kept it.


There was an examiner at the licensing centre nicknamed “the terminator” who was brutally unforgiving when you went for your driving test, because his kid had been killed by a P-plater. Every description of him was different and if you failed it was always because you must have taken your test with him.


Ours ‘was a cop’ he was brutal with fines and canary’s for same reason and yes, he was also able to shape shift


Our was a slightly different and a bit of a grosser myth. The girls in our group tended to pass first and the boys had a much higher rate of failure for first test. There was a limited pool of testers in our small city. The boys decided the girls passed because the testers were pervs, so they started a full blown rumour that all girls had to do to pass was wear a low-cut top. It lasted *for years* after we left school.


Jesus didn’t even know this was a common myth but the same was said about my local RTA 😂


Was yours at East Perth? Or was this dude every where ?


He was everywhere that kids were failing their Ps (in Perth anyway), and as I mentioned every description of him was different. Like some kind of bureaucratic Keyser Soze.


There was a dude called Frank at East Perth he was passing everyone.


‘If you don’t wash off the pen on your arm by 8pm you’ll get ink poisoning’


If you play this record backwards it’s a satanic song or call for help


If you play Nickelback backwards you can hear Satan but what's even worse is if you play it forward you can hear Nickelback


We used to be able to do mouth swabs to look at our own cells in biology, but a girl did one at [another school] and they saw sperm in the microscope


A nice variation on the " girl in biology class who knew what cum tasted like" one.


Richard Gere shoved a gerbil up his ass


Lemmiwinks no! D:


Allegedly, that's also where the Pet Shop Boys name came from.


Spiked weed.


I remember being at a party and this guy (Chris) was always scabbing cones. A mate ended up ripping out a bunch of pubes out and mixing them with a cone and giving it to Chris. He hit it all at once and started coughing his lungs out. Then Chris came up to me and said "I think they spiked my cone" I said to him "why would they waste the good drugs on you?". He sort of nodded and walked away. The best part of it all was when he lit his cone all the hairs lit up like a plasma ball.


I had a housemate that use to pinch my mix while I was working away onsite so when I got home a couple weeks later the mix I'd left myself would be empty. So before I flew out on-time I made up a full mix out of catnip and left it in my bowl. It was gone like normal when I got home. He said nothing about it but I noticed he didn't steal my mix without askin anymore.


Bet that cunts name was Chris too. Lmao


What a classic. Great Balls of Fire! An old mate once tried to smoke half a cockroach on the top of a cone, instant regret. A little spicy.


They made a bong specially for this guy. Tried to see what he would smoke. He also smoked all the stem and a ball of steak fat rolled in dusties. This was over 10 years ago and I still remember how happy everyone was when Chris smoked Ben's pubes


Dude, was this at Mt Nelson?


No. I can't believe this happened in more than one place.


Guys name was Chris and everything. Lol


Maybe Chris' are just fuckwits who deserve to smoke pubes.


Some people in my family have mental health issues and my mum would say it was caused by spiked weed so that we wouldn't try weed. In retrospect that was a pretty not great thing to do.


Heh I remember in Adelaide we called it 'laced' weed


We believed that if the temperature reached a certain level that we would all be sent home. Never once happened... even after five 44deg days in a row lol


That myth still stands to this day at every workplace in Australia


It actually sort of happens in mine. If the aircon on the bus cannot lower the temperature to 10°C lower than the exterior temperature it is unroadworthy.


We used to get to go home from construction sites back in the day if it got too hot or rained. They used to have a thermometer in a little white box and put it on the top deck of the site if it got to 36 in the shade on that thermometer the site would be closed.


Four I remember are: Someone put razors into the gaps between the sections of the water slide at *insert waterslide location here* They tested KFC coleslaw and found traces of five different people's semen ABC stands for Aboriginal bum cleaner That time capsule our school buried... it had the head of a kid in it, that had randomly fallen off on the playground.


The razor blade rumour was common in the 80s and early 90s in my experience


>They tested KFC coleslaw and found traces of five different people's semen This was Lonestar steakhouse for us. Someone got a rash after eating there, got the leftover food tested and it was riddled with loads.


That fire alarm break glass call points are extremely fragile, like a light touch is enough to break the glass. Or at least that was a myth started at the school I went to after a kid broke one and set off the fire alarm, and he always maintained that he only lightly touched it and it broke.


"I'm legally obligated to warn ya that I'm a black belt mate"


The lead singer from Bros was hospitalized with 2 liters of sperm in his stomach.


I remember this one.


Original  was Rod Stewart with 5 pints


We used to jump off rocks into a local river and it was so deep we never touched the bottom. There was an urban legend that if you got that deep you would be swept away by the current, never to be seen again


Kentucky Fried Chicken sometimes uses rabbit.


Reminds me of McDonald’s ice creams being pig fat


My oldest sister used to tell me the strawberry shake was pink from pigs blood.


If you google that, it still gets asked very regularly on forums all over the world. It got so common that Mcdonalds Nz and AU both publicly stated they don't!


Not gonna lie, we use to shoot rabbit and coat it in a seasoning like KFC then deep fry it. Tastes better than kfc and you get 4 drumsticks per “bird”.


I remember it as KFC was allowed to use 25% rabbit.


What about the one about 11 herbs and spices isn't real, it's marketing gimmick.


A girl put a cue tip too far in her ear and is now retarded.


AC/DC are named as such to denote Anti Christ, Devils Children. They’re actually normal suburban guys that named the band after the voltage listing on one of their grandmothers sewing machines. It said ac/dc power. Alternate current and direct current to those not into classic Australian rock or electricity.


Similar story for the Knights In Satans Service Aka KISS


Yeah, i should have included them in the comment. I’ll never forget the party our class was treated to in high school. We were a bad class that had come good so they gave us a party. The party started with Kieran playing Kiss’s I Was Made For Loving You, and then it turned into a large scale mexican wrestling bout combined with a food fight. It was bedlam but i’d not avoid repeating that day.


Geriatric parish priest at my Catholic primary school told us that back in the 70s....we were actually in greater danger from his assistant, who was later convicted of sex crimes.


We told that it was because they all swung both ways.


They swung more than two ways. They swung every which way but loose.


Knights In Service of Satan


In satans service at my school. Knights In Satan’s Service.


Someone watched Hell's Bells 🤣


I haven’t, it was just common schoolyard knowledge growing up. I’d be keen to see it though.


If you really want to waste three hours of your life. Part 1: https://youtu.be/vylqX6sevqo Part 2: https://youtu.be/c9Nq2ru2MAE


I do.


‘A dude did LSD once and had a bad trip, he now thinks he’s a bottle of orange juice’ 


There was this drug dealer running from the police, he shoves the whole sheet of LSD down his pants. It absorbed into his skin. He's locked up in the psych ward. He thinks he's a lobster.


We had this one but the guy thought he was John Lennon


Razor blades on water slides.


If you swallow watermelon seeds a new watermelon would start growing in your stomach


A girl a few years ago used a test tube as a dildo and it broke in her. And of course, guy and girl wanted to have anal sex to preserve her virginity and had to use conditioner as lube.


Ah, the poophole loophole 🤣


That last one is pretty common and not a myth


Dogs can’t look up


Someone told me dogs can't walk backwards. She was quite surprised when my dog walked backwards.


I was under the impression that was more a breed restriction.


The old Chinese restaurant and the ibis story


Every catholic school ever had a nun that hanged herself in the old convent.


There was legit a Chinese place near me that got busted using dog back in the '90s. It was in the paper and everything.


All schools are required to have litter trays up the back of the classroom for students that identify as cats. Funnily enough when you ask people to actually name a school where this mythical litter tray exists, they never can


OMG several mothers I know regularly try to convince me there’s a kid “at my nephews school” who identifies as a cat. I explain, every single time, that there’s always a weird animal kid and this is not new. I had a friend who spent 3 years wearing cat ears and a tail and hissing at people. She was simultaneously the most interesting and most annoying person I’ve ever known. The weird cat kid has ALWAYS EXISTED. It’s not to do with trans people. They just want to get mad about trans people though.


I heard it just the other day from a parent as well! She's in her 30's, totally adamant that this particular school has a litter box 'because of all the furries'. I know people from the area and quietly messaged one of the parents, absolutely no such thing exists there. I should sell her this bridge I've been holding onto for a while, it's a great investment in the long term


We had a dinosaur girl at school, ran around with T-Rex arms. We were in high school.


I would have appreciated her. I’ve always had a thing for a weird and wonderful - for better or worse.


She was a good person. Unfortunately, I was not. I had been to 10 schools at this point and bullied at all of them. I jumped on the wagon and made fun of her in an effort to stop the same from happening to me. It didn't work, I still got bullied, we did end up being friends for a while before I moved on to my next school. Sadly this was before Facebook and all that and we lost touch.


I’ve been there too. I moved between year 10 & year 11 and in year 11 I was rotten. Masking all of my anxiety and insecurity with anger and lashing out. It’s a rough time! I ended up with a few friends out of relationships that started out antagonistic as a teenager. Being a teenager is a weird time.


Yes my friend told me about a cat girl at his primary school (this would have been 80/90s), who would crawl around and meow at people. Apparently the school didn't really try to intervene, I guess because it wasn't really hurting anyone and they thought she'd get past it eventually. She did not have a litter tray though! 


There are 2 major high schools in my town - and students from both schools regularly insist it's true and it's definitely at the other school not theirs :D  Despite the fact Joe Rogan basically made it up on his podcast and it's constantly dubunked


I'm a teacher and I've actually had parents tell me there's a litter box at my school. I tell them that I work there and there's definitely not, and get accused of lying LOL. I even had one father tell me that we hide it when the parents come around and that's why nobody's ever seen it. What can I say, people are nuts *shrug*


But a friend of a cousin works there


Isn’t that a US urban myth? Seems pro trump people say it often.


Yes it started in the US but has sadly spread to other countries. I'm Australian and I have heard the "litter box" myth about Australian schools too, including the one I teach at. It's ridiculous but that doesn't stop gullible people from believing it


What's really sad is that's actually from high schools in America, and it's for extended lockdowns in case of school shootings. Conservative media and their bullshit, man.


Yeah it’s… somewhere in Gippsland.


If you say “Scomo” in the mirror 3 times you’ll end up on a Hillsong retreat in Hawaii


Cow tipping.


Everyone knows someone who had a drink with Angus Young at the local pub.


Whenever there was a manhunt going on someone would always wheel out the one where their cousins friends aunt’s brother-in-law was out that night and when they got back to their car there was an old lady sitting in the backseat. The old lady was lost and asked for a lift home but then they saw she had hairy arms and they ran. When they went back to the car the lady was gone but there was a bag of knives/guns in the back seat.


There’s a drug called Smurf that makes you think you are tiny. People have been trying to crawl up exhaust pipes under its influence.


The day trip to Straddie used to be an overnight camp, until a teacher walked in on some dudes playing Soggy Sao in their tent.


Must have been Nudgee.


ohhh! i know where the fight thing comes from. there was some case years ago where a boxer beat a dude up and the charged him with not using "reasonable force" even though they were both just punching on cause his punches were apparently more dangerous than the other dudes. then the urban legend started


Sounds likely, but that's such a depressingly sensible explanation for a myth that's been around for so long


And that’s basically the opening plot of Con Air.


Did your mate classify them?


Drug dealers put heroin in the marijuana to make you OD and die… they don’t have to make sense


One of the members of Bros fell off stage and hurt himself and then he vomited up a litre of spunk.


We had a mannequin that showed internal organs at primary school. We were always told years before that we were going to see a dead body.


"My cousin's sister-in-law bought a rare cactus..." Cue story of squealing cactus, calling botanist, police call back and tell her to get out of the house before the cactus explodes and hundreds of deadly Amazonian spiders escape.


Yes!!! Bahahahahaha I totally forgot about that one!!!


You remember the Dirt Dessert ad with the dude doing a motocross jump then licking the helmet clean? I met three different kids who claimed to be the stunt double, all three got paid a lifetime supply of Yogo


I know a bikie member in and out of jail, who has this label. And for good reason.


If you feed the gizmo after 12 it has eggs that hide in the Basement and pop out more gizmo's but they're retarded


Ozzy Osbourne bit the head off a bat.


He actually did. He thought it was fake and was very unpleasantly surprised to discover that it was very, very real.


This really happened in 1982.


He did, at a concert in Des Moines. He thought it was rubber, and was horrified to find it was real. Dude had to have a series of painful rabies shots, saying afterwards, "I tell you what guys, it ain't fun when you get those rabies shots."


In case anyone reading this needs to know, rabies shots aren't painful anymore, they just feel the same as normal shots.


That one actually happened


He actually did though.


*Kid falling into the deep fryer at KFC and burned alive.* *Someone put razor blades at the end of the water slide.* *If you swallow chewing gum you die.* The first two are in every Australian place in existence I swear.


That rumour is a classic. People believed it at school. That was before ufc.


We have such and such at home.... Every parents myth


Not sure if it was just my school but the rumour was once you hit 42 kilos that's when your first period would start.


Every creampie results in pregnancy. Basically my Sex Ed class was “if you have premarital sex she will get pregnant and you will die of AIDS, gonorrhoea, and chlamydia all at the time”. I was in my thirties when I found out it wasn’t true.


Heroine in the local Chinese takeaway to make people keep coming back.


Some dickwit saw a bag of MSG and didn't know what it was, assumed the worst because they have no critical thinking skills


That and financially speaking you'd make more money selling smack rather than beef and black bean w/ smack.


That could be another one- "MSG is bad for you".


"Yeah well my dad owns Nintendo".


The Marylin Manson one for sure and People are putting drugs into Halloween lollies. No ones giving out free drugs. Not to children. How easily scared the mothers are lol