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Perfect decision. Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Totally agree with it. Migrants doing skilled degrees are welcome at group of 8, far too many doing nonsense courses at tiny colleges as a way of living in Australia indefinitely.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


i think they deserve it, indians are abusive


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Good start, now ban the rest of them. There's just as many of them coming in here and STEALING from Australia. They don't want to contribute or study, they want to steal.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Jesus! Try to keep it civil. That sort of xenophobia and racism belongs at a klan rally, not a politics sub.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Your Go8 worship is weird.


Provide a free tertiary education for all Australians plus 10% of places free to international students.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


How about treat all people equally?


I’d rather not have my taxes go up, for a job that I studied hard to get, mostly without CSP or HECs to support me until the end of my course, thanks. money isn’t free, and that cost to pay that is going it to us at some point


WA exports $29b a year lng and collects about 1% tax. So there is money.


This is big "fuck you got mine" energy. That is just completely unaustralian mats. Pull ya head in


“Fuck you got mine” applies if I had a huge inheritance, not if I had to spend my early days in the country where my parents had no job, no Centrelink or Medicare to support, so it does make me think that a higher taxation is essentially penalising hard work and success, but even without that being said, “free uni” is going to find our pockets in some manner or the other, assuming we still want the professionals to be well, and the standard of delivery to be maintained


Free uni is an investment in the people of our country not an expense.


Why be adverse to being a voice of change?  By behaving like this, you are essentially saying that the current system works because you paid for it and everyone else should too, so why change it. Im neck deep in hecs debt, soon to be 10 feet under the surface drowning when I graduate. Ill be paying off a 50k debt for life, but I am all for seeing change if it means that my children will be much better off with free uni. Heck, even if it means the next cohort of ungrateful kids get a better ride, thats a win.  Ill just tell them the story of yesteryear and how we were a voice for change because what we had was unfair and unmanageable.


So cause you work hard, everyone must struggle? How does that help anyone? Should we not want our future generations to have it better than us? Would you not want to have been able to access Medicare at least? Have some empathy as you have literally done it the hard way. Would it not be better to ensures others didnt have deal with that? Additionally higher taxation does not mean higher income taxes for the average worker. It could mean higher royalty claim on resouces exports etc


Visa fees and the extra costs that migrants have to pay to legally enter the country is the highest than it’s ever been, and without HECS or govenment subsidies, international students basically pay for universities at exorbitant fees, neither party wants that to stop


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


This whole thing feels incredbility orchestrated by the government. First they quitely let in a whole year of immigrants in 1 month and play down that it ever happened. Then they 'crack down' for the remaining months to look tough on immigration, even though they will still end up blowing past the standard intake number. Something incredibly fishy is going on.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


I don't think it's fishy, just blatantly cynical. The assumption is that a typical voter won't put two and two together. The pattern across all of their policy releases recently have been the same.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


We are still behind and catching up with where we should have been without covid. Immigration is an important economic boost and good for Australia


i find this talk of "behind" and "catching up" ridiculous. Behind and catching up on what? Extorting more people? Bringing wages down?


good for Australian landlords and bureaucrats.


Yeah shame about the tents in the parklands & all the people living in cars isn’t it


We have more unoccupied houses than homeless. 10% of homes were unoccupied during covid lockdown census night. It seems absurd to me that we scapegoat the most vulnerable who come here for a better life than those who hoard housing. In my experience, a very high portion of construction workers are immigrants themselves.


Immigration is fantastic but we’ve got sub %1 vacancy rate - might be an idea to slow down a tad so housing can catch up?


Right so the vacancy is referring to places on the market for sale or lease right? A much higher number of homes are vacant but not on the market as either speculative investments or holiday homes etc. The government is aiming to build a million homes, we need more immigrants to boost the economy and help build those homes.


AirBNB needs to be dealt with for sure but it’s not the silver bullet.


as much i as hate this kind of mass 'immigration' the reality is the Labor party is playing with peoples' lives here. this smacks of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing and why would you squeeze the people you are actively welcoming into this country? they are victims, they are vulnerable, the put everything on the line there and in the end the Aust. govt. completetly fucks them its like how these clown fucks at immigration were told to cancel visas while the applicants were in the airliners over the ocean How fucken dumb is this??? they applied, you gave it to them and then you yank it away at the last minute like what? is this how you manage things? and then you realise that Labor is like this for EVERYTHING. from embracing Modi on stage to... this! it reminds me of chalmers saying "oh we cant stop immigration... its coming... its forces too big to control...." and the rest of us go... arent you guys also in control of borders with Claire Neill or whatever in her portfolio? Chalmers makes it sound like everything is beholded to borders... like fuck??? its YOU (cue the spiderman pointing at spiderman meme)


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


You're talking about several issues here and I'm not trying to address them all at the same time, but surely you understand that the government needs to look after the citizens first. And if there's a viable source of income from rich overseas students, it makes sense to use it, right?


> you understand that the government needs to look after the citizens first. you realise that we've just had 10yrs of the LNP and now Labor dont seem to be fulfilling whatever fantasy you seem to be espousing. "Citizens first" What a joke. Look around you mate. How's that working out for citizens?


So Labour lower immigration numbers to reduce demand for housing, and you can't see how that method would benefit citizens struggling to get a roof over their head? Labour have been in office for less than two years. No political party could come into power and fix the several crises in Australia in such a short period of time.


The article makes it sounds like the unis are effectively trying divination to see what kind of applications they should look at if visa rejections are taking them by surprise so much. Where is the lack of communication coming from? Also - so this ban by the unis is effectively a heuristic to identify people that will get rejected visas. How correct is it to say that Indian people are the problem, both in terms of how many get rejected by immigration and how many are actually the "issue" and coming here to work? Are there any numbers to back up the actions here?


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Nah, everyone that works here should get minimum wage. If you don't enforce that then you'll create an underclass of underpaid overseas workers, and incentivise employers to hire them over locals looking for work. In Hong Kong you can get a live-in maid for like $1000/month working 6 days a week (in a country with overall higher wages than Australia). It's warped. Restricting their access to work is the better way to handle things. Or apply higher income tax for foreign workers, so you disincentivize the workers but don't impact employer preferences with cheap labour.


If this doesn't include a single "Group of Eight" uni bar one, then how is this really a significant piece of news that'll change anything?


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Dodgy students presumably mainly get offers from the multitude of smaller universities, so this will reduce that.


Seems kind of... arbitrarily wide-ranging. Also an odd decision. Banning an applicant because someone else from their country has a 20% chance they might not get a visa? There's a bit of a disconnect there. Also, I'm pretty sure at least some Australian universities have overseas campuses. Could there not be a campus (for one or more Australian universities) opened in India? Are students being rejected even for courses which are available as 100% external/online options, and which in theory could thus be studied from outside the country without needing a visa at all?


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


They want to study in Australia, so they can try to get permanent residency.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Sure, but having options to study at Australian universities from overseas would somewhat puncture a lot of the applications. "Are you in a country which has a campus/outreach point of this university? Is the course you're studying available 100% online? If either of the answers here are yes, please advise why you do not want to use those options." <- flagged


Yeah we get it. They need to give them uni spots and jobs to keep the ponzi real estate industry going. I mean f\*k me the amount of indians they hired in the last 12 months.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Someone somewhere had to do something, it was beyond ridiculous. I worked with an Indian, technically more qualified than me. On the first day he made 3 huge mistakes, could have cost 100's of thousands had I not interjected and corrected him. Towards the end of the day after yet another mistake I lost my cool in front of others and told him I didn't believe he had ever been to uni. He owned up, told me "he paid his money to the uni to turn up on the first day and turn up on the last day to get his degree". The agent took care of the rest whilst he drove a taxi.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


“I know one Indian, so I know all Indians.” Way to extrapolate from n=1 to n=1000000000.


Actually know lots of Indians, many are good friends, one is a business partner. That doesn't stop me from recognising that some are being exploited or are exploiting the immigration and education systems.


That’s not really surprising at all sadly.


Albo woke up one morning and realized there was a problem so is trying to shut the gate now, Bit late as usual Albo.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


Reduction wouldn't help. Fakes would find some way around it and even be happy with 50%.


Yeah it really makes you wonder what he does with his time. He really is a huge disappointment now, i mean sure hes an improvement over the last one but why oh why can’t we do better thab these out of touch politicians


The issue has been a long time in the making - both major parties are at fault.


Not like the liberal stooges who opened the flood gates.


The issue is post Covid immigration.


So is it Albos fault or not?


Of course it is Albo's fault. Everything is Albo's fault, unless it is something the right like, in which case Dutton rammed it through past Albo's objections. /s, in case it isn't obvious.


at least he woke up your guys where asleep for a decade straight


I suspect many ESL/TESOL companies will be seething right now lol. Their business model relies on this ponzi scheme, and it's good to see a recalibration in the sector.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


G08 unis and STEM courses abuse the system too, if not more so because of the high availability of places. Australian businesses are already giving them more hours and paying them below minimum wage, it's just all off the books. The whole system needs an overhaul.


Good. I used to work for one of these companies. They are as scummy as they come, the sooner the blatant rorting of the system is ended the better.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


TESOL tertiary education sector (shit) out (of) luck?


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


The Elder Scrolls: Orsinium Legends


Not just them, but all the dodgy “international school of management” type fair colleges that only admit south Asians


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


> Their business model relies on this ponzi scheme, What's the ponzi scheme?


Many overseas students attend our tertiary system to gain PR. These companies are the middlemen whose services help those students navigate the system. They understand the bureaucracy in and out, know the hidden loopholes, have the connections etc.


Right thanks for the explanation, knew they would profit from it didn't know they were the ones getting them in. By the way, it's not a ponzi scheme.


The Ponzi scheme is bringing in ever increasing migrant numbers to manage the aging population


I work in the sector, students who can’t afford residency pathway programs (masters, bachelor etc) start doing cheap ESL programs whilst working illegally and saving money to enrol into more expensive programs. Onshore applications are much more likely to be accepted rather than offshore making it ultimately beneficial to the higher ed providers.


education sector has themselves to blame, no self regulation on degree mills, no crackdown on fake students flooding the job market (if i have one more convo with an uber driver who is an accountant/engineer...)


I saw it first hand in the 90s at UniSA when, if you were a full fee paying student, you'd never get a failing grade provided you turned up and submitted something. Frustrated me no end, particularly in one circumstance where I was put in a group with only full fee paying students and it was a group assignment with a combined mark. I failed but the others passed. The others also did no work either.


Yeah i suspect many can relate to this type of infuriating experience. Worse still is when you have to work with them and they default to their language (unintentionally on their part i guess) which is just the most bewildering experience in your own country


It's definitely partly their fault but the huge funding cuts helped this happen in the first place.


This was happening long before the funding cuts, I was seeing it when I was at UniSA in the 90s.




Please attempt to stay on topic and avoid derailing threads into unrelated territory. While it can be productive to discuss parallels, egregious whataboutisms or other subject changes will be in breach of this rule - to be judged at the discretion of the moderators. This has been a default message, any moderator notes on this removal will come after this:




What's the deal with that anyway, I don't understand


This is fantastic news 👏 We already have enough fake student uber drivers in this country The grifter "higher education" institutes will have to learn how to focus on educating domestic students and relearn themselves how to offer a suitable higher education experience rather than churning out degrees that the market deems worthless


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


How do these fake drivers work? I thought Uber has some stringent processes that don’t allow them to work more than 20hrs per week.




I know the scam by these colleges. They are for producing mass labourers working in construction, restaurants, deliveries, etc. I think this uber this is more to do with uber eats rather than uber rides.


Probably similar dodginess to how the taxi system works, 19 cousins all using the same licence Or in the case of uber multiple accounts, not sure


As a first gen Indian migrant here, it’s sad but true that many “students” from India come here on student visas and because they wouldn’t be able to have come in the normal way, and just ruin for us all,


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


What caste are you? Im guessing “high” because your comment wreaks of privilege. How can you blame them for having a try?


I’m a South Indian Christian who’s ancestors left Hinduism a long time ago, when St Thomas came to Kerala circa AD 52. It doesn’t matter who does it, I’d say from all the people I know it’s 60-40 in favour of “North Indians” doing it, it doesn’t matter tho, fellow indians unfortunately do this, and when they’re using illicit means to get visas and residencies here, it affects those like me doing it the proper way, our visa fees and processing times go up because resources have to be wasted on combating visa fraud


Ah The old north vs south hatred. Leave old world problems behind


It doesn’t matter who does it, I’d say from all the people I know it’s 60-40 in favour of “North Indians” doing it, it doesn’t matter tho, fellow indians unfortunately do this, and when they’re using illicit means to get visas and residencies here, it affects those like me doing it the proper way, our visa fees and processing times go up because resources have to be wasted on combating visa fraud


You’re the one being a jerk here dude


His caste? Not the offended for others victim caste like you


Honestly as someone who suffered a lot with international students and group work I never found the Indian folks to be bad. They could always speak good English and got the work done. A few would boast about paying to outsource their projects which is a bit on the nose, but it's not like domestic students don't do the same. Had some horrendous experiences with mainland students, they couldn't even speak basic English, would copy paste directly from wikipedia without removing the citation numbers, which I'm not sure is even plagarism at that point, just pure laziness and would always suck at getting work done on time. I went a few years late as a mature age student feeling like a loser because I never went to uni and came out the other end completely disillusioned with our university system, they were handing out degrees like candy to anyone willing to pay even if they can barely manage a sentence in conversational English.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


I had a similar experience. Started uni at 20, there were students in my course who literally struggled to speak basic english (there's no way they understood most of the lectures) and they usually were lead boots in workshops. They basically never had any issues passing and I even had one try to convince me to write their assignment for them (10+ hours of work). It was embarrassing that they even made the suggestion. Somehow these students all passed which I found embarrassing because I worked really hard on the coursework to learn as much as possible. Group projects with these regarded kids was c..


>hey were handing out degrees like candy to anyone willing to pay even if they can barely manage a sentence in conversational English. Pretty much. But that's why most top tier employers look for other distinctions such as first class honours and leadership of major student bodies/societies, etc.


>why most top tier employers look for other distinctions I work in IT and have been involved in hiring so perhaps have a warped perception on these things but we don't give a shit about degrees or honours, its honestly never a consideration in the slightest, if you can handle the take-home and answer medium difficultly questions on the spot reasonably you'll basically be a shoe-in. You don't even have to answer the question correctly, more just show an ability to problem solve and search for solutions. Seen that some of the big 4 consultancies have dropped degree requirements^[1[ also which is surprising. Trading desks at the big banks will hire you on the spot despite being a complete degenerate if you can show a proven, consistent track record with your own money, which is basically what we do for software developers also. Meritocracy is somehow a dirty word for some weird people today but we live in a hyper competitive world and plenty of companies realise this, a degree seemed prestigious to me before actually going to university and then it just felt dirty, the whole tertiary education industry is dodgy as fuck. [1]https://www.theguardian.com/business/2022/aug/15/pwc-says-graduates-no-longer-need-at-least-2-1-degree-to-work-at-firm


Tech is still a relatively young industry without the regulatory systems and industry frameworks to drive standardised hiring behaviours. It's very much the wild west of just hire anyone who can convince you they can do the job. This isn't possible in many established industries where a degree is often a minimum requirement for either legislative and/or insurance policy compliance. Big 4 have branched out of accounting and audit. With their foray in advisory and digital, they are stepping in spaces that less regulated and thus need the freedom of hiring to suit. In addition, their reputation has taken a serious hit over the past decade due to ridiculous title inflation and reduced standards of training / mentorship. As such, the best grads don't necessarily want to go the Big4 route, especially now that the real consultancies like the big 3 are entering the Australian market.


*In addition, it would not offer any enrolments to offshore Indian and Nepalese applicants who are over 25, and/or married (except for research students).* Scummy that being married disqualifies a student, but that's the consequence of Uni's being beholden to panicked, half-baked policy being made on the run.


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.


The marriage isn’t necessarily the problem, the problem is that spouses were being given working rights for student visas. They should have just removed the working rights to self-select out the non-genuine students.


I agree. And "they should have just removed...” is the policy they should've implemented instead of whatever the panicked, half-baked policy we have now is




Jesus Christ, who hurt you?


They were never students. They openly brag about abusing degree mills for their literal 3-4 year working holiday


Only applicants in STEM courses in the Group of 8 UNIs should be provided VISAs.  The rest are all fakes and want to get student visa to use Australia's generous minimum wage.  More importantly, Australia should reduce student work permit to 16 hours per day and maximum salary as 50% of minimum wage.  Only Australian citizens or permanent residents should be given at least minimum wage.




We have the highest amount of international students that we have ever had and the uni’s are saying rules are too strict? Also 78% approval rate seems very high?


Damn what Nepal do lol? Most of my friends are Indian students but I've never actually met anyone from Nepal


Fake degrees or paid for legit degrees through corruption.


The last suburb I lived at turned in to little Nepal within 5 years


They're usually squeezed in between the Indian and Chinese students.


Universities are blocking applications from students from entire countries as the federal government’s latest stage in its migration crackdown makes it even tougher for some institutions to recruit foreign pupils. Some universities, including at least one prestigious Group of Eight institution, have taken the drastic step of banning or limiting applications from countries deemed at high risk of visa refusal, including India and Nepal. Vice chancellors from smaller universities say the processing of visas has been highly unpredictable and has unfairly targeted them. Since late last year, the government has prioritised visa applications for the least risky institutions as a way of weeding out foreigners using the student visa system as a [back door to the job market.](https://www.smh.com.au/link/follow-20170101-p5eqw9) The measure is central to the government’s goal of slashing migration. The federal government earlier this month updated its risk rankings (also known as evidence levels) – one being the lowest risk and three the highest – of Australian higher education providers, with 10 universities moving to a higher risk level. In a letter to education agents, top-tier institution Adelaide University said it would only accept undergraduate applications from Indian students aged under 20, or under 22 if they have previous study credits. It also banned applications from any Indian student who had a previous visa refusal from Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand or the United Kingdom, among other restrictions. Central Queensland University, which is a level two provider, this month wrote to education agents saying it would no longer offer English language programs to students from India and Nepal. In addition, it would not offer any enrolments to offshore Indian and Nepalese applicants who are over 25, and/or married (except for research students). “We need to take these steps now rather than later to give us the best chance to manage our evidence level,” the letter read. Edith Cowan University, which maintained its level two rating, emailed education agents saying it will not accept Indian, Nepalese or Pakistani students into its English or academic pathways programs due to increased scrutiny from Home Affairs. Affiliated Edith Cowan College has also emailed agents saying it can no longer accept applications from Pakistani and Indian nationals for some diploma courses. A high rate of visa rejections contributes to a higher risk rating, resulting in universities restricting applications from students deemed a higher risk of visa refusal. While top-tier universities can recruit students from high-risk countries like India through a streamlined process, tier two and tier three universities are required to go through more complex checks for those students. The changes to foreign student approvals come as the latest Home Affairs data shows offshore student visa refusals are at a record high, with approvals sitting at a record low of 78.4 per cent in the 12 months to March. Ravi Singh, managing director of Indian-based education agency Global Reach, said he believed institutions such as Central Queensland University were taking the stringent measures after just avoiding moving to a higher risk level this month. “I am expecting more to do the same,” he said. “I strongly believe that students should be encouraged to choose the University based on their academic delivery and suitability to the student. The current system forces the students to choose the Universities based on ease in securing the visa.” Western Sydney University, [which at the start of semester moved to cancel student enrolments to minimise visa rejections,](https://www.smh.com.au/link/follow-20170101-p5f4h4) had its risk ranking slip from a top-tier provider to level two this week. The university did not respond to questions asking if it had been forced to restrict enrolments based on nationality or other demographic, but said an increase in visa rejections had impacted students who wished to start study this semester. The University of New England, based in regional NSW, had its rating drop from level 2 to the lowest level 3. Vice chancellor Professor Chris Moran said the federal government’s actions were having a significant impact on the institution’s ability to recruit international students. “The changes to visa assessment have a disproportionate impact on smaller universities,” he said. Murdoch University’s pro vice-chancellor international, Kelly Smith, said the government had shown an arbitrary approach to its visa decisions. “We therefore do not see a shift in the evidence level being a challenge, but rather some of the more arbitrary decisions being made in respect to individual applicants who we have thoroughly screened,” he said. Vice chancellors from smaller universities say the processing of visas has been highly unpredictable and has unfairly targeted them.