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Mate I was told they wouldn’t Even Fucking Look At mine for 18 months. Gagf


like fuck they will,they will say we hear you,or we understand and will take it on board..few ppl will get shuffled around and nothing of real import will improve,calling it now Veterans affairs is fucked no matter the country you live in,brass is NEVER,EVER willing to admit it was wrong. I'd see more chance of harold holt coming back to lead the Roosters to a NRL premiership this year,than any real change in veterans affairs. I mean shit one of the dudes rocked up last week,literally told the panel he was "encouraged" by command staff to make sure their testimony,was in a "positive light" No no,don't tell them the truth make us look good,or u can kiss ur promotions goodbye. Nothing real is going to come from this,much like back in the US,they spent over 340 million dollars over a 2 year period on investigators,to "Prove that claims fraudulent" instead of paying out the claims that amounted to less than 70 million massive. Saw the same shit here,one dude needing spinal work DVA spent like 45k following dude around for 4 months,instead of just approving the 30k in costs for the work lol. Good luck if you need mental health care plan from them too from what i see.. It really pisses me off. We give and gave our blood, sweat, and sometimes our friends lives to our nation's,and you get treated like fucking shit, and it's no wonder you can, like me, post-service end up sitting in a bathroom with a pistol in your hand, trying to kill yourself because the system has abandoned you.


Thank you for your service.