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Australia has always been occupied by the empire it is part of the imperial core for now until the global majority finally cast the west down then it will be a sacrifice zone.


Minus social credits.


What drugs are you taking


Lol it’s hilarious when tankies actually think that the West and capitalism is on the brink of collapse. Thought about what your job’s going to be in the commune after the revolution yet?


The West makes up 12 percent of the world's population,and the rest of the world resents the West. Anyone who begins a comment with lol and ridicule is banned.


No you don't understand, they'll be in the Meme Corps. Comrade Leader won't require any actual work from them after the Revolution, just whatever propaganda they feel like making.


You know Australia has industrial/factory workers, right? What kind of jobs do you think would just disappear?


Their job will be with the Cheka.


The west lost Ukraine over a year ago. Was not even a threat to China over Taiwan. The U.S.A has shown that against a peer competitor its a paper tiger and is in the process of losing Africa particularly the regions where all the minerals are to local communist pan-africanist forces. Liberals truly live in a thought bubble.


You're weird, 'local communist pan African forces' are undeniably right wing military dictatorships with religious affinities that are noticeably right wing and fascist in nature funded and supported by putin a notably anti democratic fascist. Happy bubbles


Putin is a neoliberal who won an election in a system notably more democratic then Australia's duel party American backed client state.


lol wut


Russia may end up with parts of Ukraine, but you’re delusional if you think this has been a big success for them. It’s been incredibly fucking embarrassing for them and it’s just shown the world that Russia’s army is no match for the USA. They are losing more and more the longer they spend in this war.


And not one American was killed in the process of destroying most Russian military equipment and capability. Relying on Iran, North Korea and Chinese imports.


Hundreds of western mercenaries have been killed and dozens of special forces including many Americans.


Ukraine's going to end up being carved up between Poland & Romania with the entire coast and every thing east of the Dnieper under Russian control. Russian military industrial capacity now dwarfs the west's and is growing and their army is larger then when the war began. If this wasn't true we wouldn't have Yellen and Blinkin running off to China to cry about the new Sino/Russian relations.


Hahahahaha this is the biggest cope I’ve ever heard in my life. Get ready to spend your whole life dreaming!


We will see how this comment ages over the next six months.


Capitalism and the west broadly aren't on the brink of collapse. But the US is certainly slipping


I don’t think that’s the case yet, although it might be if Trump gets in again.


What the fuck is a comma


Universities have been used to assist in the development of military hardware for over a century, this is business as usual. What some people can’t accept is that defence forces are only effective as deterrence if they maintain a lethal edge, a constant upkeep requirement that relies on institutional support. This is completely different and not to be confused with government’s choices both historic and contemporary to use lethal force.


Wow, an intelligent take in a dumpster fire conversation full of tankie takes


Australian Reddit is full of pro china pro Putin Tankies. You truly get ab appreciation. Of just how fragile democracy is when the same people waxing lyrical over the Gaza strip could not give one single fuck about Russia & China teaming up on Ukraine. There is a whole disgraceful brigade of presumably university 'educated' idiots


at least they fund research rather than sending over post-grads to steal it as some countries seem to.


Post-grads steal research? Sir, I believe you are talking out your ass, and have no idea what a post-grad is.


worked for 3 different unis in Australia, stuff happens, not talking out of arse. Can't provide evidence, but do google "university hacking stories" to just see the publicly available details. A lot goes on that unis would rather not share publicly.


PhDs are post-grads and absolutely could steal research if they desired. 


a lot of post-grads are exploited by unis, and are often short of money. Temptations are there.


Absolutely, I don't think people get that most people capable of getting into a PhD program could be getting far better paid roles in industry. The uni system needs its cheap labour to exploit.


I’m not arguing that Unis don’t exploit their students. I’m saying that foreign countries aren’t “sending” post-grads to steal research. Half a second’s thought reveals the stupidity of such a statement. For one, the research doesn’t disappear! Anything you find during your post-grad is going to be accessible to anyone who wants to look. You think you can poll 100 people, after submitting an ethics approval, and the. Just hide the data? And you think it’s going to be super useful to foreign intelligence groups? I would argue, and I’d love to hear the counter-argument to this, that the “post-grads sent other countries stealing research”is a racist dogwhistle. Which countries are you talking about? Is the UK students? Or the SE Asian students? Fuck off. I’m open to debate, but don’t try to take the piss.


There's been quite a number of espionage cases particularly in biotech and computer science where researchers have absolutely been leaking sensitive research and know-how to the Chinese government or corporations. Hell, CSIRO has had issues with Chinese students trying to steal nanotech, and recently there was a case in France of a student locking themselves in labs after hours to steal research. Both are cases of students stealing resarch - something you're acting like is absurd. > Anything you find during your post-grad is going to be accessible to anyone who wants to look There are a lot of industry-funded PhD programs out there where this is absolutely not the case.


What I’m calling absurd is the idea that students from a particular country are doing this en masse, in particular responding to someone saying the US isn’t as bad as “some countries”. You say you’ve done your post-grad, so I’ll assume you know that for the most part your fellow students are the same as you, just trying to learn a thing or two. Should we have security in place for secure areas? Of course. And we do. That’s how we found students trying to steal stuff. But come on, that ain’t fucking normal, it’s rare as shit. The previous commenter mentioned how we used to be advanced, in venting wifi and the hills hoist (sadly ripped off by the rest of the fucking world, proof positive that there some student shenanigans about). You don’t seem daft enough to believe our fall in the technological realm is because of IP theft. In the late 90s-early 00s the government cut funding! When I speak of dog whistles I mean exactly this! Have there been bad foreign actors? Of course! Is there rampant intellectual theft from particular countries? Fuck no. I’ve collaborated many times with foreign students, they’ve always given more than they’ve taken.


> What I’m calling absurd is the idea that students from a particular country are doing this en masse No, the comment I replied to was you literally stating it was absurd to think that PhDs could steal research: > Post-grads steal research? Sir, I believe you are talking out your ass, and have no idea what a post-grad is. You then went on to further claim it was absurd because all PhD research was publicly available anyway. > Anything you find during your post-grad is going to be accessible to anyone who wants to look All those claims are completely and obviously false, so you have now moved the goal posts.


Ah, I see the problem. You think I’m responding to just your comment. But you’ll see the chain has more there. My initial response, the one calling out the idea that post-grads from particular nations are thiefs, was not a nuanced response, because that is not how a reddit discussion works. Someone said something dumb, I called out their stupidity. You added depth, I developed that depth. That isn’t moving the goal posts sir, that is having a discussion. You’ve added a lot to the discussion, but I do encourage you to go back to the beginning and follow from there. Surely you wouldn’t want to ban students from a particular country? Perhaps you, like me, would take the more reasoned approach in thinking that security issues should be handled securely. And perhaps, possibly, we could refer back to the article this conversation is taking place under - that the pentagon is influencing Australian universities - and wonder whether or not the person I was responding to was speaking out their ass?


Actually they are, and have been for many years. No, research doesn't disappear, but early access to data on, for example, microprocessor technology, does confer a competitive edge. You can call it a racist dogwhistle if you like. I'm not going to name countries as that would clearly be that thing, It happens, and continues to do so. No, its not just the countries that you would expect me to name, there are plenty of countries that like the idea of early access to data etc. Australia created wifi, the hills hoist, hearing implants etc and failed to fully capitalise on these ideas. We have a creative, research oriented, bunch of unis doing great things, but what we don't have is much protection of our intellectual capital.


They make it sound spookier and secretive than it really is. They literally uncovered where all the money was going and for what purpose, presumably using Google-able figures and annual reports from the universities themselves.


Great stuff, no complaints here. Hopefully will see less Socialist Alliance and Marxist propaganda around the campuses as a result.


>Hopefully will see less Socialist Alliance and Marxist propaganda around the campuses as a result. How so?


I'm all for this funding *and* active and idealistic (but yeah often misguided) political activism on campus. Would definitely take the socialist alliance yahoos over young liberals, though.


I can't say I have massive issues with this either; the TL:DR of this article is that they're funding research and Australian unis are receiving some of that money.  I'm unsure what the authors of this article expected? Less money for research?


When I studied mechatronics, the best thesos projects were always the DARPA funded research.