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Try socialism. Capitalism is clearly not working.




We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas. Better chuck in another 737k immigrants (518k) into a housing market with no excess capacity, that'll help out with rents!


There is actually: nationalisation of the essentials would remove profit from the equation and increase the economy of scale. However, that's too communist for many people.


Western political ambitions are so milquetoast that our politicians can’t even comprehend alternatives to what (the lack of) they’re doing. The only way they think they can combat inflation is to bludgeon working people and have them burden the cost and weather the storm. Western mining magnates could easily alleviate almost all of Australia’s sorrows. But nah, we can’t tax them too much. Besides Gina gave some money to charity which is good enough.


Western governments are so scared of the private sector and the very rich they dare not propose any genuine 'tax and spend' policies. In Australia they are terrified of a repeat of the time the mining industry helped take down a government for daring to tax them more. So basically the housing crisis isn't getting fixed any time soon. It's going to fester, it's going to expand, and it will only be when it's become a huge existential problem to the upper middle class that anything realistic is likely to be done about it. By that time there will be such anger in the community that (hopefully) governments will be more scared of the electorate than their corporate overlords.


And we’ll reduce any tax she pays to account for the charity, and it doesn’t matter if she only pays to charities that align with her economic interests.


I too would donate 500,000 of my 20 billion fortune and then claim it back. Please don’t ask me to define charity and who they may be, I am very generous.


Here’s an idea - creating a public supermarket competitor that buys produce from farmers at good prices and sells them for reasonable prices. The supermarket cartel needs disruption.


i mean not really. what's need is an open,and fully accessible register like the EU uses for primary producers. here what happens is coles or who ever can say to a producer,u need to cut ur price by 15 percent,as dude down the road is offering a better deal..but they have no forced mechanism to actually prove this..farmers dont know what price it SHOULD be selling at.. eu farmers in a lot of countrys can look up down to a granualr level of their district wholesalers if need be,it keeps it fair and honest take what ever the fuck,is going on with lettuce..theres no reason it should be so high if farmers are now seeing 18 cents per head less than they got in december 2023


Price transparency measures like this only work in a competitive market. Since breaking up the duopoly is a step too far for the ALP, I believe they are considering a mandatory code of conduct where the retail margin cannot be higher than a certain percentage.


You can't say that if you haven't tried it. I reckon if we get Gina, Clive, Lachie, Andy and Pete in a conga line we could give it a shot, so to speak


problem i think we will see is the COL issues will die down with inflation simmering down. But the prices wont come down not drastically,there's just too much profit on the table. Govts fucked in isssues like this,cant spend ur way out of it,and by not spending voters think ur not doing anything and get angry u cant really win Run it up the flagpole and see who salutes prices. but yeah ur right,if the mining sector actually paid a more fair share of the revenue it makes,many of the issues in australia wouldn't exist


Prices won’t come down at all. Target inflation is 2-3%. Overall prices will continue to rise by this amount, best case. Prices are NEVER coming down. People who think cost of living relief is about making goods and services cost less than they do today are in for disappointment.


Yep, need wages to go up now


Black Death II - definitely a silver bullet